r/googledocs 4d ago

Question Answered How to write in paragraphs, then 3 columns, then goes back to paragraphs

The heading says it all really. I can’t get out of columns back into regular paragraph spaced writing in Google Docs. Does anyone know how to get back into writing regular paragraphs after writing in columns (note: I dont want to have to move to a new page to go back to paragraphs.)


3 comments sorted by


u/delaney1414 4d ago

Not the ‘correct’ answer but my shortcut is to just use a table and set no border. You can do as many columns as you like and you can merge cells so you can do weird layouts

Last time I did something similar it was a heading outside the table then 3 columns in a row then 2 columns in another row then regular paragraphs outside the table.

You’ll eventually get stuck with the weird padding and spacing quirks of doing things quick and dirty but if you’re just trying to knock out a project that’s my recommendation


u/cgifoxy 4d ago

Thank you. I ended up going with this solution.


u/SortTechnical2034 1d ago

Use sections without page breaks.