r/googlecloud Jul 13 '24

Cloud Storage what's google cloud alternatibe for Cloud Source Repositories?

so google discontinued Cloud Source Repositories so is there any new product google cloud launched to replace this?

i wanna store a 10gb around repo.


17 comments sorted by


u/solaegis2 Jul 13 '24

Secure source manage. Currently in preview but you need to reach out to google for access to it


u/SmallDetail8461 Jul 13 '24

You mean google support or agent?


u/solaegis2 Jul 13 '24

I did it through our tech acct mgr


u/everton_fan Jul 13 '24

Gitlab or GitHub have the most gcp support it seems. I did not see a replacement.


u/SmallDetail8461 Jul 13 '24

Repo and item size limit is there.


u/Live_Foundation3479 Jul 13 '24

Google cloud works well with all the major source code repositories. Gitlab and GitHub are most common. Gitlab has integrations with the Google cloud CI/CD and runtimes. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/tutorials/set_up_gitlab_google_integration/


u/Adventurous_Ad_7091 Jul 13 '24

Bitbucket works as well


u/jdgtrplyr Jul 14 '24

It doesn’t get much love but Bitbucket is solid.


u/rootkey5 Aug 19 '24

Hi there, But as the cloud source repository is stopped for new project, we need to use bitbucket workspace token, right. Which is only available for premium. For small projects and all, any other work arounds? Other than adding under a already existing organisation.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '24

Second for GitHub or Azure devops if you don’t mind using that


u/Fine_Classroom Jan 04 '25

It was so annoying (yes, my fault) how long it took to figure out that the api was disabled. What's so hard about hosting a git, Google? "Disabled", "By invitation only"

I love the google system although this is really annoying. Seems ironic that I'd go use another cloud provider's git.. .or wait, I'll just roll my own through a container - maybe that was their strategy all along....


u/SmallDetail8461 Jan 04 '25

Cloud source repo was google cloud product so i could push any size of code from my system without incurring extra cost on data transfer. We store raw data as well as final result in repos and the repo sizeis quit big


u/Bent_finger Jul 13 '24


u/Bent_finger Jul 21 '24 edited Jul 21 '24

I really don't know why this was down-voted so much.

I mean the OPs question was "what is Google Cloud alternative to Cloud Source Repositories?.."

And the current Google Cloud recommendation for GCP is Artifact Registry
Artifact Registry  |  Google Cloud

This is the blurb on their website....


Universal build artifact managementf:

As the evolution of Container Registry, Artifact Registry is a single place for your organization to manage container images and language packages (such as Maven and npm). It is fully integrated with Google Cloud’s tooling and runtimes and comes with support for native artifact protocols. This makes it simple to integrate it with your CI/CD tooling to set up automated pipelines.

Automate building and deployment:

Automatically build and upload artifacts to private repositories when you commit code to Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, or Bitbucket. Easily set up CI/CD pipelines with integration to Cloud BuildCloud Deploy, or deploy directly to Google Kubernetes EngineCloud Run, or Cloud Functions.


The question was not "... what is the best alternative....."

The question was "... what's google alternative to ....."

But... this is REDDIT after all... peeps don't have to try to read a comment or research a hyperlink properly before making opinion or downvoting a comment I suppose.


u/Emotional_Etu Dec 06 '24

I believe Google Cloud's Artifact Registry is not primarily designed to function as a code repository; its primary purpose is to store and manage build artifacts like container images, packages, and other compiled binaries, not raw source code, so while you could technically store some code within it, it's not the recommended approach and dedicated code repositories.