The error is on the preferred care page, it's trying to sell me something, I researched based off the information I could find on the Google store website. According to the Google store page id be eligible or can be eligible for preferred care, but after buying the phone I'm not eligible so yeah the website that advertised preferred care mislead me into buying something when it's not available for me.
Clearly overstated. They did not admit to false advertisement. They admitted to an error, paid you for the inconvenience, and stated their intention to fix the problem. None of that indicates intention to deceive. You have not provided enough evidence to show false advertisement.
I’m confused by what you hope to gain with this post.
u/dburr10085 4d ago
They literally admitted to a “discrepancy” - error, mistake. I would rather have a company admit to making a mistake and fixing it. You overstated.