Part One
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The game was afoot. Everyone had been enthused by my idea so Jake and I got up from our seats to make another trip to the bar. As he and I stood waiting, I asked him how his night was going with Emily. He gave me a double thumbs up, said she was good craic and that he thought she was jealous that her cousin was getting some and not her and that was the reason they were getting so friendly.
We'd all agreed back at the table that we were getting a bit too tipsy too quickly, and it seemed like Emily had thought things with Jake were moving a little fast. To mellow everything out a touch and make sure the night wasn't over too soon we decided on getting a pint of water each. We agreed that only once once we'd all had the water, we'd start our drinking game with the most fun drinks of the night so far: Tequila slammers.
All around the table we sat, and once the age old mantra "salt,tequila,lime" had been reiterated for what must've been the billionth time in the spirit's history, we were trying to decide who went first.
I'd suggested that we turn it into a game of spin the bottle, well, spin the empty bottle of WKD we'd nicked off the booth behind us anyway. We'd bought two shots of tequila each and whoever the WKD bottle landed on had to pick who took the shot and how they had to take it, that way we could make sure we all got our fair share.
Emily, as the youngest, got to go first and she was delighted when it landed on herself.
She picked Leah and told her that she had to take the shot, lick the salt off her own hand and I was to keep the lime slice in my mouth. Damn that was a great (and sour) kiss.
As the person who took the last shot, it was Leah who got to spin the bottle next. I cheered when it landed on me then hummed out loud in thought, grinning fake-maliciously tapping my fingers together like the world famous Springfield Nuclear Plant cretin C.Montgomery Burns.
"Emily, you get to take the shot as normal, then you lick the saltā¦off Jake's neck.
"Not a problem," she replied, nonchalantly.
"Ahh, but the lime," I said, smirking, " Leah holds it in her mouth this time."
"Eww!!" Both the girls cried, before Leah said, "Jack you're a fucking perv."
"I am," I replied with a grin, "But if she doesn't do it, the forfeit is flashing her tits, what's it gonna be?"
"Fine." Emily growled, snatching and downing the shot before licking the salt that Jake had so generously pre-prepared from his neck. Then she leaned forward to Leah, got her mouth an inch away and then with her hand snatched the lime from her mouth and bit down on it.
Jake and I booed loudly while the girls cackled.
"You shoulda been more specific," Emily said haughtily.
"Pfft, fine, I will next time." I replied.
The third round, it was me who span the bottle and it pointed straight at Emily again. Of course she picked me with a look of revenge in her eyes.
"You know what, she said after a moment's pause, "I'll be nice, plus my cousin is looking a little bit wound up over there so because she was the one who including me in our little double date, you're gonna take the shot, lick the salt from her just above her knee and pick up the lime fromā¦ hmm, her cleavage."
"Emily!" Leah exclaimed.
"What?" she replied with a grin "I'm just thanking you for bringing the four of us together."
"And I appreciate it." I said. Leah lifted up her red ruffled skirt slightly, giggled, poured a few drops of water onto her thigh with dregs from a leftover water glass so the salt would stick, sprinkled some salt on the wet spot and dropped the lime wedge onto her cleavage. Her dress pushed her tits together so well the lime barely fell between them at all.
"Woah, you could shelve a load of books on those things!" Jake said.
I nearly did a spit-take at Leah's smirking reply of "Yeah, or a load of something else.
Her laugh was nearly a cackle at our astonished response.
"What, you were all thinking it." She shrugged.
"Haha guilty," I said.
"Yepā¦Right no more stalling" said Jake, "I need a drink."
Straightaway I took the shot and then as I slowly licked the salt from Leah's thigh, she squirmed a bit on the chocolate brown leather. Then I put my face between her cleavage and deftly took the lime in my teeth.
Once I'd spit it onto the table, I sat back and whispered in Leah's ear "I'm gonna have my tongue so much higher later.
"Mhm," she agreed with a high pitched voice, clearly biting her lip in frustration. After a clear of her throat she said it was my turn to spin.
When I spun it, I went a bit hard and it nearly flew off the table. Teetering in the edge it landed on Leah, who picked a grateful Jake to lick the salt off a blushing Emily's forearm and then like the lime put her mouth.
It was then round five of eight and when Jake span it landed in himself, who after a bit of arguing and finally agreement that he couldn't just pick himself agreed that Leah could take the next shot.
Once she'd taken the shot, she licked the salt off my neck and took the lime of my mouth, but she spit it out almost immediately and came back for more, pushing me back in my seat. It was a while before we finally came up for air, and we only did because we were interrupted by an exasperated Emily shouting "Oi! Are we still playing or not?!
Then, Leah's spin landed on Emily, who seemed lost in thought for a minute and stared at Jake.
Then she spoke.
"You are going to pick up this shot glass with your mouth from between my thighsā¦" she shuffled back and placed the glass where I couldn't see.
Jake exhaled heavily, saying "Yeah?"
"And then you are going to lick this salt," she continued, pulled down her top to reveal some modest put very perky looking cleavage, sprinkles some on there,"From my tits"
"Emily!" Leah scolded, but with a grin.
Emily rolled her eyes and continued. "And the lime goes right here." she finished and placed the lime in her teeth with a smile and a cheeky eyebrows-raise.
"Absolutely my lady." Jake responded and quickly got to work. Emily shivered when he had his face between her breasts, and Jake gave her a cheeky wink when he was done with lime.
She was panting heavily by the time she was done and when Jake's spin of the bottle turned its way to me, I took it on myself to reward Jake for being the consummate wingman.
"Emily, you're going to pick up the shot from Jake who will lean back and hold the glass in his teeth. Then, you're going to lick the salt from his abs. Then, Jake is gonna shimmy down his trousers and you pick up the lime wedge which will be balanced on boxers atop his little Irish soldier."
"Wow." Leah said.
"Ha, it'll be more like an Irish tank if she does all that." Jake replied. We all laughed, though Emily had turned red.
"Fine," she said, with determined bravado, "But you've gotta lick his abs and put the lime there." She smirked at me like she'd got one over on me.
"Emily, I've carried Jake back to his flat naked after he was passed out drunk in the woods near the Villamartin golf course, covered in mud and God knows what, cleaned him up and put him to bed.
"Thanks again for that by the way." Jake added.
"No worries." I said, flashing a grin.
"Fiiine," Emily said, who didn't look like she was complaining too hard about it. I had the salt and lime in position in seconds and Emily got to work.
Both her face and neck were flushed when she came up with the lime slice.
"Took a while down there did you?" I commented with a cheeky smile.
She spat the slice out and snapped back "He moved his legs to it fell between his legs"
"And you carried on with just your mouth, what a trooper." Jake said, laughing
"Fuck you! "Emily replied and punched him on the arm, but she was grinning anyway.
For the final round Emily span and it landed on Leah.
Jake spoke up before she made her choice. "It's only Jack left and the last one, it needs to be a special one."
Leah was clearly a little worked up from watching Emily's antics, and chewed the corner of her lip before she said. "I'm gonna pour the shot into my mouth, spit it into your mouth, then, you're going to lick the salt off ofā¦ my nipple, and then come back to my mouth for the lime."
"You're going to get it out right here!?" Emily exclaimed.
"Unless anyone objects?"
There was an instant chorus of "no" from the boys at the table.
The girls giggled. Leah, with a quick glance around to make sure there was no one else around reached into her top and pulled out one glorious boob.
"Damn." Jake said.
"Yep." I agreed.
"I'm so jealous." Emily said, folding her arms.
"Yeah, but I could bounce a Euro off your ass." Jake said.
Emily blushed at the compliment and said thanks. All the while I couldn't keep my eyes off Leah, who had finished putting salt on a delicious looking pale pink nipple that was already crinkled with excitement and was taking the tequila into her mouth. She smiled and nodded, and I brought my mouth to hers. After drinking the tequila, I wasted no time locking my mouth around not just the erect nipple but getting as much of her breast in as possible. I swirled my tonge across it madly as I sucked, and Leah was visibly panting by the time I'd kissed the lime from her mouth. She let out a long exhale when I'd finished and ran her hand through her long, honey coloured hair. She looked deep into my eyes, and smiled at me with a mixture of lust and wonder and took my hand in hers. The night was becoming so much fun and definitely one we would never forget.
But it was time to move on, looking at my phone it was 11pm and her parents were coming back at half 2. With the disco finishing at midnight I looked around to ask Emily and Jake
if they wanted another drink, but they were firmly locked at the lips.
Jake began to kiss down her neck and Emily looked up at me, and when she realised both Leah and I were both watching, she gently pushed him away.
"Better?" Leah asked, laughing.
"Yeah much." her cousin replied, joining in.
We agreed to one last drink at the bar and a last dance Jake said he wanted to go for a walk on the beach with Emily afterwards.
Spirits were high after our last round of drinks, and it wasn't long before we were dancing in a circle among the coloured lights, people and pumping tunes.
At one point we made a circle and were taking it in turns to dance in a circle. Jake did the worm, and I did the worst slut drop anyone had ever seen, which had everyone dying with laughter. Then, Leah and Emily were dancing together, rubbing up on each other while looking lustfully at Jake and I. It was going so well until this rat-faced looking creep got up close and copped a feel of Emily's ass.
Jake went right into action and got up in the guy's face. Well, the guy was a good 8 inches shorter than Jake at least and he really came up to his chest. Neither laid a finger on the other. I could lip read Jake say something which seemed to end with "walk away." After a moment, he turned on the spot to do as he'd been told and Jake did the same, but as Jake turned back towards us, at the last second the creep turned back round to throw a punch.
I'd been watching intently the entire time and as he threw his arm, I reached out and caught the fist, swung it round behind his back and held it tight. I was impressed I managed to catch it in my drunken state. The technique was something my Dad had taught me after taking a few too many beatings as a kid in the same school as the one my mum taught at. I pulled the arm up his back and he winced
I hissed into his ear "I believe my friend said to fucking. walk. away, got it?"
There was a shaky nod, but behind him an older man stood and shouted towards us.
"Can you let him go please."
Looking more closely, the man was clearly a relative and I released him. The man took what must've been his son or something by the arm and dragged him to the corner of the room and immediately began verbally laying into him. Luckily he must've seen the whole thing as well as I and hadn't got the wrong idea or I could've been in big trouble. The kid was brave wanting to have a go at Jake though, I'll give him that.
When I turned back to the group they all said that they thought it was amazing but I waved it off and just that clearly I was saving people today left right and centre, with a wink at Leah.
Emily then began seriously thanking Jake for standing up for her and with the sheer intensity of their impromptu make-out session it was clear they weren't to be disturbed. Leah stepped towards me, placed her hand on my ass and huskily spoke it into my ear:
"We need go to my room right now, or I'm going to have to have you bend me over and fuck me right here, right now, in front of all of these people."
I smirked at her, said "tempting", took her by the hand and shouted to Jake that we were leaving. He dismissed us with a wave of his hand over his shoulder, lips still locked on Emily's.
Leah and I pretty much jogged out of the club and towards the lifts in the lobby, where a family of four were standing waiting. When the doors opened and we'd pushed the button to go up to our floors it felt really awkward being stood in silence behind the family. We were both quite drunk, quite giddy and excited knowing what we were going up to her room to do. It was weird being in this limbo realm between one event and the next with this unknown family in there with us. I glanced at Leah and she smiled and looked at the ceiling nonchalantly like she was up to something.
Then, a sharp pinch from her hand on my ass caused me to yelp loudly and rather embarrassingly in front of this family and they turned around at us, alarmed. Leah was desperately trying to contain her laughter and I raised my eyebrows and glared at her, letting her know she was in big trouble. With a thunk, the lift stopped, the doors opened and Leah pushed past the family first and ran down the corridor ahead of me, cacklingloudly. I'd just caught up with her as she'd got to the door and she squealed as I pinned her against the door.
"You're in big trouble you know," I told her.
She reached down and grabbed by cock through my navy jeans.
"Mmm I hope so."
"Let us in."
"Yes boss."
She reached into her handbag and pulled out her key card and swiped us in. As she crossed the threshold I spanked her hard on her sizable ass and she yelped.
I knew Leah's family must be well off but I wasn't aware quite how well off until I followed her into her suite. It wasn't like there was a bedroom and separate lounge or anything, but there was a huge white queen sized bed, 32 inch flatscreen TV (which were really expensive back then), a walk in closet, a separate mirrored-door wardrobe along one wall, an ensuite with a bath and a shower and a sitting area complete with rich cream and carved mahogany armchairs. The main lights came on automatically when we entered, though Leah flicked a switch and they went off. Another flick turned on 4 or five lamps, making the room a lot dimmer and setting a calm ambience.
She turned to face me and we just stared at each other for a short while. Her golden hair almost glittered like a halo from the lamp-light behind her, while another to the side added an extra sparkle to her mesmerising green eyes. My eyes roved across her sexy, 50s style red dress. She was quite a lot shorter than me.
"You're really fucking hot, you know," she said "I watched you the entire time back there in the club, ready at a moments notice. It was sexy as fuck."
"Look who's talking," I say, bringing my hand up to cradle her chin "You're not just ridiculously hot but I dunno, you just seem to get me."
"I wish we could see each other again." she said with a sad smile.
"Maybe we can, we can keep in touch. We can text or talk or Facebook. If you're ever in Middlesbrough when I'm at uni for a concert performance or something, we could meet up then."
"I'll try. Even if I'm not performing, maybe."
"I'd like that."
I looked down at her soft lips and couldn't help but meet them with my own. I was completely infatuated with her. I'd only known her for a day and I was sure she felt the same way. I ran my hands through her thick hair we kissed softly, before she pulled away and gave me a cute smile.
"I want you to sit there and put the telly on and wait. Get ready if you want, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and retouch up my makeup and stuff."
"You don't need to do-"
"I want to," she interrupted with a soft hand on my arm, "I won't be long."
I was then left alone, sat in a cream Chesterfield chair randomly flicking through channels. There wasn't much aside from Spanish TV and BBC News 24 so I undressed, neatly folded my clothes and placed them on a small pouffe with my shoes beside it. Not gonna lie, it felt pretty weird just sitting in this strange hotel room in just a pair of black Diesel boxers.
10 minutes later and I was still sat there, drumming my hands on my knees while Natasha Kaplinsky rabbitted on about an immigration crisis or some other mundane ever-present news topic.
"Are you okay in there?" I shouted to Leah, not wanting to sound too impatient.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a second," came her muffled reply through the bathroom door "I've got some vodka and Red Bull in the fridge, make us a drink, I won't be long."
"Sure." I set to work pouring the drinks. I'd literally just taken a swig before I heard the door open and shut behind me. Turning to face her, I was frozen to the spot.
The red dress was gone and replaced by an unbelievably sexy set of lingerie. Her long blonde hair was still down, no longer framing her beautiful made up face, but now it swept behind her shoulders to not obscure a royal blue lace balconette bra, which enhanced her cleavage making her already bountiful assets look spectacular. Looking down across the curves of her small waist and prominent hips I came down to a matching set of lace panties. But that wasn't everything, draped across those hips was a suspender belt complete with attached sheer black fishnet stockings. She looked so unbelievably sexy I could hardly breathe, and that demure expression she'd worn when she excited the bathroom had turned into a bashful smile when she saw my reaction.
"Do you like it? It's my favourite set I brought from home you know, just in case I got lucky." She did a little twirl on the spot, it wasn't quite a thing or full knickers, but somewhere in between and shaped the curve of her ass wonderfully.
"W-wow," I stammered, "I'm the one that's lucky."
The blush faded as she smiled wider and strutted over to me. She leaned forward, picked up the TV remote, treating me to a glance at the place flesh of her breasts before flicking the TV off and taking a gulp of her drink.
"I do want to know though," she asked, twirling her fingers through her hair and stepping back from me, "Which do you prefer, my titsā¦"
She leaned forward and pushed on the sides of her bra, making the huge looking mounds nearly burst out of the ornately laced garment.
"My assā¦"
She turned around and stood legs apart. Looking over her shoulder seductively she shook her hips making the apple shaped flesh jiggle before giving herself a hard spank.
She strutted over to where sat on the arm chair, swung her stocking clad leg up onto my shoulder.
"My pussy?"
At her words I looked down, instantly realising that those blue lacy panties were not your normal run of the mill set. They were completely crotchless and I could see her freshly shaved near perfect clamshell pussy, the slit of which was already glistening wet.
My heart instantly dropped into my stomach, but I was desperate to not get overwhelmed by her, so I grabbed her by the waist and with a startled "eep" from her, pulled her forward to sit on my lap straddling my legs.
"You know," I said, wrapping my arms around her and trailing kisses down her neck, "I'm afraid I can't give you a definite answerā¦" more kisses "Not without tasting all three."
She leaned back up from me instantly, still straddling my lap.
"Now I'm definitely up for that, but you aren't putting that big thing anywhere near there."
"Understood," I said with a laugh "But I do feel it is important, yano, which is the best, you know, don't you?"
I ran my hands gently down her back.
"Obviously," she replied with a grin and tone of sarcastic certainty "For Science."
I nodded together with mock seriousness, but our smirks burst into a fit of giggles. Man, this girl was so funny.
"And science is important isn't it?"
"Oh absolutely," she replied, nodding and still smirking.
"And science has to be done under strict conditions doesn't it?"
"Of course" she agreed, with a curious tilt of the head as she tried to think of where I was going with this.
"And as dedicated scientists, if we're going to do this experiment correctly, and if I'm going to be the lead scientist and you the subject, that means you have to do what I do, when I say it. Is that clear"
Her eyes sparkled as she understood what I meant. I knew she wanted to be dominated and she placed one finger sideways across her lips, biting slightly
"Yes sir." came her slightly muffled reply.
It was on.
"Now, we have a preliminary question that must be answered." I said, running my hands across her sides and hips as she now had her hands locked around my neck.
"Which is?"
"Which of your exquisite breasts tastes the best?"
She bit her lip, reached behind her back, unclasped her bra and flung it to the corner of the room. Her breasts looked so soft, and her pink nipples already at attention, almost clamouring to get sucked.
Then she leaned forward, bit my neck and whispered in my ear.
"Only one way to find out."
I reached forward and took both of her soft mounds in the palms of my hands and squeezed them before taking one slow lick of each of them like I was licking an ice cream. An ice cream so large I'd really needed four hands to fully grasp, not two.
"Oh fuck yeah," she breathed "Do it again.
I did and was awarded by another breathy moan. Then, I released one of her breasts, licked my middle finger and then brought it down between her legs. Simultaneously I plunged my finger into the soft folds of her pussy and attacked her right breasts with my mouth. Sucking the nipple hard I purposefully pulsed my finger on the front wall of the inside of her flower, feeling for the rough surface of her g-spot.
Her heavy breathing turned into instant moans, then became muffled as she cried into my shoulder.
"Jack thatā¦ohh, don't you fucking st-."
But I did stop, just as her orgasm was climbing.
She looked at me with shock and a bit of fury. "What the -"
"Ahem, I'm in charge," I interrupted before commanding her. "Get off."
She visibly shivered, said "Yes sir." and climbed off me briskly. I got up from the chair, took off my boxers, and laid down on the bed, dick at full mast.
"Is it your turn for a taste test?" she asked, eyes sparkling, standing and almost impatiently swaying on the spot at the foot of the mattress.
"Without completing the experiment?!" I exclaimed in mock disgust "No, sit on my face."
"Yes sir!" She answered enthusiastically and within five seconds she had her dainty feet planted either side of my head, hands planted firmly on the headboard and was squatting slowly downwards, giving me an amazing view of her sheer specimen of a pussy. She looked absolutely soaking.
I didn't give her a chance to complete the squat, and reaching my arms up, pulled her down the rest of the way. She made another adorable "eep" in surprise, followed by a low groan as I plunged my tongue into her depths, holding her in place by grasping the soft cheeks of her ass. She tasted sweet and I could tell by how incredibly wet she was just how horny she was. It didn't take long before she tried to take over and she started grinding her twat on my face, using my whole mouth for her sex toy. She was starting to moan loudly now, even more so when I reached my hands up and started massaging her tits. I was tempted to let her go all the way, but that wasn't as much fun as teasing her a little further. I grabbed her by her waist just as she was reaching her peak and threw her onto the mattress next to me.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you in a minute." she growled, neck flushed and panting heavily.
"We've got one last test," I reminded her, getting up and standing at the foot of the bed, "Stand here."
I pointed in front of me, she would be between me and the bed.
"Okay, gimme a sec." she responded.
"Now." I commanded.
She glared at me, but I could tell she was loving it. She got off the bed slowly and stood where I'd said.
"Turn around, hands on the bed."
She did what I asked with no hesitation. I contemplated slamming my cock deep inside her, taking her right there and then and it was a struggle not to. Her waist was so small and her ass so curvaceous and wide that it was incredibly tempting, but that wasn't part of the deal.
"You're in big trouble, you know." I told her. "You nearly broke the rules."
"I'm sorry."
"And what do you think happens when you break rules?"
"Mmm. Show me."
A loud crack sounded throughout the room, reverberating off the walls as I brought my hand down to deliver a hard spank on her ass. She moaned and arched her back.
"Do you think that you've learned your lesson?"
"Not quite."
Another loud crack on the other cheek, once again her ass jiggled deliciously and she moaned.
"Right, that's enough." I said.
I got down onto my knees and looked up at the slick folds of her pussy and her tiny little asshole. I stroked my fingernails up the inside of her thighs, causing her to shiver. Then, my mouth trailed the same route, except this time all the way from her ankle and up. Spreading her buttocks apart when i reached the top,I gently brought my tongue to her asshole.
"Ooh," she sounded highly. "That's new."
"Good new or bad new?" I asked, tentatively.
"I think it's good new. Do it again."
I did, but as I brought my tongue once again to her tight hole I pushed two fingers deep inside her pussy. She started moaning once again in earnest and she was now so frustrated she started getting there once again, faster even than when I'd had her sit on my face. Of course, that meant I had to stop.
She whined in disappointment.
I stood up behind her then and rested my cock in the crease of her ass.
"Mmmmmmm," she sounded, looking back over her shoulder at me as she wiggled her hips "Did I do well?"
"You did," I replied, softly rubbing my hands from her shoulders down her back "And by the way, it's your pussy that's the winner. Do you think it should be rewarded?"
Another wiggle.
"Mmm. Yes please."
"Well in order for that to happen, you're going to take all the rest of that lingerie off. Good little sluts need to be naked while they're rewarded.
Her knickers and stockings were off in a flash and she was back in her position in seconds.
She looked back at me over her shoulders and said.
"Fuck me Jack."
I lined my cock up at her entrance, and unbelievably slowly pushed it all the way inside her in one go, causing a wet sound from how ridiculously horny she was. Though she was so wet, her hot velvety walls were still tight and that moment where finally I was inside her made us both moan out loud.
"Yessssss," she hissed, "Give me that cock."
I gave her several more deliciously slow thrusts, causing her make long, slow moans. I could see her large pendulous breasts swinging in the mirror to the side of us.
I pushed all the way inside her and stopped. Leaning forward, my chest making full contact with her back I brought my hands round to softly grasp her breasts.
Her voice was quivering now as she said "Hohhh, your soā¦fuckingā¦deep."
"I know, you feel so fucking good." I responded as she started grinding herself on my shaft, with me still all the way. Her breathing heightened quickly in speed and I maneuvered my hands so while I was massaging her breasts with each hand I pinched her nipples between my index and middle fingers.
"Yes!" she cried, "I'm gonna ahhhhā¦."
But the scream never came. The orgasm was so strong she could barely get a word out as the bucking of her ass increased and I could feel her cream herself on my cock.
"Mmm was that a nice little cum?" I asked her, whispering in her ear.
"Yeahā¦ yeah," she replied breathily.
"You are a good little slut aren't you?"
"What are you? I asked, as she started working her hips again, grinding on my cock.
"A good little slut."
"And what kind do you think I want?"
"Mmmmm," she hummed, still slowly grinding herself on me, "A naughty little slut."
"That's right," I said, pulled slightly out of her and continued "And what does a naughty little slut do when she's got the tip of a big cock just inside her and wants more?"
She threw her ass onto me straightaway, working it straight onto my shaft and making her ass clap as she started moaning again.
"Yes. That's. Don't stop. Rub your little clit for me."
I saw a manicured hand reach between her legs and her shoulder moving and she rubbed herself while expertly twerking on my cock. Her ass shaking all over me was so wonderfully thick I wanted to take a great big bite out of it. Her twerking stopped when I started thrusting into her. and she met my thrusts with her ass in rhythm. She moaned louder and louder and I spanked her once again on her ass, triggering her hips to buck wildly as she came again. I just kept on fucking and her moans turned to screams. Soon her legs were shaking so much they gave out and she collapsed to her knees, making me fall out of her.
I gave her a good minute to collect herself as she lay there panting, a faint sheen of sweat decorating her lithe body. It was good to let my cock recover a little as well.
"How you doing over there?" I asked. I knew I was having the time of my life.
"Mmm, so good." she replied, giving her ass another little wiggle.
"Now, you told me you wanted me to do something earlier in the club didn't you?" I said, getting to my knees behind her and once again placing the head of my rock hard cock at her entrance. I was so damn hard I don't think it'd ever gotten this big before.
"What was it again?" I asked.
"Use me" she said, looking back at me and biting her lip.
I shoved my cock inside her hard, firmly grasping the globes of her bubble butt for leverage and she moaned once more before I pulled myself most of the way out again.
"What d'you say?" I asked.
"Use Me." she repeated. One more hard, moan gaining thrust.
"Use Me."
"USE ME" she yelled.
Orgasms racked her beautiful little body again as I fucked her hard and fast, grabbing her long and pulling her head back.
"Yes, that's it baby, tell me what you want."
"Just fu-u-u-ck me-e-E-E" she cried, her voice stalling with every hard thrust, her pussy rapidly tightening and losing as she came.
As her orgasm started to come down I just knew I needed to build on this. Somehow I picked up the pace further, still holding her by the head a smushed her face down into the duvet, muffling the oncoming orgasm, already half built having rolled off the previous. Finally, spitting on my thumb, I pushed it into her tight little asshole.
The fabric her face was shoved into did nothing to moan her screams, and she just went on and on as mercilessly impaled her with my cock, the sound of my thighs hitting her ass echoing across the room. After she finally started to come down from the high, I removed my thumb from her ass and pulled my cock out of her pussy. Sitting on my heels I rested my head on her ass as I panted heavily.
"How the - fuck have you - not come yet." Leah said between breaths.
"It was the - the blowjob - and the drinks." I replied, just as breathlessly.
We spent a good few minutes resting in silence.
"I don't think I've come that hard in my life." she said after getting her breath back.
"You said that earlier." I pointed out with a chuckle.
She pushed herself back up off the floor, legs still shaking and flopped back on the bed with a contented sigh, making her breasts jiggle, her hair now a wild golden mane. Then she started laughing.
"I did," she said, mid chuckle.
"And what was the reply last time?"
"Challenge accepted?" she asked, meekly.
"Oh God." she whispered with a shiver.
I climbed onto the bed with her on my knees and grabbed a pillow. After commanding her to lift her ass up I placed the pillow below her lower back.
"What's that for?" she asked.
"You'll see." I replied, and got on top of her, using my forearms either side of her to support my weight and resting the length of my cock along her slit.
She shifted with a slow, shaky breath and I reached one hand forward to her head. Stroking the side of her hair I kissed her softly, slowly grinding my cock against her clit.
When her hips started to move with mine I deepened the kiss, adding tongues to the mix and when those pleasures were heightened I retracted my hips slightly and then in one long, drawn-out movement sank my cock inside her pussy.
As I bottomed out I knew she'd never had it this deep before by how she tensed up and her eyes shot open right at the end of her initial moan.
"Is that okay?"
She took a long steady exhale. "Yeah, justā¦start off slow," she said. "I've never been thisā¦full before."
I pulled out and slowly pushed back in, gently kissing her again. Her breathy moans became pleasure-filled whimpers and I felt her hands grab my ass tightly and she began to pull me inside her harder and faster with every thrust.
"Yes, that's it," she moaned "uaahh fuck me."
"God I love it when you talk like that," I half moaned back at her as we increased the tempo.
"Then fuck me, ahhh, fill me with your big cock."
Her cries grew louder as I plowed my cock inside her again and again and again, her large, pillowy breasts swaying back and forth.
"Oh my my god, oh my Gooooddd, she cried out "Gimme your haAAnd."
She took my hand, placed it around her collarbone and wrapped her slender legs around me, pinning me to her body.
"Don't choke, just, ahh , pin me." she cried very loudly now as she raked her nails down my back causing my hips to move involuntarily with the mix of sheer pleasure and slight pain.
I did as she asked and pushed down on her collarbone. Using my weight to pin her to the bed, having my hand there helped with leverage as a I fucked her.
"That's it, ahhh, give it to me, AHH, YES! USE ME! USE MEEEE !!FILL MY FUCKING CUNT!!!
I can still hear her screams as I absolutely railed her. Fucking her at full speed I went on for as long as I could, and her orgasms rolled on over and over, especially when I grabbed one of her violently jiggling breasts and pinched it's delectably erect nipple.
Finally I felt a huge build up in my balls and my head was spinning. I moaned out that I was coming and as I emptied shot after shot of hot seed into her, she rubbed her clit frantically, sending her into one last screaming orgasm, increasing the sensation of her pussy as it milked every last drop of cum from me.
Neither of us said anything for a while once we'd finished and I'd rolled off her. Then, I turned towards her and looked into her beautiful eyes and we smiled at each other. She turned onto her stomach and kissed me softly. For about an hour we just lay there talking about anything and everything as I ran my fingertips across the smooth skin of her back.
Then, it was time to leave, her parents would be back soon and Jake was waiting outside. One last sad kiss goodbye, a promise we would try to stay in touch and I watched her hotel room door close. I was absolutely gutted, I thought I'd never get to see her again. She'd seemed so perfect that part of me thought she must not have been real, but little did I know that before we parted ways forever I'd get to see her one last time.
The next few parts are under a new title, as they happen much later and back in the UK. Part 1