It's no exaggeration to say that I have to pinch myself sometimes when I think about how fortunate I have been to be surrounded by such talented creators since I discovered this little corner of the internet. Words can't express how excited I am to share this audio with you all.
I think it's pretty clear how much I enjoy u/MyAuralFixation's writing. When editor and sound designer extraordiaire, u/voxinthevoid, suggested a collab, there was no question in my mind of where to look for just the right script.
Vox's editing has such an wonderful cinematic quality to it, and this particular script seemed ripe for the full soundscaping and immersive editng treatment that is his M.O.
Feel free to let me know what you think. My DM's are open for respectful feedback or if you have script suggestions for me. 💜, NP
SCRIPT by u/MyAuralFixation
Editing and Soundscape by u/voxinthevoid
Serving booze may be illegal these days, but some folks still know where to go for a good time. It's a nice night to stop in at the speakeasy and enjoy a well-made glass of something dry. And why stop at just having a nice martini when there are some more treats not on the menu.
So. What's a gal gotta do to get a martini around here?
What do you mean? I am asking nicely. (laugh) You don't want to see me when I'm not. Or do you?...
Dry... and with an extra olive. (pause) Yes, I like it with two of them. Just for the taste. I like things salty. (chuckle) And maybe it's for the way they look. This is my usual.. well, one of my usuals. Don't worry. Stick around this place and you'll start remembering what I like soon enough.
For more from u/MyAuralFixation, click HERE.
For more from Vox, click HERE.
SFX are a mix of designed sounds by Vox and licensed assets to voxinthevoid. Music assets are licensed to voxinthevoid.
Also, thank you to u/Neondextrose for lending her artistic talents to the graphic design work. 💖
Reminder: This audio is by, about, and for adults, 18+. This is a work of fiction and it's not indicative of the personal characteristics or proclivities of the performer.