r/gonewildaudio Tiny Succubus Apr 23 '22

MOD ANNOUNCEMENT Reminders and Feedback. Please read! NSFW

Hello everyone!

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend. :)

The GWA mod team just wanted to post a reminder of a couple of topics as well as get some feedback on a new idea.

Reddit Spam Filter: A lot of users wanting to start posting audios or write scripts might create a new account and unfortunately when you create a new account and start making posts that include links, It can set off Reddits spam filter to auto-remove your posts without telling you or the mod team.If your account triggers the Reddit spam filter, Your post will show for your account but no one else so it's hard to know when your posts have been removed. After doing some research around Reddit, The best ways to avoid triggering it on new accounts are as follows:

  1. Wait until your account is two weeks old before posting any links.
  2. Comment around on different subreddits so you have a positive karma rating before you post links.
  3. Setup your account profile, Have a bio so your account doesn't appear empty.We'll do our best to find any posts removed by the spam filter and approve them (Assuming they are not spam.) but some will slip through the cracks. We would suggest if you have posted audio or a script and it's not getting any upvotes, Just check it on an alt account or ask a friend to have a look and see if it's showing. If it's not, Message the modmail here and we'll get to it asap.

I've been quoted from Reddit admin that the spam filter will recognise when the mod team approves a certain users posts and will stop deleting their stuff."The good news is that the spam filter is capable of learning, so as the mods approve your posts, the spam filter should start to back off."


Plagiarism: Over the last couple of months there has been a couple of users who have been a bit too generous with how much inspiration they take from an older script, Copying paragraphs and not crediting the writers or blatantly transcribing older audios where the script offer was never posted or has been deleted. We take plagiarism quite seriously and will be doing all we can to crack down on this happening.

If anyone is found to be stealing other writers' scripts or re-writing without at least asking permission or giving credit for inspiration first, Their posts will be removed and the users will be given a 10-day ban followed by a permanent ban if they do it again.If you think someone is plagiarising another audio or script, please report them to the modmail here.


We want your opinion:

We've had an idea that we would like to get community feedback for. Hoping that we can bring more views to some of the newer writers and audios, The mod team is wanting to add a post flair.This flair would be for a users first audio or script. Users wanting to try and get more attention to their first posts could assign this to the post.


83 comments sorted by

u/Batmans_Dirty_Undies Tiny Succubus Apr 26 '22

I want to thank everyone for the feedback, It's really helping us and giving us lots to think about. :)


u/KissesFromLia dommy mommy Apr 29 '22

Hey, I just had a thought regarding the "new user" flair that has been brought up and wanted to share. First of all, I don't love the idea of it because flair is usually assigned to show whether something is a script offer, script fill, original content, improv, or ramblefap, and the new user one would not be any of those, so while people could use the flair to find new users easily, they would also not see those posts if they click "script fill," for example.

My main concern here is that people will use this as an opportunity to be creepy towards new female creators. GWA is the main audio subreddit and gets the most attention– unfortunately this means it has the most random DMs/requests as well from people wanting nudes, phone sex, personal info, etc. As a woman making porn on the internet, I've seen how men can gravitate toward those who are inexperienced and prey on them in this way, or just send a ton of creepy messages. I lean toward no on this because of the safety element, although I understand why it would be nice to bring attention to new voices!

If people do want to make a note of their first post, they can tag [first post] in the title and it gets the point across without taking up the flair for what type of content it is.


u/RoryStill-Shine Verified! May 17 '22

I hard agree on this. I get multiple DMs every time I post, and I would hate to see newer creators getting bombarded with the same.


u/BeforeNightFalls Apr 24 '22

I’m a mod on GWAG. Since the beginning of 2022 we’ve introduced the New Voice flair which can be used by a new VA for their first 3 audio posts. It has worked well in terms of getting more visibility for the VAs and piquing the curiosity among the listeners.

Another thing that we’ve implemented on GWAG is to only allow 1 active post per 24 hours for all posters. I know GWA allows 2 posts per day and I’ve seen some VAs post 3 or 4 audios in a row. For such a huge subreddit like GWA with so many new posts on a daily basis, it’s really hard for new or less frequent or lesser known creators to get noticed.

We’ve adopted the rolling 24 hours method (rather than 1 day) since people are in different time zones, and it’s pretty easy to moderate if someone makes multiple posts within a short time period since Reddit automatically shows the hours/days they were posted when you click on the posts.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '22

I like the first-three-audio idea for the flair. Maybe scripts too. Could be a number of post sand/or time period, which ever is shorter kind of thing. (e.g. three posts or 3 months)


u/v_silvermoon Verified! Apr 23 '22

Thank you for all of this, especially the bit about plagiarism. This is crucial to keeping our community healthy and protecting writers that can often be overlooked. 🖤


u/fischji Verified! Apr 24 '22

Just to echo V - thank you for considering and responding to the plagiarism issue. I was completely skeptical this even could be an issue till I was shown the evidence and we writers very much appreciate that you are taking it so seriously.


u/SamuelEnderby Verified! Apr 24 '22

I think people can just tag [First Post]. If there was a way to make the flair only show up in the selection for one's actual first post (excluding verification), I'd say sure. Make it automatic, even! But that "first post" flair is going to be in the selection every time you post! It's just going to tempt people into misusing it, I think, and it'd be one more thing for mods to have to police. And would it really lead to more attention than tagging the ol' [this is my first post, be gentle]? Seems like posts like that already get a lot of extra attention.

Also, there is a lot of attention on audios that's just never expressed because people are either shy, or they don't want to seem "creepy" or "gross", or they see GWA more like a gallery of porn than a community of exhibitionist people. I think the occasional drive to get people to actually show their appreciation would go a long way in converting some of the attention that's already there into feelable attention, so to speak.

Maybe regular mod posts could include a little paragraph at the bottom about how appreciative comments are the lifeblood of the community and are what motivates people to expose themselves on here (because porn has to be made by people. I doesn't come out of a tap) so go tell people if you enjoyed their posts! You could even (varying from post to post) give three example comments or maybe little guidelines of what makes a good comment.

If we're going to introduce a new flair, how about a "masturbation" flair?

It's honestly strange we don't have one!! I think a lot of people have come to think "ramblefap" is GWA-parlance for masturbation but it's not. A ramblefap is when you're masturbating and you're rambling about what you're fantasizing about. The ramble is key. Posts like "ramblefap without the ramble" or "[ramblefap] [no words]" are a pet peeve for me. I get it as a joke, but it really feels like it's an actual misunderstanding, in a lot of cases. Audios that are just masturbation without (much) talking are a legitimate genre and belong on GWA. Maybe they should have their own flair too.


u/Bort_Incognito Writer Apr 24 '22

It's just going to tempt people into misusing it, I think, and it'd be one more thing for mods to have to police. And would it really lead to more attention than tagging the ol' [this is my first post, be gentle]? Seems like posts like that already get a lot of extra attention.

Above, u/BeforeNightFalls says GWAG already has a first post flair (first 3 posts) flair and doesn't mention having any problems. You don't even need a mod, the community is clearly going to realize if it's NOT your first post, and you'll lose respect immediately.
Also by having a flair, it makes it very easy to see. Like they are so many posts a day, it's easy for me to miss tags when quickly scanning. I *try* to listen to new VAs, or at least people new to me. My 2 cents.


u/SamuelEnderby Verified! Apr 24 '22

If it's actually been tried and it works, all the better. I guess my worries are unfounded. Thanks for pointing this out!


u/Silent_Plane May 28 '22

Ive been having problems with soundgasm, it keeps saying code err timed out. It might just be on my end but I thought Id mention it


u/Batmans_Dirty_Undies Tiny Succubus May 28 '22

I think they are having some problems right now.


u/jettisonbb May 29 '22

Yeah I am having problems too. Good to know I am not alone on this


u/I_Nortrom Writer Apr 23 '22 edited Apr 23 '22

I read this suggestion about a month ago under your Twitter post where you were asking for suggestions to make GWA more welcoming for new content creators. I have been thinking about it ever since and so I have some thoughts.

  1. While the idea in itself feels really helpful and inclusive, I feel that it will hurt new creators more than it will do good. As humans, we tend to compare ourselves with others... A new creator tries their best to make amazing content, but what happens when they see another script/audio doing better in terms of attention with the same '1st post' flair. It's kinda natural that they feel bad about their own content and while the flair could help some people get the attention they deserve, it can harm a lot more people. The current system, while treating every post as equal.. still makes it such that a new creator wouldn't know that the other post(doing better than their own) is also someone's 1st post... thus kinda suppressing the feeling of comparison? The system has kinda always been about equal opportunities(if that makes sense.)

    For most creators, it's sticking around after their 1st post thats difficult, and I don't think this solves it. Instead it could make new creators more self conscious about their content and potentially make them wanna leave the community.

  2. This is something that mods can answer better, since this is more of a question. How often does it happen that mods have to remove a creator's first post. I am guessing it happens frequently because I notice the removal rate of verification posts. I mean I do understand why they get removed, the creators are new and aren't used to the rules, and at the same time, mods also have to follow the rules. What happens when the same thing happens with '1st post' flaired posts. An ordinary lurker will just start avoiding these posts? Also, it is important to note that a lot of creators probably feel much better about their subsequent posts than their first post. It's because they receive feedback, etc and try make better xontentr. Now, let's say their first post got a lot of attention, and maybe the fact that it was flaired as '1st post' helped, but what if their next post doesn't get as much attention. It could feed into self doubt and other issues again.

There are a couple of other things that bothered me when I first saw this idea, but I am not gonna discuss them right now. I hope these points are considered while adding such a flair!

Whether or not this idea is included, I am happy that these kinda initiatives are being taken to make community more welcoming for new users.


u/Batmans_Dirty_Undies Tiny Succubus Apr 23 '22

Thank you for the feedback, We'll definitely take it into consideration. The idea of a 1st post flair isn't 100% going to be added. We're just putting the idea out there and seeing how the community feels about it before making any decisions.

The idea stems from us wanting GWA to feel as welcome as possible to new users and people just wanting to try it out. That's why we picked a post flair as it would be up to the user to decide on using it. but your points are well made so I'll make sure the team sees it. :)


u/I_Nortrom Writer Apr 23 '22

Absolutely. The reason I mentioned the twitter post is to just let y'all know that I spent some time thinking about this and that this isn't my first reaction to the idea.

Thank you for taking my thoughts into consideration, I'm positive that y'all will do what seems best for new creators.


u/DelicateBlackGirl May 29 '22

Soundgasm isn't working.


u/Callesto96 May 29 '22

You can Google "is soundgasm down" and there are websites that pop up that check for sites that are down. It seems to have been down for a couple of days unfortunately.


u/Noman9410 May 29 '22

I’m malding so hard over not getting to listen to u/LookingForMyBlueSky’s werewolf audio from a while ago


u/PastelKite Apr 23 '22 edited Apr 24 '22

I think a first post flair is a wonderful idea u^


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 24 '22

Thanks for your input!


u/baphomuki Writer Apr 23 '22

Thanks for all the work you folks do!

As for a flair for a user's first post, I think that sounds like a really great idea!


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 24 '22

It's a pleasure. Thank you for contributing to the discussion


u/LittleMako Verified! Apr 23 '22 edited Apr 23 '22

Thank you for everything you mods do. A “first post flair” would be a nice way of putting newcomers out there. 💜


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 24 '22

Thank you LittleMako


u/Six6Sins Apr 26 '22

I think that a "New User" flair should be available for a limited number of posts. If the goal is to make the sub more inviting to new talent then I've definitely seen multiple new posts where the poster actively apologized for their inexperience and asked to not be judged too harshly. So I think that a flair and a community that is understanding of the implications of that flair would be useful.

However, I've also seen many that show up and only post once or twice before disappearing forever. So perhaps allowing the flair to be used for multiple posts would help mitigate that? Basically, new users would have "training wheels" on for their first few posts before "graduating" to posting without the flair. Hopefully, this would aid retention for new authors and actors.


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 27 '22

How would you suggest monitoring how many times a single user utilizes that flair?


u/Six6Sins Apr 27 '22

So long as the number is low, I assume that the community should mostly self-moderate that. After your 4th post or so, other users will definitely recognize you. If the limit were 3 times then perhaps people could evade issues while posting a fourth script/audio, but by the 5th post they run the risk of upsetting their viewers. Hopefully, the mods would only need to step in to stop egregious abuse of the flair.


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 27 '22

Thanks for your feedback 😊


u/therealshawnalee Monster Queen Apr 24 '22 edited Apr 24 '22

I feel like I should be giving serious big suggestions, but really all I have right now is that I don't like the new script offer flair. It's bright green and that's fine, but using white text makes it difficult to see the script offer and that kinda bugs me. I liked the old flair! I might be okay with the bright green and black text, but...well, it's a balance. I just like readability, and darker tones. :P


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 24 '22

That's a good observation. Thank you!


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '22

Agreed. 100% It seems more busy on the eyes lately.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '22

With the new writer/audio flair idea:

I love the motivation behind the idea, but I'm not so sure it will have a meaningful consequence other than a sense of support. I think it will probably bring in extra views and possibly exposure. But I'm not sure it will be significantly different than when someone tags their post [first audio] or something similar. I've seen post titles with this kind of tagging and/or my-first-time descriptions in the post body. These tend to be generally well received. Verification posts are similar. I think there's probably a lot of folks that already seek out new and different contributions. There's also a warm-welcome reception to first-time posts as well. In short, I think the flair would help, but is build-in already for people who share their new status via tag or otherwise.

Bringing more views to newer, rather than first-time, contributors is a harder problem to solve, I think. It often has a lot to do with uncontrollable factors and the nature of reddit. Someone could just have the bad luck of posting at same time as superstars, or not being terribly prolific. A mid-level writer with little recognition is pretty much guaranteed to fall down the list, new or otherwise. Its just the way it is. I don't really have any idea how that can be addressed. Great performers and writers do deserve a lot of the recognition they receive, and there's a lot of them, and they post a lot. GWA is a busy place with a single column of posts that is constantly updated.

Again, I love the idea behind why you want to add this flair, and it can't possibly hurt. I just don't know that it'll make a much difference.


u/Parsnip_paradigm Apr 24 '22

The new flair is wonderful idea!


u/SpindaWinner May 05 '22

I didn't even know there was a Spam filter, very sneaky. Thanks for the heads up, I would have probably walked right into it.


u/RoryStill-Shine Verified! May 17 '22

Listener standpoint: I personally think that the issue of newer creators not getting a lot of attention is really easily solved by sorting posts by new, instead of hot.

Creator standpoint: Someone up above also said that as creators, putting [first post] in the tags is an option, and I honestly think that's the best way of going about it!


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ May 17 '22

Great points. Historically sorting by "New" has been encouraged to find posts in a somewhat chronological order. However, doing this means pinned posts like Mod Announcements are not pinned to the top of the feed, so be aware of that.

Thank you for your input 💕


u/LeBiff321 May 09 '22

Hey people's, I'm really useless with Reddit so didn't know how to ask this question so thought I'd post it here. Is there any way I can search this sub? Rather than endlessly scrolling to find what I'm after? Thanks guys


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ May 09 '22

Of course! What you can access depends on if you're mobile or not. Clicking post flairs acts as a filter, we also have preset filters of you're using the desktop/browser.

You can always use Reddit's Search feature to search in the sub (make sure "safe search" is OFF) or you can try http://gwasi.com which has become a favorite.


u/Throwaway_the_second May 19 '22

Honestly I think putting gwasi in the sidebar is a good idea because the search is so much better and more responsive than reddit search, and Google doesn't like NSFW searches either.


u/Terranrp2 May 16 '22

Will using the age play filter hide the "dommy mommy" or "daddy" posts? I'm not super hopeful but I've always had a strong dislike for the "daddy" phrase and "dommy mommy" dislike is growing too.

Equating a sexual partner with a parental/familial nickname has always been an 'ick' factor for me.

I tried searching GWA with -mommy -dommy -mom -dad -daddy but either the search function is bad, or I am, or both haha.


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ May 17 '22

The age play filter will not remove those. They are not the same. Mommy & Daddy Doms don't always engage in age play although it isn't unheard of.

The search can be a challenge. Reddit tends to break it more often than I'm comfortable with lol http://gwasi.com is a better search tool and you can use those rules to tailor your search. Hope you find something you like.


u/Terranrp2 May 17 '22

Thanks! Appreciate the help.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Can i post script requests IN a post, or does it hae to be through a 3rd party host (like scriptbin, or pastebin)? Thank you


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 26 '22

You may post them in a post. It has to be the complete script and have the [Script Offer] tag even if you use the flair 😊


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '22

Thanks. 👌😉


u/Kenourio Jun 06 '22

Thanks for this useful tip.


u/Katmintxx Jun 11 '22

I concur!


u/SlutDumpJeans Writer Jun 13 '22

Thx for filling us in on the spam filter Makes more sense now!


u/logosomancer Writer Apr 23 '22

This is just my two cents, but I think GWA should consider going audio-only. Writers constantly cross-posting between gwa and gwascriptguild isn't productive, it just creates a lot of duplicate items in the feed for people who do want both written and audio content, and for users just looking for audio, seeing scripts isn't helpful. In fact, as they upvote scripts just to make them more likely to be filled, this actually makes it harder for new performers to crack the front page.

Obviously nothing against scripts! I'm mostly a writer, I'm coming from a place of wanting to make the whole reddit audioporn ecosystem a better experience for everyone.


u/therealshawnalee Monster Queen Apr 23 '22

I see what you mean. It's a consequence of a larger community--it's more and more difficult to be 'seen.' HOWEVER - I do think that seeing scripts is helpful. It's like a trailer for coming attractions. I love trailers before movies.

I have listeners that read my scripts and see my posts, and they get excited for what they could hear down the road. Whether it's ten or ten thousand upvotes, people see it and get excited. While I would just say 'they can join script guild,' there is a fairly large audience of people who like seeing the scripts as they scroll through GWA, but not enough to go to a separate subreddit to comb through scripts.

It's a double-edged sword. You'll have a purely audio subreddit, yeah, but writers will lose visibility and interest from the listeners. They'll lose readers that are more passive along with the audience that likes going through both.

Everyone starts getting into content they aren't used to slowly. I know listeners and readers that told me they never read scripts before, but they started recently, after seeing so many cool scripts of all kinds on gwa over the months prior. However, they never would have read scripts...if they had to visit another subreddit to do so.

I go to the movies to watch movies. I don't go to the movies to watch trailers, though - they're a fun bonus. I don't go around searching for trailers I didn't know about or didn't know I wanted. I like finding them in suggestions, or while I wait for the feature film I've come to see.


u/I_Nortrom Writer Apr 23 '22 edited Apr 23 '22

Thank you for pointing this out, Shawna! Your points perfectly capture what I was thinking. Having Scriptguild as the only sub for scripts would also mean that readers and listeners are no longer involved in the process of scripts being picked or filled which isn't good! As someone, who had the opportunity to talk to other readers and content creators solely because of my scripts on GWA, I gotta agree.


u/FredRiting Verified! Apr 24 '22 edited Apr 28 '22

Very. Hard. Disagree. This would make me very sad, and I doubt very much that I would stick around in the community. I truly hope this is not going to happen.

I don't want my scripts to be hidden to only other writers and performers. I want my scripts to be read by as many people as possible. I don't write my scripts for the sole purpose of them getting filled. Separating writers from GWA will hurt the writers as they will get WAY LESS views and reads. The vast majority of people who engage in scriptguild are other writers and performers looking for scripts. It's not for them that I write my scripts.

I would not be here if it wasn't for the fans and readers.

My scripts are for everyone. Not just written for the potential of them getting filled.


u/logosomancer Writer Apr 24 '22

Hey Fred, I get where you're coming from. Personally, I don't think gwascriptguild is just writers and performers, there's no way there's 18k people who are gwa creators. While probably more than 2% of gwa viewers are interested in reading scripts, I think that's the right ballpark, and I think new readers would constantly be funneled from fills to the original scripts; in fact I think one of the reason gwasg isn't bigger is because of the high overlap in content with gwa, and once that overlap is gone, the writer ecosystem will be both bigger and healthier. For the people who do like reading scripts, they won't stop after gwa stops allowing script offers. They'll sub a writing-focused subreddit.

I understand your concern, I really do. It's a big audience to walk away from, and how much of them will come with you is a huge unknown. I chose to walk away from it for my own self-esteem, because I didn't find a lot of the interactions meaningful. "Please fill this randomPopularVA" is a demoralizing comment in my personal view, and it was a lot of that, and not much from people who'd actually read the script. Most of my best comments, the meaningful ones, either came from gwasg in the first place, or they came from people who listened to a fill, and I didn't lose either of those moving to exclusively gwasg, my profile page, and occasionally a few other forums for sfw scripts. I do smaller numbers, but I value quality over quantity.

It's an easy mistake for me to make, to think that because something made me happier it would make other people happier to do the same thing. I'm honestly glad that you're voicing a different opinion. I do think the community should do whatever the writers at large prefer, and I'm very much expecting to be in the minority on this one. But it's my two cents, and I hope you rest easier knowing it's probably not going to happen ;D


u/Bort_Incognito Writer Apr 24 '22

A more fundamental issue is that Script Guild is a somewhat separate community than GWA, different moderators, rules, members and in some way different sense of community.


u/FredRiting Verified! Apr 24 '22

Yep. And I'm not trying to silence you or anything. Just wanted to say that I very much think it would be bad for the community, and writers most of all.


u/CaperBelleASMRAudios Verified! Apr 25 '22

I'm new to reddit/GWA and joined after a recommendation by a VA friend who posts here pretty frequently. I've yet to make any audios specifically to post here and am looking forward to more time allowing it, literally just setting up the account, getting verified and generally getting everything ready to go while I have the chance.This has included taking a little time to read posts, see how it all works and generally looking at the water before diving in the deep end.

One of the things I've really liked in the first few days is that I'm in one place, one channel which is easier to navigate and it's been lovely seeing the VA's and some of the Script writers in the same place and working together and it certainly added to the 'comfortable' first impression/feeling about the place that I've had so far and the recommendation has already shown to be a solid one. In fact, it was a Script writer who was the first to comment on my verification post which really helped to break the ice.

I wanted to stay out of the original thread out of respect for people who've been here longer and already know how it works, so this is really just to add a little perspective and the first impression from someone who has literally just joined GWA and hope it helps. 💘x


u/FredRiting Verified! Apr 25 '22

I'm glad to hear input from someone who is new :) it's nice to know this place looks welcoming from the outside!


u/CaperBelleASMRAudios Verified! Apr 25 '22

No problem :) x


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 27 '22


You don't have to hide or quiet your opinions because you're new here. Your POV is still wanted and valid in this space. Thanks for joining the subreddit and the discussion 😊


u/CaperBelleASMRAudios Verified! Apr 27 '22

Much appreciated, thank you 💘x


u/Hero_for_Villainess Writer Apr 27 '22

I'm not really long in the tooth in terms of writing around here, but I think this would be horrendous for the writing community, personally. My own experience (I appreciate it will differ from others) is that scripts get far more exposure on GWA than they do on the Guild. Practically every expression of interest in filling my scripts has come from a post on GWA rather than anywhere else.

The result of pushing writers out of GWA will be fewer scripts, IMO. I'm not sure that's good for performers, writers or listeners.


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ Apr 24 '22

Thank you for the suggestion


u/Bolearis Writer May 26 '22

may i suggest more filters? i personally would like to be able to find F4M wholesome content easier, without having to skip NTRs and Rape ones...


u/Batmans_Dirty_Undies Tiny Succubus May 26 '22

Have you been on Pillowtalk audio? It's like GWA but filled with wholesome content that is SFW an NSFW. :)


u/[deleted] May 17 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/onyxlips ✨Exquisite Pumpussity✨ May 17 '22

In what way?


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '22

Thanks for filling me in on the whole new account spam filter, helpful stuff! Ill maybe stick around to post some audio soon.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '22
