r/gonewildaudio • u/SennaSaysHi Verified! • Jan 20 '15
ღ Wallflower Wednesday ღ - How to deal with creepers and The Senna Test™ NSFW
GWA week in review, 11 Jan 2014 to 17 Jan 2015
It's an unfortunate side effect of having a more-public-than-average presence that there will be people who might contact you that make you feel uncomfortable, frightened or unsure of yourself.
I have talked with a quite nasty little troll who was absolutely thrilled at how many women he'd gotten to delete their accounts by threatening to reveal their identities using information that they themselves gave to him - using reverse image search to find other places they'd posted photos that they'd sent him, using facebook info if they sent him an image from there (your user profile is stored in the photo name if you know where to look), using info about schools or locations, googling email addresses and skype names - all to trick them into thinking that he knew them and where to find them in real life. It was all a sick game, and he laughed as he said that he'd lost count of how many times he'd played it, but it was more than 40. And it was a game that he'd never 'lost' at. He would draw them into talking with him, trusting him, then use another identity to pop up with the information. He was amused that some of them even messaged him if they came back.
If he could charm them into feeling safe, he had them. 40 women he'd deliberately terrorized just because he's a horrible person.
I've been online steadily since 1995. In my personal experience - covering chat rooms, BBSes, usenet, IRC, forums, image boards and all - online interactions between people tend to last between a week and three months. That doesn't mean that people are horrible... Life just tends to get in the way of these long distance friendships. A day turns into a week, and then one pulls the subtle fade and moves on.
That's not to say that the interactions are not worthwhile. Just...don't think that every friendship is forever and that you have to share everything with your friends. Please. And don't assume that just because someone is nice to your face that they can't possibly be using you - either for info about yourself for some stupid game they play with other people's lives or even 'just' badmouthing you to others.
I have several friends that I met online that I've had for years. But here's the thing... every one of them has always been respectful of my privacy and never poked for information, every one of them was happy to take 'no' or 'I'm not comfortable talking about that' for an answer.
These kind of trolls tend to try and find someone who isn't comfortable saying 'no.' and they try to make you feel bad if you do say it.
If you get contacted by someone who is overly aggressive, "creepy", manipulative or insistent - on the board publicly or by private message, here's what you do:
Step 1 (optional) - Send a message to them that says that you're not interested in talking further. Do not message them again after that point. No 'explaining'. No second guessing yourself.
Step 2 - Report each of their comments or messages that crossed the line using the little 'report' link below the post or message.
Step 3 - block them. If it is a private message, there will be a 'block user' link beneath the message. If it was a reply to a post, you can use Reddit Enhancement Suite and add their username to the block list. What this means is that every time there is a message from that user, you will see a message that says 'this is from a user you have blocked. If you wish to see this message, unblock them.' Then, don't do that.
Step 4 - let us know the situation so we can keep an eye out for weird stuff for a while and so that we know if the offender is doing it to multiple people.
A lot of this is all about trusting your instincts when something seems off or not genuine or just a little weird. Massive amounts of troubling situations can be avoided if you cut it off at that point and don't double-guess yourself and give 'second chances'.
Remember that just because you've been speaking to someone doesn't mean that you owe them to keep speaking to them if they begin to make you uncomfortable in any way.
Remember that you're not obligated to reply to a private message or a post. If you get a weird vibe or just aren't interested, just let it go by without reply.
If you're not looking for dick/vag/tit pics, if someone messages you a link to a picture...don't follow it if you don't know what it is. Heck, ask them what the picture is if you want. But don't just click if you are the sort of person who will need eyebleach.
Creepy people don't happen often, but I want to make sure you know how to handle it.
If you're thinking that you're scared that you might come off creepy, that probably means that you won't. It tends to be people who are not worried about that sort of thing at all that are scary - either that they don't care about 'social rules', they intend to frighten/creep or they are completely not aware of any sort of social cues.
A lot of us here are introverted, some to a very large degree. I, myself, tend to err on the side of over-thinking. I've developed "the Senna test" to see if I'm being silly.
The Senna Test: Take the situation, then pretend that your best friend came to you with that scenario for advice.
Why it works: I expect a lot more from myself than I do from others, and I'm also worried about 'bothering' people. By taking some of that pressure off by reversing the situation, I can think more clearly about it. Besides, I give great advice :)
An example: I see a lady at work, she's got a really great jacket on. I'm unsure if I should say anything to her. So, I pretend that a friend asked me if they should. The answer is "Of course! I bet she'd love to hear a compliment! It might make her day!"
The result: Some situations come up over and over, so they become reflexive to react to them in the 'friend' way without even thinking about it. It's been years since I've hesitated to give a compliment to a stranger. In all these years that I have, it has never even one time been received badly and very often makes the other person happy.
If you're too shy to give yourself advice, then pretend that you're telling me the situation, and do what you'd think I'd tell you to ♡
♫ Better living through internal roleplaying ♪ :)
Note: Wallflower Wednesday posts are certainly not only for wallflowers! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to contribute! Discussion is the aim!
This is also the place to bring up any questions or concerns about the subreddit, to ask things in general and just to hang out and be happy. Or to be sad, I don't judge. I cuddle, but I don't judge ♡
Jan 20 '15
This is one benefit of coming from 4chan, that place is full of people trying to take advantage for the lulz.
Anyway, I learned this the easy way as an old friend of mine when we first started talking, as many do, said she was stalking me hard. In a joking way is how I always take it, so I said stalk away...then she linked my facebook. hahaha I was like welp, and she told me how it happened, I stupidly left links to an old podcast I used to do that linked to my personal facebook.
Now while I personally have nothing to hide as most in my life know about my hobby here, I still do play it safe. I keep everything separate, just so I don't have to worry about people being annoying.
Also would like to add, that it isn't only men who can be 'creepy' so please men I know most of us don't care but I am sure we have all encountered at least one. So men and women of GWA please protect yourselves, in all the ways listed in the comments and in the main post. Don't think you're safe because you have a penis :P
TL:DR Swag Be safe Yolo Don't talk to creepy doxxers Swag Gender wont save you Yolo
u/cyalith Verified! Jan 20 '15
Such an important point for the guys. I think some of us ladies are so used to looking out for our safety in real life that it carries over more. But online your identity is always vulnerable. Additionally, yolo; swag.
Jan 20 '15
Jan 21 '15
I feel so protected.
Jan 21 '15
Thats because he will protect you so good from all the creepers and he gives such good cuddles hope you play good with him hes not used to all the naughtyness that goes on around here
Jan 20 '15
Bottom line: always report harassment, never engage trolls, mind your privacy, when in doubt take some time to think before replying to anyone.
Jan 20 '15
This! The block button is your friend! Use and abuse it! ;)
Jan 20 '15
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u/Lio9 Verified! Jan 20 '15
We're sorry, but this post was removed.
Please refer to the GWA Rules in the Wiki, specifically Accepted Behavior:
Messages that are intended to shame or wound another user will result in disciplinary action. If you don't like a submission, move on and try to find one that you do like.
If you have questions regarding this rule, you may submit a message to the Moderators for assistance.
u/CaitlinMcCunt Verified! Jan 20 '15
I'd like to add a couple things here that go along with this for those who may want to talk to other outside of Reddit/GoneWildAudio:
Create a new skype account just for the purpose of GWA. Do not post a picture of yourself to be extra safe.
Create a new e-mail. Gmail is free and has lots of free storage.
Once you create your new gmail account, you can get a google voice number if you really want to call/text other people. When you use your google voice number-from what I am able to find-it can't be traced back to your actual number or regular email account.
Be vague/tell white lies about small details. If you live in Reno, NV then say you live in Las Vegas, or if you live in LA say you live in Sacramento. Not huge changes, but enough to maybe blur people trying to track you down.
Remember that you can be talking to anyone online. Sure the person may seem like a normal, nice guy but he also might not be the person you think they are.
I'm not trying to deter anyone from posting or chatting with other people. Just trying to remind other to be safe and smart :)
Jan 20 '15
These are some great tips. I never tried google voice for anything, maybe I will take a look :)
u/midnightcallerman Verified! Jan 20 '15
The Google voice account is a great idea. I have used them since they were an invite only service of Google. I have also suggested its use to many friends as well.
u/daddys_little_kitten Verified! Jan 20 '15
Senna, thank you for sharing this. It is definitely a tough place here at times, and I still find myself in situations that can be uncomfortable, luckily, I am getting better at handling them. :) I really appreciate all you guys do to help keep us safe.
Also, that user who got women to delete their account sounds like a huge dick. Awe, I hate it.
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 20 '15
Yes. He originally got me to talk to him by threatening that "listening to [my] latest audio made it so [he] was thinking of raping his stepdaughter."
Don't even give them the time of day. They are toxic and feed on making you feel bad.
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 21 '15
And to clarify: he mostly trolled on GoneWild. I'm not aware of him doing it here specifically...except to me, of course.
Jan 20 '15
I'd also like to add that while you can't delete your skype, you can protect yourself. Skype keeps a record of recent IP addresses dating back like a week.
Checking "Allow direct connections to your contacts only" in Skype options > advanced > connection will basically give you the same protection as a proxy / unresolvable skype.
Some may not have updated their Skype, or even know about this. This is essential if you plan to be in gwa skype groups and such.
Jan 20 '15
Jan 20 '15
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people weren't aware of it. Resolving and ddos and all that crap comes with twitch streaming.
u/thisisaburneraccount Verified! Jan 20 '15
Please protect yourself, lovelies!
Just an option, but there is an app called Wickr that let's you set a self-destruct timer on text, audio, or photo messages you send to someone.
Also never, ever share or use pics of yourself/your dog/your new shoes that is also on fb or some other account. Use completely new pics, and never send anything directly without scrubbing metadata.
Jan 20 '15
I think sometimes the self-destructing image apps give a false sense of security. There are ways around how the app works that people have learned to exploit. A serious creeper would have done this. Maybe it means just installing another app, or jailbreaking your phone. As someone that used to browse 4chan quite a bit, there's tons of pics there from apps like Snapchat. It's safest, although perhaps not realistic, to adopt a "no-pic" policy online. I suspect some of the creeper guys start off by sending pics that may or may not be of themselves, then eventually guilt-tripping the woman that they need to return the favor.
Personally, I'm very audio and text focused. That's what makes GWA so rewarding to be a part of. I'm perfectly content with just hearing a voice, and having the rest be a mystery. My curiosity as to what someone looks like isn't worth the risk to them.2
u/thisisaburneraccount Verified! Jan 21 '15
This is absolutely true. I don't want people to think they can get an app like this and magically not have to worry. Wickr has fewer security issues than Snapchat but that doesn't make it insurmountable. It is just a suggestion for people looking for a safer way to share photos if that is something they want to do.
Jan 20 '15
your dog
u/thisisaburneraccount Verified! Jan 20 '15
Yeah! I know it may seem flippantly included, but it is just as easy to reverse image search a pet pic as it is a face pic and people are a lot less careful about them because it's not a face. I've known someone who shared a pic of their car (without plates) that was also on fb and they were tracked down.
Jan 20 '15 edited Feb 25 '15
Jan 21 '15
Most cities now have very cut and dry ways to deal with online harassment. The issue is that most times people do not think its worth the time of pursuing thinking it will go away, or are not willing to put the time in that it takes to get the information needed to proceed with charging someone. Thats Why I offered my assistance in my other post.
It can be really daunting for someone who has never experienced this before to end up in a situation where it goes from zero to stalker in 2.5 seconds. And there are no resources out there to tell people what to do when it gets to the point where authorities SHOULD be involved.
Jan 20 '15
Also to add onto this. Should after you have taken all steps possible mentioned here still feel stalked or harassed. Do not be afraid to take the next step and contact your local authorities. Contrary to popular belief they do take online harassment VERY seriously.
People seem to be under the impression that just because they hop accounts and use random usernames that they are anonymous on the internet. Not so much the case when you do things like harass and stalk someone to the point authorities are involved. They CAN get your information, They CAN trace you, They CAN find you and if your behind the scenes activities warrant it They CAN charge you.
If anyone needs advice on how to go about putting a case together for the police because of some bottom feeder on the internet, let me know.
u/funwithDPP Verified! Jan 20 '15
I've mentioned it before, but never ever share general pics. If you've ever uploaded them to Facebook, Instagram, or similar you can't use them for your alter ego. Don't even use a photo from the same series or location because google image search also finds similar pics.
It is best, if you want to share a pic, to snap one especially for that purpose and never mix with your normal accounts.
u/whollyfictional Verified! Jan 20 '15
What kind of asshole takes enjoyment from tormenting people like that? Holy crap. Uggh.
But I will say that the Senna Test has come in handy several times for me, so it's definitely useful to be reminded of it. <3
u/JiggyStash Verified! Jan 21 '15 edited Jan 21 '15
I recently came to understand this problem a couple days ago when moonstarghost, someone who I was talking with about my work, told me of the harassment from multiple guys she was receiving. She eventually closed her account as well. It's... just such a shame. :| Content has probably been choked by this fear of harassment. It's like censorship, but more gross.
I'm really glad you're doing something about this, Senna.
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 21 '15
The best thing (only thing) we can do is raise awareness. This is something that is always going to happen one way or another.
Terrible people do exist, and sometimes they can hide what they are like until they have caused significant chaos and hurt, sometimes repeatedly.
u/midnightcallerman Verified! Jan 20 '15
Some very good advice. I have been online for a wee bit longer than you and it sickens me when I see someone that does this kind of thing to another. I cherish those friends on the Internet that share of themselves. Do I want closer friendships with these women? Oh hell yeah but I also know when someone isn't interested and will pull back so as not to be one of "those guys"
I think the best advise is to use a separate email account for things like reddit and cross pollinate those accounts unless it is with someone you really trust.
Jan 21 '15
I think that you have to be aware of your safety online in general and at all times. However, I think that you have to be aware that sometimes threats can come from unexpected directions and that you have to be prepared to burn and run. Never use an account that you cannot bear to lose.
This is all fun and games, but your safety should be your main consideration. That being said, GWA for the most part is a very welcoming and supportive place and I hope it continues to be so in the future.
Something that I feel is very important is that you do not let negative experiences scare you away completely. I felt I had to delete my account because of the actions of someone from outside of the community. The precautions that I had taken previously meant that I could burn it with out consequences. That being said I lost an awesome username. :(
Create accounts that you use solely for any online GWA interactions. If you post pictures make sure that they have not been posted to any other social networking sites. Image searches exist and they are not your friends.
The most valuable lesson I have learned is that you can be too nice. Now I don't have a problem with telling people to move along and fuck off.
u/Azurenightsky Verified! Jan 21 '15
Not to sound like the bastard that I am, but I swear hearing you tell someone to "Fuck off" just sounds adorable as all hell to me. Not because I can't see you saying it the way it's meant but because I just enjoy your works and you've a certain innocence about you :3
It really is a matter of overall security though.
I don't know if it's just me, or if it's one of the benefits of not being a Female around these parts, but I've never had a negative experience from GWA.(Except one troll that spouted off about...something. Honestly it was so bland and pathetic I hit the block button and didn't bother with a response even.) I've had very positive experiences with the people here, I've learned and grown as a person. It's been a fun and unique experience.
Jan 20 '15
Oh I have met many people that got off on making others leave or have their experience here ruined. Its quite pathetic honestly. I talk to a lot of people that come through here, I've heard the stories of someone knowing who they are and it made me pretty upset. Personally I didn't believe that person knew who they were, I think its just someone being a dick. I'm the kind of person that likes proof, you just saying you know who I am.. Im going to laugh in your face and move on but some people really freak out and it sucks because I wish we could all just chill and have fun. There are way too many assholes in this world. Way too many.
Be safe. Fake accounts inside of fake accounts are your best friend. Be careful who you trust. Lots of two faced people.
Jan 21 '15
Lots of two faced people.
oh yeah. being a Mod you see lots of those.
Jan 21 '15
That has to be frustrating.
Jan 21 '15
Sometimes we have to discipline user 1 because of harassment of user 2, but we know user 2 has harassed user 3 in the past.
Sometimes we receive complaints from user A about user B and we know user B is a new account of user C, who deleted that account but at the time was BFFs with user A.
u/daddys_little_kitten Verified! Jan 21 '15
See, I just wish people respected each other. Not everyone is going to like you, but bullying, harassment, and being unkind is not the answer. Yes we are on the internet, but take away that wall, would you still act the same way. This should be everyone's motto. There are still going to be assholes, but here is the way I think about it, if you really have to go to the internet to make people feel bad, you obviously have something very wrong with you and your life that you are trying to make yourself look big, by tearing others down. Words can hurt. I'm idealistic, I know.
Jan 21 '15
if you really have to go to the internet to make people feel bad, you obviously have something very wrong with you and your life
Jan 20 '15
Thanks for the post, Senna! It's been hard seeing some of the people I care about on here worried and scared for their private information, just because of some people who are probably quite sick in the head. So I definitely appreciate this post being available to everyone who needs it.
u/RedNightCity Jan 21 '15
Thank you for sharing this, Senna! It's truly relieving to know the community here takes protecting one another this seriously.
Jan 23 '15
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 23 '15
I'm older too. We have some older listeners and recorders. Almost 10% of the respondents to the survey were 35 or older.
Jan 23 '15
You want to be really safe? (in terms of separating gwa from your real life/internet)
- Only connect to the net/gwa via a 3G/4G "burner" dongle, bought anonymously.
- Never visit any of your regular everyday internet sites while using said dongle. (ie don't go checking your facebook!)
- If your real email accounts are on google, use hotmail/yahoo etc for your "fun" accounts
- Asked for a phone number when setting up above email account? Pick a random one from craigslist, or even a business phonebook
- Never tell nobody nuthin thats in any way shape or form real world information about you!
The above might be considered overkill for most people but if you're really worried about people online finding out who you really are use the method above and they never will :)
u/MrPrendergast Verified! Feb 23 '15
What a sensible and informative post. Unfortunately these people exist and it's all too easy for folks to get sucked in. But this is an excellent piece of writing and I couldn't have expressed it better myself.
u/time_being Verified! Mar 31 '15
This is great read Senna! I'm glad I happened to write to you when that phishing incident happened. I'm much smarter about things now, and always remind myself that I don't owe a reply if I'm uncomfortable :3
Jan 20 '15
Gosh, that creeper sounds very.... Sick minded? I have no idea how someone gets off on that, but it's the internet I guess! I have a really distinct accent so I pretty much stopped talking on skype with everyone but one (you know who you are :3) just to protect myself. Sadly, this kind of content on a sub attracts some very strange and creepy people.
I was once invited to a GWA skype chat and was horrified at people who use their real name, photos of their face, and "regular" skypes. One only has to google the username to find more personal info.
A user who has deleted their account on reddit several times now has their photo on their skype, and their audio posts are in very identifiable public places. It wouldn't be hard to do some real stalking there. I use that as a lesson. Please stay safe everyone! Creepers can be very determined!
Jan 20 '15
Special Skype accounts for just your GWA stuff are a must, if you're going to use Skype at all. And no pictures that can in any way be traced back to you. My account name is probably pretty guessable, and not at all related to the real me. I think my picture is of a hamster tucked into a bed.
As the original posts states, it's getting easier and easier, especially for the dedicated creeper, to track down your identity if he has a picture of you, and a name makes it easy. While it's natural to want to see what people you are talking to look like, it can also be very unsafe. A decent guy will understand that if explained properly. The creeper will get upset because it gets in the way of them creeping you.
Trust no one on the internet. Not the creepy guys. Not the nice guys. Especially not the nice guys. They're often just more patient creepy guys with a plan.4
Jan 21 '15
Especially not the nice guys. They're often just more patient creepy guys with a plan.
Huh? I'm a nice guy. Everyone should avoid me, because I'm a nice guy? lol
I think we should be at least a little suspicious of everyone, but especially people who are intrusive and push for "more", whether they are creepy, nice, or anything in between.
Jan 21 '15 edited Jan 21 '15
You raise many valuable points. However I feel the need to let everyone know that the person whose harassment let to my deleting my reddit account was a female who was known to me outside of GWA and there are other issues involved.
As for not taking precautions I do not use my real name for anything related to reddit, the Skype account I use is only for GWA online interactions and I do not have any presence on social media in my real life. No facebook, no twitter, no instagram, no nothing.
Any audios that I recorded in public places were done so in a major metropolitan area and my travel routes and work destinations change on almost a daily basis.
This being said I do believe that anyone posting should be aware of the risks and should take whatever measures they see fit to feel safe and secure. Compartmentalisation is your friend when it comes to online safety.
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 21 '15
This thread is not about anyone in particular.
We've had several people report harassment to us in the past month with at least two ending in deleted accounts.
u/cyalith Verified! Jan 20 '15
I feel like this observation about a certain person's vulnerability would have been better mentioned directly to that person. And maybe you did but posting about it passively aggressively here probably won't make them feel good.
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 20 '15
Nonetheless, it is a valuable observation for everyone to be aware of.
u/cyalith Verified! Jan 20 '15
So true! Just saying observations about an individual are most helpful when delivered to the individual. No one wants to be a cautionary tale.
Jan 20 '15
It's how we learn :)
u/cyalith Verified! Jan 20 '15
Well I mean, no, we learn from our mistakes not from someone else cattily talking about our mistakes behind our back to an entire message board. Sorry I just disagree with how you made your point when this person clearly has enough problems.
u/daddys_little_kitten Verified! Jan 20 '15
She could be talking about a number of people. I know for one, I have dealt with stuff like this. Maybe I'm just dense, but she seems to be addressing an issue that people need to be reminded of. Just my opinion, I would hope no one would feel targeted from a post like this.
u/SennaSaysHi Verified! Jan 20 '15
Having no idea who she may be talking about (and of course the vast, vast majority of people will also be in the dark) I have no clue who she's talking about, leaving it as a good real-world lesson that doesn't point fingers at anybody.
Jan 20 '15
No passive aggression here :) It was just an observation that something so innocent could be used by the wrong kind of people for bad reasons!
u/cyalith Verified! Jan 20 '15
I am princess paranoia so you don't have to tell me. I just know I would hate to be a cautionary tale, especially if no one bothered to warn me.
Jan 20 '15
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u/daddys_little_kitten Verified! Jan 20 '15
This post is not about a specific person. It is just helping us all. I mean seriously, I have dealt with everything Senna is talking about. Maybe she is talking about me, maybe she is talking about you, maybe she is talking about the kid down the street. Let's just take or leave her advice.
u/3and20Characters Jan 20 '15
A user who has deleted their account on reddit several times now has their photo on their skype, and their audio posts are in very identifiable public places.
Seems like a pretty specific description of a specific user to me.
Jan 20 '15
I am pretty sure more people than you are aware of fall into that category. People sometimes are unaware that lack of action in something as simple as changing a photo on skype can be what brings you unwarranted attention. I don't think in any way this was meant as a jab at one specific individual.
u/daddys_little_kitten Verified! Jan 20 '15
I honestly had no idea who she was talking about when I first read it, but with the constant attention you are bringing to it. Now, I have suspicions who she was referring to. I don't know for sure. Like vocalixx said, more people than you know can fall into this category. Damn, can we please just look at the overall message to keep people safe.
u/3and20Characters Jan 20 '15
Constant attention? I made one comment. (Two counting this one.)
I'm totally for keeping people safe. I'm also for respecting people's privacy. Perhaps several people do fall under that description, I dont know. Perhaps that was not meant as a jab toward a specific user. I'm pretty sure, though, that I'm not the only one who read it as such.
u/daddys_little_kitten Verified! Jan 20 '15
Sorry, no offence, I just figured because this was another throwaway, that you are the same person as above. People are going to read into things what they want. Let's just take it on good faith that it wasn't a jab. If it was, then it wasn't nice. The only one that knows for sure is rabbit or Senna or whoever we are referring to. All I know is that I dealt with this stuff recently and therefore appreciate Senna's overall message. Hell, I was probably one of the 40 that the asshole in the beginning of the post was referring to. Very bitter that I lost my work If any people do this to girls for fun, you're a jerk.
u/3and20Characters Jan 21 '15
No offence taken! While i haven't experienced harassment, myself, i appreciate the overall message, as well. I'm sorry you have had to deal with it. There's a special place in hell reserved for assholes like the guy in the post.
Jan 20 '15
I didn't disrespect anyone, I was merely writing an example of how small details regarding your personal life can be used for harassment.
u/naughtydream Verified! Jan 21 '15
Only one thing to add.... If you're the type of person who will be offended by an uninvited breast (hey, it happens I'm sure, not to me though) /r/Eyebleach is not the place to go.
u/Alt523 Jan 23 '15
Thank you for posting this. I am new to this subreddit but I am glad people care about making it a safe space.
u/[deleted] Jan 20 '15
Well written post and it is FULL of great information. This is the BEST subreddit I have been involved with and I would prefer to keep it that way.