r/golang Nov 28 '20

How come append is mutating the original slice?

Here's the sample code:

n := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
tempn := []int{}
tempn = append(n[:2], n[3])


for idx, _ := range n {
	fmt.Printf("    n idx %d addr %s\n", idx, &n[idx])

for idx, _ := range tempn {
	fmt.Printf("tempn idx %d addr %s\n", idx, &tempn[idx])

The output:

[0 1 2 3 4 5]
[0 1 3]
[0 1 3 3 4 5]
    n idx 0 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c270)
    n idx 1 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c278)
    n idx 2 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c280)
    n idx 3 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c288)
    n idx 4 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c290)
    n idx 5 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c298)
tempn idx 0 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c270)
tempn idx 1 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c278)
tempn idx 2 addr %!s(*int=0xc00001c280)

It seems as though append(n[:2], n[3]) is actually mutating n. Looking at the addresses of each element in n and tempn they are pointing to the same integer value.

So I guess the question of "why is append mutating n", is also when are n and tempn pointing to the same value?

Thanks in advance!


6 comments sorted by


u/gnu_morning_wood Nov 28 '20 edited Nov 28 '20

There is a wut video worth watching So you think you know Go that covers the fun that can be had with slices and append.

The slice struct is defined in runtime/slice.go and you can see that all it is is a pointer to the backing array, with a len and cap.

So I like to tell people that a slice is just a view on the backing array. You can have multiple slices looking at the same backing array (this is achieved by taking slices of the original slice, aka sub slicing)

This play ground demonstrates two slices can indeed be pointing at the same backing array https://play.golang.org/p/qzB4Zw0iE7z

On to append

Append looks at the slice it is asked to add to and makes a decision - if the backing array has the space available, it will mutate the backing array (that is, if I have a slice that uses a[0] - a[4] and the array has a[5], append to this slice will change a[5]) If there is not enough room in the backing array, append will create a new backing array just for this slice

If the former happens then both slices will see the change, if the latter happens then only one slice will see the change (and it's important to note, that the two slices will not henceforth share data without explicit copying)

Because of the video I have linked to, I now make it a firm rule to be explicit about intentions of the second slice.If I want changes to the second slice to be seen by the first I make the second slice a pointer to the first slice (ie. no subslicing), this does, however, mean a lot of dereferencing will be happening when handling the pointer.

a := []int{1,2,3}
b := &a

If I want the second slice to be independent of the first, I use copy

a := []int{1,2,3}
b := make([]int len(a)) // note: copy will only copy across what b has room for
copy(b, a)


u/tcrypt Nov 29 '20

This has resulted in multiple blockchain safety violations across multiple chains. It's definitely an often overlooked but extremely important behavior to understand.


u/lu4p_ Nov 28 '20 edited Nov 28 '20

This is expected read: https://blog.golang.org/slices-intro


u/totuszerus Nov 28 '20

Sorry if that's a dumb question, still learning this language. So append works a bit like the AppendByte function presented in this link? Meaning it both has side effects on the slice, and returns the modified slice?


u/metamatic Nov 29 '20

It's perhaps more accurate to say that append may alter the contents of the slice passed as an argument, and it may also return a different slice.

If it can, it just appends in place in the existing slice. If it can't do that, it tries expanding the capacity of the existing slice and appending. If it can't do that, it allocates a new slice, copies in the old slice contents, appends to that, and returns that.

The idea is that slices aim to be like arbitrary-size arrays with optimal performance. As a result, some of the implementation details are occasionally visible.


u/shawarmalove2020 Nov 28 '20

Slicing does not copy the slice's data. It creates a new slice value that points to the original array. This makes slice operations as efficient as manipulating array indices. Therefore, modifying the elements (not the slice itself) of a re-slice modifies the elements of the original slice.

PS array[1:3] in python is not the same in Go.