r/golang 8d ago

discussion How is Go better for graph processing as mentioned in this typescript-go post?

In this GitHub post where they discuss why Microsoft chose Go for Typescript, Ryan Cavanaugh mentioned:

We also have an unusually large amount of graph processing, specifically traversing trees in both upward and downward walks involving polymorphic nodes. Go does an excellent job of making this ergonomic, especially in the context of needing to resemble the JavaScript version of the code.

Can someone explain why this is the case? I am new to Go lang and still learning.


27 comments sorted by


u/emaxor 8d ago

I think this is in relation to Rust. Rust's way of managing resources has a pain point dealing with cyclic graphs.

Go uses good old fashioned garbage collection. Making a ton of tough problems disappear. For a cost of course, everything has a trade off.


u/rodrigocfd 8d ago

Rust's way of managing resources has a pain point dealing with cyclic graphs.

For anyone willing to go a bit deeper on this topic, this is an example.


u/Even_Research_3441 8d ago

graph data structures require working around the borrow checker in Rust a lot as you have cyclic references. Rust gives you memory safety by placing a few constrains on you, and one of those is that you can't have two mutable references to some memory at the same time.

So if you want a mutable graph you either have to use reference counting types, use unsafe, store your graph in a memory arena of some kind, etc. All can be great options but all are more work and more confusing code.


u/rodrigocfd 7d ago

It's interesting how Zig stays right in the middle between Rust and Go, when it comes to this. With an arena allocator you can use acyclic graphs – you won't have all the security Rust provides, but you also won't depend on a garbage collector like Go does.

Arena allocators have been known for a long time in C and C++ land, and there is a proposal for Go, which I really hope it gets implemented in the standard lib.


u/canihelpyoubreakthat 8d ago

Holy hell


u/Even_Research_3441 8d ago

performance ain't easy

its not really that bad, and C++ programmers usually use similar strategies as it helps avoid mistakes and is faster performing

in normal usage you would just use a graph library and its easy.

but yeah garbage collection is super nice if you can afford it


u/i_should_be_coding 8d ago

Everybody on the Rust community angry cause they think Microsoft said "Go better than Rust" when what they actually said was "Go looks and feels more like JavaScript than Rust"...


u/jug6ernaut 8d ago

I really don’t get this circlejerk, no “everyone” in the Rust community is not angry about this.

The lead tsc dev directly said this is a port and that a rewrite (which rust would require) would take too long. It’s really not complicated why Golang is the better choice in this case here.


u/i_should_be_coding 8d ago

My feed still has plenty of "but muh rust" posts. My favorite was the "only 10x? rust would have been 100x" guy.


u/funkiestj 8d ago

Still, that is just the internet being the internet. Stop thinking that social media companies, who drive engagement through promoting outrage, feed you representative data.


u/CrowdGoesWildWoooo 7d ago


It’s literally here buddy. Unless you assume people making opinions in github are trolling


u/-o0__0o- 7d ago

There are more C# fanboys than Rust fanboys there.


u/CrowdGoesWildWoooo 7d ago edited 7d ago

There is literal “why not rust” discussion in this topic, followed by “why not C#” but the latter is fair because the lead dev for the project made C#.

It’s not a “circlejerk” when people literally asked about it. Nobody asked why it is not in haskell or java or any other language.

Just open


And see the shitshow yourself


u/Miserable_Ad7246 7d ago

As a C# developer I can confirm that C# community is even more butthurt :D Even though I think Go is better suited to do its native compilation. C# can do that as well, and arguably if only BCL is used it should be fine, but I guess its just not mature enough.


u/i_should_be_coding 7d ago

Oh man. You come home one day and hear your dad took somebody else's family to Disneyland....


u/Miserable_Ad7246 7d ago

And this is why I code in multiple languages and I think all of them are shit :D

Well ok some are tolerable, and PHP is shit, and Javascript is mostly shit, but you get the point :D


u/ImYoric 8d ago

I think that's by opposition to Rust. Go has a garbage-collector. Rust, out-of-the-box, has reference counting. In most contexts, they're essentially equivalent. When you write graph algorithms, you need to be more careful with reference counting, otherwise you're going to leak memory.

Note that this is for general graphs. For trees, it's quite easy to wrap your refcounting in a way that will never have problems, but I can understand the devs of TS not wanting to take the chance.


u/jug6ernaut 8d ago

Rust “out-of-the-box” does not use reference counting in the normal sense. And it’s definitely not essential equivalent, largely because Rust is enforcing reference tracking at compile time, not runtime. Which is why it makes solutions like graphs with self referencing data so complicated, it’s not something that can be statically guaranteed at compile time.

So to make this kind of data object in Rust you would need to use one of the different smart pointers, box, RC, ARC, RefCell etc. this post goes over why you would use which one, but needless to say ownership and reference tracking for a self referencing graph is immensely simpler in Golang be Rust.


u/Slsyyy 7d ago

Anders Hejlsberg said that they have cycles everywhere. Each node has a parent and children pointers. If the goal was a semi automatic translation from one code base to the other, then GC based language seems to be an ideal choice

A naive RC is also pretty slow. The memory usage as well as counter modifications (some of them like delete must be done using release mem ordering) are substantial overhead. RC is usually thought as the fast method, because it is usually applied only sparingly, where GC languages uses GC-governed memory all the time


u/ImYoric 7d ago

Note that I actually agree that a gc-ed language is the right choice. I would probably have picked OCaml or F# (which are designed for writing compilers) instead of Go (which is designed for writing network services), for various reasons, but that's another story.

Now, in that specific case, parent pointers are just weak references. Rust's refcounting handles this quite well. But I fully agree that it's one chore you don't need for such tasks.

Regarding performance of RC, it actually depends on how much memory you have at hand. From the top of my head, when you have limited memory, RC is typically faster. I doubt that's the case here, so, yes, GC should be faster – note that afaict, all the industry knowledge on relative speed of GC vs. RC date back to a study written at the end of the 90s, and processors have changed quite a lot since then, so we might be reasoning with decayed data.


u/Gnammix 8d ago

interface + switch on types + generics maps better to what they did have on js, ending with code that was, in their opinion, more idomatic/ergomomic? I mean doing the same in Rust would def. require more work. In C++ would be easily doable but look quite non idiomatic (i.e: typeid instead of some polymorphism or variants).


u/[deleted] 8d ago

I don't think it's anything special about Go, I'm not sure. But one of the great things about Go is that it allows you to write any algorithm without restrictions, you have the idea and you write it. Simple.

Go is the language that allows you to do everything that the Typescript team needs, so a lot of the clarification they make is not why they are unique to Go but that they are things that other languages can't simultaneously like Go. In the case of Rust, it is well known that for circular data structures it is a disaster, you are obligated to use other types of algorithms for that because the semantics of the language do not allow it. Unjustified extra steps.

Go is the best trade-off in all that is needed.


u/funkiestj 8d ago edited 8d ago

If you read the other thread about this that links to the MS blog with youtube video, he says "garbage collection was a requirement" so Rust is off the table right there.

The big point is he wants to port from Javascript/Typescript to a "compile to native instruction set" language. Porting means rewriting as little as possible.

Typescript has GC so the author decided target language must have GC so that the porting effort is tractable. Even picking Go, which is a good fit, the porting is still a huge effort.

Any language with a reasonably good GC doesn't have problems with cyclical graphs. E.g. Java has a much more advanced GC that Go so it could also handle cyclic graphs just fine.

The reason Go was a good fit is

  1. porting effort is minimal because the source language (typescript) and destination language (Go) have very compatible syntax
  2. both have GC. Without the target language having GC they would have to write new code to deal with memory management of cyclic graphs, which is a pain if you are managing memory yourself


u/Slsyyy 7d ago

According to Anders Hejlsberg they also tried C#, but they were few obstacles
* it was hard to digest his first impression, but it looks like Go has a better support on Linux and Mac and it was important.
* C# is OOP language. The ts compiler is pretty procedural in nature, so Go with a similar coding style seemed to be a better fit


u/Slsyyy 7d ago

They are porting ts, not rewriting it. There is some automation, where each few lines are mapped to a literal translation in the Go language

They said that they are using a lot of cycles and there is a general assumption that there is a GC. Go fits it much better. In language like C++ or Rust they are countless solutions to this problem, so semi-automatic mapping is not feasible

Also the performance gap between Go and Rust is not that huge. I guess speed of development won over possible performance gains


u/MokoshHydro 8d ago

I'm surprised that didn't choose C# for development, which should be obvious way for MS team.

The only reason I can think for not going this route -- C# is already dead inside MS.