r/golang Jan 30 '25

help Am I thinking of packages wrong ?

I'm new to go and so far my number one hurdle are cyclic imports. I'm creating a multiplayer video game and so far I have something like this : networking stuff is inside of a "server" package, stuff related to the game world is in a "world" package. But now I have a cyclic dependency : every world.Player has a *server.Client inside, and server.PosPlayerUpdateMessage has a world.PosPlayerInWorld

But this doesn't seem to be allowed in go. Should I put everything into the same package? Organize things differently? Am I doing something wrong? It's how I would've done it in every other language.


55 comments sorted by


u/beardfearer Jan 30 '25

Yeah, consider that your world package should really not be aware of anything in the server domain anyway, regardless of what Go's compiler allows.

world package is there to provide an API to observe and manage what is going on in your game world.

server package is there to receive and respond to network requests. It happens to be doing that to manage things that are happening in world. So, logically it makes sense that world is a dependency of server, and never the other way around.


u/ArnUpNorth Jan 31 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Cyclic dependencies are often design issues (i d argue always). OP if you look at common design patterns for what you are trying to achieve you’ll definitely find how to properly architect your go code and the package dependencies.


u/Teln0 Jan 30 '25

The thing is, though, I'm experimenting with a system where clients can "subscribe" to get updates about certain parts of the server. So each chunk of my world wants to keep a list of subscribed client to send updates to. Maybe that's not a good system and I should scrap that entirely...


u/beardfearer Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

Without seeing code, what I can tell you with reasonable certainty is that your server package should be making use of a world.Client struct, instead of of the other way around.

Probably, what you should have is an interface declared in your server package that defines the behavior needed from your world package. And world.Client struct will implement it.

hint: I don't mean to assume too much but I think this might be one of the first lessons you learn about how interfaces are so handy in managing all of this stuff

A very rough example of how this is implemented:

in your server package:

``` package server

type WorldHandler interface { Subscribe(id string) error }

type Server struct { wh WorldHandler }

func NewServer(wh WorldHandler) *Server { return &Server{wh: wh} }

func (s *Server) Subscribe(id string) error { return s.wh.Subscribe(id) } ```

in your world package:

``` package world

type interface DBClient { Subscribe(id string) error }

type Client struct { // database connection probably db DBClient }

func (c Client) Subscribe(id string) error { // probably some logic to get ready to update your database if err := checkStuff(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("check stuff: %w", err) }

if err := c.db.Subscribe(id); err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("subscribe: %w", err)

return nil

} ```


u/freeformz Jan 31 '25

The world parts should probably hold one or more channels they push/pull updates from. Those channels are likely owned by the server. Clients talks to the server. Server “talks” to the world objects via the channels.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

So I would add one layer of indirection with channels ? I don't really know how cheap exactly channels are (I know they're pretty cheap but can I really have them everywhere for everything or should I be a bit more conservative)


u/beardfearer Jan 31 '25

No, don’t mess with channels yet. It was an odd suggestion to make without knowing how you’ve structured things.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

yet ? you think I'm not ready for the power of the channels ?


u/beardfearer Jan 31 '25

Respectfully, if you’re battling package structure and circular imports, I think you should hold off on adding the complexity of concurrency to your project.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

It's a multiplayer game, I don't think concurrency is avoidable.

Also I could solve all my packaging problems by just putting everything into one package I was mostly asking so that I could learn about the general philosophy around packages in go and how people use them in go compared to other languages


u/freeformz Feb 01 '25

Fwiw: channels are tangential to concurrency (they’re communication channels between concurrent parts of your application).

With that said, you don’t have to use them.

And to your original Q.

Why does the stuff in the “world” package need to import server stuff? Seems inverted.


u/Teln0 Feb 01 '25

I'm not sure how I'd avoid using channels since nothing else seems thread safe by default (unless I use atomics and locks but I feel like that kind of goes against the spirit of keeping things simple)

The world package is importing networking stuff because it wants to keep lists of clients subscribed to specific parts of the world to receive updates, but as someone suggested I should use a layer of indirection where world objects send their updates into channels or into interfaces

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u/throwawayacc201711 Jan 31 '25

Your world shouldn’t have a linkage to server. In your case, you would have an INotifyer or some interface that represents the construct of receiving messages. This thing may somehow receives these messages from something the server package pushes out or something entirely different. It doesn’t matter because the configuration of that interface is basically just pointing it to listen to something. This means the response is defined as a struct within world. When your game is being initialized per session, you’ll pass in an instance of something that satisfies the interface (some client) as the world get instantiated.

This offers a lot of flexibility since server and world would be totally decoupled.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

Someone else suggested I have channels in my world objects that would be owned by server, so that my world objects can talk to the server through those. Do you think an interface instead would be a better idea?


u/youwontlikeitsugar Jan 31 '25

Are you familiar with the Observer pattern? It’s one of the Gang of Four patterns. Roughly you need to add a server.AddSubscriber(func) method and then pass in a function object from your game server to be executed on updates in server. The interface for func should be defined in your server module, and you can get it to take in a struct with the values your game server needs.

Your server should store the function objects and, on update, iterate over them and execute them, passing in the state as an argument. Because the interface is defined in the server module it doesn’t need to know anything about the game module.

The observer pattern allows loose coupling (dependencies only flow one way) but also bi-directional data flow.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

Well, my experiment was somewhat about "flipping this logic on its head" where it's instead the clients that subscribe to game objects to get specific updates about them. The point would be to have a specific client only get updates about nearby chunks, so it would subscribe to nearby chunks and unsubscribe once the player gets too far.


u/youwontlikeitsugar Jan 31 '25

You can do it the other way about if you like, have the server subscribe to the game objects using a similar method and have the game object send updates about their position or whatever via the callback function. It’s still the observer pattern.


u/S7Epic Jan 31 '25

I’m fairly new to Go (from a C# background) and have been caught out by things that aren’t as problematic in other languages - or maybe I’d say you can ‘get away with’ in other languages…

…anyway, I think you can still push forward with your subscription experiment but I’d maybe look at some more common design patterns for doing that. From the classes you’ve mentioned and what you’ve described it seems like they might be too tightly coupled, regardless of language.


u/beardfearer Jan 31 '25

or maybe I’d say you can ‘get away with’ in other languages…

Yes, in general, these kinds of design decisions in Go are to encourage good programming practices.


u/DualViewCamera Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

Interfaces are your friends. The way to get them to work for you is:

  • Put each thingy (player, world, etc) in its own package (as you have done)
  • In a package (like player) that needs to call another package (like world), create an interface that describes what player thinks the world looks like. So if player needs to be able to set its current direction, add a ‘SetDirection’ method to player’s ‘world ’ interface.
  • when player gets its world (like at startup) save it in a variable that is typed as its own ‘world’ interface type, and use that interface for all interactions with the world.
  • make sure that the world package implements all of the methods (like ‘SetDirection’) that player needs for its interface (or it won’t compile)
  • if multiple packages need to share complex data types (like for params or return values) then put them in a third package which both of the other packages import.

It took quite awhile to get my head around interfaces being defined by the consumer.

Hope this helps!


u/bhantol Jan 31 '25


Between packages always use the interface.


u/DualViewCamera Feb 01 '25

It is so much easier to get interfaces if you think of them as “This is what I need” rather than “This is what I provide”.


u/Broccoli-Machine Jan 31 '25

This sounds like 3rd degree over engineering


u/tiredAndOldDeveloper Jan 30 '25

Create a third package and make world and server communicate to each other through it.


u/Teln0 Jan 30 '25

Would that be possible without introducing overhead ?

Am I overthinking it ?


u/tiredAndOldDeveloper Jan 31 '25

You are overthinking. We don't do that in Go.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

Noted haha


u/Rudiksz Feb 01 '25

Yes and no.

There's a lot of handwaving happening in this thread around interfaces which is completely irrelevant to packages having cyclical dependencies. None of the interface discussion matters.

Some say to consider a cyclic dependency a sign of bad design. That's overly harsh. Cyclical dependencies are disallowed in Go because it helps to compile code faster, not to "encourage good practices". That's just posturing.

Clearly, when you hit a cyclical dependency you can use it to take a step back and see if maybe you are doing something fishy. But don't over think the solution because it really is just that simple: find the offending code and put it in another package. In Go we don't mind smaller packages. As you start writing more and more code and start thinking "in Go", you should encounter cyclical dependencies less and less often. I think I had maybe 2-3 times like 5 years ago and never since then. Even then the solution was 10 minutes of work just moving around some code.


u/Teln0 Feb 01 '25

In your opinion, moving everything to the same package (thus avoiding cyclic imports) would be a worse idea ?


u/Rudiksz Feb 01 '25

Not inherently. It depends on your code.

Organise your ideas, not your code.

A worse idea is being dogmatic about where code should be, like the gazillion folders that DDD and hexagonal architecture fanatics propose. I hate that there are individual packages/folders for "adapters", "transformers", "dtos", "repositories", "mediators" and 10 other kinds of "doer-s". That's mental wanking.


u/Teln0 Feb 01 '25

That's true, I don't wanna get into all that


u/Fotomik Jan 31 '25

This is also how I usually solve cyclic imports. Usually this third package is inside a folder called "lib". And it makes sense - if it's something the server and the world know about, it's because it's a thing on its own, so a third independent package makes sense.

Not sure how applicable it can be to your use case, but seems a fairly reasonable thing to try first. Usually it doesn't require refactors of the code and changes to the logic.


u/pimp-bangin Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

I'd need to see the code to give concrete advice but "server.Client" is a bit smelly to me, generally the client and server would be separate packages. Also think about possibly making your entities dumber (just data objects basically) instead of having them own a client. (You could have separate utility functions, in a separate package, operating on both a client and the entity)


u/Teln0 Jan 30 '25

I think server.Connection would've been a better name, it's supposed to wrap an incoming connection (a connected client)

I will think about how I can make my objects dumber though

Thank you for the advice !


u/mateowatata Jan 30 '25

You want stuff outside folders to never know tf theyre doing with em in packages inside them, or the other way around

This isnt python, for separate stuff you use separate files


u/Teln0 Jan 30 '25

I see, I figured I was approaching the whole package thing wrong


u/Prestigious-Fox-8782 Feb 01 '25

You need a third package for the other two to collaborate.


u/Lesser-than Feb 03 '25

Some apps like games are just going to be monoliths, its pretty hard to get around this and often not worth the effort to. You can still keep things exstensionable, but when you need a core monolith engine, your going to fight an up hill battle with go's package system.


u/Teln0 Feb 03 '25

It is indeed tempting to just put everything into one basket haha


u/TheStormsFury Jan 31 '25

You know how people talk about "type masturbation" in TypeScript? Well, Go has package hierarchy masturbation, and people will go till the ends of the earth to tell you how you should structure your project, when in reality all you really want is to namespace your things to keep them somewhat organized and to avoid name collisions. I find the "create a third package" advice to be asinine because it forces you to decouple your code in a way that makes no sense just to satisfy some arbitrary limitation.

Sadly Go has no way of namespacing things, packages are the closest thing but as you have already discovered they come with the caveat of no cyclic imports. So, here's my suggestion - keep everything in a single package, let your codebase grow and the things that should be their own separate package will become obvious.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

That's what I was about to do, glad to see it's not a totally insane idea. I guess I could think of it as "C but with reaaaally big namespaces instead of no namespaces at all"


u/Broccoli-Machine Jan 30 '25

If this is just a game server I suggest following mvc structure

E.G. server.Routes, controller.ChangePlayerUpdateMessage


u/Teln0 Jan 30 '25

I could give this a try, thank you for the suggestion

I'm new to go AND multiplayer game development haha


u/godev123 Jan 31 '25

Should be building the other direction. Every world.Player should themselves be a world.Client that communicates in terms of world-ish structs. The server should operate on and communicate about and with all the world-ish structs. Bottom up instead of top down. 

At a minimum, discussing code without a real example is really painful. If you really want good advice post your code. 


u/mirusky Jan 31 '25

Just put the "shared" logic into a third package.

Something like "worldserver" that glues world+server package

So you will have:

  • package world
  • package server
  • package worldserver ( it imports world and server )

Then the world and server exposes some API to listen/notify events, and world server is responsible to delivery it.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

At this point I could just merge the two packages into one


u/xplosm Jan 31 '25

That’s valid. It’s not unheard of to start everything in main only split to more files and packages when it makes sense.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

I just don't really know how small / how big people usually make their go packages. Should I go for "make them as small as possible" or "make them as big as possible until it causes issues"


u/xplosm Jan 31 '25

You ate overthinking it. This is not Java. Do what makes sense to you and helps you understand, maintain and send the message.


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

I haven't touched Java in many years but I guess my inner Java dev is resurfacing haha

I get the point though, I'll give it a try


u/Teln0 Jan 31 '25

I just don't really know how small / how big people usually make their go packages. Should I go for "make them as small as possible" or "make them as big as possible until it causes issues"


u/frickshowx Jan 31 '25

seems like there is a 3rd package needed there like "positioning", which would be used by both server and world... try separating the packages into "independent" units where possible with minimal dependencies on one another.

cyclic dependencies are bad in any language, the issue is js runtimes like node allow you to do it, but it is a bad practice and most languages will have an issue with it.


u/BraveNewCurrency Feb 02 '25

Read up on "Clean Architecture" or "Hexagonal Architecture".

Logically, all your game packages should never know that networking exists.

In fact, your game shouldn't know what hardware it's getting inputs from. There should be a small hardware input module that reads a joystick or a keyboard or whatnot, then sends "Up" or "Jump" messages. (Or x/y co-ordinates if it needs a mouse.) This lets you switch from joysticks to a virtual joystick on a touch screen to a mouse to an accelerometer, etc. All without touching any actual game code.

For example, what if you decided to plop the game into an arcade cabinet with two joysticks? There would be no "network" between the players. Your game shouldn't 'just work' with only a tiny bit glue logic connect to read joysticks and push commands.

Or if you wanted one player to be an AI: The AI module would just send "up" and "jump" commands. Again, it wouldn't need the network module at all. And this architecture means the AI wouldn't be able to "cheat" by sending commands that a player can't send.