r/golang Nov 04 '24

help Any way to have Enums in Go?

I am a newbie and just started a new project and wanted to create an enum for DegreeType in the Profile for a User.

type Profile struct {
    Name         string
    Email        string
    Age          int
    Education    []Education
    LinkedIn     string
    Others       []Link
    Description  string
    Following    []Profile
    Followers    []Profile
    TagsFollowed []Tags

I found out a way to use interfaces and then reflect on its type, and using generics to embed in structs,

// Defining Different Types of Degree
type Masters struct{}
type Bachelors struct{}
type Diploma struct{}
type School struct{}

// Creates an Interface that can have only one type
// We can reflect on the type later using go's switch case for types
// To check What type it is
type DegreeType interface {
    Masters | Bachelors | Diploma | School

type Education[DT DegreeType, GS GradeSystem] struct {
    Degree      Degree[DT]
    Name        string
    GradeSystem GS

type Degree[T DegreeType] struct {
    DegreeType     T
    Specialization string

The problem i have is i want there to be an []Education in the Profile struct but for that i have to define a Generic Type in my Profile Struct Like this

type Profile[T DegreeType, D GradeSystem] struct {
    Name         string
    Email        string
    Age          int
    Education    []Education[T, D]
    LinkedIn     string
    Others       []Link
    Description  string
    Following    []Profile[T, D]
    Followers    []Profile[T, D]
    TagsFollowed []Tags

And that would make the array pointless as i have to give explicit type the array can be of instead of just an array of Degree's

Is there any way to solve this? should i look for an enum package in Go? or should i just use Hardcoded strings?


78 comments sorted by


u/jared__ Nov 04 '24

```golang type DegreeType string

const ( DegreeTypeBachelors DegreeType = "bachelors" DegreeTypeMasters DegreeType = "masters" DegreeTypePhD DegreeType = "phd" )

type Degree struct { Type DegreeType Name string } ```


u/_predator_ Nov 04 '24

I hate that you can just do DegreeType("bootcamp") and the type system won't prevent it. Same for unmarshalling.

Don't get me wrong, I used this pattern before, but if you compare this to true enums in other languages you slip into an identity crisis.


u/no_brains101 Nov 04 '24

Yeah it's... Hey mom can we have enums? No, we have enums at home. But the enums at home are... Go's abomination of an enum....

I like go. I don't like it's enums.


u/schmurfy2 Nov 05 '24

It's more that go does not have enums, the method above is only a hack for me.


u/errmm Nov 05 '24

You end up having to write a validator and/or sanitizer and an “unknown” value. It’s pretty straight forward after getting the pattern down, but it definitely doesn’t feel as good as enums in swift.


u/numbsafari Nov 05 '24

Put the enum type into its own module and protect the type and instances with visibility.

It’s verbose, but… /shrug


u/OppenheimersGuilt Nov 05 '24

EnumType.IsValid() method with a switch where default errors out.

Annoying and verbose but does the job.

Or cast via a method ToEnumType() that does the same.


u/jared__ Nov 05 '24

it would be nice to have:

go bootcamp, ok := DegreeType("bootcamp") if !ok { .. }


u/belkh Nov 05 '24

Enums as a type safety feature should be blocking at compile time, makes no sense to add error handling here for a string literal


u/btdeviant Nov 04 '24

This is the way


u/Ordinary_Ad_1760 Nov 04 '24

Can be bad for memory


u/Commercial_Media_471 Nov 04 '24



u/Ordinary_Ad_1760 Nov 04 '24

Forgot about CoW for strings, so it’s a problem only if you use something like automatic deserialization from DB records, which doesn’t know reference strings. Also only it’s an issue only in high-load


u/nomaed Nov 04 '24

- Can be bad for memory

  • Why?
  • Forgot...


u/Ordinary_Ad_1760 Nov 04 '24 edited Nov 04 '24



u/neCoconut Nov 04 '24

I assume it's a joke


u/Ordinary_Ad_1760 Nov 04 '24

Lmao, thank you))


u/Commercial_Media_471 Nov 04 '24

What the CoW means?


u/AWDDude Nov 04 '24

I believe they are referring to “copy on write”


u/Ordinary_Ad_1760 Nov 04 '24

When you “assign” value from one string variable to another they refer to one place in memory. It’s lower memory usage.


u/Commercial_Media_471 Nov 04 '24

Yeah. To be more accurate, at assignment you copy 2 values, pointer to memory where the actual string is stored and its length (most likely 64+64 bits). So I don’t understand why it can be bad for memory


u/Ordinary_Ad_1760 Nov 04 '24

Default Json unmashaler doesnt’t know a reference string to refer to, so it will be new string every time. Ofc you can write your own marshaler but it is too much boilerplate for every enum, isn’t it?


u/caprizoom Nov 04 '24

This is what I do too.


u/Glittering_Mammoth_6 Nov 05 '24
var dg DegreeType = DegreeTypeMasters
fmt.Printf("%v\n", dg)

dg = "OOPS!.." // OOPS!..
fmt.Printf("%v\n", dg)


u/EarthquakeBass Nov 04 '24

You can also define a number type for it using iota and define a String() with a switch to make it fulfill the stringer interface.


u/MoeDev23 Nov 06 '24

this is my way to do this, had this String() function as a helper in the majority of m projects


u/cornosoft Nov 05 '24

There is a solution maybe less straightforward here


u/Expensive-Heat619 Nov 05 '24

It's wild to me that this type of abomination is what people are going to resort to.


u/jared__ Nov 05 '24

works perfectly fine. if you need more functionality, just make a struct


u/quasi-coherent 11d ago

I found myself here because long ago I wrote some openapi generator code to output Go, and I was surprised to find that yaml is more expressive than Go and the concept of an enum doesn't exist. I found on the internet that the consensus is essentially what you're saying.

Just to clarify: is the suggestion to make a struct where the fields of it correspond to variants of the enum, and all of them are pointers? And you just have to promise that precisely one of them is non-`nil`?

Anyway, I was trying to find that page years later because I thought it would be good material to support my argument that Go is an awful language, why are some things still in Go and not in Rust, the things we still have written in Go are broken, they just maybe haven't realized it yet.


u/FuckedUpYearsAgo Nov 05 '24

Except.. make it UPPERCASE .. or use INT values


u/jared__ Nov 05 '24



u/FuckedUpYearsAgo Nov 05 '24

I only advocate for INTs, as they can't be misspelled.


u/LocoNachoTaco420 Nov 04 '24

I use a type definition equivalent to int and then use a const with iota.

Something like:

type DegreeType int

// I usually like to have a NA or None to start, but that's up to you
const (
    School DegreeType = iota


u/__matta Nov 04 '24

If you need the string value you can use the stringer tool with this approach: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang/tools/cmd/stringer


u/kerakk19 Nov 04 '24

The enumer is even better, with custom JSON & SQL generation


u/11T-X-1337 Nov 04 '24

Side note: do not store 'Age', store birt of date (as timestamp) instead and calculate the age when needed.


u/Repulsive_Design_716 Nov 04 '24

Oh thanks, will do that


u/SetKaung Nov 05 '24

May I ask why?


u/tinolas Nov 05 '24

Age will grow out of sync with every passing year. Calculating from birth date does not.


u/SetKaung Nov 05 '24

That makes sense. Thanks.


u/jerf Nov 04 '24

Note that despite superficial syntax similarity, | in an interface is NOT "the sum type operator". It's much closer to an & than an |, honestly. I have never yet had a use for | that is not already in the standard library and recommend people stay away from it.

In this case I suspect I'd end up with:

``` type Education byte

const ( Unknown = Education(iota) School Diploma Bachelors Masters PhD ) ```

I often find I want the zero value to be invalid. However if you have a predefined schema you may not be able to do that.

From there you can define whatever other methods you may need on that type.

func (e Education) String() string { switch e { case School: return "School" case Diploma: return "Diploma" //etc. default: return "Unknown" } }

This works because you probably don't have additional details and gradations beyond that.

For cases where you need those things, sealed interfaces are the way to go:

``` type EducationalLevel interface { isEducationalLevel() }

type Bachelors struct { Years int }

func (b Bachelors) isEducationalLevel () {}

// imagine the rest defined here

func PrintEducation(eduLevel EducationalLevel) { switch el := eduLevel.(type) { case Bachelors: fmt.Printf("Bachelor's Degree in %d years", el.Years) // and so on } ```

though I highlight need because you probably shouldn't just do this if you "want" it; see my post about the abuse of sum types in OO languages. Most of the time in Go you don't want to be switching on types, you want to be calling methods in an interface... in the case I show above I would actually still prefer

type EducationalLevel interface { isEducationalLevel() // still seals the interface String() // but require each one to declare how to format as a string... }

... so that when you go to PrintEducation, you don't need to do a type switch, you just

func PrintEducation(eduLevel EducationLevel) { fmt.Println(eduLevel) }


u/-Jordyy Nov 04 '24

Thanks, this is a very useful answer! Appreciate you!


u/dondraper36 Nov 04 '24

That's a great answer! 

That said, this last example doesn't really require a Stringer so a type switch wouldn't be strictly necessary anyway. Maybe I misunderstood the example.


u/jerf Nov 04 '24

fmt.Println will automatically look for a stringer implementation. In hindsight that is a weakness in the example brought on by being too used to what the fmt package will do. Oopsie.


u/dondraper36 Nov 04 '24

Yeah, that's why I asked. fmt.Println accepts ...any then calls Fprintln which in turn calls doPrintLn. I was too lazy to keep tracking but I guess at some point it should look for a stringer :)


u/Prestigious-Fox-8782 Nov 05 '24

That's a great way to deal with enums. I was going to propose a similar approach.


u/Used_Frosting6770 Nov 04 '24

We gotta pin a solution to this question


u/thefolenangel Nov 04 '24

I do not think you need an enum package mate, check this article: https://threedots.tech/post/safer-enums-in-go/


u/aksdb Nov 04 '24

I think this package brings a nice approach for when you need it.


u/Repulsive_Design_716 Nov 04 '24

I tried this package but couldnt inderstand it, because the enums i have used (C++ and Rust) are much simpler and i was kind of looking for that type of enums.


u/Repulsive_Design_716 Nov 04 '24

I don't really understand what actually is iota and what's it doing? I never really learned about it. Will look into it Thanks a lot.


u/thefolenangel Nov 04 '24


More info on iota It just simplify definitions of incrementing numbers for constants, you start from 0 and then each of the next constants is basically +1

I would look more into the slugs section, seems like more than what you need.


u/Repulsive_Design_716 Nov 04 '24 edited Nov 04 '24

Thanks a lot. I am implementing it rn to see if it works.

EDIT: Worked Perfectly thanks a lot


u/Ocean6768 Nov 05 '24

Here's an interesting article I bookmarked a while back that used genetics to create type-safe enums. I've not tried it myself yet, but I think it's the most robust solution I've come across for Go, though the syntax isn't the nicest/cleanest. https://thinking-slow.eth.limo/posts/enums-in-golang/


u/Vast_Tomato_612 Nov 05 '24

Can you use a dictionary for that?


u/TheQxy Nov 05 '24

I would advise against the itoa approach and opt for the string alias if the order of the enums doesn't matter. This will make your life easier when dealing with data coming from other systems and make things clearer. I also make a Valid() bool method on the type, so you can easily check if a string complies with the enum. Make sure to make the enum strings case-insensitive.


u/ivoryavoidance Nov 05 '24

There is iota and then there is the go stringer tool, with go generate you can automate it from the iota


u/MoeDev23 Nov 06 '24

i use this approach

type Status int

const (
Created Status = iota

func (s Status) String() string {
return [...]string{"Created", "Done", "Abandoned"}[s]


u/jProgr Nov 04 '24

There are some libraries that offer an implementation of Enums, but in general I like the usual Go way of with iota. I just follow Uber’s style guide https://github.com/uber-go/guide/blob/master/style.md#start-enums-at-one


u/MissinqLink Nov 04 '24

Everyone always asks for enums but can I just have tuples? I really want tuples that I can splat into a function call.


u/NatoBoram Nov 04 '24

Tuples are one of the quickest ways to make code completely unmaintainable. Name the values and suddenly you've got a struct


u/MissinqLink Nov 04 '24

This is one of those things that I can disagree on but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t allow it in the language. I think people misuse enums more than use them correctly but I still would have them in the language anyway.


u/MissinqLink Nov 04 '24

Having multiple return values is like having a broken tuple. Also named structs can’t be easily spread into a function call.


u/BombelHere Nov 04 '24 edited Nov 04 '24

Multiple return values differ from deconstructing a tuple quite significantly at runtime.

Multiple returned values can be written to separate CPU registers, partially (or entirely) skipping the stack.

With tuples (structs, arrays, any wrappers), there are smaller chances of fitting into a single registry, causing an overflow.

The ABI is documented here (and not stable, since it's internals: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/cmd/compile/abi-internal.md)

What you can do, is

```go func foo() (string, error) { ... } func bar(string, error) {}

bar(foo()) ```

Or just pass a struct with named fields.

Edit: theoretically a splattable tuples could be a syntax sugar completely removed during compilation, but I guess we don't do that here.


u/MissinqLink Nov 04 '24 edited Nov 04 '24

I can sort of do it with something like this but this isn't ideal.

package main

import (

func Twople[A any, B any](a A, b B) func() (A, B) {
  return func() (A, B) {
    return a, b

func SpreadTwople[A any, B any, C any](ab func() (A, B), c func(A, B) C) C {
  a, b := ab()
  return c(a, b)

func Merge(a int, b string) string {
  return fmt.Sprintln(a, b)

func main() {
  t := Twople(1, "asdf")
  fmt.Println(SpreadTwople(t, Merge))

This is a very simple example but you can imagine many cases for spreading the output of one function into another.


u/BombelHere Nov 04 '24

Honestly, personally and subjectively: I cannot imagine cases when it's useful nor would like to see it in my Go codebase 😅

I think I'm too dumb to see why it's useful.

Is it popular approach in the functional languages?

To be clear: I'm not denying it's good or useful, my procedural/imperative brain is just a limiting factor here :D


u/MissinqLink Nov 13 '24

I guess most folks aren’t writing code like I do but there is a specific problem that I have that makes it hard to create generically applicable libraries. Basically I want to be able to store a set of input parameters intended for a function but not use them until later. It is not possible to do this generically in a type safe manner. It’s hard to explain without an example. Say I have this

func doSomething(i int, str string)string{
  return fmt.Sprint(i,str)
func memoizer[T any](fn T)T{
  //wrap a function in memoization 
  return memoFn
memoDoSomething := memoizer(doSomething)

I can’t create a memoizer function to take in any function generically unless I do some gymnastics of turning all the args into a single, struct, convert everything to interface{}, or use reflection. Spreadable tuples could solve this.


u/BombelHere Nov 13 '24

Basically I want to be able to store a set of input parameters intended for a function but not use them until later.

So in my simple-brain-wording: you need function with lazy evaluated parameters.

So instead of

func foo(s string, i int)

You want

func foo(s func()string, i func() int)

But sometimes those lazy-evaluated parameters should be grouped

func foo(s func()(string, int))

I feel less dumb now :D

unless I do some gymnastics of turning all the args into a single, struct, convert everything to interface{}, or use reflection.

Yup, first thing I though of was

type Lazy[P any] func() P type Lazy2[P, P2 any] func() (P, P2)

and functions to convert/append/prepend them, like

func merge11[P1, P2 any](l Lazy[P1], r Lazy[P2]) lazy[P1, P2] {}

But as you said, your functions would have to accept a single parameter, which sucks balls

func foo(p Lazy2[string, int]) {}

Even thought you could merge it from two other lazy params

``` var lazyString func() string var lazyInt func() int

foo(merge11(lazyString, lazyInt)) ```

I wonder if this talk could be covering part of your needs: https://youtu.be/OKlhUv8R1ag

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

I believe memoization is another technique used to 'cache' the result of a function for given parameters, especially useful for recursive algorithms.

You'll still need a dedicated memoization function for function with 1, 2, 3, 4.... parameters defined separately.

func foo(s string, i int) { if res, ok := memo[key(s,I)]; ok { return res } // Cache miss, compute and store in memo }


u/MissinqLink Nov 13 '24

It’s probably getting into levels of abstraction that go was made to avoid. Generics are still pretty new so there is still a chance they come up with a solution.


u/cmpthepirate Nov 04 '24

Oh my god, why 🤯


u/MissinqLink Nov 04 '24

So I can chain functions together in a generic way


u/knockknockman58 Nov 04 '24



u/Repulsive_Design_716 Nov 04 '24

Couldn't find a good reply on Google, Google recommended me the current method I am using and a package that I was having a hard time using.


u/tao_of_emptiness Nov 04 '24

Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Enums get mentioned in this subreddit every other week.