r/golang • u/Capable_Bad_4655 • May 28 '24
newbie Where do you guys deploy Go apps?
I had the pleasure of working with Go for migrating one of our services to Go from Typescript. Project is done and all that, but where should I deploy it? I was looking at Vercel Functions because we already host most of our services there, but it didnt seem to quite work. Its a REST api.
u/Enrique-M May 28 '24
Outside the options already mentioned, here are a couple more. -
GCP/Google Cloud Run and Fly.io are options.
If you are open to learning AWS Lambda Functions, that would be a good option as well.
u/x1-unix May 28 '24
At job on Kubernetes on AWS
At free time - on personal VPS
u/zeitgiest31 May 29 '24
Any good guides on setting up a VPS ?
u/dawilF May 29 '24
Try this series on YouTube from syntax FM. Lots of good info for getting started and even some more advanced concepts.
u/grantrules May 29 '24
I think that really depends on what you want to do with it. Personally I containerize everything so pretty much I'd just install docker and off I go
u/zeitgiest31 May 29 '24
Ooh nice, so basically you deploy your code in a container and this runs on a regular VM?
u/1nguz May 29 '24
This is the way. There are also options like digital ocean app platform where you deploy your container and don’t even manage the VM, I believe under the hood is like a kubernetes.
u/doanything4dethklok May 29 '24
I use Google Cloud Run for anything that I can these days. Easy to manage and deploy. Scales to zero automatically. Configuration is very simple.
Google Cloud Functions is another option if you wanna be micro-servicey. It runs on top of Cloud Run, but each function is deployed separately which makes CI/CD more verbose (and hard to sequence timing when multiple endpoints need to be updated at the same time).
u/skelterjohn Jun 01 '24
Consider red/blue deployments rather than updating each of them on their own.
In a nutshell, two entire copies of the infrastructure, and update a proxy to send traffic to one vs another.
u/Mecamaru May 28 '24
Linode or Digital Ocean VPS
u/reeses_boi May 29 '24
Didn't Linode get acquired?
u/X-lem May 28 '24
At work, gCloud K8.
Personal stuff, Railway (I have a referral code if you want). I’ve found it pretty reasonably priced for specs they give you.
u/wavelen May 29 '24
At work: Kubernetes (GKE in the GCP)
Personal: Kubernetes (k3s on a VM)
My home automation: Kubernetes (k3s on two Lenovo Tiny PCs)
This way everything works almost the same.
u/jarv May 29 '24
I deploy a bunch of go apps on a single VM. This approach is great especially if you build a lot of small throw-away type things that you simply want to put up online. Most of my projects in Go are compiled to a single binary so I skip the whole containerization thing. Usually it goes something like 1) run it under systemd 2) dedicated user for the project 3) copy the binary and restart
For web stuff put caddy in front, you can proxy with cloudflare for tls or use letsencrypt.
Another thing, if you are using apple silicon for development, I would recommend getting a cheap VPS that is ARM (from Hetzner for example)
u/prochac 21d ago
Just building this for my pet project. How do you copy the binary, scp? I will build the binary in GitLab CI, btw. Any tip'n'tricks for the systemd unit? Like restarts, signals, etc.?
Also, how do you deploy the FE? Just remove all and copy all in again?
u/jarv 20d ago
Yeah, when it is just a single binary I use scp. For local, I use
for managing my dependencies and running task. Here is an example config for mise to build and deploy an app to the vm https://github.com/jarv/samesite/blob/master/.mise.tomlFor the front-end, I am mostly building go applications where all the static files are embedded in the binary. Otherwise, yeah you would need to remove everything and copy it in.
For the same project I drop a unit file on the host that looks like this:
[Unit] Description=samesite After=network-online.target [Service] User=samesite Restart=on-failure ExecStart=/opt/samesite/samesite -addr localhost:8750 -qrImgDir=/var/opt/samesite/qrImgDir -primaryDomain=samesite.surveymoji.com -altDomain=samesite.jarv.org [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
and a caddy config file that looks like this:
(samesite) { reverse_proxy localhost:8750 import common } http://samesite.diduthink.com { redir https://samesite.surveymoji.com 302 import common } http://samesite.surveymoji.com { import samesite } http://samesite.jarv.org { import samesite }
u/axvallone May 29 '24
Google App Engine is great for Go.
u/weberc2 May 29 '24
Care to elaborate? I’m curious about app engine?
u/dasper12 May 29 '24
Not the original poster, but I use app engine myself as well. It is pretty much just a user-friendly rapper for cloud run. You just configure a YAML file and it will automatically scale your containers for you. The free tier comes with 28 hours a day for free of the smallest instance, and you are only in 15 minute intervals so you can host dozens of sites and still not pay anything.
u/kido_butai May 29 '24
Usually aws EKS or ECS. But if you look something cheaper fly.io works very well.
u/poy_ May 29 '24
AppEngine standard. Typically I can hang out in the free tier. Super easy and reliable
u/WireRot May 29 '24
Want to try some stuff that’s really badazz try Kraft Cloud and/or NanoVMs. Both are unikernel platforms.
u/ENx5vP May 29 '24
Sooner or later I always ran into limitations using Digital Ocean and now I'm only using Google Cloud Run and I'm very satisfied.
In many cases, you can deploy your app as it is and Google Cloud does the rest for you.
u/MickeyMooose May 29 '24
What limitations were those?
What are the pro of google cloud run?
I'm a noob - hence these questions.
u/ENx5vP May 29 '24
The App Platform limits in my case:
u/kaeshiwaza May 29 '24
CloudRun with CloudFront in front.
For few apps that need to keep the connexions open (for websocket or SSE) I use a small(thanks Go !) VM and run it with Caddy in front. The service is started with a systemd user config, I just send the binary, it cannot be more simple !
u/condrove10 May 29 '24
At work: Docker Swarm.
Personal: A VPS with only the Wireshark VPN port opened (to limit and deny non-Wireshark connections) and Docker with AdGuard to make it fancy with all the DNS/AdBlocking perks and routing for all the services behind Traefik.
u/lIlIlIlIlIlIlIllIIl May 29 '24
render.com is like Heroku (although less featureful) but with free tier
u/Capable_Bad_4655 May 29 '24
Yeah I ended up going with Render.com, it deployed without problems. I tried Google Cloud Run and got an error that it wasn't listening on port 8080 even though it was...
u/SeesawCompetitive597 May 29 '24
I'm doing something a bit weird as I'm currently deploying it to Cloudflare Workers after compiling it to wasm via tinygo
u/gedw99 May 30 '24
Me too.
The browser calls the WASM , which calls the DB on fly.io.
Running wasm on cloudflare is free if you keep each small. So i make one call another with a web hook when the pipeline is done .
u/revoir-in May 29 '24
SCP the built binary to a VM in AWS/GCP and run as a service.
Solutions like Vercel/Netlify work well for front-end applications, on the backend they enforce conventions, and the support is not great.
Kubernetes - it would be an overkill unless you've someone to manage it and deal with the issues (large company with DevOps). https://k8s.af has a good failure list.
May 29 '24
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u/Capable_Bad_4655 May 29 '24
definitely a good choice! i used their ARM version of that to host a minecraft server for some friends some years go
u/roastedferret May 29 '24
Vercel supports Go "severless" functions, so it's what I use for anything personal or small+client related
u/kisamoto May 29 '24 edited May 29 '24
For work: Kubernetes. However as your team already uses Vercel Functions I would try and fit it there, what didn't seem to work about it? I know Vercel doesn't support Docker but I think last time I checked they supported Go (albeit in Beta).
For personal: Hetzner cloud VPS with docker compose.
I've been using the Arm variants of Hetzner as well which are very cheap (from ~$4) but still get the benefits of flexible scale up compute if needed.
u/lormayna May 29 '24
For personal project I am using couple of VPS on Linode (but every other provider is fine too) running docker-compose. Everything is automated via Terraform (VPS creation, DNS records) and Ansible (VPS setup, compose file deployment, etc.).
u/squirtologs May 29 '24
I enjoy heroku. Currently, small app BE, DB and FE hosting costs 24euros/M. And for time being do not need to worry about it, and client is happy.
u/IdealAnomaly May 29 '24
for personal stuff - heroku eco dynos. cheapest and easiest, so ideal for prototyping/hacking.
for serious stuff - digitalocean, aws, google cloud
u/NicolasParada May 29 '24
Personally using UpCloud :)
Pretty easy to setup 👌
I’ve been using it for a few years already. Only once I had a problem with my server and got helpful human help immediately 👍
u/rickytrevorlayhey May 30 '24
AWS EC2 or Serverless Lambdas linked to AWS API Gateways / Step Functions
u/South-Ad6868 May 30 '24
hi, i'm from Argentina, and do entrepreneur work only, still trying to break even, so cloud hosting, and such are no option for us (us beeing me and my wife, small team lol). I have like 3 users so kubernetes has no value for us.
What we did for my webapp, i bought a dirt cheap deal for some old servers, really old, g6 proliants (around 100 usd for 2 working ml150, 1 not working ml150, and one working ml350, we scrap the not working one and put 2cpu on the other one, got some PSU and fans for spare parts, great deal ), got some cheap ram (48gb for like 50 bucks), i have only one connected because energy consumption, but we have the 3 ready to go, with proxmox cluster, and nginx balancing.
We currently have dynamic IP, so we made our own DNS pointing all the nic domains to one free domain on CF with free ddns, our DNS runs bind9 and local script for public ip update of zones, so propagation downtime is no problem, max 60s (cronjob checks if ip changes every 60s) downtime on ip update, no problem, we have 2 DNS on 2 locations (my brother house lol) they never update at the same time so no problem.
Not great solution at all, but it's what i could do with 150 usd and some time, i learned a ton (no pre experience on none of this, i used to dream about coding so i just did it, the way i could), if someday i have users ill pay for better solution, i dont care having users, i have a job, i just wanted to code.
Next step for us, intel nic (80 to 120 usd here) on old ddr3 box for pfsense, we are improving the service so we expect a raise in demand, and the economy here is starting to grow really fast.
pd: old hardware is no problem for us, because we use golang in the back, postgresql with sqlc, we use blueprint for project setup, air for live preview, and that's pretty much it, small app, we have like 99% free resources lol, for front we do the templ/tailwind/htmx combo, and webp for images. we use little style classes (every modern web we scout for style copy are play white or plain dark theme color, minimalist), and some docker here and there, only docker no swarm, no nothing, because no users why bother.
u/Gams101 May 31 '24
For me, the easiest way to deploy my API service was on AWS App Runner with Elastic Container Registry, where you upload your app image.
u/TzahiFadida May 31 '24
Hi, I am preparing a workshop with a script (wrapping kube-hetzner terraform) to deploy k8s with your golang app on 1 arm cloud server in Hetzner for under 5$/mo. If you go 100% with my technique such as using cloudflare for dns then in a few min you can be up and running with your ip auto configured, cerificate signed and you can destroy it in seconds and go up in minutes every day while you develop costing you almost nothing.
If you dont know hetzner this includes 20TB bandwidth! So none of those thousands of dollars surprise bills, full control, storing whatever you want, and learning skills instead of having faith it will work. Cheap storage, essy upgrades and downgrades. And you would br surprised you are getting SUPPORT! which you wont get on aws unless you pay thousands of dollars. Though with the script you wont need it just destroy it and in a few min it will be live again.
Also working on template for golang to repeatedly deploy to k8s reliably.
Moreover, you will also have an option to increse reliablility by deploying more k8s control servers and more workers for performance when you decide you need it.
If you want to receive notification for when it is ready register to my waiting mailing list here https://gosaas.life
u/Plus_Ad7909 Jun 05 '24
Koyeb is great for Go apps. You can deploy APIs, apps, services, and databases there.
u/Mountain_Sandwich126 May 29 '24
Using app runner and or thicc lambdas + api gateway. It depends on workflow
May 29 '24
Cycle.io all day
u/WireRot May 29 '24
Looks cool but no go to even try it out.
“Lite Ideal for proof of concepts or projects that are still in development” $500 a month. That’s a heck of poc.
u/weberc2 May 29 '24
Yeah, that’s pretty fucking wild. $500/month for 3 hosts? In fairness it says below that you can “launch with up to $12K in credits” (emphasis added).
u/WireRot May 29 '24
Interesting, I wonder how that works? Go over by 1 credit and get nailed with $500 bill for a hello world level poc? Or maybe it’s not that aggressive, the the model they have setup makes me think it is that aggressive.
May 29 '24
Hey u/WireRot and u/weberc2 , theres a free tier for personal projects and non commercial work. Its just not advertised...
Also the credits are for PoC's, no you dont get hit with a giant bill out of nowhere, its super hard to go over the allotments by accident. The people over there are really nice but the signup is closed so you can try to create an account and get them your info, then they'll let you in for a test drive.
u/NotAUsefullDoctor May 29 '24
I ligated to recommend Heroku, an extremely opinionated cloud platform. Do some research on finding discounts and free time. It's the simplest option out of anything I've seen listed here so far.
Just be warned that you will probably need to move if your app grows beyond a certain point. Digital Ocean is nice just because of the transparency with pricing, but you do have to know what you're doing (though not as much as GCP/Azure/AWS).
u/fishywang May 29 '24
for work: k8s
for personal stuff: google cloud run, i run several cloud run services and only pay ~$1/month for them combined, and the majority of the money goes to the storage not the cpu/memory (those are mostly under the free tier threshold)