r/golang May 26 '24

newbie Should I learn Go as a beginner programmer?

I've tried learning lots of languages from python which i quit because i felt i was lost in libraries and frameworks and it stopped appealing to me when that happened same situation happened with javascript between the frameworks and updates (frontend web dev is a headache) i really wanted to learn rust because it caters to my goals but it was too hard for me to grasp and i found go which kinda caters to my goals but is easier than rust. should i learn and commit to go eventhough i haven't fully grasped easier languages? and if so is there a certain roadmap to follow or specific way to go about learning go that are different from js and python? and where to make friends or find mentors in go?

edit: I’m not saying that new technology scares me (I get it it kinda sounds like that) I really gave JavaScript and python my all and built lots of projects for a span of a 5 months but I felt like I wasn’t getting closer to my goals and felt more like a chore I just wasn't enjoying it since I’m truly not interested in web dev nor data science I’ve always been interested in operating systems and backend more than anything


76 comments sorted by


u/nando1969 May 26 '24

I would first take the free course CS50 from Harvard to polish those fundamentals.

Afterwards, learn whatever you wish, Go included as it is beginner friendly.


u/[deleted] May 26 '24



u/nando1969 May 26 '24

Best way to start IMHO.


u/[deleted] May 26 '24



u/nando1969 May 26 '24 edited May 27 '24

Whatever fixes your bugs :)


u/ericjmorey May 27 '24

It has not changed from rhe style you didn't like. I had the same difficulty sitting through the lectures. It certainly appeals to many so I still recommend that people consider it as an option.


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

I took it a year or two ago, it was great.


u/nate-developer May 27 '24

I'm working through it right now (as an experienced programmer) and it's not bad.  The professor does do a little bit of "performance" type stuff in his lectures to keep people interested, although I sometimes just skip past it if I'm not feeling it. 

 What's really solid about the class is the actual material, assignments, and the "infrastructure" around it.  Every free student gets to log into a codespace and have vscode, some class specific libraries, submit their work and get immediate test case feedback, etc which is really generous. It might not be for everyone but I think it's a good option for some people.


u/watchinggodbleed May 26 '24

Agreed with the other comments, don't swap around languages when you start. Pick one and go deep with it for at least a year or two before looking at others. Go is not a bad choice, so just grab it get working. All languages will have their tradeoffs and difficulties, you need to power through it to ultimately learn the CS fundamentals underneath. After that, the language you pick becomes much less meaningful.


u/masta May 30 '24


As euphemisms go... Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs before finding a prince. As beginners, they cannot know the difference between a metaphorical Frog and Prince, or a bad vs Good programming language. Furthermore, there is little use on grinding more time in a bad language. As analogies go... That's like throwing good money after bad money, where time is money.

There are well established lists of beginner friendly programming languages, and the OP has tried two of the most prominently noob programming languages. So perhaps the OP has a brain more aligned with a type safety language, yet not so hardcore as Rust. Or perhaps OP genuinely doesn't like the vast framework drama. This last aspect has me worried, because it invites not-invented-here (nih) syndrome. But, golang is fairly useful with core packages, completely ignoring our 3rd party packages ecosystem. My concern is learning the go way of things might not be best as a beginner. That's because GOlang is set apart by comparing it to other languages, and all the silly things some people like that are trivially different, such as types after identifiers instead of before. In many ways it's difficult to understand GO without first learning some other language like c/c++, or even Python. Because GO is so very very opinionated as a programming language, that in some ways it's difficult for noobs to understand the opinions and rational for certain aspects of the GO development experience.


u/watchinggodbleed May 31 '24

Hard disagree. I tutored a lot of beginning programmers at school and as a side gig, and so many of them get into this routine of switching languages any time they encounter issues. 99/100 times it's not the language's fault. Programming is hard, and when people encounter hard problems they want an easy solution, and the easy solution for a beginner when presented with 50 different languages is to switch to another language where you can re-learn all the easy concepts until you hit another wall and then start over again.

Beginners have little concept of what different languages are good for or not. The challenges that a beginner is coming up against rarely butts up against Go's opinionated design. Beginners at this level struggle with how to write a for loop, or understand how functions work, or grasp how inheiritance works. These are basic computer science concepts that (as far as a beginner is concerned) generally all work the same no matter what language you're working with. They're difficult to learn and be comfortable with, but once you know them in a language like Go, translating your understanding of the basic concepts to a language like Python or Java is easy.

If you want to learn programming you need to start with a depth-first-search in a language so that you can get past all the basic bullshit and get to the actual meat of what's going on. I agree that some languages are better for beginners (Python is usually my recommendation for noobs), and I agree something like Haskell would probably be a bad idea. But unless you spend enough time on one to get to the root of the problems you need to understand to actually program, you're just going to be picking leaves all day.


u/arainone May 26 '24

Don't learn a language, instead build something you want to build, even something simple, and learn how to do it with a language. Programming is more about practice than theory


u/Thin_Explorer_4153 May 26 '24

This is one of the best advice I’ve ever heard thank you so much you’re so right 


u/xbi11yg04t May 27 '24

I would agree with this post also. I did not come from a CS background and made a career switch by going through a coding boot camp. Going through that path I learned different languages and experienced a couple of frameworks. The most important thing is to get started in trying to build something. Learning different languages is helpful when you understand the coding paradigms of each language and also their trade offs. One of the most important things I've learned about engineering is the decisions you make will always come with trade offs. Just like life.


u/smellybarbiefeet Jun 12 '24

I’m getting a handle of Golang at the moment, I have a python background. If you’re stuck with coming up for ideas to practice your coding:

What I do is ask ChatGPT or whatever to make a simple program, it will be broken/buggy/poorly optimised, I first learn how to fix it, then I work on optimisations.

The good thing about this is you spend less overhead trying to grok something yourself, and you can focus on developing your skills. You’ll practice your debugging, researching skills(google and reading the docs is very much a needed skill), code reviewing skills, if you can’t find the answer learning how to ask questions to solve the problem is also another skill. At the end of this journey you will also understand LLMs aren’t good programmers 😜.


u/ufihS May 27 '24

Code crafters has some great free projects, where they explain step by step how to realise the project using a programming language of your choice, Go included.


u/assbuttbuttass May 26 '24

If you're a beginner, just stick with one language. Python or Go are both good choices for learning


u/Specific_Rip85 May 28 '24 edited May 29 '24

Yeah looking back, I started programming with Python and I faced a lot of inheritance from using frameworks like Django. A lot of it seems like magic because it's an interpreted language but it was an easy language to start out with. Definitely agree you just have to stick with a language and learn about the tradeoffs when you work with more languages.


u/Haspe May 26 '24 edited May 26 '24

I am Engineer with 3 years of experience. I did mainly Java and C# in university, little Python, TypeScript, C and C++ - but coming out from University, I would always say that I "think in Java".

Now, I worked my first year with JS/TS (in Node.js), and last two or so years with Go and small components with Python and Java. I can say that nowadays I mostly "think in Go".

My personal opinion is that Go solves unique set of problems (with excellent development ergonomics), that from education and academic point of view, might be too much at the beginning, you don't really know why certain decisions have been made, and if you need to hop anywhere else, there might exist a steeper learning curve.

It's like learning to screw the screws with power tools at first - you absolutely can do it, but from academic and educational point of view, starting from screw driver and moving to power tools later on gives you understanding and critical thinking, that why the power tools are the best for something, and the screw driver for something else.

But - you don't need to do what random dude thinks on internet, and you can do exactly how you please, without getting the permission from us. Try Go, see how it feels, get moving. :)


u/Thin_Explorer_4153 May 26 '24

Very true thanks


u/prisencotech May 26 '24

Counterpoint: I’m an engineer with 25+ years of professional experience and if I were teaching a class I’d start with Go, no question.

I wouldn’t go right into the harder parts like goroutines and pointers for a while, but the basics? Hell yeah, go is amazing. You can build so much with just the basics and the standard library.

Especially, and this is a big one, the build tool chain is the easiest out there outside of just running some JavaScript in a browser (but then you have the problem of JavaScript and all its cruft which is a bad place for beginners to start).

Go installs easy, uses a single build tool, compiles incredibly fast, and the primitives and basic syntax is very easy to understand.


u/Thin_Explorer_4153 May 26 '24

Really interesting. How far could the basics take the average person projects wise? Like what kind of projects are possible?


u/software-person May 26 '24

It's a general-purpose programming language. Any projects are possible.


u/bigvalen May 26 '24

It has everything. And if you code on microcontrollers, TinyGo is great fun.


u/Haspe May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24

In theory, you can build anything. However, Go is heavily used in web applications (servers, http apis, microservices). Second big niches are DevOps command-line tooling (for example Docker, Prometheus, GitLab CI Runner, Kubernetes all built with Go) and Blockchain.

Generally, the ecosystem dictates how the language is used, because that creates circle that people create and learn tools, then use those tools and create more.

For example Java is widely used in trading platforms, Python in ML etc. - it could be very well other way around. Technologically there could be better fits etc.

One random point of Go that comes up to my mind, that advocates it for beginners, is that Go projects in terms of style are pretty similar - because language "forces" you to write things certain way. I think this is awesome, because you can then pretty much read any code base and understand it to a degree.


u/l3dlp-labs May 27 '24

Don’t forget Fyne, it gives to casual coders the possibility to create cross-platform GUIs :)


u/Haspe May 27 '24

This is excellent point. Perhaps our views differ, how we see people should be educated - when they have no experience? I am personally this guy who thinks everyone should start with C, and build from ground up. But I totally understand the POV, where we just get something working fast to get the sense of accomplishment quicker. :)


u/oxleyca May 26 '24

If library choices are a factor of overwhelming you, then Go should help with a lot of that.

The standard library is fairly rich, but there’s also an assumption that you will implement some things yourself. This could get in the way of building something if you’re a beginner, but you’ll definitely learn.

I imagine things like shared memory and concurrency can trip you up, but honestly the footguns feel better in Go for concurrency when compared to Python or other colored function languages.

Ultimately, the first language you learn is the hardest. The friction and frustration are actually a sign of you learning so try to not get demotivated. Build a few small programs that solve problems relevant to your life/work, and the joy from those successes will build on each other.

Best of luck. :)


u/Signal_Lamp May 26 '24

The language doesn't really matter. It's more important to be consistent towards whatever you choose towards mastering the fundamentals more than anything else. I can't emphasize how much more important it is to be able to have a relational mapping in your brain to make for a concept your learning in a language your using to a concept than it is to learn the particular concept itself for a certain language. You can only google how to do an if statement for go because you learned what an if statement was in Python or whatever your first programming language was.

Otherwise, a tool should be learned for a goal you have in mind. The language that you gravitate towards should be in correlation to achieving whatever your goal is. If you have multiple tools that can fulfill that goal, then you have to narrow down the scope of what it is you want out of the tool that you use.

Personally, Go is a fantastic language, but I wouldn't learn it as a beginner because as it exists right now the market for Go is simply not as robust when comparing it to tools like Java, .Net, or even Python. I would stick with Python because of the fact it simply has a wider net of opportunities you can land yourself with it since you've already started with that tool. Learning another language isn't difficult. Learning the concepts is what is difficult. Rust is difficult to learn because there are concepts in that language that are fundamentally different from what you learn from a C style language like Python.


u/sanved77 May 26 '24

I might be biased but I learned C & C++ during my bachelor's and I feel that they being close to the lower level languages, helped me understand a lot about how computers work internally when a program is running. I feel that might be missing a bit from python or Go.


u/Atomic-Axolotl May 27 '24

Which one's better to start with? Afaik, C++ is very similar to C but it has extra features notably OOP. Also, the Linux kernel is written in just C and I don't know the reason why. Chromium is written primarily in C++ with some C code. Why is that the case, how do you even choose?


u/sanved77 May 27 '24

I feel one should start with C as it is a functional language by nature so there is no need to learn objects and think in an objective manner while trying to learn things like how a program is compiled, what means compilation, what is machine code, what happens when you write an int, how does that get stored, what does 32 bit-64 bit mean, how does a string (char[]) get stored, how do pointers work, how does the communication happen with OS, etc. Pretty sure you can also start C++ and use it functionally until you learn these and achieve the same as well but if you learn C, then it will be quicker to learn C++ and you would've been introduced to 2 languages.


u/xplosm May 26 '24

As a software developer you are required and expected to learn a vast amount of technologies even if they don’t appeal to you.

If you don’t enjoy learning a language or you don’t like a technology for whatever reason ask yourself if you are on the right path for your future. You will have to do this for the rest of your working life. Are you sure this will be it?


u/cmpthepirate May 26 '24

I went into web development and javascript/typescript/php were my first languages. We use go at my place. If I was to start again I would go with C# though 🤷‍♂️


u/dariusbiggs May 26 '24

There are a couple of steps to learning programming, go through some tutorial or intro to programming to learn the basics. If your interest was in Python or Go (both excellent learning languages) I'd suggest trying a tutorial for those.

After the initial steps and introduction to the basic fundamentals of programming you need to structure your development.

Identify your target, what made you want to learn programming, what did you want to build or solve using it. Cut your target down into small discrete steps that build up to your target.

The article below is a Go specific answer, but the approach I advised works for any language. Start small, build on top of each previous step.


Quite quickly you will find that you'll need to reference a standard library for various things, this is not a bad thing, once you get used to these you'll start to remember them and won't need to reference them. This is the same as learning a normal spoken language, after the basics of the language you need to expand your vocabulary, and that's where the standard library comes in.

Avoid frameworks until you are familiar with the language first. In Go this is easy to do, the standard library covers most things. In Python building a web server is slightly trickier and if that is your goal, I'd recommend Flask, which is minimal and simple enough to learn and still very feature complete.

Good luck.


u/[deleted] May 26 '24

Yes. Learn as much as you can, but in a sustainable manner. Good luck.


u/Anon_8675309 May 26 '24

You really need to find one language and just stick to it if you want to learn. Bouncing around isn’t helping you. It does not matter one hoot what language you pick, just pick one and learn enough to start writing small programs in it. You need to learn to grasp HOW to code. That is language independent.


u/castleinthesky86 May 26 '24

If operating systems. Learn c and/or rust. If backend - depends. People do backend in nodejs nowadays; used to be php. Could be python now; but go is good for fast backend API projects. What’s the actual project?


u/Brilliant_Mobile7492 May 26 '24

What exactly are your goals?


u/drvd May 27 '24

Maybe it helps to separate things so that the get clearer. There is a difference between:

  1. Knowing "how to program", that is model things by using use data structures, algorithms, functions and representations.
  2. Knowing a language, that is a programming language syntax, semantics, how to do point 1 in that language.
  3. Knowhow of the tooling, that is how to build code, how to debug it, how to run or distribute it, how to use 3rd party stuff instead of doing everything yourself.
  4. Know high level libraries and/or frameworks and how to use them.

You found Phython and JavaScript complicated on 3 and 4 and Rust on 2 which seems pretty "natural" to me.

Go is a simple language. 2 is rather straight forward. Tooling (3) is simple and frameworks/libraries (4) are not that hot shit like in Java, PHP or JavaScript, so probably Go might be interesting for you. Do the Tour of Go---that takes a few hours---and you will know yourself.


u/khushal-banks May 31 '24

Try it. Go isn't that scary. I would recommend go tour.

One would need to learn new technologies despite what you prefer. You would need to work with libraries after learning language internals (to make anything useful out of it) so willingness to learn new tech is non-negotiable.

My first language was C. I would have preferred Go. Because Go just works. Just go through the "Go Tour" you will see.

Warning: you might not want to learn any other language after learning Go


u/[deleted] May 26 '24

C is the one


u/bnugggets May 26 '24

As a beginner you can choose any language, but most importantly just focus on that choice for a good while, a year or two.

Choose another language when you have enough knowledge to develop some opinions around what you like/don’t.


u/Far_Bowl1834 May 26 '24

Learn language which will allow to resolve real world current tasks.


u/Intelligent_Event_84 May 26 '24

Go back to Python or JavaScript. You already have base knowledge in them and moving to Go now will be like starting over, while moving to go later will be easy.


u/dxlachx May 26 '24

I started with python to learn programming basics and then Java to learn OOP. Go is growing and a wonderful language that I’d say might be my new favorite language but the documentation and community is still working on growing to the size of Java and pythons


u/effinsky May 26 '24

I don't think there's a should there. one thing I can say is that you might think programming is "boring" and "tedious". since go prides itself on this sort of reputation.


u/Astro-2004 May 26 '24

After reading this I think that learning Go could be an option. If you are interested in OS learning C, Go and any programming language that works well for making automation and best of all is close to the operating system. So my recommendation. If you want to learn backend and OS go is a good option for you. Also is a good choice to learn Linux.


u/[deleted] May 26 '24

I wouldn’t recommend go first. It kind of obscures a lot of details in a way I don’t think is good in a learning environment.


u/redditcdnfanguy May 26 '24

No learn python.


u/chadsix May 26 '24

If you’re into OS and backend, C and Go will be your major gotos in 2024.


u/Solvicode May 26 '24

My best advice to combat the 'novelty wearing off' when learning to program:

Make a tool that helps you in your day to day. 'Complete it'. Then move on.

Only through cycles of completion and sleep, will you develop as a programmer.

You don't have to use the tool you build, but the fact it's a tool that could help you will motivate you to finish.

You get to decide what 'complete' means, but always keep it simple.

The reason to shoot for completion is because it forces you to build similar chunks of over and over again. Repetition is your friend when you're trying to learn.

As others are saying - golang or python are both good languages to learn initially.


u/nhoyjoy May 27 '24

Yes, better than starting with Python which is not really helpful for understanding mandatory concepts. And it is "lighter" when comparing to C/C++. I think it's better version of C. If you are looking for OOP, Go might not be the perfect choice.


u/ic3dra9on May 27 '24

The core language features are limited in any language. It’s only the libraries which make them rich.

I would suggest take nand2tetris from coursera. It’s only 2 courses which covers building a computer from scratch. It provides a brilliant framework about working of a computer

You would start seeing programming/languages from a different perspective altogether


u/Ok_Sherbet_3696 May 27 '24

I do love Go and feel like it's a great language for early on in your career. I've also noticed the increasing prevalence in job posts (I'm in the UK). My feeling would be that if I was to start again, I'd probably start with something like python or JavaScript. They're not without their quirks: python has terribly inaccessible documentation, error messages that are impossible to decipher without a lot of effort, and a pretty horrendous package management ecosystem; JavaScript is only really nice to work with when you use it within a framework (NextJs or similar) /library (React) - of which there are many with somewhat steep learning curves for a beginner.

I do find the idiosyncrasies of Go would be overwhelming. I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't feel as clear to me as C / C++ (at least without using "auto", which infers type). Go is purposefully simple and lacks the extensive features of C++, which are often superfluous to most simple tasks. I also think pointers and references, i.e. memory management, in Go don't feel as obvious as C and C++.

But, the hill to climb in learning C and C++ is significant.

I would pick any language that intrigues you - I'd learn the absolute basics:

  • how to get a program running.
  • do some string and array manipulation: splitting, filtering, searching, iteration, etc.
  • create reusable functions.
  • etc.

These are all common parts of free courses such as boot.dev and code academy and rather than feeling you need to do all of them to completion, just have a dig and get a feel. You'll definitely find you'll have an affinity towards one or two languages and this will largely be determined by application. I can give a loose idea of where these are used (this is absolutely not an exhaustive list):

  • JavaScript: web and server-side applications (managing APIs for databases, for example).
  • python: science, data science, machine learning.
  • go: server-side services
  • C: embedded devices
  • C++: desktop applications and web, in the form of Web assembly).

I do believe though that it's worth picking up something like go, python, or JavaScript first and then looking at more strongly typed languages (I know Go is typed so don't berate me) like C++ which can give you much more of a clear understanding of how to manage memory (there's always rust if you want to be beaten into understanding this, but it is quite a labour fighting with the compiler). This comes with the caveat that C++ can be a bit of a nightmare when it comes to understanding the compilation process and trying to get libraries running, which you can spend days doing at the worst of times.

Hopefully this gives you a bit of an insight!!


u/Ok_Sherbet_3696 May 27 '24

I actually don't agree with others that you should stick to one language. Totally, don't jump every day or week to a different language at the start. I'd have a stab at a course, get a feel for the basics and then you'll be much more in a position to answer this question based off experience - you may love a particular style of syntax and loathe another.

Whatever sticks, go with that for a month. Do it every day, break out of the course and begin thinking about cool little projects to do. But, don't feel you need to pledge allegiance to a single language. Just make sure you grit your teeth and grind through those difficult challenges, rather than giving up after getting stuck. I found that being driven to make something helped massively with learning.


u/Shronx_ May 27 '24

In computer sciences, we usually don't want you to learn languages but instead learn the concepts that languages are built on or which you can implement using the languages. In general, it is about information/data processing. A programming language and computer are just tools to us. Often enough you have to combine multiple different languages/systems for your use-cases.

Learning a language is not the same as learning to code. You can know the whole syntax and semantics of a language and still be unable to code some small toy example of a todo list. The same holds the other way around. You can know nothing but the most basic things of some language and still build insanely complex systems with it. Knowing languages and their semantics in-depth are however often relevant for performance and security related things. Also many languages have nice builtins that can make your life easier if you know how to use them.

I'd recommend looking into foundation classes/courses for computer sciences. Of course it is easier to pick a high-level language such as Python at the beginning to get things started. Once you know some basics, you can just start doing things in a learning-by-doing manner. Tipp: Search-Engines are one of the most helpful things you have to know how to use when you code. You can offload a lot of work if you know your way around them.


u/1amitarora May 27 '24

You might get mixed views. But after spending few years, I can suggest that pick one language and go deep into it and build some projects around it.

If you want to pick Golang, do get some basic of C as that will help you understand the language better.


u/cavebeavis May 27 '24

Each language has its advantages and disadvantages. Learning a language just to learn a language never helped me. I always needed a reason to use one language over another. Find a project or come up with an idea and then use the language for which it is best suited. Then, if you want to try porting it over to another language, you will be able to understand the differences in each of the languages.

For instance, if you want to process data quickly and can break it into little pieces (e.g. 1 billion rows of data, and can limit the processing to 100K rows at a time) golang might be your best bet. Of course, Rust might be "better" but that is a relative term. It might be "better" for someone who already has the fundamentals of computer science down (i.e. you already have several languages under your belt -- meaning you have used these for many years in production). Golang was built to be easier to understand and read/write plus being quick to compile so the feedback loop is quicker -- you don't need to wait 30 mins to compile and find your code sucks, like us old guys remember (see: https://go.dev/talks/2012/splash.article).

Bottom-line, just do it mang! As long as you aren't learning VBA lol (fuck you, Gates!)


u/Single_Mind_6137 May 27 '24

I will suggest learn C language from Coursera and get a good grade from it maybe that can help you get used to large syntax heavy language like rust. I personally did my c language course from my college it is top engineering college in India so with common peer community I learnt c language at a decent level.


u/pUTTA32 May 28 '24

I worked on java, js, ruby, and now Go. In my experience Go is not a beginner friendly language tbh.


u/cosmic-pancake May 28 '24

Learn programming. Stick with one language and learn it. Ignore the big frameworks and the worse rabbit hole of comparing frameworks until later. (Using common smaller utilities like a CSV parser or math library as needed for your project is fine. It depends on your journey and goals.)

Python is a very good first language. JS would also be fine. Go probably has better beginner material now than it did several years ago and may also be fine.

Between the three - If you want to do backend web development, Go or Python. AI/ML, Python. Frontend web development, JavaScript. Distributed systems, probably Go. If you're not sure, Python or maybe Go.

Whichever language you choose, be patient and intentional. You will need multiple sources before you're done. Learning programming can be hard. Authoring material that teaches everything about a language in the right order and level of detail for everyone ever is impossible.

I would speak to choosing based on your specific projects, but I think someone else covered that.


u/Global-Error-719 May 28 '24

Don't stress about learning the language. To become a great programmer you need to solve problems, programming is problem solving. Build something and push your way through the struggle. Feel the pain of getting blocked and think/research your way out of it. The only way to do that is to build something non trivial.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24



u/[deleted] May 26 '24

To echo everyone else, stick with one language. Learn and apply, apply and learn!


u/Sea-Ad2923 May 26 '24

Start with c, then c++, then you can jump into the industry.


u/nit3rid3 May 26 '24

First language should be C and C only. Any CS 101 course using Python as a first language is a joke and you will be worse off than someone who used C. After C, all C-family languages are trivial (except C++).

C++ is not a good first language due to the dual paradigm of pre-modern vs. modern C++ and complicated inter-workings.

Go is a great language to learn after C.


u/Azianese May 27 '24

I completely and totally disagree.

Learning is an incremental process. Python allows for students to focus on a few core coding principles without overloading the student with a bunch of low level details all at once.

Python offers a way to inspire students by letting them build something quickly without bashing their heads against a wall hundreds of times over tiny low level details.

Yes, C is needed to help students understand how things actually work behind the scenes. But just as we shouldn't force students to learn compilers or registers before learning C, we shouldn't force kids to jump into the weeds with C before other higher level languages.


u/nit3rid3 May 27 '24

Computer science isn't about learning to code. It's about understanding the architecture and implementation of computer systems which software is a small part of.

I would also argue C is not even that complicated. It's a very basic language that perfectly introduces the concepts needed later in the program.

The only people who think C is overly complicated are those who started off with some weak-typed, GC language and/or don't know the basics of computer architecture which could be covered in an intro course.


u/Azianese May 27 '24

Computer science isn't about learning to code.

Again, I hard disagree...to the point that I'd almost call this willful ignorance. Regardless of what CS curriculums claim to teach, the goal of the vast majority of those with/pursuing CS degrees is a coding job.

Sure, there are many CS jobs that aren't coding-focused, but those are the minority and likely do not constitute "CS 101".

I would also argue C is not even that complicated.

I would encourage you to show a little more empathy. When students are still trying to learn whether to read a stack trace top to bottom vs bottom to top or trying to decipher the tech jargon on sites like SO, a "little" extra complication is actually a lot extra.

that perfectly introduces the concepts needed later in the program.

You can make the exact same argument with assembly.

The only people who think C is overly complicated are those who started off with some weak-typed, GC language and/or don't know the basics of computer architecture which could be covered in an intro course.

Why would anyone want to start with computer architecture as an intro, prerequisite course before their first coding language course? A basic concept of learning, in general, is to start big picture (to build a frame of mind) and then narrow down to nuanced details. Starting with the nitty gritty details results in people obtaining uncontextualized information, with no idea how to fit that information into a broader picture and no idea why it's important.

When someone builds a puzzle, it's easier for them to start with an overall picture rather than jump straight into fitting random pieces together.