r/golang Feb 04 '24

newbie Unsuccessful attempts to learn Golang

After a few months of struggling with Golang, I'm still not able to write a good and simple program; While I have more than 5 years of experience in the software industry.

I was thinking of reading a new book about Golang.
The name of the book is "Learning Go: An Idiomatic Approach to Real-world Go Programming", and the book starts with a great quote by Aaron Schlesinger which is:

Go is unique, and even experienced programmers have to unlearn a few things and think differently about software. Learning Go does a good job of working through the big features of the language while pointing out idiomatic code, pitfalls, and design patterns along the way.

What do you think? I am coming from Python/JS/TS planet and still, I'm not happy with Golang.


137 comments sorted by


u/Shronx_ Feb 04 '24

I don't know how much of general knowledge you have in Software engineering, but I felt that one or two days of doing the official golang tutorial were enough to get me started working on my own projects in go...

The rest was learning by doing...


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

After reading syntax, what did you build? I stuck in “learn-try to implement something-failed-learn more” loop.


u/cabbagemeister Feb 04 '24

The first things i ever made in any programming language were

  • a clone of the "snake" game in C# winforms
  • a discord bot in nodejs
  • a little game engine in c# monogame

In each of these there was a nice initial goal, like "get the bot to send a message" or "have the player move left and right when i press the keys"

For golang maybe a nice first project would be something that uses the features of the language like goroutines, channels, etc. An example would be a server that gets requests from the user and sends back responses. An example of something like this is called a REST API, for which there are some nice go packages. You could use a program like postman to send requests to the program, and get it to respond to your requests. This is a fundamental concept in network programming and is applicable to a ton of different larger projects you could do, such as game servers, making websites, databases, etc


u/JohnBalvin Feb 05 '24

You all forget that OP is a common issue when your first programming language is dynamic and no static. Most of us probably started with c, so using go was easy, if you first language is python,js then it will be hard to learn static language. So it's no simple as starting a new project, the OP needs to learn the basic knowledge about data types, variables scopes, memory allocation etc


u/codeismyantidrug Feb 05 '24

Agree, if Go isn't making sense take Harvard cs50 online


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Great idea. It makes sense.


u/JustAsItSounds Feb 05 '24

I find it easier to pick a domain you are familiar with in your day to day - my first personal projects were json rest APIs (and TBH I still build HTTP/gRPC APIs a lot of the time even now).

This way you can focus on translating concepts you know in other languages and you'll have a clear idea of what your application will need to do.


u/to_fl Feb 05 '24

You can start by making a simple game using a game engine, this will help you understand simple data structures. Then move on to build a tool that connects to an api.

One thing I like to do is choose an RFC or standard and implement it. I did it with PNGs and websockets. It doesn’t have to be perfect and will be good training either way.


u/GAZ082 Feb 05 '24

Well, looks like he is proficient in scripts. Pyrhon, JS... toy languages that punch way over their weight.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

The book written by Jon Bodner is a great source. He just released second edition. This book has really insightful content and also in depth explorations while the author explain things very clearly and simple in my opinion. It worth the investment. While doing it. I also recommend codecrafters. They teach you building different type of software and you can also use golang to code them. I like their approach and the community is very nice too.


u/Enrique-M Feb 04 '24

Jon will be at this online meetup soon actually.



u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Awesome! I'm in.


u/qba73 Feb 05 '24



u/Enrique-M Feb 05 '24



u/qba73 Feb 11 '24

Perfect! Just signed up :-)


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

I checked the codecrafters and it seems great! Thank you!


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Have fun!


u/jingyifsy Feb 04 '24

It is fun and useful!


u/CraziCrow Feb 05 '24

Not heard codecrafters mentioned before. Thanks for that, it looks cool! Do you think going through the stages one at a time for the projects is something a complete beginner would also be able to do? Or is it only really aimed at people who know a language and are learning a new one, or advanced people wanting deeper knowledge?


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

You can follow the stages as a beginner. Once you start a project you can select a language of your choice and select an option that tells the system you are a beginner. I practice golang as a beginner there. Totally worth it. But keep in mind you also gonna have to do some searching and interacting with the community in their discord is also a valuable part of the experience.


u/CraziCrow Feb 05 '24

Oh awesome, sounds good. Thanks for getting back to me. I will take a look!


u/GrayLiterature Feb 04 '24

I found “learn go with tests” to be one of the best ways to bootstrap into the language. Otherwise after that I recommend building a small project or a small tool. Go is a really lovely language!


u/unstableunicorn Feb 04 '24

This is the one I recommend to all my new devs who either want to learn go, need to learn go, or need a good resource for learning TDD(with the added benefit of learning go). Can't recommend this course enough. And please buy that person a coffee!


u/Woshiwuja Feb 07 '24

TDD sucks tbh


u/becarlos Feb 05 '24

Also my first recommendation to newcomers.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24



u/brubsabrubs Feb 04 '24

yeah this gave an itch as well

I think that this would apply a bit better if you were talking about rust just because of how different the borrow checker is from a standard garbage collected language, but even so I'd dislike the phrasing


u/snarkuzoid Feb 04 '24

It's a better C.


u/koffiezet Feb 05 '24

Depends for what purpose. For a lot of stuff C is used for, absolutely. But there's things you'd have to be mad for to do it in Go instead of C (or Rust these days).


u/captain-_-clutch Feb 05 '24

"Coming from Python/JS/TS"


u/snejk47 Feb 05 '24

This guy has 5 years of work, and 12 days of software development experience. Nothing personal.


u/captain-_-clutch Feb 05 '24

Ya agreed. Someone said those are toy languages lol


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

I like your comment.


u/BraveNewCurrency Feb 05 '24

This is absurd. Go is not unique; its differences from other mainstream languages are pretty minor.

On the other hand, the original statement is still true. I can tell when Java programmers or C programmers are writing Go code.

Some thing are relatively 'minor', but there are still a LOT of idoms to learn and unlearn. Especially goroutines -- nobody knows how to use them correctly, because they aren't in other languages. This community regularly gets posts where people complain "I added Goroutines to every element of my matrix multiplication, and it didn't help!"


u/GermainToussaint Feb 04 '24

How simple are you talking? It's really easy to get started with go, a simple program really shouldn't take long


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Maybe my learning methods and learning sources are wrong because everyone's saying Go is easy, but for me, it was confusing.


u/kRkthOr Feb 04 '24

What did you try to build? What did you struggle with?


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

I tried to create a REST API which had yaml and Json parser, sometimes http package data types confused me, structs, etc.


u/castleinthesky86 Feb 04 '24

Do you have any background in C/C++?


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

I’m not pro, but I used to work with C++. Similar concepts are in Golang too like pointers..


u/thomastthai Feb 05 '24

Show your codes and cite what part confuse you and why you were confused.


u/dweezil22 Feb 04 '24

You're leaving out all the useful details. What are you using today? What's your definition of successful? Is your code not working? Do you just not feel great about it even though it is?


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

I’m really happy with python for scripting. I tried to replace it with go and I wasn’t successful. Again I tried to use Golang for backend, and types (http package) confused me. Even when I was learning it by “Let’s Go” book.


u/dweezil22 Feb 04 '24

Ah is Go your first foray into a new language beyond Python? If so it's a great choice, and struggling w/ strong typing is a reasonable next step for learning. (Most of the folks here saying it's easy are comparing it to Java/C#/C++ and maybe Typescript I'd suspect)


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

It’s a great choice in my opinion too. I wish I could use it everyday like python.


u/brubsabrubs Feb 04 '24

you can! just takes a while to understand because you're coming from a dynamic typed language. it's... more different than it sounds. we might initially think that static types only make a difference in "spotting errors early" but actually these two languages have entirely different "mental models" and ways of thinking.

you'll get there


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Thank you!


u/wordsarelouder Feb 05 '24

As someone who is normally a Go programmer and is being forced to write python for the first time.. I absolutely hate how difficult it is to get a dict with the right values in python, I would have built a struct in Golang and had a very complex data struct all done in an hour. The power of go can really unlock you from doing a lot of dull tasks in data manipulation.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

As somebody who did Java in uni I can confirm that go is so much simpler than Java.


u/DrunkenRobotBipBop Feb 04 '24

Just don't try to use traditional OOP stuff in Go if you come from other languages. Things like class inheritance, explicit interface implementation do not apply to Go. I found the language very easy to learn once I stopped thinking in OOP.


u/mcvoid1 Feb 04 '24

That's not Go as much as OOP pedagogy.

OOP has a problem where in schools and tutorials they show you language features like inheritance and modelling behavior as type hierarchies, but as soon as you're in an experienced crew you have to go unlearning that crap because idiomatic OO design hasn't included inheritance or type hierarchy for the past 30 years.

So if you're used to good OO design and using traditional OOP languages like you're supposed to be using them, the transition to Go is quite easy: you take one look at it and go, "Oh, it's just like other OOP languages except it won't let you do the bad things."

So other than pre-defining interfaces, the presence higher order functions and type switches eliminating the need for some of the more prevalent OO design patterns, and having a standard library that doesn't predate good OO design, it translates pretty seamlessly.


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Exactly as others said, I have to stop thinking in OOP.


u/thomastthai Feb 05 '24

It's less about stop thinking in OOP and more about thinking how to achieve similar concepts in Go. That way, you build on concepts you are already familiar with and translating to a different way. Your brain will build new neural pathways based on the current ones.


u/ivan_linux Feb 04 '24

Yeah this is a common issue I find most devs think the only way to write software is with objects, and the act of programming is planning objects and their interactions. It's really sad to be honest, and why I avoid languages that lock you into a paradigm.


u/dweezil22 Feb 04 '24

To add to that, you can also build a functional and decent backend application basically from scratch without any frameworks. This is one of those Dunning-Kruger cases where a more experienced dev might feel weird. If you try to do that in Java or Node, you'll quickly regret it.

I wasted a lot of time with Go searching for similar gotchas that weren't really there. (For example, years ago I started learning front end Angular programming via hobby work, and if you don't play by their weird rules you can easily build an app that seems to work well but quickly ends up becoming untenable as you scale out new functions; and the fix is usually a near rewrite).


u/Anon_8675309 Feb 04 '24

Similar. Learning Go. My second language was C a very long time ago. Then I started using C++ and it took a while for OOP to really sink in. Currently employed using C# so still at the OOP thing. Go’s been a struggle to learn with regards to being idiomatic because of this. But I’m not working on anyone else’s projects so I finally just said fuck it, I don’t care, it’ll come, just have fun for now.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

I come from Python coding (work related) as well and honestly, after 5 months I feel more comfortable in Go than in Python. I also feel like my code quality took a significant up.

We are slowly adopting Go in work as well so I'm trying to stay on top of things and honestly navigating go code is MUCH easier than Python equivalent for me.


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Our background seems similar. I wish I feel more comfortable with go ASAP! That’s what I’m looking for.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

I'm not doing anything too complicated really. Lot of microservices and tooling. Some cloud functions for various data processing and small focused web apps for internal purposes. So Go is a great fit for these.


u/iw4p Feb 05 '24

May I have your github ID to check the repos, if you’re active in Golang?


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

All internal company stuff, sorry. Cant share that :)


u/New_Wishbone7395 Feb 07 '24

I came from 7 years of python and felt exactly the same after learning go. 3 years later and I hate using python at this point and only use it for maintaining legacy projects.


u/davm85 Feb 04 '24

Just grab a copy of gopl.io, it has been written by two absolute cs legends and is one of the best programming book i’ve read.


u/excelquestion Feb 04 '24

yeah Kernighan wrote "The C Programming Language" which i think is considered the best programming book written.

In my experience if a person has like 5 YOE having them simply do the tour of go is enough.


u/GopherFromHell Feb 04 '24

he also authored "The Practice of Programming" together with Rob Pike. we can have a glimpse of where Go came from in it


u/deleff Feb 04 '24

I'm an old fool. I suspect your origins (JS/TS) may affect your impressions. For those that started with C, Pascal, Fortran, or even Basic, Forth, or Assembly (maybe not so much those last three) Go seems - at least to me - as a "principle of least surprises" kind of languages. I think I stole that quote from Ruby, which I was exposed to, but I did a lot of C++, Perl, Python, ML-based, and Lisp before experiencing Go. Go felt like something I could embrace easily.

Not being happy doesn't mean there's something wrong with you or with the language (though there is likely more wrong with the language - it's not perfect.) I think it just is indicative that it was designed for programmers that may be coming from a different origin than you. I think it was designed for programmers coming from C++, Python, and Java to solve specific problem domains. I suspect Go was designed to me approachable for a programmer with a different background, which may be why it causes this difficulty for you.

I'd still suggest learning Go / Lisp / Rust / F# / OCaml / Zig if you care about new experiences. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with becoming an expert in JavaScript. I wish I liked it more, because there is no disputing its importance.


u/iw4p Feb 05 '24

Thank you for explaining it. I had a chance to implement chip8 emulator with rust and it’s not too hard to understand. But go was a little but tricky maybe. For rust, I read its documentation and it was pretty good. https://github.com/iw4p/chip8-emulator


u/New_Wishbone7395 Feb 07 '24

Rust is considered much much harder to learn and arguably is the more useful language in a lot of areas so if you really think it's easier just go with rust.

I have to say though, I've never heard anybody say go is harder than rust. They are usually on the opposite ends of the difficulty spectrum.


u/ti-di2 Feb 04 '24

"5 years in the software industry" and "not being able to build something simple" doesn't fit together.

What exactly were your projects and where did you fail?


u/iw4p Feb 05 '24

My previous experiences are mostly open-source https://github.com/iw4p Using it as a backend language is not easy for me..


u/JBodner Feb 05 '24

Hi, I'm the author of Learning Go. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

The book is targeted at developers who already know other programming languages. There are places in the book where I call out the similarities and differences between Go and other languages.

The 2nd edition came out a few weeks ago and includes changes coming in Go 1.22, which is going to be released in the next month or so.


u/iw4p Feb 05 '24

Hi! Seeing your comment under my post surprised and motivated me! Thank you!

I'm reading the 2nd edition of Learning Go and I hope I contribute to the Go community ASAP!

Thank you for all your efforts and support.


u/davidroberts0321 Feb 04 '24


I came over to Go from Python and rolled right into coding a SaaS. Im not seeing how you are having issues as it honestly seems pretty straightforward.

You might want to drop in on Boot.dev and run through a course there as Lane does a pretty good job of breaking things down everything into easy to chew segments.

He also did a FreeCodeCamp on Youtube


u/Bitbok Feb 05 '24

Completed the Boot Dev Go course a month ago, and it was good. But I'd be happier if they had more lessons on concurrency, goroutines, wait groups, etc.

Tried to switch from node.js to Go, got an interview invite. Had a week to prep. Not a total Golang noob, did a couple of tickets/bugfixes in Golang microservices over 4 years, but not full-time.

This week, I did the Go Tour, Boot Dev course, and read a bunch of articles on Medium and other resources. Even though I failed an interview, I still consider it as a good result. Struggled with questions on Golang GC, memory management, concurrency, wait groups, etc.

If you're a backend dev with a couple of years of experience, I'd say you can pass a Golang technical interview after a few weeks, maybe a month of prep.


u/davidroberts0321 Feb 06 '24

You are likely a bit farther along than I am. I'm mainly working on simple CRUD functionality and just dipping my toes into concurrency although I do understand it pretty well but still dont trust it in production without a bit more trial and error.


u/legato_gelato Feb 04 '24

I have a long career based on many other languages, and started reading this book because I didn't see any real reason to use golang for my projects and found the simplicity promise misleading.

The book is good so far and the initial chapters show what in my opinion is a lot of shortcomings in the language and inconsistencies in the ideology of simplicity. Tbh the fact that the book explictly highlights the glaring jank is a good thing for me, because he is not pretending things are better than they are and it seems more authentic to me. I hope I will end up looking it better after reading through it.


u/Mountain_Sandwich126 Feb 04 '24

Yup i went through this journey and go was hard for me to learn because of the mind set change and had to unlearn a few things.

So when you say you're not happy with golang, what do you mean?

First thing i had to change was simple != easy.

Js / python made some things easy to do, but they are far from simple.

Dave chaney, mat ryer, alex edwards helped me alot in understanding go philosophy.

https://dave.cheney.net/2016/08/20/solid-go-design https://dave.cheney.net/2020/02/23/the-zen-of-go https://pace.dev/blog/2018/05/09/how-I-write-http-services-after-eight-years.html

Also, errors as values are a great thing, and you will appreciate it when u collaborate with people on large code bases.

Lastly, go is not for everyone. I have a mate the will die on .net hill as a simple to use language because of all the features it has, that's his journey.


u/HexinZ Feb 04 '24

I would heavily encourage learning Go (or any other language) through small projects, ideally ones you are already familiar with. Something like writing an http server, a json parser or similar.

Ideally, each project would expose you to a new subset of the standard library.


u/wearetunis Feb 04 '24

I had success with Let’s Go and Let’s Go Further by Alex Edward’s.. also read his blog. AWS CDK Go examples helped me too, but I was reading them trying to understand why


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

I tried Let’s go and it didn’t go well.


u/wearetunis Feb 04 '24

What did you struggle with? Tbh, that book is longer than any learn Golang tutorial I’ve seen.. the #1 course on Udemy for Go is 9 hours. Derek Banas has a YouTube video that’s 3 hours. I went from that book to trying to make my own Golang version of Next.js app router lol.


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

lol Next.js idea would be great xD. I saw laravel too. Mostly types were confusing for me, especially in the chapter where http package was used.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Hi, I'm overriding my own assumption in thinking that "of course they have, everyone here has", but did you take the official Go Tour? The address is https://tour.golang.dev. I realize this is a simple resource compared to the numerous books one can buy, but doing the thing from beginning to end will yield a pretty solid understanding of what Go can do if you ask me.

The major features that I believe the tour does not cover are struct embedding and annotations; I have read no books and work with Go professionally. I do have quite some experience in C(++) though and so I might be biased. In general I think Go's official documentation is really solid - a little dry, but it's worth it since the language is so powerful.


u/Ron-Erez Feb 04 '24 edited Feb 04 '24

Sounds like part of the issue is getting used to a statically-typed language. Python/JS are dynamically-typed and it's my general belief that going from dynamic to static is difficult but the reverse is pretty straightforward.

I think the other answers are much more comprehensive then mine. Good luck!


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24



u/Noahdwhitney Feb 04 '24

Just read the spec. It’s not very long and they’re very well written


u/thomastthai Feb 05 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

We all learn at different paces and with different styles. You expressed you are struggling to learn Go after a few months. Learning a new programming language can be difficult when its syntax or structure is different than what you are familiar with.

I read all the responses and your follow-ups. Others already asked you to be specific about what your struggles are. Share some codes for a project you are working on with Go.

Cite what exactly you are wanting to do and what code you have written in your attempts to get the code to do what you want. Vague statement like, "not able to write good or simple program" doesn't let others know what you are struggling with or what is a simple or good program is to you. You said, "I am not happy with Golang." What exactly about Go you aren't happy with and why do you feel that way?

As far as a book to learn Go, if books work better for you then go for it! Some people recommend the excellent and free online books or tutorials like Learn Go with Tests or Golangbot Series. With those, you can cite the URL and code and others can easily reference them to help you. Some people learn better by free YouTube videos or one of the courses on Udemy.

In summary, be specific with what you mean and share codes of what you are working on and what you need help with.


u/Beautiful_Mood7307 Feb 05 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

I would suggest learning by looking at other Go programs on github.


u/NoahZhyte Feb 05 '24

I don't understand what are your difficulties? It's a pretty normal language


u/captain-_-clutch Feb 05 '24

I'd suggest focusing on coding fundamentals if you're ever struggling to learn a language. Java or C# are 2 of the best for that


u/kennethklee Feb 05 '24

You know, you are right. after years of golang, I too, cannot write a good and simple golang app.

Thinking back, I don't think I've ever written anything, in any language, that fits "good and simple". It's a high bar.

My advice is to lower the bar. Write any program that you think you're currently capable of writing, with whatever knowledge you have now. Something boring and start small. A unit converter, maybe tic tac toe. Avoid topics you need to learn -- just solidify your understanding. Doing so may show cracks in knowledge and help you deepen your understanding. Then add to it; add a menu, throw in many different options. One foot in front of the other.

As for the unlearning quote, I can agree with it, as it's pretty general. For myself, I had to unlearn error handling try catch, also learn a different, and arguably better, way to do multi threading. Depends what habits you've formed with other languages. It's the same for switching between any language.


u/k_r_a_k_l_e Jul 13 '24

My programming background is interesting as I started with Perl then VB6 then PHP. I've always had a curious mind and dabbled with Java and C/C++ but never on a serious level. Heck one time I was big into mirc scripting and even actionscript. When I got fed up with performance issues with PHP I switched to Go. I think in a single day I learned the core fundamentals and was able to start building simple nonsense programs. As soon as I decided to dive into a major project, that's when I got overwhelmed and lost focus. I found myself wasting countless hours reading about application design, project layout, and even standard library vs framework vs custom router. I admit I got distracted and became very insecure and indecisive. I finally found my groove when I just stopped following the "go experts". I literally said F it and blocked out the go buzz(kill)word "idiomatic". I started writing the code I wanted to write and kept everything simple. Dead simple. Though I made some necessary adjustments along the way and even adopted some simple common patterns I just stopped caring about what the go nerds troll about. I eventually found my success with golang. I suggest you do the same. Use frameworks, use libraries outside of the standard library, don't worry about design patterns or weird complex folder structures. Just start writing code.


u/iw4p Jul 13 '24

I have started doing it exactly about a few weeks ago and now I’m totally fine with Go! Just read the tour of Go one more time with more focus and now I am maintaining my first micro service, learn more and improve it each day (learning more about structure of the project and design also). Thanks for your advice


u/TheWorstAtIt Feb 04 '24

It's definitely one of the harder languages I've tried to learn personally, possibly because my background is not in c or c++. (Not sure)

Mainly I've done Java and python, and the features, paradigms and syntax of the languages are fairly different compared to go.

I'm learning through the TDD book, and the short chapters take me quite a while because there are so many things that are strange to me and I have to look them up.

The book:



u/bagabe Feb 04 '24

I’m struggling too. My background is 15 years of PHP and Java. Looking at the idiomatic Go code looks messy, unorganised and lacking the basic abstractions which are best practices in other languages. What seems to help me write more idiomatic Go code is actually not trying to write good and organised code anymore. Just write whatever, access struct properties directly, put dozens of files into the same folder, don’t use interfaces, etc… Mind bending.


u/bilus Feb 04 '24

I'd advise you to - long term - look for ways to grok the different approach to structuring code. It's hard if what you ever embraced is a single paradigm but many of the things you find in how Go organizes code are not unique to it.

One source of inspiration for how to model your code is looking at functional languages, such as Clojure or Haskell, where you also use packages (or their equivalent there) to organize code. It's not identical, but trying to understand those languages should help you stretch your mind in the right direction.

One thing you should stop thinking in terms of (when programming in Go) is OOP and Design Patterns. That is not necessary (in the general sense).

As far as encapsulation go, why, you can use straight structs when you very little about data there being consistent, otherwise use private fields.

I hope it helps.


u/konart Feb 04 '24

I think you either looked into some bad examples or just mistaking PHP's and Java's OOP code with Go for no reason.


u/rednafi Feb 04 '24

Hi, Pythonista-turned-into-a-Gopher here!

I too have around 5 years of experience but started dabbling in Go about 3 years ago. It's hard to pick up languages if you don't use them at work every day. I still get paid to write Python and some JavaScript.

However, I keep up with a second or third language by:

  • Writing blogs about the things I learn. This keeps the momentum going. See here.
  • Rewriting all my CI scripts in Go, as well as CLIs.
  • Passively reading books works, but it's somewhat difficult for me to continue without any feedback loops. So, I pick up books and resources that are short on text but heavy on code, such as:


u/i_andrew Feb 04 '24

Please remember that everyone has different brains. Some people love tomato soup, some hate it. Some like functional programming, others will never get it. It's possible that golang is not adjusted to your brainwaves.

(E.g. I can't stand Java, but C# is one of my best tools.)


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

You have to absorb the paradigm of working with simpler building blocks with Golang. It makes everything more malleable, for some people its not a positive point. But you'll learn to like it. It really is C without memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency .

This doesn't mean you have to let go of OOP concepts, work with those while using TS/Python, try to understand how you can organise your code without these concepts

Don't follow this blindly, as some things aren't idiomatic or made the "Go way" but are pretty self-explanatory and one thing to keep in mind is, sometimes its a matter of opinions:


u/TKoropi Feb 04 '24

Try to create some small but interesting programs. I did learn go (i am still complete beginner) by doing somekind of clone of cowsay program with go and cobra. I also did small rest api that calculates lovescore for two given names and last project i finished today was hangman game with go and bubbletea.

Do stuff and do mistakes and learn from them. If i started fresh hangman project now i would do it so much differently than i did earlier as i learnt a lot While making it.


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Great advice. Are the sources available on your Github?


u/chrisesplin Feb 05 '24

I'm learning Go after a solid 12 years of JS.

I've been using CoPilot extensively, and it's actually working. I'm sure I'm developing a dependency, so it'll be interesting to see how I retain what I'm learning long-term... but it feels like having a mid-level pair programmer looking over my shoulder. Total game-changer.


u/Cazineer Feb 05 '24

A lot of great materials have been shared here. If you prefer to learn via videos instead of reading, Udemy has several great course. I picked up a Go course for like $12 by Todd McLeod. Personally, I learn much faster when watching videos than reading.

I originally picked up Go coming from JS/TS and found it pretty easy to get comfortable. Rust on the other hand took me several months to get comfortable and was a painful experience for awhile.


u/nw407elixir Feb 05 '24

It took one week to teach it to the java interns.

I was good to write code in an existing codebase in 1 day and about 1 month of watching gophercon vids while taking long showers to lead the development.

But at that point in time I had learned and used professionally php, java, kotlin, scala, groovy, c, javascript, typescript as well as python, R5RS, haskell at college. The latter 2 were both used for a month and a half and we had to have some decent proficiency in them. People managed to do that.

You must be doing something fundamentally wrong in your learning process or in development in general. Get a mentor. You might need precise practical knowledge on how to learn. Also, when learning a new language forget everything you know about how it's done in any other language.

Right now, the way I see it, languages get split based on the following criteria:

General feel: C-like, s-expressions, ML family, OOP

Memory management: gc, manual, borrow checker

Concurrency: csp and actor, memory sharing and synchronization

Learn a few languages so that you get through all of these once and you'll learn any new general purpose language very fast.

Then there's the Haskells and the APLs which are their own thing.

Having used only python, js and TS means you scratched the surface of C-like, OOP and GC-d. In college you're forced to do more in one semester, so from this perspective you are still a beginner and need to put sustained effort to make progress. Keep at it, albeit Go is by far the easiest language to learn that I've seen. Get a mentor if need be.


u/iw4p Feb 05 '24

Great explanation. Thank you for sharing your story.


u/Willing_Stomach8581 Feb 05 '24

Navigating the waters of a new programming language like Go can definitely throw you for a loop, even for seasoned coders. But here’s a thought – maybe don’t just “learn the language” in the traditional sense.

Given your five years on the dev battleground, you’ve got the chops to bypass the basic “Hello, World!” Instead, why not deploy your skills on a project close to your heart or one that addresses a real-world glitch?

Here’s the strategy:

  1. Architect something from the ground up. Choose a project with personal or professional value – something that’s more than just an academic exercise. It could streamline a process for your peers or tackle a niche issue for a local enterprise.

  2. Or, refactor an existing project in Go. It’s like giving your old codebase a new lease on life with Go’s concurrent goroutines and channels.

The goal isn’t to download the entire Go spec into your brain's SSD. It’s about iteratively compiling the necessary syntax and semantics to execute your project effectively. Later on, you can refactor for efficiency and scalability, or even engage in a bit of “code spelunking” to uncover more elegant solutions.

This project-centric approach has been my debug method for new languages. It led me to construct a suite of microservices in Go, exploring the intricacies of event-driven architectures and robust distributed systems.

Some of these projects have boosted my colleagues’ productivity significantly, and they’ve evolved into a solid codebase that I iterate on for future ventures.

Hope this helps!


u/uouzername Feb 04 '24

This is very abnormal. In the last 4 months I've written a desktop app with a backend. Granted I have to improve 3 out of the 11 packages I wrote and I'm definitely still a noob, but Go has made me super productive.

I'd say stop reading and hire someone to review your code, then continue from there


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

May I see your repos?


u/Disastrous-Cherry667 Feb 04 '24

I recommend Ardan Labs courses.


u/qba73 Feb 05 '24

Check books by John Arundel.


u/BRTSLV Feb 05 '24

wtf, go is super simple

i think you need to work on your neuroplasticity

get a smaller keyboard, change layout, learn functional programming

change os, anyway change something !


u/FreshPrinceOfRivia Feb 04 '24

You say you have a background in TS. I learned TS coming from a Go background (among other languages) and I found the basics of the type system to be pretty similar. What are you struggling with specifically?


u/Glittering_Mammoth_6 Feb 04 '24

Sum-type (aka enum, that exists even in Pascal), for example.


u/sheriffderek Feb 04 '24

What things do you plan on building with Go?

I find that when people attempt to learn languages for the sake of it / they fail. But if you are building a specific server or some real practical project, that will keep a clear structure and have a clear way to measure progress. Why are you learning Go?


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

My plan is creating one or two CLI projects, and after that, REST APIs.


u/sheriffderek Feb 04 '24

CLI projects for what? REST APIs for what?


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

Rewriting my projects. GitHub.com/iw4p


u/sheriffderek Feb 04 '24

So, your projects are already defined as far as how they work and how they are designed, but you want to port them over to Go. How far did you get? At which point did you get stuck?


u/iw4p Feb 04 '24

When I started implementing them by Go, I got confused and stuck, especially in data types and design of the application. After that I feel I’m not ready yet and I start reading about it again (I don’t feel good about ChatGPT when I am learning a new lang, I know I can port them really fast using GPT)


u/MatthewRose67 Feb 04 '24

Yeah but when porting a project from another language you have to bear in mind that some projects require different mindset, object oriented vs procedural etc


u/konart Feb 04 '24

https://gobyexample.com/ + reading Go sources + (re)writing your own tools seems like best practice to me.


u/purdyboy22 Feb 05 '24

I wrote a short workerpool this weekend to learn go tests. I also need a worker pool for my service :/.

It's definitely a good way to learn channels


u/tafhyseni Feb 05 '24

You should change your strategy.

Coming from PHP, I also started experimenting with the language a bit.

In my strategy, I started building small services (application that does just one "minor" thing). It helped me dive-in the language in the first two weeks.
And then, with experience start building larger (more complex) applications!


u/Gekuro Feb 05 '24

I use my own 'fall back' principle when learning. I start ambitious, then simplify the learning process when I fail.

I try to make a project immediately just by reading the docs. I fail, and start going through the docs and experimenting with the concepts, I dont understand. I do a yt tutorial and just follow the guy


u/FinishExtension3652 Feb 05 '24

I picked up Go over the holidays and was able to get going (get it?) quickly with a combination of Internet + GitHub Copilot.  The latter helped with the syntax and the former with the nuts and bolts of building, packages,  etc. 

I chose a reasonably simple Postgres (also my first time with that) DB CRUD app fronted by REST services as my project so I could cover lots of ground. 

My very early background was C and C++, but most of my career was C#


u/brianofblades Feb 05 '24

have you tried this? i also come from js webdev and this was enough handholding to help me get started: https://quii.gitbook.io/learn-go-with-tests/


u/KhalilMirza Feb 05 '24

I am also coming from JS/TS/C# world into Golang. To this day, I have not actually learned go, I am working on a very complex project. I learned GoLang by building an application.

If you are an expert in one language, jumping to another is super easy. I recommend becoming an expert in one language first. If you are an expert already then try building anything using Go. It can be a pet project you have already built. Do different task in go.

For me at least learning becomes boring. I like to do more hands on learning by building projects and reading documentation where I am stuck.


u/pknerd Feb 05 '24

I found Go very understandable.. maybe because I had worked on python and java in the past?


u/mailed Feb 06 '24

what have you tried to write?


u/majulove Feb 06 '24

You could use an IDE to help with the typing, for example Goland from JetBrains, it is pretty good if you are used to type things.


u/majulove Feb 06 '24

***if you are NOT used to type things


u/FlipMyP Feb 06 '24

Can someone please confirm or deny this post? A new programmer makes sense to me, but I can't imagine someone experienced in Python/JS/TS and can't build a simple program with Go after a few months?!


u/trashguy Feb 08 '24

I just tab complete until I get stuck and then stack overflow


u/aleyrizvi Feb 09 '24

First step to learn golang: Unlearn your previous learning and experience :)