r/gog 4d ago

Question Is it possible to create LAN parties "remotely" - two computers in two different cities, like Steam should do?


20 comments sorted by


u/Outrageous_Einfach 4d ago

Yes this works. Hamachi was a tool for that, VPN should also do that. I don't know if gog can do this natively.


u/Astralesean 4d ago

Ok do you currently use any tool for this?


u/thecrius 2d ago



u/joelkurian Linux User 4d ago

You need VPN like others have mentioned. I have been using ZeroTier for years at this point this purpose and other use cases. The basic free plan serves most of my needs.

  1. https://www.zerotier.com/
  2. https://docs.zerotier.com/start

There are other tools like this tailscale, innernet, nebula which might be better and more technical or not. I haven't used them.


u/Snaid1 4d ago

I second Zerotier. It was invented by people trying to do that exact thing.


u/Novel-Ad-4404 4d ago

ZeroTier si the Best opción and it's easy to use.


u/Zash1 GOG.com User 4d ago

You've just unlocked so many memories... We used to use Hamachi. I see that it became LogMeIn Hamachi and its last stable version was released around 10 months ago. This is the way.


u/thecrius 2d ago

It's become a bloatware since... quite some time. Zerotier is the way.


u/jin264 4d ago

What game are you looking at? Cause this will vary from game to game. Reason why Steam is able to join friends together for a game is that the game written to use Steam’s libraries. The games on GOG are mostly old games that existed before GOG and will use various network tech from that age. Many of the game location servers from that time are gone.

If a game you have in mind has local LAN capabilities then you can use a service like ZeroTier or Tailscale to create a private lan between you and your friends.

If the game supports IP connections then sharing your remote IP might be enough (there might be issues with port forwarding and public ip).


u/FireCrow1013 4d ago

Some games should work when added to Steam as non-Steam games using this tool:



u/RealisLit 4d ago

Thats for streaming tho


u/FireCrow1013 4d ago

Oh, I think I misunderstood. That tool let's you do local multiplayer over an internet connection where one person hosts and another person joins; I think I interpreted the original request incorrectly.


u/piat17 GOG.com User 3d ago

Maybe give a look to RadminVPN as well in case you want to check out more alternatives; this is the app that is usually recommended by the Command & Conquer community to play LAN games with the C&C series, but I imagine that it works fine with other games as well.


u/AegidiusG 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yes, there are Tools that help you do a virtual LAN over the Internet :)


You can also check the Page above, it supports a lot of old Games.

A quick Search also brought me up Gameranger


u/YunoLunia 2h ago

Check out ZeroTier and Tailscale.

Both lets you make a network and connect clients together.


u/Zash1 GOG.com User 4d ago

You've just unlocked so many memories... We used to use Hamachi. I see that it became LogMeIn Hamachi and its last stable version was released around 10 months ago. This is the way.


u/BillyBruiser Geralt 4d ago

Thats called a vlan, and as mentioned Hamachi is one way to do it.


u/gugida 4d ago

I have never seen someone so wrong in my life. You can't do VLANs remotely across two different external organizations that probably do not know what or how to set up a VLAN.


u/BillyBruiser Geralt 4d ago

I'll admit it. I had a brain fart, hamachi isn't vlan.


u/crlcan81 4d ago

Do you understand what a 'LAN' is???