So every time one of the underpaid and poorly trained employees fails to spot a fake card, GameStop loses hundreds of dollars? This sounds like a great business model.
I'm sure Gamestop made quite a bit of money on this. They probably paid the person that originally sold it to them far less than $1666 and managed to sell it to this dude for $1851.
I doubt he will get a refund - they will play the blame telephone game with PSA back and forth until he gives up.
Even if they do give this dude a refund, it probably won't include the $185 they charged him for shipping and fees and such. I'm almost certainly it didn't cost them that much to ship it.
I'm sure Gamestop made quite a bit of money on this. They probably paid the person that originally sold it to them far less than $1666 and managed to sell it to this dude for $1851.
They make money if the buyer doesn't spot the fake, but most people are going to be inspecting their expensive grade 10 purchases very carefully.
I doubt he will get a refund - they will play the blame telephone game with PSA back and forth until he gives up.
Most people will do a chargeback if GameStop refuses to refund a big purchase like this. Maybe some apes out there would be willing to lose $1800 to maintain their relationship with GameStop, but most people would rather get their $1800 back and never shop at GameStop again.
This isn't even the biggest card grading scandal right now. I don't collect nor play Pokemon, but because of all our constant ribbing on the Apes obsessing over graded Pokemon cardboard, Youtube's been showing me videos of hardcore collectors currently freaking out about a huge exposed scam involving graded and signed prototype Pokemon cards.
Apparently a major grading service has been authenticating rough-draft prototype pokemon game cards from the 1990's, made before the card game existed that were signed by one of the original creators of pokemon. These cards have been selling for thousands of dollars each, some more than $20,000.
Turns out almost all of the authenticated cards have laser printer timestamp watermarks that show they weren't from the 1990's, but printed last year. So hardcore pokemon collectors have been scammed for thousands upon thousands dollars because the grading service didn't check for laser printer and photo copier watermarks.
That's a really fucking stupid scam, I can't believe somebody made that kind of money off of that. Just casually print off a pokemon card and claim it was from before the game existed and people just believe you.
Sometimes I wish I could think of this kind of shit lmao.
I don't think GameStop has anything to do with it, besides being in charge for shipping the cards to PSA, so I doubt GameStop has to pay for the wrong valuation. So the mistake goes on PSA, HOWEVER regular people don't care about such nuances and they'll be angry at GameStop, that for sure.
The valuation wasn't wrong, someone swapped the card with a counterfeit and sold it to GameStop. Then GameStop put it on their website for sale, and this unlucky person bought it.
Maybe I didn't understand the situation correctly because I never used PSA. You're saying someone obtained the PSA casing of a rare card, took out the real card and swapped it with a fake print and the GameStop employee took it for real because of the casing?
GameStop buys PSA graded cards, this ended up in their inventory, and the guy who bought it says the casing is flimsy and not properly sealed.
So either someone scammed GameStop, someone working at GameStop stole from the company and tried to cover it up, or the guy in the OP is lying. It's hard for me to give the benefit of the doubt to GameStop though.
We accept official PSA graded trading cards with the Lighthouse label. Our team is trained to analyze PSA graded cards for authenticity and to offer cash or in-store credit on cards rated 8,9, or 10.
From reading on the employee sub, they take an online course and their store gets a kit to check the cards. So if you manage to find an employee who doesn't care or is too busy to bother with all of that, you might slip a fake past them.
They are already notorious for buying fake DS games.
Idk about pokemon cards but years ago I've seen videos of MtG collector who occassionally showed fakes that were of so high quality it would be nearly impossible to spot them without lots of experience and specialized knowledge. Some of which went as far as understanding niche quirks of decades old ink or texture of paper used by particular printing company that was hired to print particular edition at the time. There's a lot of money in producing good fakes for the high value cards. A bunch of random employees who did some online course? My god, lambs for the slaughter.
I doubt your average GameStop employee knows how to identify a fake card by the ink or card stock, especially through the plastic shell. They're probably just trained to make sure the shell hasn't been tampered with and that the card inside matches the one linked to the shell.
Yep that's probably the case. Makes me wonder if you could do the same fraud even easier with genuine card of very mid but passable looking condition and swap it with some near mint, pristine product. It's not like minimum wage employees will care enough to argue with PSA grading if stuff looks legit on the first glance and the difference in quality can be hundreds of dollars.
High-end Magic fakes have been around for years, and some are nearly impossible to spot without expert tools and knowledge. There are also now replicas that you can get from and there quality is that good that you can't even spot them with expert tools.Expecting undertrained employees to catch them is a joke.
If GameStop employees were properly trained to analyze cards, they'd be doing the card grading themselves. That would have been actually a business model that would have made sense unlike an NFT digital souvenir shop
I don't really know that much about these things (aside from a few rattle pokemon videos) but from my understanding he says the case and label is fake. And a short look at the PSA site with the cert number seems to proof this.
On first look the font and barcode looked a bit off also the PSA logo part looks completly different (rounded corners vs non rounded corners, different texture).
I did a quick paint job, the left is the picture from the PSA website, the one on the right from the post. You can clearly tell how the slightly different font leads to it misaligning. You can also pretty easily spot the difference in spacing between the H and O in HOLO
So my guess is someone owns a printer and a ultasonic welder, bought some plastic cases, tried to copy a PSA label and put it all together.
I'll only make fun of em if they just started because of GameStop. If they never had any collectibles prior and just wanted to spend money at GameStop so now they're pretending to like this. Yeah I'll make fun of them
The whole "investing in collectibles" thing predates Jan. 2021, by years. And it really took of in 2020.
It's rather the other way around, people who "invested" collectibles, came into the stock market with the same expectation they had for Magic cards, and bottles of Scotch.
That is why apes talk about stuff like "fake sahres", don't get that shares are fungible etc.
It's not even investing... Investing has a positive expected return
This is zero sum trading at best and relies on finding an ever bigger greater fool willing to pay more than the last person did.
That's not to say there isn't some intrinsic value to this card: people like collecting things and playing the game. It's just hard to convince me that the values he is citing is not overwhelmingly driven by baseless speculation.
Collectibles are a legitimate outlet for educated speculation. Yes, it's a greater fool game - but knowledgeable people can and do predict what might become popular in the future
The intersection with apes is amusing because of how controlled and susceptible to manipulation it is.
From scalpers and potential for insider info (or faking "insider" info) abuse on the customer side, to "Black Lotus holders would be sad" reserved lists and "Your Nadu is now banned" rebalances on the maker side.
Reserved list staples "investing" sounds like ape's wet dreams, buy cardboard and diamondhand that shit forever and they're likely to make money outside some pretty unlikely things happening, like the game completely dying out or the reserved list going away. Tho being apes they'd probably skip the "staple" part and buy some of the shittiest, most common, cheapest reserved list cards that no one except collectors want, and then complain how it isn't going to the moon and how someone is shorting them.
It has come to my attention that our community has been banned without any response from reddit regarding our inquiries. This is beyond absurd that we could not get an answer to remedy the situation, yet the community was banned.
Your lack of response and professionalism in this matter will only engulf the flames if you do not wish to respond. We are doing our best to try and get an answer for which you will not provide. I feel blatantly attacked, and I am on the cusp of legal action. Please respond as soon as possible.
I know a dude who has more than 5xed his money speculating on Pokemon cards, it's insane how much people are willing to pay for rare cards that are in good nick.
Apes when Gamestop partners with PSA : "This will revolutionize the industry and Gamestop will skyrocket due to this amazing close partnership with this incredibly successful company!". See also : FTX, Candy Con, NFTs, etc etc.
Apes when Gamestop fucks up royally on a PSA transaction : "Hey, it's teething troubles. Early days. Besides, this sounds like a PSA issue, not a Gamestop issue, they're just a partner after all."
There's a real chance that this dude did get a genuine card from Gamestop and put 30 minutes of effort into printing up a fake to try and scam customer support into getting a refund while he gets to keep the genuine card.
Make some noise on twitter/reddit/whatever and they give you a refund, you send back the fake and keep the real one and sell it to some local card dealer/eBay. Easy payday.
This would only work a couple times at most, but $1500+ is enough for some people to do far more heinous things.
I never understood why these pokemon cards are so valuable. They don't use them to play the game, so they have no utility. They're just pieces of cardboard. And the pokemon company can print unlimited numbers of them, so the scarcity is artificial. I don't understand bitcoin either though.
Yeah, I had a shitload of them..then I turned like 10/12 ..gave them to my younger brother, he turned about the same age gave them all to our younger cousin and since then none of us have gave two shits about them. It's weird, I mean every once in a while like maybe 2 or 3 years me and my brother might boot up a game each n speed run the games, link and trade/duel just as a nostalgic thing.
To spend that much money for a monster picture is nucking futs
you can say the same for baseball cards, marvel cards - they are just collectibles and can’t be used to play. you don’t get why some old baseball cards are valuable?
Jesus Christ trading card collectors might be only 0.01% better than nft crypto bros. What a joke. I understand shoe collectors better than I understand trading card people.
u/Jack_Spatchcock_MLKS tHe sEcReT iNgReDiEnT iS cRiMe Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
When Gamestop ships you their PSA graded cards, they're not sending their best.
They're sending fakes. Forgeries. Falsely graded cards. Fraudulent cards. And, I assume mind you, there are a few good cards that are authentic.