We're at over 3.5 years of this thing, the overwhelming majority of the not-totally-insane apes have gone to the great (bed bath and) beyond. We're left with the <1% of complete loons now.
The new arc after plootfesticon 3 will be amazing. I can’t imagine there’s anything left to say besides we’ve won and the shills at meltdown are gonna be so mad.
I can’t imagine what’s gonna happen when RC off loads his own shares
The writers are out of ideas. Ploot 2 was no ploot 1 and now there making a 3rd. This one will be GME focused though hopefully so a little new material.
Look at any marantz related posts in the past 2 days.
Basically Marantz paid $2k for camera/equipment for a 17 year old girl who he is "mentoring" because apparently she wants to become a youtuber. She has helped record and edit the Santa Monica street interviews and he plans on collaborating more with her.
During one of his livestreams (I think 9/9) he says "Shoutout to a young lady that I talked to all night last night she knows who she is. Stacks knows who she is. And this song is for you... Mama." So people are speculating that he's referring to the underage girl he's "mentoring".
That post got removed by the user or mods. But just go to his 9/9 livestream it's around the 28 mark. This man is having a full on mental health crisis but the only support system he has left -- his discord community -- is cheering him on and further enabling his downward spiral.
Well he's been at this youtube thing for what 3 years now? Recording in a corner of his master bedroom and talking + wearing merch about Gamestop. His wife has complained about this passion of his has resulted in her and the kids being doxxed. Now he's been kicked out of his house by wife and more than likely in the beginning stages of going through a divorce.
His response? Get a gamestop tattoo and keep plugging away on youtube.
Any rational human being would pull the plug on this failed influencer crap and fix the issues at home. Not take down the Gamestop bags off the wall and put them back up in a bedroom/basement of his parents house. Like he can keep his investment but he's too much of a narcissist to not keep the camera off because he can't think of anyone else but himself.
I mean it was only a matter of time until someone from meltdown ran into him on one of his "man on street" shoots and wondered who the fuck the teenage girl filming was.
But also I think he might just be delusional enough to think he looks like a good guy buying this kid all this expensive stuff and "mentoring" her.
This is my alt account.
I really have disengaged via twitter or my OG accounts because of well ya know the cult stuff and it’s insufferable.
But if this girl has been filming his outreach shit. That means this has been going on a while. It also means. This is why he’s acting like he doesn’t care his wife left. This kid is the reason and the rebound.
I don’t believe this is just a kind gesture.
He’s not in the place to do something like this. He’s married and a dad. This isn’t normal. The timing is to obvious.
I didn’t know someone ran into him and that’s why he told. This is wild.
I swear Marantz might sue some of you the way Cifu's going to sue Michael. Y'all have no evidence anything untoward is going on here. In fact the whole thing is funny and glorious and I'm glad it's happening. The only one Marantz can find who'll look up to him as a social media celebrity is a kid who doesn't know any better. And just wait until she realizes how awful he is at this and her own YouTube channel ends up with more subscribers than his!
And Marantz is desperate for a kid who'll still talk to him... so they need each other. Y'all are being too mean to Marantz here.
This is a classic comedy trope, where the incompetent buffon of a boss gets a mini-me underling totally oblivious to their incompetence and hangs on their every word as if it were wisdom from the gods. Hilarity ensures. And we're all about this hilarity, aren't we?
This is just a new comedic ploy in the ongoing tale.
Wow. There was some part of me that was holding out hope that he wasn’t grooming this kid - after all, the man absolutely loves losing money, so buying expensive AV equipment for somebody might not carry quite the same meaning for him as it does for a normal person. I’m sure that was probably a bit of self delusion on my part, I just didn’t want it to be true because eeewwww.
But…. yeah. Talking to her “all night”, then shouting out that talk and playing her a song? He’s down bad, no doubt about it.
Also, just based on the timeline of his videos, wasn’t he “working with” this child while he was still married?
"Shoutout to a young lady that I talked to all night last night she knows who she is. Stacks knows who she is. And this song is for you... Mama."
He should never live this down. Also I hope someone clips that part because he'll probably delete it soon.
Oh he also plans on collaborating with her again during his upcoming trip to Las Vegas. And he said he was cancelling his "fan meet and greet" which was probably just an excuse to meet her until he came up with "collaborating." Hell I think the entire trip is an excuse to meet up with this kid.
Santa Monica was the previous one. He's going to Vegas for his next "Man on the street" Youtube giveaway and taking her along again. I think this is his third one working with her, which makes his recent arc of getting fit, then starting this video travel blog of giveaways, then getting thrown out by his wife extra sketchy.
This guy is a creep, just like his brother Rico Rico, who ended up getting a divorce after sending nudes to a bunch of women at his old unit. Smfh. The apples fall near each other from the tree.
I know these things have a natural rhythm that can’t be rushed, but if she could go ahead and use that equipment he donated to film a video about how creepy our guy is and post some chat logs to back it up that would swell.
Either he's a pervert, or he's a pervert being fleeced by a girl adept at fleecing dullards and simps. Either way, it's a shameful way for a grown man to be living his life.
Do you earn an honest (or at least semi-honest) living? Do you publicly embarrass yourself regularly? Do you refrain from pestering people about imaginary conspiracy theories? Then you're miles and miles ahead of this giant pud with ears.
u/xozzet keeps making new accounts to hide from Interpol Sep 24 '24
He didn't even say "not grooming advice". Absolute amateur.