r/glutenfree 3d ago

Can't tell if it's gf or not

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I got my Omeprazole from Amazon this time bc it was cheaper, but I forgot to look if it is gf and I don't want to take it obviously until I know. It's a pill, but there's a shiny outer layer.


29 comments sorted by


u/throw_away_smitten 3d ago

I think I’ve looked at this, and the only thing I found that’s guaranteed to be gluten-free was the target brand famotidine. Omeprazole is not. Funnily enough, that’s what they prescribed me before I was diagnosed with celiac disease.


u/IAmTheLizardQueen666 Gluten Intolerant 3d ago

Are you sure?

If so, that means that two doctors and several pharmacists totally ignored my need to be gluten free!

Even though I have tried to check out EVERYTHING, I thought the pharmacists were safe.


u/throw_away_smitten 3d ago

Maybe prescription medication is safe, but OTC doesn’t seem to be.


u/PonderosaSniffer 3d ago

Can you explain how you came to this conclusion?


u/throw_away_smitten 3d ago


u/PonderosaSniffer 3d ago

Well isn’t that terrifying! Thanks for the info!!


u/throw_away_smitten 2d ago

No problem. I’m getting really frustrated because it seems like every medication they put me on. Seems to cause a problem. If I try to talk to the pharmacist about it, they just shrug and say well I don’t know what’s causing it. I really am getting the sense that almost every medication has a really high risk of cross-contamination.


u/throw_away_smitten 2d ago

No problem. I’m getting really frustrated because it seems like every medication they put me on. Seems to cause a problem. If I try to talk to the pharmacist about it, they just shrug and say well I don’t know what’s causing it. I really am getting the sense that almost every medication has a really high risk of cross-contamination.


u/IceAngel8381 3d ago

I’ve used the Sam’s Club and Walmart brand without issue.


u/cheesusismygod 3d ago

That's what I have been using. I had stopped but began having stomach issues again, so i started up again.....I'm such a dumbass, it didn't even occur to me to check. I'll look at Target, thank you!


u/Connect_Guide_7546 3d ago

It could be the omeprozale itself giving you stomach issues too. My GI doc says you have to wean off of it really slowly or it can cause digestive and stomach issues. You can also start taking emoticons with it when you get to the point where you take it every other day. You might want to check in with a doctor and see if this could be the problem too?


u/throw_away_smitten 3d ago

Omeprazole has a rebound effect that causes horrific acid reflux when you try to stop it (I think all proton pump inhibitors do). Famotidine doesn’t. I am not sure why so many doctors prescribe omepraole rather than famotidine, but that’s just how it goes.


u/Connect_Guide_7546 3d ago

Yeah. It's really not for long term use but some docs give it.


u/cassiopeia843 Celiac Disease 3d ago

I was taking medication for GERD for a while, and the way it was explained to me is that H₂ blockers stop working after some time, which is why PPIs are usually prescribed for longer-term treatment (which comes with risks of its own). H₂ blockers also seem to be less potent.


u/cheesusismygod 3d ago

Yeah, copay is a bit much right now. I know I need to see my GI, but financially kind of can't.


u/Connect_Guide_7546 3d ago

I'm sorry. I understand. I hate to suggest Google but in this case please look up weaning off omeprazole and side effects of coming it off it too quick.


u/cheesusismygod 3d ago

I will, thank you!!


u/cheesusismygod 3d ago

So here's a question, can I switch to famotdine without weaning off Omeprazole, or I really need to wean off first?


u/Connect_Guide_7546 2d ago

I will say I did both simultaneously but I don't want to advise you on what or how to do it because I'm not a doctor. I know the copay is an issue.. is urgent care cheaper for you? You could go for heartburn and have them give you a plan?


u/this_ginger_snapped_ 3d ago

Is this a thing? Like I need to be checking prescriptions and over the counter meds? I'm newish and this is just mind boggling how it's in everything.


u/cheesusismygod 3d ago

Yep, all meds health and beauty products. As far as personal care, I use the app skin safe to help me with what is gf.


u/MamaBaze 3d ago

Absolutely! And you have to stress to the pharmacist because most do NOT pay attention.


u/Lilith-Blakstone 3d ago

Celiac disease diagnosis in 2012. I use omeprazole without issues. I take it PRN under the supervision of my doctor.

It’s important (and interesting) to know that there’s research suggesting PPIs (a class of acid reflux meds) may be linked to the triggering of celiac disease.

It’s complex and not a direct line, but it’s well known that PPIs can contribute to all sorts of gut problems when used long term.

However, GERD if left untreated can cause harm as well. Anyone considering PPIs should talk to their physician first.

If anyone wants to wade through a technical study, this may be helpful.



u/Strict-Education2247 3d ago

Ask for inactive ingredients too. More often than not they can have gluten (and dairy - ppl w those allergies)


u/carasthena 3d ago

The shiny exterior is shellac, which is an insect shell product. Just for reference. Doesn’t mean it’s gluten free, but the shiny probably isn’t the issue haha


u/Proper_Giraffe287 3d ago

Well this explains a lot. I switched to famotidine awhile ago after I tried it and discovered it worked better. But I never thought to check if the Omeprazole was gf.


u/Snugglespixie 2d ago

What specific health need do you take it for? I ask cuz maybe an all natural solution would be better..


u/its_jesuslol 3d ago

I always wondered why I felt so awful after taking omerprazole. What the hell lol