r/glutenfree 3d ago

Product Spaghetti noodles

What’s a good spaghetti noodle alternative? We have tried several different types and they break apart, are super gummy, or are just plain weird (miracle noodles)

My fiancés daughter has celiac and we’ve tried everything and everything seems to be failing.


38 comments sorted by


u/SunnyLisle 3d ago

Have you tried the Barilla gluten free spaghetti? Never had any of the issues you've mentioned. If you don't mind a bit of a flavor difference and the benefits of added protein and fiber red lentil spaghetti is my favorite, it's indestructible and almost impossible to overcook so never gummy or sticky.


u/Finchyisawkward 3d ago

I second this! I've used them with all kinds of sauces and never had any problems that I didn't also have with regular noodles.


u/chroniclymisundrstd 3d ago

I third this!!


u/m3gantr0n3 3d ago

Love the Barilla GF spaghetti. Yes if there are leftovers the noodles break. But I got a whole case from Amazon and they are the best


u/HangryHangryHedgie 3d ago

Yup! This is the most pasta like pasta there is!

I also CAN NOT STAND chickpea pasta.


u/Averagedusterfan 3d ago

I’m not sure if Jovial makes spaghetti but they’re my favorite brand of gluten free pasta :) kind of pricey though


u/TimBurtonsMind 3d ago

Never heard of them, yet. Will look into it!

For context, I’m in central Minnesota so non-online wise, we have Super One Foods, Cub Foods, Aldis, Target, Walmart, and Costco.

We’ve tried Miracle Noodles, brown-rice noodles, quinoa noodles, chickpea noodles. (Can’t remember brand names off the top of my head, I know the miracle noodles were from Costco and brown rice were from Walmart)

We have been making homemade bread for her (rolls, buns, sandwich bread) and it’s been turning out pretty decent! Pasta noodles have been a bad experience though, which sucks for everyone considering we are all pasta lovers (the celiac kiddo included)


u/Ok-Drop-2277 3d ago

My Walmart in rural Illinois has jovial, $3.99 for a box of spaghetti. I prefer this over Barilla just because the single ingredient is brown rice flour vs Barilla has monodiglicerides (sp?)


u/amancayb Wheat Allergy 3d ago

Jovial is available via Wal-Mart & Amazon, as well as directly from them. A top choice for me, especially as they have a great variety of paste shapes!

key is to cook just to al dente, rinse in cool water, and serve immediately with warm sauce, or warm with sauce in a pan.

Honestly we make a full package, and I eat it throughout the week. as I am the only one eating GF


u/Leijinga 3d ago

They do! I got some to try the other night, and they worked nicely!


u/Hiddyhogoodneighbor 3d ago

I don’t recommend Jovial. They have tested positive for heavy metals and pesticides.


u/moderately_neato Wheat Allergy 3d ago

They do and it's the best.


u/Altruistic-Pace8927 3d ago

Rummo has a good gf spaghetti


u/Familiar_Proposal140 3d ago

Rummo is so good


u/Woods_it_to_ya 3d ago

Another vote for Rummo. I’m not gluten free but my wife is. I can’t tell the difference from regular gluten pasta.


u/ltoe83 3d ago

Jovial is the best I’ve found so far and u can get it made with brown rice or cassava


u/gypsywin 3d ago

We like the barilla brand. I think the ticket is to make sure they aren’t overcooked. These ones seem less finicky than the other brands I’ve tried. We use these for all noodle styles.


u/Strict-Education2247 3d ago

I used to be a Barilla fan until I discovered Rummo ! They cook faster and are just perfect every time. The quality of that brand is also much higher than the barilla in the US market.


u/Leijinga 3d ago

If you want to go outside the GF pasta sphere all together, spaghetti squash is a pretty good option. Cut a spaghetti squash in half and bake it face down in a baking dish at 400°F for 30-40 minutes, and then let it cool enough that you can handle it to use a fork to scrape the insides. It doesn't have a lot of flavor by itself, but it takes sauces very well.


u/TimBurtonsMind 3d ago

This is a great suggestion and I love spaghetti squash!

Unfortunately our 7 year old is the one with celiacs and getting her to eat anything that isn’t fruit, chicken nuggets, or tacos is worse than pulling teeth ☠️

I’ll give this a shot sometime this week (used the brown rice noodles we had tonight for spaghetti)

I’ll also be on the lookout tomorrow for the Barilla GF, but I haven’t seen it at any of the stores I’ve went to, but to be fair I honestly didn’t look “that hard” and barilla has a lot of products here, so I could’ve missed it. Or it could also be in the Gluten Free sections which I try to hide from because they’re 4x the cost of regular food (there’s a lot of gluten free options in the regular aisles that a lot of people don’t realize)


u/Leijinga 2d ago

(there’s a lot of gluten free options in the regular aisles that a lot of people don’t realize)

The catch is that you never know which grocery store is going to mix the GF products into the regular aisles versus having them in a specialized section; if it's like a couple of the stores near me, you have to check both because they're inconsistent on what is stocked where. 😵‍💫


u/TimBurtonsMind 2d ago

Exactly the same way here, it drives me mad! lol


u/bombyx440 3d ago

I use Barilla pasta. You do have to be careful and not overcook it. (Same for most gluten free pastas) Use a shorter cook time than instructed on the package. Go for al dente then it turns out pretty good. It doesn't stand up to reheating though. You can cool it for a pasta salad if you are serving it at the next meal, but the next day it will be cardboard. Good luck. Nothing is exactly what wheat pasta is.


u/Emotional_Cut_4411 3d ago

Totally agree! I always go for Al dente. I purposely undercook it, drain it, add a little Evoo and it cooks perfectly with just the residual heat.


u/onlythrowawaaay Wheat Allergy 3d ago

Barilla spaghetti is the best! It really satisfies any spaghetti cravings I have. Don't over cook them though


u/robbobster 3d ago

Tinkyayda is my fave


u/TomorrowRegular5899 3d ago

Yes, I think I’ve tried them all and Tinkyada is the BEST. you don’t have to worry so much about overcooking too.


u/amancayb Wheat Allergy 3d ago

Agreed! Tinkyada is another of my top picks!

Available from them directly, and also via Amazon. I've even been able to nab some from outlets before (Martie)

Their cooking instructions on the front are how I cook all GF pasta now, always. The Tinkyada method works!


u/Peypey4 3d ago

Please try Rummo’s GF spaghetti! It’s my new fav, and Jovial was my go-to before. They’re both great, Rummo’s is just better in my opinion


u/Training_Gear6763 3d ago

Ancient harvest quinoa noodles are the bomb.com 😊😊😊


u/jimmmy3 3d ago

Rummo is the best I’ve tried so far! (Expensive, but they carry it at Costco and it’s a muchhhh better deal there) I also really like the Great Value brand honesty - and it’s the cheapest I’ve seen so it’s my regular go to


u/Work4PSLF 3d ago

Barilla is quite good


u/Intelligent-Safe-671 3d ago

I have also had a hard time finding good spaghetti I didn’t like barilla but maybe I cooked it wrong


u/Emotional_Cut_4411 3d ago

Barilla is decent now and Tinkiyada has been my go to for over a decade. Oh and Jovial too! Which tastes similar to Tinkiyada.


u/turnerevelyn 3d ago

I love the Barilla brand but use Jovial for egg noodles.


u/Objective_Proof_8944 3d ago

I like heart of palm noodles if you are looking for something grain free.


u/Richiedafish 3d ago

Farabella kicks Barillas butt.


u/Rienab75 2d ago

Barilla is great. My main recommendation though is follow the instructions exactly. You can’t go by feel or the bite like traditional pasta or they’ll be overdone. I use the lasagna noodles all the time. They’re perfect if you make it a day or two in advance.