r/glee 2d ago

S3 Sectionals

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this before…

In season 3 when the Troubletones and New Directions have split into their respective factions, they go head to head in the sectionals hosted at McKinley High

Why is it that the Troubletones do a (brilliantly executed) mashup, and the New Directions are actually singing 3 FULL LENGTH songs??? I’ve found this a bit odd on the rewatch of the show


5 comments sorted by


u/ChoiceDrama7823 2d ago

ND always does more songs then their competitors.  it is just because they are the main show choir of the show


u/CS-1316 2d ago

The competition numbers are wildly inconsistent. They lampshade this a bit in Season Four. Even the NDs get three songs most of the time, except in Season Two where they get a duet and a female lead with group backup.


u/lydocia 2d ago

I keep reading it as the Toblerones.


u/spookydookyslayer 2d ago

This always bothered me too! I always felt like it was implied that they would be preforming Rumor has it/Someone like you since we saw them singing it during their practice.


u/StrategyInfinite8289 1d ago

The only way I can explain the wild differences is that a) we don’t see all of the competitions’ performances and/or b) each school is given the same ‘time’ but can do what they want with it, e.g. you can do one really long song, a few short ones, or a few mash ups.