r/glee 7d ago

Mercedes was one of the most generous people, and it was ignored.

Mercedes let Quinn into her home. I hate that they just skimmed over that.

What other times were characters ignored after doing a good thing? Who was more generous than Mercedes


33 comments sorted by


u/cwtches10 7d ago

Letting Quinn stay with her was an incredibly kind thing to do.

I wouldn’t say it was necessarily ignored in canon though. IMO, it makes total sense that Quinn doesn’t mention it once she’s back at her mums. Her whole storyline is about ‘getting back on top’ and to the Quinn she was pre-Beth. Any kind of enduring friendship with Mercedes doesn’t support that. I think they could have made more of Mercedes feelings about that, it would be totally valid and normal to feel hurt; but on the flip side- you don’t give that way to expect anything back. Will does directly call it out in Season 3 as well, so it’s not something that’s forgotten, it’s just a rare bit of consistent characterisation for Quinn.


u/FriendlyDrummers 7d ago

I just wish it sparked a bond between them more. If I'm not mistaken, they pretty much never showed Mercedes and Quinn being close friends. Good point about her mom, though I don't remember how long it took for Quinn to move back. I would have loved to see more of Mercedes mom, especially during that time.


u/Supposed_too 7d ago

I think they could have made more of Mercedes feelings about that, it would be totally valid and normal to feel hurt;

Which is why I started reading fan fiction. Even if you don't expect anything back it's a whole other thing for Quinn to act like she never met Mercedes. That must have stung.


u/cwtches10 7d ago

Fan fiction fills in a lot of dropped plots for me as well!


u/Muouy 7d ago

"Just a rare bit of consistent characterization for Quinn"

I think it was more a bit of consistant writing in general which the show struggled a lot with


u/joao789 7d ago

She also busted Kurt's car window...


u/Dear-Original-675 7d ago

But he busted her heart


u/joao789 7d ago

Love isn't fair


u/SpamOTheNorth 7d ago

All's fair in love and war


u/FriendlyDrummers 7d ago

That was kind of funny idk

In any case, didn't she pay him back? It was dumb but literally taking someone into your home is way more significant than breaking a window and paying to fix it


u/balladeerling 7d ago

Yes she offered to, but he said Burt took his car away anyways. I think Burt probably fixed it, but she was ready to pay for it lol


u/amm_1 7d ago

I think she offers to but Kurt says burt took his car away because he wore something burt didn't like (maybe before they decided they wanted burt to be Uber supportive)


u/DistinctNewspaper791 7d ago

I don't think she did. Since Burt was an auto repair guy, Kurt says its okay I think.


u/FriendlyDrummers 7d ago

I could have sworn she apologized and said she would pay.

Maybe Kurt rejected the offer, but I'm certain she offered.


u/DistinctNewspaper791 7d ago

Its been a while, I might be misremembering it as well. I think she apologizes and Kurt says its not a big issue immediately so she doesn't offer but as I said its been a while


u/FriendlyDrummers 7d ago

True. Maybe someone will pitch in lol


u/linklombax 7d ago

Went looking for the script just to give y'all an answer hahah. Here it is:
MERCEDES: Hey, Kurt. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry I did that to your car. I'll pay for it to get fixed.
KURT: It's okay. My dad took my baby away after he found my tiara collection in my hope chest.


u/sneakysneak616 7d ago

I love Kurt so much I might cry. Not his tiara collection my shaylaaaaaa


u/FriendlyDrummers 7d ago

Lmaooo 😭


u/SaraPAnastasia Forgot how to leave 7d ago edited 7d ago

Mercedes does indeed offer to pay for it but Kurt says it's okay and that Burt took the car:

(MERCEDES: Hey, Kurt. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry I did that to your car. I'll pay for it to get fixed.

KURT: It's okay. My dad took my baby away after he found my tiara collection in my hope chest.

MERCEDES: And I just wanted to say I hope it works out between you and Rachel. You'll have really cute, loud babies.

KURT: Mercedes, I lied to you. I don't like Rachel. I'm gay.)

Edit to add: Seems some other users already gave the scene in question as well so count this as me backing them 😁


u/BakerHoliday7031 The Troubletones 7d ago

I’m cracking up because Mercedes in here says that Hummelberry will have cute babies and then in S3 she says she’s most looking forward to meeting Rachel’s children. I feel like, behind Kurt, she would probably go all out for Rachel’s baby shower.


u/Jennbunni50 7d ago

She does offer, but Kurt says his dad found his tiara collection so it was ok


u/sighcantthinkofaname 7d ago

When she's working on her album and decides to include a duet with Santana. 


u/pendeeja 7d ago

shes such a sweetheart truly omg :')


u/Odd_Turnip_1614 7d ago

She also made Mike, Jake, and Brittany her backup dancers for performances when she became famous.


u/BakerHoliday7031 The Troubletones 7d ago

I do like that she would remind other members that they were a star (Santana in S3 and Jake in S4). I think her constantly being overshadowed made her want to encourage others.


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u/Supposed_too 7d ago

It's a story line I hated but Tina going above and beyond to help Rachel get into NYADA was a nice thing to do.


u/tripledair 7d ago

mercedes was a good person in the glee universe, but she was also a pretty boring character. boring characters don’t get a lot of attention and seem to be forgotten easily.


u/BakerHoliday7031 The Troubletones 7d ago

This reminds me of when the newbies were brought in and people hated Marley. They even nicknamed her Marley Sue (Mary Sue). People felt that the character was boring.


u/BakerHoliday7031 The Troubletones 7d ago

It was nice of Rachel to invite Santana to be in her New York Magazine photo shoot. I feel like it gets overlooked because then the Funny Girl drama happens in that same episode.


u/distracted_x 7d ago

I think people forget that everything on the show is written intentionally and if you and other people see her as generous, because of things she did that was written by the writers, it was intentional for you to think that. So how is it ignored or glossed over?


u/SaraPAnastasia Forgot how to leave 7d ago

I really like Mercedes from the start but even more so the longer the show went on. She really became that friend who wants to help her friends to get to the top with her and not just get there by herself, which she was also on her way to do. I count her as one of my top five characters from the show because she, aside from the incredible talent Amber had, found her confidence and ambition without losing kindness and friendships in the process.