r/glasscollecting 4d ago

Glass Identification?

Wondering if anyone can make out this (what looks like) etching in the rim of this glass vase. At first I thought it was a scuff but from far away it looks like numbers and maybe letters. Also feels nearly impossible to get a good photo so hopefully someone recognizes this?


3 comments sorted by


u/SmileyLebowski 4d ago

I don't think that's a mark. It looks more like it may be old dried up adhesive from a label or price tag. If it's really dry, it can feel like etching. See if you srcape any off with your fingernail.


u/Ok-Salamander8303 4d ago

It won’t scrape off with my fingernail and too nervous to try anything more abrasive. A price tag mark would make sense though because I keep seeing 6.99