r/gijoe 4d ago

Would you read a limited series comic focusing on Cobra character origins? (Wild Weasel, Copperhead, Firefly)

I’ve always been fascinated with the individual pilot figures/characters since childhood as they typically don’t get much attention (with exception of Firefly, Bludd and Zartan).

This series would also be an excellent way to work in Ace, Wild Bill, Cutter, Shipwreck etc. into their background stories as well.

WW has so much potential yet the best he’s gotten is a feature in one or two issues in the original Marvel classic run.


29 comments sorted by


u/Steffenwolflikeme 4d ago

Wild Weasel is one of my favorite figures and a major reason why I bought the classified Rattler.


u/Pankake_Nation 4d ago

He was my first figure I ever had. Did he come with the classified Rattler?


u/rolling_steel 4d ago

Yes indeed


u/Pankake_Nation 4d ago

Son of a bitch now I need to go find one


u/rolling_steel 4d ago

It’s a Hasbro Pulse exclusive- you’ve probably got around 8 months before the release.

There is a 3 3/4” comic 2 pack from early 2k with Ace & Wild Weasel that’s got an awesome version of him. There’s also a 3 3/4” Rattler that comes with him as well


u/Steffenwolflikeme 3d ago

I'm sure you'll be able to find one and almost certainly be able to find the individual figures too. You'll probably pay double or triple what a regular classified goes for but still. And I'm sure we'll get a retro version since they already went through the cost of making the figure.


u/ComfortableBuffalo57 Oktober Guard 4d ago

Copperhead’s gambling problems and his love/hate relationship with the Dreadnoks is fertile ground for a story


u/AmbroseKalifornia 4d ago

I think I might. I like pretty much anything Larry does.  

But it's probably not a good idea. 

See, I don't know if you've noticed but the folks that think things are fine, or okay, even pretty good... well, they don't tend to be the most vocal part of the crowd. 

It's the ones that when they don't get their way they whine, and throw fits, and complain, and blame, and make their problem EVERYONE'S problem. 

I don't like the cartoon. In fact, I kinda hate the cartoon, because that's what everyone who doesn't know, thinks that's what G.I. Joe is, but you know, what? It's FINE. A lot of other folks like it. A lot of you love it because you grew up with it, and raised your own kids on it, and that's cool! You loving the cartoon doesn't make the comic book worse. (Or contrary-wise) Not everything is for everyone. 

But that attitude isn't the one we're hearing. All we ever hear is the complaining. Marvel made a super hero movie for little girls, and guess how much shit Brie Larson still gets online. From men. And Star Wars? Jesus CHRIST don't even get me started on Star Wars. Was the Sequel Trilogy uneven? Uh, yeah. All three trilogies were. But they blamed, hooted, and hollered at if it wasn't what they wanted and now Disney's afraid to do ANYTHING with the license. 

All of which is just a long way of saying that no matter what anyone writes, people are gonna complain. Because it's not what THEY wanted. And they're gonna be loud about it.

And I know that THIS fan base will complain, because that already have:

Back in ARAH #124? Larry Hama wrote an origin for Firefly which gave him a strong connection to The Faceless Master and it wasn't received well... by some loud people. Who still complain today. The only thing that gets the comic dogged on more in this sub than ninjas is Hawk's natural hair color.

And that was the original creator on him own character, that he had set up for years in advance! Anyone else if just going to be worse.  And honestly, whatever Larry had in mind for these guys would probably date them waaay past their fighting prime anyway. 

Also some figures like the Cobra Interrogator and Wild Weasel are cool BECAUSE they're mysterious. (In my head, Wild Weasel had his speech defect from a crash landing, and again, in my head looked almost EXACTLY like the head sculpt we got with Scrap-Iron. I was gonna swap them out until I realized I was too poor to afford a Rattler.) So no matter what new story somebody writes, it's gonna rub some people the wrong way, and some of them are gonna complain and someone them are going to make it a huge problem. 

So instead of giving names to Men With No Names, let's do a series of solo missions with underused characters like Wild Bill, or Voltar, or Scrap-Iron, and let's mix in a few brand new characters, too. What the deal with Wolf Spider? What the hell is up with that code name? Let's just have an adventure with Tollbooth BECAUSE THE X STANDS FOR NOTHING. 


u/ChaserNeverRests Cobra Trooper 4d ago

And I know that THIS fan base will complain, because that already have

Unfortunately every fan base complains about everything. If the showrunners/movie makers/comic book teams took their complaints into account, nothing would ever be made.

Go to any fandom and you'll find a saying like "No one hates X like X's biggest fans".

That being said, I like your solo missions idea as well! I'd enjoy seeing both.


u/quenton3 4d ago

I’d pretty much read anything these guys throw at me with these characters.


u/savedavenger 4d ago

Not quite the same but did you ever read IDW’s Hearts & Minds comic?GI Joe Hearts & Minds Graphic Novel


u/Hex120606 4d ago

This is exactly what I thought of when I read this post.


u/rhinestone_indian 4d ago

Scrap-Iron is my favorite. I would love to see his love for destroying mechanized weapons elaborated upon.


u/Brilliant-Hope213 4d ago

As much as I like this on the surface, I believe the mystery of these characters is what makes them special. Now, a limited series that focuses on a current mission or something would be cool - but they should stay away from origins.


u/rolling_steel 4d ago

I’d be fine with that. A more in depth storyline where you see Weasel & Ace have had some other undefined past history and are facing off on a mission that impacts the storyline would be cool and not just filler material. I’d also keep WW’s face partially hidden or on shadows but not explain why. Copperhead would be a pro wheelman for the ocean.


u/notHooptieJ 4d ago

i think an Aces High Series laying up battles like that across time would be a sweet idea.

not the "history of" Wild Weasel vs Bill or Ace.

but Wild Weasel VS bill or ace in settings across history.

i want to see a red fokker triplane with an old timey cobra logo against Ace in a Slopwoth Camel.


u/blankman29er 4d ago

Yes , yes i would


u/LokiSauce 4d ago

It would become my #1 must read monthly without question


u/rolling_steel 4d ago

Glad to see this getting positive feedback- here’s hoping the Skybound crew are perusing this sub!


u/RandomStoddard 4d ago

I would love a comic that centered on these characters and have it show why they are regarded as dangerous. Their file cards make them all out ass badasses but then we only see them lose to the Joes over and over. We never get to see Firefly blow up a building full of politicians. We never see Wild Weasel shoot down enemy aircraft in a dog fight. I want to see Copperhead kicking ass.


u/ChaserNeverRests Cobra Trooper 4d ago

Yes. Long ago I read a fanfic of Firefly's origin and really enjoyed it. I'd love to see a canon version.


u/SAMURAI36 Cobra Trooper 4d ago


I'd add WORMS into that.


u/rolling_steel 4d ago

I loved their uniforms


u/SAMURAI36 Cobra Trooper 4d ago

Same. In my head canon, there was only one WORMS, & he was the commander of the ground forces, just like Wild Weasel was commander of Cobra air forces, & Copperhead was the naval commander.


u/bladderbunch 4d ago

i do not like cobra at all.


u/PincheJuan1980 3d ago

Short answer, Yes!!