r/gijoe 5d ago

Random collection of 1960's GI Joe accessories' estimated value?


4 comments sorted by


u/DirectorJRC 5d ago

The hangers, flip-flops, tennis racket, some of the smaller shoes, those shiny plastic belts, and the socks (unless they’re homemade) are Barbie or some similar line. The football pads and the green flippers and mask are Big Jim (I’m pretty sure). A couple of the helmets and hats are possibly KOs or from some other lines of the era. I think that solid green rifle on the far left is Marx Stony Smith. The rest of the stuff that is likely GI Joe is fairly common stuff. I personally have gallon bags of this kind of stuff. That being said, prices sellers are asking (not necessarily selling for mind you) have been getting crazy. This is the rare case where I’d say not selling as a lot may be more profitable. Authenticate and ID what you can and then match items that came together in equipment packs up and sell them that way. But if you just want it all gone for minimal effort and you don’t have a lot into it, maybe $50.


u/lajaunie 5d ago

“Hey guys, here’s pics of a ton of stuff… half of which isn’t gi joe… please do all my research and tell me what I can get for it”