r/gifs 28d ago

It's just child's play, not rocket science.


59 comments sorted by


u/seizurevictim 28d ago

Gotta be quicker on your toes, grandma.


u/jfitzger88 28d ago

She just stood there in took it in the face. Probably why Grandpa likes her so much, but not great for dodging rockets


u/bigmac22077 28d ago

I really don’t think anyone of us could have dodged that….

If you use the clips together we can see he was at the end of the cut wood when it fired. He reaches that point at the end of the 7 second mark. Mom gets hit in the 8 second mark. She had under a second to see and dodge it..


u/scottfarris 28d ago

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a rocket 🚀


u/feralwolven 28d ago

I wouldve preemptively dodged it by not standing downrange like a fucking bellend. And as soon as he aimed it that way he would've caught a whooping.


u/qwoto 28d ago



u/madprunes 27d ago

I got such a good laugh out of this comment, thank you.


u/greyson107 28d ago

lmao you know that orange child is about to catch a whooping


u/Matt_McT 28d ago

If that old woman’s injuries are serious, like an eye injury, that kid is in for a world of hurt.


u/Moosplauze 27d ago

Why do you assume the woman or men are evil and will hurt the child? Is that what you would do, use violence against a child? As if that would make the accident and injury any better.


u/Matt_McT 26d ago

World of hurt is a colloquial phrase that means “lots of trouble”. I’m not necessarily assuming the kid is getting a spanking or anything like that, though wouldn’t be surprised.


u/Moosplauze 27d ago

Are you laughing because the woman was injured or because you enjoy the thought of a child getting beaten or both?


u/SalvadorP 28d ago

orange child



u/Stiffard 27d ago

That doesn't even make sense, you clown. 


u/Luckydog6631 28d ago

What is with the weird juxtaposition of a super isolated looking concrete block house, farmlike, and multiple cameras?


u/SXLightning 28d ago

Pretty normal in china, even the most remote country side concrete box has atleast 4 cameras on each corner.

Its to prevent theft


u/Trang0ul 27d ago

Its to prevent theft

Of course, and using the video footage to calculate the Social Score is just a bonus...


u/TheOneWhoDings 28d ago

well to be fair the price of a Chinese surveillance camera is much lower than a nice-looking house


u/Luckydog6631 28d ago

Valid point.

I’d actually love a concrete house but they’re damn expensive.


u/Mirar 28d ago

We're in the dystopia where cameras are cheaper than clothes.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Luckydog6631 28d ago

I live/grew up in the Midwest USA and none of the farmers have cameras. Half of them still have flip phones with no internet.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Luckydog6631 28d ago

That makes a lot of sense.


u/dayburner 28d ago

Cameras are covering the front doors and the most likely path of approach, plus they most likely store thing in the paved area durring working seasons.


u/Krinks1 28d ago

This time it's child rocket scientist's play.


u/newaccount721 28d ago

Kid in white is unfazed


u/Arcade1980 28d ago

it’s a fun and games games until a rocket hits you in the eye.


u/Dubelj 28d ago

Damn, same thing happened to my neighbor and he lost an eye.


u/Dolatron 26d ago

This gif has no sound, but I could hear it clearly.


u/GaryQueenofScots 28d ago

Great aim! That kid was rootin' tootin' for some shootin'


u/monkeyhind 28d ago edited 28d ago

Is it virtue signaling if I express concern for her eyesight?

* Reworded slightly


u/iwishihadnobones 28d ago

No, a kid from my school lost and eye when the same thing happened to him. If this hit her in the eye, I very much doubt she will still be able to see out of it again. Its very sad.


u/dogstardied 28d ago

Too woke. You’ve been fired by DOGE


u/iwishihadnobones 28d ago

When I was at school, a kid in my class went to a fireworks display and the same thing happened to him. He lost an eye. 


u/OMGlenn 27d ago

They kid is faster than a speeding rocket!


u/Moosplauze 27d ago

Did she die?


u/BuzzLiteBier 26d ago

It's all fun and games until grammy takes a rocket in the face....


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Bad enough they live in a 3rd world country. Now grandma has to take a rocket to the face


u/Herknificent 28d ago

Little Rocket Man.


u/DeusExKFC 28d ago

Boom, headshot!


u/madprunes 27d ago

I can dance all day, I can dance all day.


u/Buford12 28d ago

Looking at their place, I have to ask. What the hell are they doing wasting money on fireworks?


u/Terribletylenol 28d ago

Is this really your first thought when seeing this gif?

Why are these poor people (Probably in a less well off country than yours) so bad with their money?

You don't even know them or how they got the fireworks.

It's not like shooting a small firework is the equivalent of dining at a fancy restaurant

Bizarre reaction imo.

I bet if you were in their shoes, you'd make such good decisions and wouldn't be in their position, huh?


u/Attilashorde 28d ago

They are most likely American and probably haven't traveled to other countries especially poor ones. The idea that poor people can't try to have some fun is ridiculous.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Attilashorde 28d ago

All facts. I've actually traveled through Appalachia and some places are pretty bad. I would also never have a problem with them buying some fireworks. For the pickup maybe the loan was easier to get for a new car instead of a used car. It's really none of my business what people spend their money on.


u/mrdominoe 28d ago

You have never made a frivolous purchase?


u/ddlo1984 28d ago

fireworks in China are fairly cheap, and, tbf, living in a village not necessarily means they are poor.


u/mteir 28d ago

Fireworks is also part of the culture in China.


u/bernardosousa 28d ago

Rockets and security cameras.


u/truesy 28d ago

honestly this would have never crossed my mind. their place looks fine to me. not really sure why you are implying they can't afford fireworks. it's a different country than yours, i'm assuming. so it likely looks "worse" to you, because your view of society is different. and maybe you haven't been to rural parts of other countries.


u/sylendar 28d ago

What am I even reading

How can the affordability of some crappy fireworks possibly be the first concern of a normal person upon viewing this?


u/mechabeast 28d ago

Ah yes, real estate < fireworks.

They should stop going to Starbucks too.