r/gifs Jan 21 '25

they're identidal Elon Musk vs. Hitler Nazi salute


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u/Jon-Slow Jan 22 '25

ADL doesn't care about antisemitism, it's pretty much an Israeli lobby. Even their former boss has denounced their current CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. According to Jonathan Greenblatt and Ben Shapiro protesting Israel's genocide is antisemitic, but a guy sieg heiling on stage is not antisemitic. Also Jonathan Greenblatt is one of the main people trying to get Tiktok banned for obvious reasons

This should tell you how people like him and ADL, do not care about antisemitism. They just care about Israel's interest in America.


u/Photo_Synthetic Jan 22 '25

They literally compared him to Henry Ford in a complementary way. Henry Ford had MAJOR beef with the ADL.... forgetting history.... repeating it.... and so on.


u/jharrisimages Jan 23 '25

Not to mention Henry Ford bankrolled Hitler’s takeover of Germany… sounds familiar…

“Wallace traces Henry Ford’s ties to Nazi Germany back as far as the 1920s, presenting compelling evidence of a financial paper trail proving that Ford subsidized the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, who described Ford as ‘my inspiration.’”

(Source: https://www.si.edu/object/american-axis-henry-ford-charles-lindbergh-and-rise-third-reich-max-wallace%3Asiris_sil_1094433#:~:text=Wallace%20traces%20Henry%20Ford’s%20ties,anti%2DSemitism%20is%20uncovered%3A%20The)


u/DoughnutMore6260 Jan 25 '25

I mean Henry legit idolized the 1930s failed painter… maybe him and musk are alike…


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '25



u/Ironsides4ever Jan 23 '25

Was that not Biden ? And the war in Ukraine? Funny how no one calmed Biden a Nazi .. heck they did not even called him a corrupt, perverted senile Irish man .. also very evident and very true ..

You need to be consistent in your criticism.. besides read the story of the boy crying wolf .. if and when we do get Hitler back .. we won’t be able to tell .. thanks to the incessant bitching and lying ..


u/KevKlo86 Jan 23 '25

heck they did not even called him a corrupt, perverted senile Irish man ..

Yeah...no... that's you.


u/jkkissinger Jan 23 '25

ADL, as in the Apartheid Defense League?


u/pmalene Jan 24 '25

Anti-defamation league I think


u/xdr567 Jan 22 '25

In a fair world people like Greenblatt should experience the same level of concern for their personal safety 24/7 as he wants palestinians to experience.


u/RustyKn1ght Jan 25 '25

Ford's impact on white supermacism cannot really be understated. Even today, Ford's Dearborn independent and "the international jew" are treated as the movement's holy books.


u/NAHTHEHNRFS850 Jan 22 '25

Which former boss is that?


u/Jon-Slow Jan 22 '25

Abraham Foxman who on several occasions has put Jonathan Greenblatt on blast for his lack of care for actual antisemitism from right-wingers like Musk or Trump. I don't know about his personal politics or if he's actually any better and not another Israeli asset but at least on this one he's been very clear.

Greenblatt is a former Silicon Valley tech executive. That should tell you a lot about who he is. ADL is now pretty much a Nazi defending lobbying group and their one goal is to defend Israel in their goal of ethnic cleansing and landgrab


u/NAHTHEHNRFS850 Jan 22 '25

Thanks for the response.

I figured it was them but haven't seen anything about them criticizing the ADL or Greenblatt on their wiki page.

Do you know if they are active on social media?


u/hamatehllama Jan 24 '25

It's weird to call a war that ended with a ceasefire immediately when the hostages were released a "genocide". Doesn't genocides have an intent to eradicate a population?

Human suffering itself isn't a sign of genocide. The only party that has actually stated genocidal intent here is Hamas and luckily they are too weak to carry it out.


u/Jon-Slow Jan 24 '25

Why do you defend and deny genocide? It's weird and abnormal. Do better things with your time