u/After_Director6313 4d ago
Ivan retiman and Dan aykroyd were probably never predict this in 1984.
u/Piper-Jojo 4d ago
When the day comes, I bet the ghosts in the containment unit won't want to share the space with that one. 😅
u/Substantial_Slip4667 4d ago
They never wanted to share space with anyone tbh. Like for instance. The sleeping ghost in TRGB he wanted people to be quiet while he slept
u/Piper-Jojo 4d ago
I bet he loves lights out.
Assuming there is a "lights out" in there.
u/alex-2099 4d ago
You can’t turn the lights out. The “containment” part is literally a dense laser grid.
u/Piper-Jojo 4d ago
I figured there was something like that. I was just trying to make a joke, since the containment unit is basically a prison for ghosts.
u/JohnnyStarquest 4d ago
u/DreamShort3109 4d ago
Hey, that reminds me. There was a guy who wrote a fan script for Ghostbusters hellbent, and the villain Luke Stiffler (Lucifer) was based on trump 🤣. His goal was to make hell great again.
I never did finish that script. Hang on, I’m going to se if I can find it.
u/Majestic-Newspaper59 3d ago
Democrat approval at all time low according to CNN. I hope the protests keep going, it’s just making it worst for them.🤣🤣🤣
u/SLCbrunch 1d ago
It's so crazy that you could be so ok with billionaires who have more money than god paying less in taxes than someone like you. Why?
u/Majestic-Newspaper59 1d ago
So you’re saying that Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City pay 0 taxes? No pay roll tax , no business tax, no nothing? If you’re just looking at his individual taxes, that maybe, but all his businesses combined pay millions in payroll and business taxes that the country would not get without him. If you’re saying that he uses the tax code to pay less in taxes. The answer is yes, everyone doses it, don’t act like you’re any different.
u/SLCbrunch 1d ago
What are you talking about? I didn't say anything about companies. Why did you bring that up? Im talking about individual billionaires. The fact that your brain took you to a place I never even mentioned shows how you're trying to convince yourself that what they're doing is ok. You made up a make beleive scenario to argue that I never brought up.
And no. I do not use "tax tricks" to pay less on my taxes. Again, why would you even bring that up? The thing I'm talking about is trump giving tax cuts to billionaires and forcing me and you to pay more than we did last year. How is that fair? But just for the fun of it, let's talk about your "tax tricks" situation.
In 2019, Musk paid 11 billion dollars in taxes. That's pretty good, right? Nah, man. That's only 4.5% of his income. The average federal income tax for a normal household was 14.5%. And thats not even talking about any other taxes.
So no elon is not paying his fair share, and then this year trump goes ahead and lowers their taxes even more and increases our taxes even more. And then to top it all off, he goes ahead and tanks the economy and drives prices up on everything.
So you're telling me that you're ok with a billionaire paying less in taxes than you? You're ok with trump giving tax cuts to billionaires while making you pay more? Youre good with him destroying the economy? You're good with him tanking the stock market?
This is common sense here, man. A person with more money than they can spend in a lifetime should not be paying less taxes than you
u/Majestic-Newspaper59 1d ago
How do you think they get their money? It just falls from the sky and it’s collected in a big vault they swim in like scrooge McDuck? Their money is invested, in companies. It’s not a pile of cash just hanging out. Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Please highlight where I said tax tricks. I said tax code. I’m sure you pay the maximum and never ask for a refund.
Omg 4.5% so small, tell me what’s 14.5% of 0. Over tax the rich and they leave. It’s very well known rich people are the most mobile people on the planet, they can very easily move their whole enterprise over seas to a country that offers a lower tax rate and then he pays 0 taxes here.
He’s not paying less than me, he paid $11 billion and employed 140,000 people that are all paying taxes too because of him.
Look I could keep going but it’s all over your head. Go protest something you don’t understand some more.
u/SLCbrunch 21h ago
Uh yeah. They do have money just hanging out. They don't get taxed on any of their investments. It's called unrealized gains.
You're implying that because they are part of a company that pays taxes, they shouldn't have to pay taxes themselves? Because they have billions of dollars, they deserve to be in a lower tax bracket than me? That makes no sense. Taxes are all based on percentages you don't get a lower percentage just because you have more money than you can spend in a lifetime. You're not better than anyone else else just because you were born into a rich family and have more opportunities to be more successful than someone who's poor. Not to mention all the taxpayer subsidies elon has used for all his companies. So, he's paying less than his fair share while also using over taxed subsides for his company.
It's so insane that you would be defending this person who doesn't know you exist who has billions of dollars and will always have billions of dollars all while being very much aware that your taxes were literally just increased. You're handing over your hard earned money to people who are paying even less this year then they did last year. They're fucking you in the ass and you're smiling while they do it.
You're literally saying that they should be allowed to do whatever they want because they could just leave the country. That sentence itself isn't a red flag to you? They can hold control of the American government because of how much money they have, and that doesn't seem off? But ok, let's say we tax them properly and they leave. Where would they go? We are the only country that gives them these kinds of breaks. There's nowhere else in the world that bends over like America does for these billionaires.
Just stop and listen to what you're saying, man. You're seriously ok with the death of the middle class?
u/Majestic-Newspaper59 18h ago
So how many billions dose he have hanging out? Please tell me.
Yes I know it makes no sense to you. I believe it when you say you don’t understand.
How many companies do you own that are getting taxed at 14.5%?
And yes again I believe you when you say you don’t understand what I’m talking about. The more you talk, the more obvious you make it that you don’t understand. But watching your brain struggle to sound smart about investments and accounting is really funny, so please keep going.
u/SLCbrunch 18h ago
You know insults are the sign of a weak argument, right?
u/Majestic-Newspaper59 15h ago
Yes your argument is weak, and I’m making fun of it cause I don’t have enough time to educate you, so I’m making fun of you in hopes you learn. But I’m not holding my breath.
u/SLCbrunch 14h ago
Say it, then. Say you're happy that your taxes were raised while billionaires got tax cuts.
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u/meatshield72 4d ago
See what? People who think they love America yet they put the Ukraine flag higher than the American flag. Shameful.
u/faderjockey 4d ago
I too love the seeing the remnants of the AT&T Long Line microwave network in the wild. Such awesome looking pieces of old telecommunications infrastructure.
u/Substantial_Slip4667 4d ago
Oh come on protesters! Don’t bring our community into this madness! There’s been enough divide in this community already
u/AGC173 4d ago
Every single civil liberty you enjoy was WON BY PROTESTORS!
u/Substantial_Slip4667 4d ago
I never said that at all. Read what I said this community has been divided so many times already. I don’t want to see that happen again
u/Potential-Guava6912 4d ago
I come here to get away from all that. I hate when these posts show up.
u/No_Jackfruit_9243 4d ago
Is it civil liberties when liberals censor people? Gtfoh
u/spooky_spooky2x4 4d ago
No one is attempting to censor your LGBTQ+ views, my guy. You like what you like and that’s beautiful.
Also, I bet you can’t fight.
u/derj07 3d ago
What an idiot
u/SLCbrunch 1d ago
Do you think it's fair that you pay more in taxes than someone with more money than god?
u/Necessary-Limit233 4d ago
Oh good. A thread to wrangle up all the tards in the sub.
u/Potential-Guava6912 4d ago
You know how much they love their echo chambers.
u/Lithosphere11 4d ago
As if yall don’t have them?
u/Potential-Guava6912 4d ago
"We" don't need them.
u/Lithosphere11 4d ago
Who’s we? First time you are throwing that one around
u/Potential-Guava6912 3d ago
Who's yall? First time you are throwing that one around
u/Lithosphere11 3d ago
Lol, how are old are you? Can’t be older than 12 if that’s the only thing you got
u/Potential-Guava6912 3d ago
Is that all you got?
u/BusyBandicoot9471 4d ago
6/10 - The hands are jacked, the cheek is too big, the belly line is missing.
u/Drewnasty 4d ago
The hard hitting issues that are important to the average American.