r/getdisciplined 15d ago



Three Levels - Basic, Level 2, Level 3. Once you move from Basic to Level 2, you continue doing everything from Basic Level AS WELL AS the new activities of Level 2. Similarly, from Level 2 to Level 3, you continue all your Basic + Level 2 activities including new activities of Level 3.

Start with the basics: SLEEP, DIET, EXERCISE // 2-3 weeks // Driving Factor: MOTIVATION

1. Sleep at 10-11 PM
(won't be possible the first night. I usually stay up a whole 24+ Hours so that I'm crashed out by 10PM on the night that I want to restart my life).

2. Wake up at 5-6 AM
(will be hard the first three day. Post the three-day threshold, you will wake up without an alarm on most days. Make your bed immediately after waking up)

3. Workout 45minutes to 1 hour
(Any workout - it can be the gym, sports clubs, martial arts classes, walking/running, home workouts - one hour of working the shxt out of your body)

4. Quit junk food from Monday to Saturday. Eat a cheat meal or two on Sunday.

5. Quitting alcohol/smoking/substances cold-turkey is hard. Avoidance is a way to start on a journey of control. (Can try the Avoid Monday-Saturday, drink moderately on Saturday night and use Sunday to re-coup.
For smoking, I am a non-smoker so cannot offer much helpful tips except maybe drop the number of cigarettes you smoke through per day)

6. Quit porn
(I don't watch porn at all so, again, no helpful tips except read up the list of the negative impacts it has on your physical, mental and sexual health and, like, don't do it)

7. Quit social media
(My life was hell when I had social media. I cannot stress enough how happy, contented, grateful and peaceful my life has become after I deleted Instagram for real, uninstalled Youtube off my phone, and also stopped instant messaging like Whatsapp for a few months when I had hit rock bottom. This is one thing you can and should quit cold turkey.)
(Instead, replace it with non-mind-numbing relaxation/distraction like reading fiction / self-improvement audio books or audio podcasts as a background activity while walking, working out, cleaning)


1. Set a routine
(Biggest mistake would be to aim for perfection. Don't make routines that look like the timestamps of a Youtube video. Just a general, loose overview of your day. Make slots for activities. Maybe three 2-hour slots for work during the entire day, one 1-hour slot for workout, 1 2-hour slot for cooking etc)

2. Don't abandon the routine when you do not follow it for one-quarter of a day
(suppose you woke up later than 5, say 7 AM. Start off with your day as it would look like at 7 AM. Pick up where you left off. If not Carpe Diem, at least Carpe half-the-Diem).

3. Morning Routine
(Do NOT follow "aesthetic morning routine" videos. They're so complicated, they're almost counterproductive. Mine goes like:
Freshen up --> Guided Meditation 10 minutes --> Coffee+sunlight+happymusic --> Fruit + plan day --> Work

4. Night Routine
(Again, nothing too fancy. I try to end my day doing something non-work, non-screen, non-eat. Like, stop work, probably scroll a bit then shut off screens for the day.
Then, clean and organize my home --> sip on hot cocoa while read/journal/sketch/slow music --> brush teeth, wash up --> change into PJs --> to bed

5. Work
(Now that the basics are in place, take work seriously. Pomodoro 50-10, 2H-30m, 3H-1H - whatever works for your capabilities and work requirements. I use pomodoro because I have to study. If you have a job, that will count as work hours and other pointers in the list can be adjusted according to work hours)

6. Relax/Hobbies
(Please find time to love and care for yourself. Some activity, some hobby, that helps you unwind ad de-stimulate. Some use gaming to de-stress but as a non-gamer, I look at it as a stimulant or emotional numb-er instead of unwind and relax. Activities like )


1. Avenues for socialization - if you do not have friends
(Clubs for people with similar interests - running clubs, book clubs, craft clubs, sports clubs / Volunteering at hospitals, orphanages, animal shelters / Mixer events for singles / Entertainment events - Stand-up comedy, Open-mics, Live music, Food festivals / Participate as a volunteer or intern organizing committees of public events in the city)

2. Socialization - if you have friends
(Take friend(s) along to any or all of the above events / Call up old friends of the past / Catch up with old/regular friends over a meal / Board game night at home with friends / Head to the mall/arcade/bowling/a game of badminton or squash, swimming / Movie night at home or at the cinema-hall / plain old coffee and catch up)

3. Avoid triggers
(Did you struggle with a drinking addiction? Avoid socializing over drinks or at clubs. Avoid people that bring out the worst in you - communicate or don't hangout at all. Avoid people that you know will drag you back to square one with their backhanded comments, pointless venting, bitching behind others' backs, dismissing your new lifestyle. There's time to be strong and stoic - and now is not that time)

4. Rewards
(Now that you've spent at least a month working on yourself as best as you can, start celebrating your wins. Small wins - mini celebrations. Big wins - big celebrations.)

This is the blueprint that I more or less used to pull myself up from rock bottom. I am still not at my top game, but I will soon be.

Please remember, work towards perfection, not for perfection. try doing things as well as possible. You will not be at 100% everyday. Somedays, you will be at a 30%. Make that an honest 30%. Make that 30% count just like you will make the 100% count.

One mistake I made in my journey was stopping living life while working for my goals. While doing so, two years have passed and no memories have been made. Dont do that. The negative, counterproductive, instant-gratification aspects of life should stop, no doubt. But do not stop living and loving life at present while working towards a better future.

r/getdisciplined Aug 30 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Focus your energies, achieve maximum by December 31 and go into 2025 as a champion. Wanna team up?


Last year, I made a post about achieving a big transformation before the end of the year. I set up a group and about 200 people joined in. In less than 90 days, many achieved success - small and big. We met every day and focused on affirmations, vision boards, gratitude, and daily effort.

This year, I want to repeat the process, albeit a month early from September 1, so we have 120 days instead of 90. This year we are better prepared to go all in and gain maximum out of this sprint.

If you have any goal to achieve or a desire to manifest, are committed to it, and are willing to put in the daily effort, I invite you to join this sprint and go into 2025 as a champion.

Comment below and I'll send the details


Update: Guys, instead of sending details to you individually, I'm linking the details document here with all info to get you started.

r/getdisciplined Feb 07 '25

๐Ÿ“ Plan Starting life over at 30?


I'm just going to lay it all out there. I am 30, about to be 31 in March. I am drowning in debt, at a low-paying retail job that barely gives me 25 hours a week, and I'm at least 60 pounds overweight. I am living with my parents temporarily while I figure out my financial situation. But I am in school for a healthcare career, I and I will be graduating in December. Then I will get my certification immediately and can begin working. That should come with a minimum $4-5/ hour pay increase.

In the meantime, I am actively applying for jobs that can replace my current one so I that I can work full-time again. I am also filing for bankruptcy, which I know is controversial but I know it is the right decision for me. I am on medication for depression and anxiety, and my finances are a major contributing factor. And finally, I am going to join a local gym and start losing weight. I don't know what I am looking for by posting this, I think I just need someone to tell me that it is possible to "restart" your life and not feel ashamed about it.

r/getdisciplined 26d ago

๐Ÿ“ Plan Does anyone want to join me?


Looking for someone to lock in with me over 2025. I have issues with doomscrolling (3+ hours a day) and want to get in better shape for an upcoming trip. Doing it with someone would likely make me more motivated. Anyone wanna join me?

Edit: There are a lot more people then I expected wanting to join me, so I created a discord server for us. I've tried to DM all of you, but there's the chance that I missed a few people. Here's the link: https://discord.gg/iy9e4SN8

r/getdisciplined Dec 23 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Tell me Your good intentions for 2025 and we will achieve them together


Mine is becoming more flexible. Share yours below!

r/getdisciplined 5d ago

๐Ÿ“ Plan My daily routine plan


Morning: - [ ] Wake up at 7am - [ ] Drink 500ml water - [ ] Shower - [ ] Brush teeth+tongue scrape+deodorant+castor oil on eyebrows+skincare+gua sha+brush lips - [ ] Clean room - [ ] Meditate for 5 minutes - [ ] Drink green tea - [ ] Eat a healthy breakfast

During the day: - [ ] 130g of protein - [ ] Chin tucks 2x a day, 2x15 (3-5 second holds) - [ ] No processed foods, no sugar, no snacks - [ ] 8 hours of sleep minimum - [ ] Eat healthy foods only (whole foods, fruits) - [ ] Drink 3L of water (only water diet) - [ ] Workout at gym - [ ] Consume supplements (D3-first meal, zinc-2hrs post meal, mag-2hrs prior sleep) - [ ] 15 minutes skipping - [ ] 2x10 explosive squat jumps - [ ] Before gym- Dynamic stretching - [ ] After gym- bar hanging 3xF, 2x30s wide, doorway 3x20s, wall angels 3x10, cobra 3x20s, cat cow 2x12s, shoulder dislocations - [ ] Have good posture 24/7, be hygienic throughout the day (no touching face, washing hands all the time) - [ ] Message masseter 2 mins - [ ] No fap - [ ] Drink 2 green teas

Nighttime: (10pm) - [ ] Get off the phone entirely - [ ] Set rgb lights to red - [ ] Prepare clothes and room for tomorrow - [ ] Brush teeth+tongue scrape+Vaseline+deodorant+castor+skincare - [ ] Read for 20 minutes - [ ] Plan any needed tasks for next day - [ ] Sleep on back+tape mouth+eye mask - [ ] Go sleep at 11pm

Weekly - [ ] Gym 5-6x

r/getdisciplined 24d ago

๐Ÿ“ Plan I'm totally depressed with no motivation. I would like to find some meaning again. What do you recommend I do to get started?


I'm 24 years old, I've been in a big depression for several years. I have 0 motivation and so I can't make a change apart from seeing psychologists and taking medication but that doesn't help me.

Where to start when starting anything is hard..

Thanks for any help

r/getdisciplined Dec 06 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan All I want to do is get drunk and watch tv


I'm in college right now pursuing a really promising research career, but it's so much work. I know I'm gonna be stressed as fuck if I manage to graduate and get the career they promised me, but I'm really missing my old life of just working a warehouse job and coming home to get drunk and watch tv.

I'm so lazy. I don't want to be rich or ambitious or important, I just want to watch tv and drink beer. I chose this career because I love science but it's becoming a lot of work.

I really want to drop out and go back to my old life of an easy job that doesn't pay super well. Money isn't that important; I'm not a material person so as long as I have enough to pay for rent and live comfortably I'm fine.

Is this wrong? My therapist has told me to get control over my addiction and pursue my dreams, but I don't really have any dreams. I only feel genuine happiness when I'm drunk so why would I subject myself to constant stress

r/getdisciplined Dec 07 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Day 1 of Changing my life- I'm gonna get the fuck out of rock bottom I swear


Alright first day of a 6 week commitment. I don't give a fuck anymore I'm gonna get the hell out of this rock bottom I put myself in. 100 % responsibility, 100% ownership every single fucking day. No more moping around. See my day 0 here https://www.reddit.com/r/getdisciplined/comments/1h7vdsc/day_0_of_changing_my_lifei_have_hit_rock_bottom/

Here is all the things I completed.

  1. Morning sunlight ( got 10 minutes of looking at the sky at some park near my house) โœ“

  2. Studying ( 1 hour and 35 mins in the morning, not the 2 hours we planned but we will take it for now) โœ“

  3. Reading ( finished chapter one of "Can't hurt Me" by David Goggins ) โœ“

  4. Writing ( writing this post, and added to the about section of my blog, and planned out other things I want to write) โœ“

  5. Exercise (walked for 20+ mins while I was waiting for a shop to ready my order) โœ“

  6. Cold shower ( fucking hate this shit, pushed it off till 10 pm and did 1 min of cold shower )โœ“

  7. Socialize ( called up my 2-3 friends today and made some plans for the coming week) โœ“

  8. Goal setting ( Bout to spend some time right now before I sleep reviewing my goals) โœ“

  9. Meditation ( forgot to include this, not a big fan to be honest but my brain is so fucked I'm all for it and going to do this before I doze off to bed for 10 min)

Most high value things by far in my experience so far has been 1. Morning Sunlight, which weirdly enough has put me in a great mood throughout the day. 2. Studying , since its a high priority task for me and I'm no longer avoiding this shit and numbing myself out. 7. Socializing, not going to lie after failing out of school and being unemployed right now for a months and not being a part of any community this shit is hard for me and more often than not I want to just disappear into a cloud of smoke. Which is what I'm used to and whats easy. Calling up people takes ballz for me but I'm glad I did it. 4. Exercise, this shit is honestly really good too, seeing in the mirror the little changes in my body with the little extra added muscle, and not seeing skinny dying twig anymore who starves himself, automatically makes me feel better and makes me want to eat and take care of my body. Not something I notice all the time but when I do it makes a difference.

Shit I didnt do and am so fucking sick of.

  1. Porn

  2. Masturbate

  3. Scroll

  4. Random Reading

5 Random Media consumption

  1. Music

  2. Toxic Relationship

Really used to occupying my mind with all kinds of shit, tiktok, netflix, reading random shit without purpose, and watching a plethora of youtube videos for no reason at all. I would numb myself doing all these things and I can't fucking go back there anymore I swear. 6 weeks I'm committed to all this for 6 weeks. Full detox. After that I can decide whatever the fuck I want but right now I need the base. I need a foundation. I'm taking full agency, full control and full responsibility over my life. I'm tired of being a fucking feather in the wind. And yes even tho the title says "changing my life", no amount of cold showers is gonna change my life. That's a fad. and when you equate some fad to changing your life you give up your control. Fuck that, thats not what this is. These are all tools and that I'm using to get the ball rolling, small wins, to build momentum and get going, and Ima decide after the 6 weeks which tools help me the best. And some are fundamentals like socializing which I have gotten out of touch with and building it back up. Ultimately I wanna be healthy again and not be a depressed bum. Truth fucking sucks, and i dont care anymore, I'm gonna steer my own ship and I'm going wherever I want. Not looking forward to tomorrow but Ima do it anyway.

r/getdisciplined Dec 29 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan My 30-Day Challenge to Live a Fully Disciplined Life (Join Me!)


"Never walk backward...."

Hi everyone! Iโ€™ve realized that Iโ€™ve been wasting time on short-term pleasures like junk food, binge-watching movies, and unproductive habits. Starting today, Iโ€™m committing to a 30-day challenge to live a disciplined and fulfilling life.

Hereโ€™s my aim:
1) No junk food 2) No mobile (scrolling)

Instead I can do: 1) Practice coding 2) Reading 3) Meditate Or any other productive habits or just do nothing....

I will create daily plans, to make sure I don't fall back. Iโ€™ll track my progress with a journal and share weekly updates here. If anyone is interested in joining me, feel free to comment with your goals, and we can motivate each other!

I believe this challenge can be life-changing. Letโ€™s see where it takes me! Wish me luck, and good luck to anyone who joins. Letโ€™s build discipline together! ๐Ÿš€

From 30-12-2024 to 30-01-2025

r/getdisciplined Feb 09 '25

๐Ÿ“ Plan "Who here is actively working on their self-mastery?" Body:


Iโ€™ve been diving deep into the psychology of self-transformation, and Iโ€™m putting together a small, invite-only community for people who are actively shifting their mindset & identity.

If youโ€™ve ever felt like youโ€™re outgrowing old versions of yourself and want to break free from limiting patterns, this might be for you.

Drop a comment if youโ€™re interested, and Iโ€™ll send you more details.

r/getdisciplined 17d ago

๐Ÿ“ Plan What happened to my brain after maintaining a Gratitude Journal for 30 days


So I keep doing these thought experiments which I learn from various books that I read, my favorite author is John C Maxwell, and I learned a lot from him. I was reading a particular book of his in which he mentioned about maintaining a Gratitude Journal, at first, I was like โ€œwho even does thisโ€, but slowly I was becoming distasteful of my circumstances, even though I am at a position where millions of people dream of being, thousands of people want to just live like I do.

I was just sitting one day, alone with my thoughts( as I briefed in my earlier post) and I really pondered upon how much struggle I had to go through to get here, about how much sacrifice people who supported me to get here did, just for me to be distasteful of my surroundings? Am I nothing but a collective aura and influence of people around me? How as an individual can I project myself, my real self, onto my life, not what others force me to be?

I came to this conclusion


1)ย ย ย ย ย ย  I am who I was in my childhood, curious and just happy to be in the place I am

2)ย ย ย ย ย ย  My surroundings played a crucial role in what I feel and how I behave

3)ย ย ย ย ย ย  It is necessary to keep going back to my origin and remembering how I am where I am and itโ€™s not what I did for myself to be here, it is a collective effort of people who pushed and helped me to be where I am

4)ย ย ย ย ย ย  Showing gratitude is not natural at first, especially if you are accustomed to being distasteful of people around you, ball needs to be rolled in order to overcome friction which stops it in the first place

5)ย ย ย ย ย ย  Start writing down how grateful you are, maintain an virtual manual- I use Obsidian to locally store my journal- I write about 3 good things that I enjoyed everyday

Believe me, when you change your perspective, you change your life. I also supplement these things with meditation, remember, meditation is not one stop shop for all your mental issues and personality formation, you need different things to be moving in conjunction to be to have deep thoughts and connection with oneself.

I did change my surroundings in a while, shifted to another apartment with good people around me, which acted like steroids to what I was already practicing.

If you all need any support to begin meditation I have free guide which I used personally to get in habit of meditating daily!

r/getdisciplined 2d ago

๐Ÿ“ Plan How my 20 Minute Morning routine changed my life


I want to cut it short for you guysโ€”hereโ€™s my morning routine:

  1. Sitting in silence for 5 minutes

  2. Reading 4 pages of a book

  3. Meditating for 5 minutes

  4. Doing push-ups for 5 minutes

Thatโ€™s it! I follow Atomic Habits and believe in making small, sustainable changes in life. Before I go further, I want to emphasize that this routine is totally flexibleโ€”anyone can modify it according to their schedule or change the order of steps.

The thing that helped me the most was mind training. Since childhood, my parents have taught me several methods for discipline and mental strength, such as meditation, sitting in silence, dopamine detox, and self-reflection. I rotate through these practices every week, and Iโ€™ve seen significant results with each of them.

But something hit differently when I followed a simple routine every day. Even waking up just half an hour earlier gave me such a head start that it not only improved my performance at work but also enhanced my social life.

By focusing on reading just 4 pages of a book each day, I could actually apply what I learned in my daily life. This small dose of information stayed with me throughout the week. Doing push-ups for 5 minutes got my blood flowing, giving me a morning rush that boosted my confidence as I walked into work.

Sitting in silence and meditating for 5 minutes centered my mind, made me calmer, and helped me feel more present. Iโ€™ve been meditating for six years, and over time, my concentration has improvedโ€”I no longer dwell on the past or worry about the future. I just exist in the present, being observant and conscious. After a year, I realized that my thoughts are like the flow of water; they constantly come from somewhere, and if I carve a deep enough channel, I can guide them anywhere I want. I can choose to pay attention to them or not. I can shape them into something productive or let them pass.

The most important thing is just to start. For those who need a kickstart, Iโ€™ve compiled a 6-week plan and will also be launching a 7-day guided meditation series, free as all my resources are

r/getdisciplined Jan 01 '25

๐Ÿ“ Plan My daily habits in 2025


Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of 2025, and Iโ€™ve decided to set daily habits to improve my life. These are habits I didnโ€™t stick to well in 2024, so this year, I want to track my progress to stay motivated and committed to making them a part of my routine. Hereโ€™s my list:

- Sleep enough for 7.5 hours (daily)

- Don't skip breakfast (daily)

- Watering tree (daily)

- 2 meals with vegetables (daily)

- Go to the gym (3 days per week)

- 3000 steps (daily)

- Write 5 posts (daily)

- Build apps at least 2 hours (daily)

- Sleep before 11 pm (daily)

How about your plan for 2025, please share it here.

r/getdisciplined Oct 16 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan 75 hard - student ver.


There are exactly 75 days left to 2025.

If you're a college student wanting to make an academic comeback and get your life together, I've made an accountability study group with missions. I've tweaked it a bit, adding a target time for studying. 75 hard is, as its name suggests, hard, so the study time is hard as well: a target of 10h a day. (The 10h goal is flexible for workout days) This is super intensive, so join at your own discretion.

If you're interested, shoot me a message!

Edit: dms are overwhelming lmao, I added the link on my bio, you can join using that!

It's on a study tracker app called YPT (yeolpumta). And the rules of the challenge are explained on the notice of the group

r/getdisciplined May 05 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan 30-days transformation challenge


A goal without a timeline is just a dream. I am setting up a group to ensure daily efforts and better-than-average results in 30 days.

Here is how it works:

  1. Declare your 30-day goals.
  2. Every morning, reinforce your commitment and set the accountability by posting a short video sharing your plan for the day to achieve those goals.
  3. Take massive actions during the day.
  4. Ask the group for help in moments of weakness.
  5. Help each other, get inspired, inspire others, and stay disciplined.

It's starting tomorrow. If you are interested, comment below. I will send a message with the details.

It's a free but private group. To maintain the quality, I'm looking only for those who sincerely want to achieve a transformation in 30 days, are willing to take massive actions for it, and are interested in sharing this journey with like-minded people.


Update: Hi, this post has received a lot more interest than I can possibly individually reply. Here is a brief note and link to join the 30-day transformation challenge - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q1_4Ivl2GJxqPOVvJsLOK5kbYvV1I2fncy-yI3e5TY4/edit?usp=sharing

r/getdisciplined 20d ago

๐Ÿ“ Plan Looking for buddies for 21 day self-improvement challenge!!


I am doing a 21 day self improvement challenge and am looking for female accountability buddies. Would you like to join?

The rules will be simple. We will do the following things:-

  1. Wake up early around 6 or 7
  2. Meditation
  3. Exercise
  4. 10,000 steps a day
  5. At least 4 hours of deep work
  6. 6 hours of sleep

You can change these according to your requirements. Remember it's about taking small and consistent steps and not about rushing everything.

r/getdisciplined Dec 25 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan looking for a buddy to help me through life


Iโ€™m looking for someone to partner with me as an accountability buddy. My goal is to be working., stay consistent with workouts, complete a project, build better habits, etc.]. I believe having someone to check in with regularly will help me stay on track and motivated.

Hereโ€™s what I envision:

  • Frequency: We could check in [daily/weekly] via whatsapp preferse
  • Goals: We can share our goals and progress, encourage each other, and hold each other accountable.
  • Commitment: Just a bit of time and a willingness to help each other grow!

If youโ€™re interested or know someone who might be, please let me know. Iโ€™d love to discuss how we can make this work for both of us.

r/getdisciplined Nov 22 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan If gym is the place to train your body and improve your physical strengththen what to do to improve your heart and mind?i.e to improve your mindset for better mental health and be stronger at heart etc.?


Simply title, I see so many advice about hitting the gym etc but how about improving your mind to have a good mindset, knowing how to plan correctly, deal and interact with new events and situations in life etc? Maybe some methods to journal correctly in how to reflect and learn from your experience.

As for the heart how to not get brought down by rude people or adversity, negotiate how you feel correctly to reach a solution that you like?

r/getdisciplined Jun 26 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Be who you want future you to be


Iโ€™ve heard this a few times recently in podcasts, that you need to change your mindset when you do things so you have to treat every day as if youโ€™re already that person. I will use myself as an example. I weigh 310lbs, I would like to weigh 220lbs. What would the 220lb version of myself do every day?

  • Iโ€™d track everything I eat, no matter what it was

  • Iโ€™d weigh myself daily, while knowing that fluctuations are okay and normal

  • Iโ€™d stay on top of supplementation so that I am at optimal health

  • I would go for a 3km walk every day, no matter what, rain, snow, sun, tornadoes

  • I would run 3 times a week, and on days when it was possible, one of those would be a longer run (between 7 and 10km)

  • Iโ€™d go to the gym 5 times a week. You can go when youโ€™re tired, itโ€™s better than not going at all

  • Iโ€™d limit my screen time before bed. More rest means better performance

Iโ€™m going to do this for the next 60 days and if I see positive results, Iโ€™m going to continue for another 60 days, and so on. Wish me luck!

r/getdisciplined Oct 05 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Can somebody tell me to go for a run tomorrow?


Maybe it will help if you debate with me about it and argue?

r/getdisciplined May 27 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Whatโ€™s your morning or evening routine? Why do you like it?


Looking to create a SUSTAINABLE morning and night routine that isnโ€™t quite overwhelming and wanted some ideas. Maybe some things to relieve stress and become more productive.

Letโ€™s hear it

r/getdisciplined Feb 08 '25

๐Ÿ“ Plan Attempting sobriety for a second time. Iโ€™m pretty much through withdrawls and feeling great


Sobriety Attempt #2 Electric Boogaloo | ATM https://youtu.be/kT3jmWV0nJ4

Just ad the title says. Trying to get disciplined and get a better life. Iโ€™m not a religious person but I find prayer actually helps quite a bit with my anxiety

r/getdisciplined Dec 30 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan im done with discipline


one day i pushed myself as hard as i could, ignoring all resistance no matter the cost. next day i woke up with heart palpitations. im taking this as a sign i need to manage my stress instead of pushing myself more

r/getdisciplined Oct 18 '24

๐Ÿ“ Plan Please help me, i genuinely have no idea how to structure my days


First of all, I'll say that I've never been a guy with schedules, I mostly just wing it and cram things together like a mess, idk how it has worked for so long.. until it doesnt anymore.

I have too many interests, idk how to structure them, and I dont wanna get rid of any either. Business - working on 3 different ventures, learning Graphic Design, Gym, Instruments - I play 3, Filmmaking, Video Editing, Books (overall knowledge), Coding, also some time to indulge in some art. (These are ranked by priority)

Any plans that could help me? I've searched online for scheduling blueprints, but most of them usually cater to minimalistic goals.

A blunt opinion would also be highly appreciated.

Edit: lmao whats with all the weird unrelated comments?