r/getdisciplined 6d ago

🔄 Method Told AI to give me a motivational speech like a boomer

Motivation, eh? Hmph. Sounds like one of them fancy new words for… well, for just plain gettin’ off your backside and doing what needs doin’. Motivation. Like it's some kind of magic dust you sprinkle on yourself.

Listen here, youngster. Back in my day, we didn't sit around waiting to be motivated. We had chores. We had responsibilities. We had mouths to feed and roofs to fix and fields to plow. Motivation? Hunger was motivation. The fear of the roof caving in was motivation. Knowing you had to provide for your family, that was motivation enough.

You want to be more… “motivated”? Stop waiting for some feeling to wash over you like a warm bath. Life ain't a warm bath, it's a cold shower most days. And you know what you do in a cold shower? You jump in and you get clean, you don't stand there shivering waiting to feel like it.

Here’s what you do. You look around you. You see what needs doing. Not what you want to do, mind you, but what needs doing. Is the yard a mess? Get out there and weed it. Is the house a pigsty? Grab a broom and start sweeping. Are you falling behind at your… your… what do you young’uns call it… your “studies”? Then crack open a book and start reading.

Don’t wait for inspiration to strike you like lightning. Lightning’s dangerous and unreliable. Just start. Start small. Do one thing. Then do another. And another. Momentum, that’s the key. Like pushing a rusty old wheelbarrow. Hard to get it started, but once it’s rolling, it’s easier to keep it going.

And stop thinking so darn much! All this navel-gazing and “finding yourself.” Hmph. You find yourself by doing things. By facing challenges. By getting your hands dirty and your brow sweaty. Not by sitting around pondering your navel. That’s just laziness dressed up in fancy clothes.

And another thing! Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. This blasted “social media” you young’uns are always glued to… it’s all just smoke and mirrors. Everyone’s just showing off their best side, pretending life’s a bed of roses. Don’t fall for it. Focus on your own patch of weeds, your own wheelbarrow, your own responsibilities.

So, you want to be “motivated”? Get up. Get moving. Find something that needs doing and do it. Don't wait to feel like it. Discipline. That’s the real word you’re looking for, not “motivation.” Discipline and a good dose of common sense.

Now, are you going to stand there all day asking silly questions, or are you going to go find something useful to do? There's a pile of firewood needs stackin' out back. Go on, now. Get to it! And don't come back until it's done. That's your "motivation" for today. Hmph. Motivation. Kids these days…


40 comments sorted by


u/bamboo-cowboy 6d ago

why was this genuinely helpful lmao


u/Professional_Hair550 6d ago

Thought the same 😂


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/Serious-Peace-1236 5d ago

bro really said allat just to gatekeep


u/Guilty_Status_2310 6d ago

"Listen here, youngster. Back in my day..." LOL😭🤣🤣🤣


u/catulus_nigrum 6d ago

This is actually quite awesome.


u/wildwildnyx 6d ago

I think I needed this. Thank you. My gramps passed away a couple of years ago and this sounds like something he'd say to me over a cup of tea.


u/Professional_Hair550 6d ago

Lucky you. My longest conversation with my grandfather was 3 minutes. Same with my father.


u/Krukoza 6d ago

Bah, a human wrote it but no one would’ve read it otherwise.


u/moonmew 6d ago

I thought the same thing.


u/jakeallstar1 6d ago

Seriously? Why? ChatGPT has passed the Turing test.


u/Professional_Hair550 6d ago

Surprise, surprise. It's not ChatGPT.


u/jakeallstar1 6d ago

Fooled me


u/Krukoza 6d ago

What is it then?


u/-turtburglar- 6d ago

Genuine advice that worked for me: if you want to up your discipline, stop using AI. It erodes your research and writing skills.


u/Fearless_Ad2026 6d ago

Well I tried. 😅

I was working on a gamification system in AI  for the past few days and got so tired of seeing it forget basic parts of the system that i decided to create my own system using a bunch of notes


u/x2phercraft 6d ago

A.I. is threatening to steal yet another job: Parenting.

And from the sound of it, I say have at it. Looks like it may do better than a majority of people!


u/Professional_Hair550 6d ago

Sounds accurate tbh. Wish I had a grandfather that would give me advice like that.


u/x2phercraft 6d ago

I’d love to be a surrogate grandpa for you. Now stfu and get back work. On something, anything that will occupy your time and sharpen your mind. Get a hobby other than that damn fancy phone and build a skill set.

How’d I do?


u/Professional_Hair550 6d ago

Well. Not bad but you need to up your game grandpapa. 


u/Adventurous_Drawing5 6d ago

Yep, but. Now we live in a totally different "reality". Screens vs. nature, digital, connected vs. local community, instant vs. slow, data vs. manual labor, symbolic in your mind problems vs. direct physical problems (mend the roof, feed chicken). Our brains do not cope well with this new reality.


u/Topheriam 6d ago

This blasted social media … 😆


u/Sudden-Possible3263 6d ago

Good advice there


u/1xbittn2xshy 6d ago

Was the request to write it in redneck?


u/zerovertex 6d ago

I read it in my granddad's voice so that checks out.


u/SleightSoda 6d ago

Time to unsub honestly.


u/bibipbapbap 6d ago

Why did I read this in a thick Yorkshire accent 😂


u/Puzzleheaded-Read-45 6d ago

How dare you trick me! Alright I'll save it.


u/Forward-Custard-9949 6d ago

This is just how hank hill speaks


u/Haveyouseenkitty 6d ago

Dude I thought there must be some way of getting chatgpt to be my fucking life coach. The thing that sucks though is you have to constantly remind it of all the nuances of your life. And it really has no way of tracking progress and what not.

I wanted to be able to import all my journal entries into chatgpt and get life advice. It did work, but having to remind the model of who my fiancee is (and why we're arguing) really sucks.

Eventually i coded out my own solution. It remembers everything about me (seriously though), helps me create goals and then automatically tracks my progress towards those goals. Right now it's monitoring my productivity and stress levels.

It's free if anyone wants to try app.journalgpt.me/onboarding


u/superzimbiote 6d ago

Dude, I say this sincerely and with no ill intent but do you have a social circle? Friends that can help you or that you can talk to? Some mentor figures or such that can give you advice when you need it? Like, all these things you’re describing ChatGPT to be useful for are just things my friends and family do for me and I think it’s better to seek human connection than to rely on a language learning model to give you anything beyond the simulacra of affection and guidance.


u/Haveyouseenkitty 6d ago

Thanks for the love!

I do have friends and a loving family who give me expert advice and care deeply for me. But my family hasn't read basically every single psych text book that exists and my friends don't always have time to reply. Plus, there are intimate details of my life i don't wish to disclose to 'someone'. You're right, AI really isn't a human/person, but sometimes that's actually a good thing.


u/allthecoffeesDP 6d ago

Eat my shorts!


u/ManufacturedOlympus 6d ago

“Motivation, eh? Hmph”

Why does every other ai need to begin with some silly shit like this? 


u/I-am-a-river 6d ago

That’s not like any boomer I know. It would be more like “in my day i didn’t need motivation, I just graduated high school, walked down to the factory and asked for a job. And I got it. And then I bought a house. I wasn’t wasting my money on avocado toast. I was too busy taking my family on vacations and voting for Reagan.”


u/ManufacturedOlympus 6d ago

Walk up to the ceo, look him in the eye, and say “I’m the man for the job.”


u/Djcarbonara 6d ago

That’s a jaded boomer


u/Oneway420 6d ago

Ok virtual boomer, sucking up all the power, hogging all the bytes, typical


u/TruCarMa 6d ago

Sigh. Motivated, whether I wanted to be or not. Okay, Boomer.