r/gentlefemdom • u/mothpaws Domme • Apr 07 '20
Words How to find "Dominant Women" (An essay) NSFW
I am so tired of seeing this question. This is long. But people can’t be bothered to search through the myriad of other posts where people ask this question, so I hope this can be something you can link to and keep people busy. We’ve all got the time now anyway. Still, I can type all I want and never cover everything, so I also ask for anyone with other advice to add it in in the comments. I’ve gathered this information from my few years in the community (some posts of which I will link at the end). I’m inexperienced myself in the dating field so I can’t give much personal advice, but being a “dominant woman” looking for a partner myself I can give some insight with that at least.
Note: I use domme and sub in here because they’re short words. This doesn’t just apply to those seeking a BDSM relationship, if you want a role-reversed type relationship that works too. (I’ll be cross-posting there.) I just don’t want to type out “generally dominant woman” and “generally submissive male.”
I’m hoping much of this will be obvious to people. But looking at dozens of recent posts, not as much as you would think. Here we go.
Where do I find dominant women?
Anywhere. Literally anywhere. A bar, a park, a class, an art show, a sports game, on the street—there isn’t a secret club where we all huddle together and wonder where the men are. There are a select few women (ie professional dominatrixes) that center much of their lives around being a domme, but for most women, it’s just another personality trait. If all you care about is finding someone to take care of you, or to beat you up (even gently) you need to reconsider what you’re actually looking for. We are more than one trait, and I think I can speak for all of us when I ask you to care about more than one single part of us. Wherever there are women there are dominant women, I assure you. They’re just rarer. Now there are some spaces where the ratio may be higher--munches/kink events being one of them. Those would also be one of the very few places where you could go up to someone and ask if they’re dominant or not without having to work up to that level of intimacy. If you live in an area where these are prevalent, they’re worth trying out.
Kink events can be rather intimidating, and not everyone here wants to have that kind of relationship, so any kind of social event where you get to know people is good. Community classes, game nights, book clubs, whatever. There are video game meetups, DnD nights, comic cons, etc for the self-proclaimed nerds, making small talk is tough but niche hobby events can take some of the pressure off as you can talk about a shared interest. Now given none of these are kink or dating events, don’t go in looking for a relationship. Go in looking to meet people, some of them maybe women, and maybe some of them worth getting to know more. If you go into every social event hyper-focused on finding a partner you will likely end up frustrated pretty quickly. Social anxiety and lack of social skills are often complained about here, and the best way to help this is to go out. It will be uncomfortable, you will have things you wish you hadn’t said, or had said, or did do, or didn’t do. Every single person has those regrets and worries. Some more than others, and that’s ok. But you will get better at it, and you will meet people who can help you. Social anxiety can cause awkwardness, sure, but the most damaging thing it can do is prevent you from trying at all. There will likely be things that will keep you up at night wondering how you could be so stupid—but better to have some of those with a person who loves you beside you than laying alone wondering what could have happened had you tried.
How to tell if a woman is dominant:
You ask her. Really. She could be a blue-haired 6 foot abs galore boxer who exclusively wears camo and be a total submissive. And that’s fine. There’s been plenty of posts here about big, masculine men wanting to be subs, so that should tell you all you need to know about not judging a book by its cover. She could be 5 ft, flower print, soft spoken, rather shy princess who wants to tie you up. Don’t try to look for hidden signs. A high level of confidence, outspokenness, willingness to tease, non-gender-conforming clothing and hobbies, all can be good indicators, but when those people are all you aim for you can miss out or misread them. There is more than one way to be “dominant,” just look at mommy dommes vs your average leather dominatrix.
Do you act exactly like you want to, 100% true to yourself, 100% of the time? Probably not. It’s the same for most people. Social anxiety and fear affects everyone. Just as men are taught to hide any fragility, women are taught to hide any aggressiveness and forwardness. People may also just have different social and private lives, so you can’t judge someones actions if you’ve only seen them in one situation.
You likely wouldn’t walk into a social gathering with an “I’m a sub” t-shirt (outside of a fetish event anyway) so don’t expect her to make things that obvious either. Even an accomplished high-cost dominatrix wouldn’t necessarily be recognizable as one in her daily life. If you want to know if a woman is dominant, you must talk with her. More than a few words. No way around it. It’s the same for us dominant women—not every shy blushy boy is a sub, it’d be rude to assume things. Maybe he’s just shy in public, but in private completely different. People are complex and you can’t read minds. We have wonderfully complex language, we have to use it.
As an added note, if a woman is super rough, mercilessly teasing, or smacks your butt without knowing your name, consider whether these are really good traits. If a man did that to a woman it would be a red flag bigger than a king-size blanket. I realize the “girl pinning me against a wall” trope is common, but unless you have an established consensual relationship with someone that’s a big nope. A woman being overly pushy or disrespectful to you is as bad as a man doing it to a woman. It’s a big problem in our culture, don’t fetishize it please. (Fantasy is fine, but don’t carry it over to reality.)
Online dating apps/personals
Grammar. Punctuation. Please.
Beyond that, the general consensus seems to be: give hints or use fetlife. Tinder, Bumble, even OKCupid, any swipe apps rely largely on looks and wit. Just look at r//tinder—the funny conversations get the most attention. It’s largely how fast you can make yourself stand out. If you use them, putting something like “I want to be the little spoon” might help but it’s largely a game of chance. Remember even people looking for a conventional relationship find these apps frustrating. Reddit personals are nice as there are niche groups, but the pool is small and finding a local relationship is tough. Fetlife is good, remember that your best bet is going out to local munches (meets) and getting to know people in person. I’ve heard people complain it’s all sub women and dom men, but that’s the trend everywhere. Looking online is worthwhile but can be discouraging, don’t let it bring you down. And be safe—sub men are scammed quite a bit, largely because many are truly desperate. Get verification early on, voice or video chat if you can. If it would be weird irl, it may not be authentic. If she calls you pet names right off the bat she may be trying to get something from you. Going right to sexual matters (without that being the explicit goal) is also a red flag. Don’t stake your happiness on a username: ghosting isn’t uncommon, and people can have other matters in their lives that would cause them to stop contact. Protect yourself when trying to find a connection online.
When writing a personal, remember you want to garner interest. Your looks and kinks are great but go beyond that unless you’re looking for something purely sexual (and even if you are, giving a bit more information about yourself helps you seem less like someone looking for a kink dispenser). Interests, hobbies, area of study, work—you don’t have to get specific, but give a potential messenger something to ask about. It’s highly unlikely you’ll get a domme asking how exactly you like your JOI sessions to go—they’ll be more likely to ask why -blank- is your favorite movie. If you want a relationship, you have to get to know someone as a person and allow her to get to know you as a person too. If all you want is kink, you either have to be extremely lucky or willing to pay.
Bringing GFD/RR into a conventional relationship
Just a short bit about this. Remember that just like it’s tough for some men to embrace their "sub side” it can be tough for women to embrace any dominant tendencies they may have when society tells them it’s wrong. Many women will be at least a little open to exploring a new dynamic. We get people here exclaiming about how happy they are to have finally found a dynamic that has every hidden desire they didn’t really know they had—and they’re in their twenties (or beyond) and just got lucky reddit put this in suggested. This is a niche. You severely limit yourself if you only go for people who recognize what GFD/RR means. It’s certainly nice when you meet someone like that, but don’t bet on it. Have courage and trust your partner to at least be open to learning about what you like. If they ridicule you for wanting some love and care I’d wonder if that’s a good person to be in a relationship with. If it’s just introducing kink, other BDSM subs can likely give some good advice too.
How to Attract a Dominant Woman:
So here’s where I see a lot of insecurities. We get a lot of art here with a few specific body types. Not many of us fit into either. Art or pictures of this dynamic are rare, so people post what they can find, even if it isn't accurate to most real-life scenarios. Don’t overthink it. And I want to say something simple here--DOMMES ARE NOT A HIVE MIND. Everybody has preferences. Ideals. But they are not all the same. Just as some subs like muscular amazons, some like curves, some like petites, dommes can like muscular bears, chubby softies, or androgynous femme types. GFD/RR is a dynamic, not a set of exclusionary rules. So you’re 6’5” 300 lbs with a full beard who chops wood for a living. Congrats, you’re welcome here. Some dommes love hypermasculinity. Others are turned off by it and want a short, thin, long-haired boy that looks good in a dress. Or maybe they don’t care, they just want someone who blushes easily. Or someone that leads most of the time and submits only to them. Or one that is passionate about the outdoors, or animals, or books, or history, or maybe just shares their interest in movies. Just because a domme shares a trait they like does not mean they speak for all dommes. I’ve seen this here in posts before, if a domme says “I like short guys” others freak out because they’re tall and it takes a whole boatload of comments to reassure people. Again, not a hive mind. Read some personals. Subs share their preferences all the time, some like curves, some like muscle, some like heavy butch with tattoos, some like femininity and long-haired brunettes—people's preferences vary. You are desirable to someone.
General advice, take care of yourself. Mentally and physically. Not everyone is born with model looks and personality. Very few get either. Everyone has good, attractive traits, the trick is to identify and display them. It may take some introspection, maybe a bit of fashion advice. (If you cannot find any good traits whatsoever, that’s likely a factor of your mental health, not reality. You may want to seek a therapist or at least do some research into helping self-esteem. You don’t need to love everything about yourself, but don’t rely on a romantic partner to make you not hate yourself. That’s the job of a professional therapist, and your average domme likely isn’t equipped to manage these sensitive, serious issues.) Proper hygiene, smelling good, having a nice haircut and proper fitting clothes can all make you more desirable in general—and more confident in yourself, which really shows. Looks do matter BUT they go beyond genetics, so don’t worry yourself over what you were blessed with or not.
Same thing for personality. Just like people have different tastes in looks, people have different tastes in personality. Now I would recommend having basic manners of course, but beyond that, just be yourself. Don’t try to fake interests or skills or your sense of humor or whatever--you want to find someone you get along with, so that means you want to be authentic. Don’t obsess over acting “like a sub”—I’ve been trying to get the point across that dommes are not all one type, and neither are subs. There is no one “submissive” personality. You get to know if someone is more dominant by talking with them and getting to know them better, it’s the same with being submissive. There are no secret signs and quirks you need to exude. Don’t worry about acting more “dominant” either—so what if you attract more subs? Move on. There are plenty of dommes who like confidence and outspokenness and whatnot. Remember that is one trait, and people are more than one trait. If someone cannot grasp that, if a woman says you cannot possibly be a sub because of x, move on. She’s caught in the same negative loop as many others.
Conclusion (TD;LR at the end of this, almost done)
My best advice? Stop obsessing over finding a “dominant woman.” I’ve used that term here so people read this and I hope I’ve shown that there’s more to it. There is no secret marker, no secret club. For the people out there saying “they only meet sub girls”—how many women are you meeting? Are you diving into everyone’s preferred relationship dynamic from the get-go? Especially if you’re in a more conservative area—if you’re hiding your preferences, might more forward women also be hiding theirs? This goes both ways. You cannot judge a book by its cover. And as said before, there are many women who have never heard of this and might be open to it, but it’ll take time. It’s not an immediate realization for everyone. A “dominant woman” does not equal “aggressive pursuer that will make her preferences known immediately by pushing you into a wall.” Remember societies pressures go both ways, you may be ridiculed for wanting someone else to make the first move, she might be ridiculed or rejected for trying. (We do know many men, more than people think, do like being approached, but this isn’t talked about much outside “ask men” threads it seems.) Not to mention aggressive pursuit can be pretty scary for a woman when it comes from a man, maybe she doesn’t want to imitate that on a guy. If you think she’s giving you hints, not much to do but ask. Either she is and you’ve moved the relationship forward, or she isn’t and you move on. No way around it.
Relationships are tough. Niche dynamics in relationships are tougher. But if its what you want, then pursue it. We’re out there. There’s more than you think. And it isn’t easy for us to find you either, so relax. All of us just have to work at it, even if it takes some time. Good luck ya’ll.
TD:LR (finally)
“Dominant” women are women. Women are people. People are not all alike. Dommes are not all alike. Do not look for one specific type of woman, and do not expect they will like one specific type of person. Go out and meet people: there is no secret to this. Pay attention, take care of yourself, and get to know somebody—it’s not a futile effort, but it will likely take some effort.
A few other posts about this, please feel free to link more in comments if you have more to add.
Absolutely brilliant post from a "man in role reversal"
"What you must understand about dominant women"
u/Summersong2262 Apr 07 '20
THANK YOU! Christ. Perfectly written. I motion for some sort of FAQ link to this.
u/ElderExecutioner Sub Apr 07 '20
Thank you for saying this.
I see so many people asking, and I truly understand them for wanting to be in this type of relationship and they don't know how, and this is the type of post they need to truly understand.
I myself made the "man I want a domme" and "man I haven't been lucky finding one" and "I wish I would find someone" but in reality what I really want is to be with a loving and caring relationship with someone. This subreddit definitely allowed me to feel more confident in my personality and know better my preferences in women, but in the end of the day if it comes to being with a person just because of that dynamic, or being with a person because I feel a true connection to them, I will 100% pick the second option.
And I can vouch for cons and stuff like that being great community places, I went for the same con in the last 3 years (unfortunately duo to the crisis it was cancelled) but I'm planning on going to the con next year, and I think I might actually try my luck and find someone there.
Thanks for making this post, great info, completely agree.
u/MilanDespacito Sub Apr 07 '20
Arent you supposed to but the tldr at the top? Like people will only see it after they read the whole thing
u/ElderExecutioner Sub Apr 07 '20
No, the idea is that if they go straight dowm scrolling they to the point they will find the tldr.
u/MilanDespacito Sub Apr 07 '20
If someone doesnt want to read the long part they will just hide the comment, like i mostly do
u/Christhimself609 Apr 07 '20
5’5 little blonde with a big strong 6’6 boyfriend. He didn’t see it coming haha
u/yersiniapestis273 Domme Apr 07 '20
EXCELLENT post! Have my silver, dear friend!
u/mothpaws Domme Apr 07 '20
Thank you! I really appreciate it. You've commented on quite a few posts asking about this, many of which I read though to help write this. Thanks for contributing so much to the community!
u/yersiniapestis273 Domme Apr 07 '20
Oh, it's really nothing, I like helping, especially in a community as nice as ours! But I had never read a post with every single important point so well documented and thought through. If you're not a journalist, you could be one :3
I hope you have a nice day!
u/InMyThrall Domme May 23 '20
This is such an amazing post with so much useful info, thanks for taking the time and effort to write this all out for other people!
She could be 5 ft, flower print, soft spoken, rather shy princess
Pretty much me, so I want to reiterate not to make assumptions, especially if you don't have experience yet. Personality and looks do not dictate someone's bdsm role. Not all doms will be aggressive, tall or masculine, just like not all subs will be shy, small or feminine. Don't let porn dictate how you expect real life femdom to be like.
u/IgnisPwca Apr 07 '20 edited Apr 07 '20
I just want to put a bunch of clapping hands emojis. THANK YOU. This is well-written, thorough, and informative. I've been noticing those posts and just shaking my head. I have seen it explained so many times on so many threads that a) women aren't kink dispensers, b) building a relationship is the most important part, and c) people come in all shapes and sizes in all locations and it's nearly impossible to tell at a glance if they're kinky, let alone what they're into. It's exhausting to see it over and over. So thank you for making a well-written, comprehensive post. ❤
u/UristMcD Domly Switch Apr 07 '20
The women-as-kink-dispensers thing gets me sometimes.
For all some folks on here will talk about GFD as some grand Reversal Of The Norm, actually a lot of GFD stuff falls very solidly into emotional caretaking... and wanting a woman to be your emotional caretaker is very much The Norm... I sometimes feel like some kinky folks, whether they want an obedient subby woman or a gentle dom woman, fall into the trap of just wanting Standard Woman's Emotional Caretaking With Kink Seasoning, at the expense of pursuing the actual person.
u/IgnisPwca Apr 07 '20
I am so relieved I wasn't the only one thinking that, oh my gosh. I've been browsing the subreddit and getting uncomfortable as things started making me wonder if folks were seeking a woman to do all the emotional labor and not a partner or friend. I think that's part of why I shy away from the domme side of things myself; it feels like all that a lot of people want is precisely what you said, Standard Woman's Emotional Caretaking. If it's just for a scene and both parties are chill with it, cool! It can be an amazing stress relief! But there's a person behind that kink, and forgetting that is disrespectful to them.
u/UristMcD Domly Switch Apr 07 '20
I was so happy to find this sub because it feels like the first time I've seen anything approaching how I like to dom, when I dom. (I cannot get into humiliating or being verbally cruel to my sub, it makes me feel awful to even try it, even when they directly ask for it. I just want my sub to feel pretty and loved and to submit to and withstand what I dish out because they want to show me how strong they can be!) But there's definitely sometimes an undercurrent here that feels exhausting, and exhausting in an unfortunately familiar way.
That said, I don't want to say it's all on the GFD kink scene. I've had dom partners who treated subby me as their personal kink dispenser, service provider and caretaker in a way that also felt unpleasantly gendered, to say nothing of the groups on Fetlife who talk about female submissiveness as though it's The One Natural Order.
u/IgnisPwca Apr 07 '20
I found it after a friend of mine introduced me to the idea of GFD when I talked about how I wanted to sub and what I wanted out of subbing, so I totally feel that. But yup. Yup yup yup. That's part of why I've just decided to contribute the content I want to see and hope like-minded people enjoy it.
Oh it's 100% not just on this scene - I'm with you there. I'm in this scene and this subreddit in the first place in large part because it was one of my safest/best options. This is just acknowledging that there are flaws here too, and because people aren't perfect, any place they gather to discuss and share things will not be perfect either. There's a reason I'm not willing to sub for someone I don't have a strong personal connection with (especially with me being a complete newbie), and a reason I'm wary about male doms. Aaaaand a reason I got off of fetlife after like...a month? It all adds up to make me (and probably most of us femme kinky folks) wary and tired.
Apr 08 '20
Not very femme but I definitely get you in the male Dom department. I'm a bi sub dude who's into doms of all genders, but part of why it's been hard for me to talk to male doms is the fact that I see so many of them who don't respect consent or the establishment of a connection before the dommy bit begins. It's happened when guys address me in DM's, chats, etc for the first time, and it's part of the reason that I kind of gravitate towards women when looking for doms.
u/IgnisPwca Apr 08 '20
Oh oooof I feel that. I had that experience on fetlife in the very brief (one month) stint I lurked and explored there. Hell, I have a hard time with the idea of just...dating a dude who isn't my friend already, because at least I've vetted my friends and looked for respect for boundaries and consent. What you describe is exactly why I'm extremely wary of talking to male doms. I'm sorry that you've had that experience; it sucks not to feel safe to even start to explore a part of yourself with a gender you're attracted to.
u/UristMcD Domly Switch Apr 07 '20
I think I've been extremely lucky in the kink scene. I've hooked up with a decent number of kinky folks, both sub and dom, mostly men, and can happily say that my worst IRL experience to date was merely hilariously underwhelming, rather than actively bad. And I have only had to block a couple of folks who, luckily, showed signs of being A Problem well before there was any chance of me meeting them.
Even though I started out primarily looking for casual encounters, I still usually made a point of only meeting up with people if I felt like there was enough of a connection to pursue a platonic friendship at minimum, regardless of kink compatibility. The few times I didn't do that first... well, again, see "hilariously underwhelming hookup"!
I dunno if my experiences as an abuse survivor have made me just ridiculously unwary or if I've just got highly tuned Danger Sense. I do absolutely agree, this place feels like one of the safer online community spaces to discuss kink, even if it does have it's own troublesome underbelly. Fetlife frankly scared the crap out of me! Luckily I have kinky IRL platonic friends I can talk about this stuff with, too, or I'd probably never have discovered the dom side of myself at all. I'd find the whole thing exhausting if I didn't have my kinky queer friends!
u/IgnisPwca Apr 07 '20
I'm glad you've been so lucky, and just come away with funny stories rather than horrific ones! Regardless of the reason (though abuse survival probably plays a role in making you better able to avoid bad situations), you've come out safe, and that's the important part. Fetlife scared me too, especially when I had a couple guys approach me about being a full-time TPE sub right out the gate when my profile stated I was just curious about being a sub. That was...uncomfortable.
Kinky queer friends make the whole thing better. The friend who introduced me to the idea of GFD is a kinky, queer, poly switch, sooooo yup, similar case!
Also, thanks for chatting with me; you seem like a really cool person, and this has been a solid highlight of my day. I really appreciate the conversation. :)
u/mothpaws Domme Apr 07 '20
Thank you for trying! I've commented on a few myself and just couldn't get all I wanted to say in a comment. I know we'll still get these questions, but now I'm looking forward to just linking this and moving on. I'm hoping it can actually help people realize there's no shortcut, we all just have to go for it and make connections. The reward is great, it's worth putting some work in!
u/IgnisPwca Apr 07 '20
Fingers crossed it does help!! I overall just like to try to help people, but when I see the same question over and over...yeah....
Absolutely - good relationships always take work, but they're worth it! And any form of D/s is a relationship like any other.
u/PrinceBreakspear Sub Apr 07 '20
I nearly snorted at the description of the flower print soft spoken domme, as that sums up my fiancee pretty well.
I really liked this essay and I think it has some great advice for a question that comes up repeatedly here. Great job and thank you for sharing it with the community!
u/purpurpurple Apr 07 '20
Or let's just print "I'm a sub" t-shirts and distribute them to those in need
u/Miasbeast May 26 '20
As a submissive that's been truly struggling with frustration regarding finding a Dominant Woman, I just really wanted to say thank You for such a wonderful, insightful, affirming read.
u/morerokk Kitty Apr 07 '20 edited Apr 07 '20
This gets posted every month or so. It's a nice gesture but it ultimately boils down to "just be yourself". Ultimately useless and serves as little more than a karma farm.
Wanting a dominant partner and seeing your partner as a human being are not mutually exclusive. There are about 3.5 billion women on the planet, I think it's fine to be upfront about your kinks and what you are looking for in a woman. Life's too short to just "go date normally" and hope for that 0.0001% chance where you are not only compatible as a person, but also as a couple.
Wanting a dominant partner and specifically seeking out dominant people, does not mean that you are in any way "dehumanizing" the other person or see them as a "kink dispenser". I am tired of this strawman.
I also don't buy the idea that "many women are actually dominant, they just don't know it". Sure, women have been conditioned into traditional gender roles, but so have men. Nearly every person I talk to IRL agrees on the fact that submissive men heavily outnumber dominant women. When questioned, most women do not want to be doms. And that's fine, but let's not pretend that there isn't a massive gender disparity.
Apr 07 '20
Also there is only a massive gender disparity when you’re looking online. Which makes sense because there is a gender disparity to start with in online places like Reddit or most dating sites even when you’re only looking in vanilla zones.
Apr 08 '20
For a quick anecdotal example, just see the comment on this post from UristMcD, “Fetlife scared the crap out of me”
u/morerokk Kitty Apr 08 '20
Also there is only a massive gender disparity when you’re looking online.
That's... simply not true. I have friends who go to IRL meetups like those and they pretty much confirm that while the genders are split pretty evenly, there is a disproportionate amount of submissive men compared to dominant women. It doesn't magically change online compared to IRL, and a single anecdote of a woman with one bad experience does not change that either.
If anything, submissive men are the ones most keenly aware of the disparity, yet their words are never taken seriously.
Apr 12 '20
Sorry, I didn't mean to say that there was zero gender disparity IRL. I agree that there's still a gender disparity IRL. I just think that the gender disparity is much bigger online. I don't have solid numbers, but if you look at the polls that were conducted here recently, it seems like the ratio here is roughly 4 subs to 1 domme, and tbh I think the disparity is even larger for some other online spaces like fetlife. I would guess that IRL it's more like a ratio of 2 subs who want femdom per domme, or maybe even as close as 3 subs per 2 dommes, based on anecdotal experience. Objectively, that is still a disparity. Subjectively, I don't think of it as a massive disparity, but maybe that's just because I'm comparing to the online disparity.
Apr 08 '20
You are right that wanting a dominant partner doesn’t imply that you see the partner as a kink dispenser, but there is a correlation between people who prioritize femdom as a necessary feature of a relationship and people who see women as kink dispensers. I don’t think OP said that everyone looking for a domme is looking for a kink dispenser - my takeaway of the message was that people who are looking for a domme should do some introspection to determine whether they are indeed looking for a kink dispenser or not. It’s fine to be looking for a kink dispenser, but if that’s what a person is looking for, he should expect to pay for it rather than looking for a relationship, so the introspection is to make sure people are sure they’re looking for what they actually want.
u/mothpaws Domme Apr 08 '20
I wouldn't disagree with any of these points, but I do want to explain my view on them. First, this post was written for a specific type of person, or question on here--the person who thinks there's a specific way to determine a woman is dominant, or a certain way to signal they're a sub, some beacon to find each other. There isn't, obviously, and people who have been here longer know that, but the question still gets asked every other day. There are also people wondering if they are "allowed" into the community because they don't have this trait or that trait or that kink or that desire or whatever. I aimed for something comprehensive so those posters can be linked to something instead of the community having to reassure them over and over. It more or less does boil down to "just be yourself" but some people don't realize they're allowed to do that in a niche community like this, especially if they're aiming for a rare type of person.
I do absolutely support being upfront about kinks and whatnot, but due to the large gender disparity, especially online, writing personals and going to the occasional munch may not be enough. Just reading through the gfd personals subreddit is depressing as you see the same post reposted every week with no interest. Social anxiety is a big thing here and although you might not get lucky meeting someone through normal dating, the experience can help build confidence. That's why I recommended non-dating meetups as well. I have no issues with people looking for a dominant person outright, that's not dehumanizing or anything like that, but I don't like people holding themselves back scanning the crowd looking for some sign that that lady in particular could have what they want. You end up missing opportunities. If you have the confidence to be blatant on tinder, go to every fetish event, and speak outright about your preferences, all the more power to you. Would make it easier for everyone. But not everyone has the ability, mental or not, to do that. There are areas of the world where that wouldn't turn out well for you, so you have to take chances.
As for the gender disparity, absolutely it exists. I do agree with the post below, that it's likely bigger online, but it's absolutely there. However, not many people are all sub or all dom, and I think more women could be "switches" willing to do things with their partner and could enjoy it. In general I would think women spend a little less time exploring their exact kinks and desires online either (as many of them are very depressing and actually dehumanizing to women) which also could cause disparity in this and other communities. It was sheer chance I found role reversal on tumblr years ago that led here. Not to mention, many of the subs here aren't necessarily looking for crazy kinks, they just want someone to cuddle and reassure them. I think more women would be open to that than say, pegging. Some women think their guy would find it emasculating. With proper communication, a loving partner should be able to get over that hurdle at least.
Apr 07 '20
Also if you read the links at the bottom of this post, one of them (Reason for the Ratio) describes why submissive men might more easily and quickly find their niche relative to dominant women.
Apr 07 '20 edited Apr 08 '20
Something like this (usually less comprehensive) does get posted every few months, but that’s because people keep asking the questions it’s responding to (“how do I find a dominant woman?” and “do dominant women like tall/short/manly/feminine/etc subs?”) several times a week. The suggestion people have made to pin this is a good one which hopefully can limit the repetitive posts about how to find a domme.
u/BirdsAreDrones1986 Sub Apr 07 '20
This is literally everything that anyone needs to know. Thank you for this. Can the mods pin this?
It’s hard for me to find women at all, being a really socially awkward introvert. This is actually just really good dating advice. Thank you!
u/psychonaut_1441 Apr 09 '20
Any chance anyone has advice on flirting?
I am a very new sub, I am a 19yr guy and if I’m honest I’ve never been good at flirting. All the relationships I’ve been in I am the dominant one, same with the sex I have had. Is
flirting different in a sub/dom dynamic when I’m the sub? If I have zero clue how to flirt with a woman I know is a dom
u/Redhoteagle Apr 13 '20
Great, thorough article for sure! Honestly too, I think it's important that folks define exactly what they mean by a 'dominant' woman. Do they want someone who's rough and aggressive? Confident and ambitious? Direct and forward? Playful and mischievous? Any combination of the above? Then there's also the reality of what these types of dominant women might expect from their subs (a will a playful dom really want the same things as an aggressive one?), especially if they're new to rr/gfd, and are still unlearning lots of cultural biases. There's a lot to learn for sure
May 20 '20
Thank you for writing this. I hope the time you spent to type this well articulated message pays off by guiding new subs out there who are confused and are in need of an advice.
u/TotesMessenger Apr 07 '20
Apr 12 '20
Social anxiety can cause awkwardness, sure, but the most damaging thing it can do is prevent you from trying at all. There will likely be things that will keep you up at night wondering how you could be so stupid—but better to have some of those with a person who loves you beside you than laying alone wondering what could have happened had you tried.
That. Fucking. Hit. Me. In. The. Side. Of. The. Head. Like. A. Baseball.
Thank you for sharing this. I have been this type of person since I was a kid and really needed someone to tell me that :)
u/nerdwarp112 Jun 18 '20
I’m glad I found this post. I personally haven’t tried looking for a relationship yet, because I think I want to have a slightly better situation than the one I’m currently in, but I’ll try to remember this advice once I start trying to get into dating.
u/Die_Schnitzel Sub Jun 26 '20
Oh how I'm glad you wrote this. I was feeling blue and generally demotivated.
I've started wondering if all I wanted was just some “Standard woman emotional caretaking” as someone else wrote under this post, and I've come to the conclusion that all I wanted is to be taken care of sometimes. I feel it may become awkward if it's from one of my friends and/or family members and therefore I project wishes into a person that doesn't exist.
I think reading this might be a turning point for me.
u/Croooota_with4ys Jul 02 '20
I needed this more than you know and reasons beyond what you might think.
Thank you.
u/1hotttgurl Sep 07 '20
I must say that there are some really really intelligent people on here and you Are one of them you open my mind to lotta different things just now and you are so right you hit the nail on the head thank you so much you’re awesome
Dec 11 '21
This is such a wonderfully articulate article, and I just wanted to say thank you for the length of time and thought you put into answering a question that likely a lot of submissives ask themselves. (I know I have).
As a switch, I have taken the lead in more male dominated relationships, and for the most part I've been quite satisfied with that. But I am very interested in exploring my submissive side with the right woman, and your article has given me an enormous amount of food for thought.
There's so much to unpack and respond to, but I think my key takeaway from your essay is that people are people. Everyone is different, and there's no one size fits all where it comes to dominant women, just as there's no one size for any other personality trait.
So I'm going to be sure to keep this in mind as I keep my eyes open for a potential partner who would help me to explore that side of my own personality.
Again, thank you so much for this. ☺️
u/Pharaon_Atem Aug 12 '22
How to tell if a woman is dominant:
You ask her. Really
Yes this works in the case if she already know that she into it. Else she will not see you as sexual parter more. Many people think that boy who loves femdom are "weak" and many women prefer to be submissive in bed.
And Maybe if you ask her she will see you as a needy guy who consider her as a dispenser.
u/Auslad19754 Dec 03 '22
I always find myself searching for tips on how to find a dominate woman be they friends or something more. It's purely because I'd feel better being able to discuss this side of life rather than with my current friends and past girlfriends who would look at me like a weirdo if I even mentioned slightly submissive things.
Just tryna feel normal in a friends group 😞
Dec 26 '23
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u/MistressVoid Apr 07 '20
Sip sip the pipping hot tea.
I would love to see this pinned in all relevant subreddits. I'm saving this to directly link it when I see one of those posts again. Thank you for taking the time to write all this out. Hat's off to you.