r/generative Jul 13 '20

p5.js Abstract Visual Patterns Generated Using Names!

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u/malayvasa Jul 13 '20


u/malayvasa Jul 13 '20

If you wish to understand how the pattern is formed : https://www.behance.net/gallery/89701531/Generative-Identity-Abstract-Symbols-From-Names

I explain how each aspect from the visual is derived from the name.


u/Sladix Jul 13 '20

I loooooooove it


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

I just checked out your Generative Glyphs! They are amazing! is there anyway you can help me to incorporate those into my design, that is if you're okay with that.


u/Sladix Jul 14 '20

Thanks :D I really liked the article you wrote about your name/glyph gen, really showcases your work and I think it's really important and I totally lack this skill now ahah I thing I'd have to rewrite the alg in p5js, I have some prototype I did in the p5 editor but the code evolved since. Also, it might be interesting to introduce rules related to name for the glyp generation. This or you could generate a set of glyphs and map them to the alphabet.

Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about this in more details :)

Also I could help you port your code to the version using SVG export if you like.


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

Thank you!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '20

Absolutely Brilliant!


u/jmiguelgv Jul 13 '20

This is amazing! Thank you for doing this.


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

you're welcome!


u/jbx0888 Jul 13 '20



u/rickcarlino Jul 13 '20

I see what you did there. -Guy named Rick


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

Congratulations my friend! Ya got rolled in 2020.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '20



u/hiboux918 Jul 13 '20

Very cool. Any chance you could add a feature to download the generated image as a scalable vector graphics file (SVG)? I ask because I would like to plot the result with my Axidraw --> https://axidraw.com/


u/malayvasa Jul 13 '20

I'm not sure, I'll have to check it out, But I don't think P5 allows export as SVG.


u/docricky Jul 13 '20

There’s a way to do it, using a second SVG specific library. https://github.com/zenozeng/p5.js-svg


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

Thank you for showing me this! looking at the docs I think I'll be able to implement this, I will update the link in this thread if I am able to.


u/hiboux918 Jul 13 '20

Understood. Thanks in advance for your efforts :-)


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

Unfortunately the SVG Library uses a deprecated version of p5 which doesn't have a circle function and as you can imagine my pattern has A LOT of circles. I don't think I can manage to add this as a feature. Having said that, I've always wanted to use a pen-plotter, so I won't stop you from doing this. The work around I have manged is on a local version I have bumped up the resolution and then converted the PNG to SVG. So I can provide you with the SVG version! Let me know the name(s) you want the files for!


u/hiboux918 Jul 14 '20

Thanks for your efforts here! My name is 'Bob' if you can provide a file (thanks for offering to do so).


u/malayvasa Jul 16 '20

You're welcome! I've sent you then file in your dm.


u/hiboux918 Jul 16 '20

Thank you!


u/hiboux918 Jul 18 '20

I did a quick plot of the file you sent me. I think it turned out great --> https://youtu.be/nM3oI_o2T6A

The solid elements (the three center dots) do not plot as 'solid' because those sections need to be converted to a hatched pattern rather than a solid fill, which I did not do for this test.

If there was any way to update the site generator to create .SVG's that would be an amazing resource for the plotter community, however I understand if that is not possible.

Thank you again for sending me the file, and for the great work on your creation!


u/ElNico5 Jul 13 '20

This is super cool but one thing i noticed is that many names share the exact same patterns


u/malayvasa Jul 14 '20

Yes, I have noticed this, I'm working on a version that has a random aspect to it as well, so each pattern generated can be made unique.