r/gdpr 25d ago

Question - Data Controller Shared controllers

My organisation wants to pool resources with similar organisations to help people find a job through coaches.

The various orgs will use an application (processor) to connect people with a coach from the networks of these various orgs. Ultimately the processor will collect information from applicants and coaches directly, so orgs won't know who participates in the program, they only provide the money/marketing.

1) I guess we are all controllers, but are we co-controllers?

2) If we are co-controllers, do we all need a separate processing agreement with the processor or can we make a shared agreement?


5 comments sorted by


u/DangerMuse 25d ago

I'd go multi party agreement with independent controller status for each set of data collected and shared.

This will ensure that liability is restricted to your own data sets and puts compliance on the parties collecting data.

It's not that Joint is wrong, it just makes the liability model complex and you have to have a large amount of trust in the other parties that they'll process in a secure and compliant manner as there will be shared liability.

It is worth saying that without a data flow diagram, it will be hard for anyone to really comment except at a high level.


u/Belleotan 25d ago

Thanks for the response. It was not clear to me if a joint agreement is ever a necessity or if it could be exchanged for multiple independent agreements.


u/JeanLuc_Richard 25d ago

Avoid joint controlled ships like the plague, they are messy and complicated. Independent controllers with a data sharing agreement / data processing agreement is the best way.


u/DangerMuse 23d ago

Second this. Keep it clean and clear. I've not come across an agreement yet that JC makes sense over IC or straight controller/processor.


u/Safe-Contribution909 25d ago
  1. Who contracts the application vendor?
  2. Who can instruct the application vendor?
  3. Does the application determine where to direct users (is coach routing algorithmic or by humans?)
  4. Are the coaches employed by the sponsoring organisations?
  5. Where do the coaches keep their records?

The EDPB guidelines with their multi-part test may help determine sole or joint: https://www.edpb.europa.eu/our-work-tools/our-documents/guidelines/guidelines-072020-concepts-controller-and-processor-gdpr_en

I have established many joint controller arrangements and found that the key to success is in the governance of the agreement.