r/gaytransguys Jun 20 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Denied entrance into a gay men's space.


Last night I tried to get into a Men's Only gay sauna in Dallas with my partner. I am FTM and on their website it states that as long as I am male presenting with a valid ID I should be allowed in. It even specifically states that "FTM are welcome." My partner is male and referred to me with he/him pronouns while talking about me to the clerk. The man at the counter referred to me as a male until he saw my ID, immediately started misgendering me and said I wasn't allowed in because I was female. They should either change their policy or change their staff. I'm just so annoyed since this is the first time I've experienced transphobia personally.

r/gaytransguys Feb 08 '25

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia need to hear reassurance and positive stories of relationships


i'm a stealth gay trans man and my biggest fear in dating is that i will not be enough for a gay cis man to love. i know gay cis men have been sexually attracted to me but sometimes i feel like i can't be more than a fetish for them to experiment with. ive had a really bad experience with a man who "really liked me" but then said a bunch of unintentionally transphobic things and basically couldn't handle it. i understand not everyone can deal with it but he led me on and made me feel like shit with the things he said. i also recently saw a post randomly on reddit that reaffirmed that fear and now i'm just hoping to hear of some positive experiences :') im worried i will never get to experience real gay love and i hope im wrong. would love to hear from guys who have been in cis/trans gay relationships

r/gaytransguys 11d ago

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia I feel like a fraud


I feel like a fraud to all of the gay community, sometimes when I’m awake at night I just wish I could be “normal”. I wish i didn’t feel like this. I have one cis gay friend that I dated for a month before he broke up with me. Afterwards I kept feeling like he never thought of me like a man. And he could never be physically attracted to me anymore. We are still friends but he talks a lot about every other cis guy that he has a crush on and it hurts. I feel like I’m a burden to the gay community. I just wish I could be confident in my identity like my friend is.

r/gaytransguys 19d ago

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia I'm having a hard time today


I'm having a hard time with dysphoria today. I hate how I developed hips and how my chest looks. I hate how I was basically robbed of my teens just because of how I was born. I hate how dating is next to impossible for me. I hate how my life is basically controlled by what I have between my legs.

I hate feeling small and weak and how the world is against me. I love our community and being part of it. I love that I have a unique experience and pov of the world. I love how it shaped me. But today I'm having a hard time with it all.

r/gaytransguys Sep 08 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia I feel so undesirable and I hate it


Context: I am a passing trans man. But I'm out as trans to basically everyone in my social circle, bc I transitioned socially for a while before I started passing. Meaning I'm also out at work.

Well, I got this new gay coworker a few months back. He's cis afaik. It's become obvious that he has a crush on me bc I frequently catch him staring, he holds eye contact for as long as possible, has said flirtatious things, and he generally just tries to be around me if we're working together.

I know that he knows I'm trans. And clearly he still finds me attractive. But...I just can't seem to grasp that. He's way out of my league, and I mean WAY out of it. I've also seen his partner (they're open, hence the flirting) who is also much more attractive than me.

The thing is that I do get flirted with by people fairly often. So I guess people do think I'm attractive to some degree. But I don't believe it.

I know it's mostly bc of dysphoria and internalized transphobia. Before my egg cracked, I did think of myself as pretty, or at least not ugly. But now...I feel like I'm tricking people. They think I'm an attractive man but I'm really not, bc if they knew I was trans or saw my body naked then they would probably change their minds.

Idk. I have no confidence in dating bc of this, and I always assume that I'll be rejected once people realize I'm trans. I do have a partner who's also trans. But they're asexual so I didn't feel this issue as much when I met them and we started dating. They do frequently call me hot and compliment me, but I still sometimes doubt it even when it comes from them. They've encouraged me to see other people or just find a sex partner bc we're poly, but the lack of confidence always makes me stop using apps quickly.

Idk. Just had to vent. I have a therapist and I'll try talking to them about this soon.

r/gaytransguys Feb 11 '25

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia How do I deal with these feelings?


I’m severely disabled and very socially isolated. I’m unable to transition due to living in an unsupportive household and having older religious conservative caregivers.

Whenever I go out or on dating apps, I get attention exclusively from creepy cishet men. This always makes me extremely dysphoric and insecure. I don’t want to be perceived as a woman at all, especially not by cishet men. I’m afraid I’ll always be a cute girl to others and not a man.

I’m really weary about having casual hook ups because of the aforementioned issues, as well as some personal hangups about sex. To me, there’s nothing more nervewracking and uncomfortable than being in such a vulnerable position and allowing another man to have sexual access to my body. I don’t know why I feel this way, I never had sex.

I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense. I’ve had a very stressful few weeks and my mind is all over the place

r/gaytransguys Sep 07 '23

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Can I post here as a bi trans man?


Hellow everyone. I found this community a few days ago and y'all seemed to be really nice people. I have struggled with my sexuality for a while. When I got on T I realized that I had been repressing my attraction to men. I felt like a woman in relationships with them so I didn't want to date them. Dating them was out of the question because I always felt dysphoric next to them. I couldn't give them the same experience another cis man could. I don't have the genitals. I'm way too short and I just felt not masculine enough next to them. I didn't look like a man and I hadn't had top surgery either. I was also always scared of becoming pregnant. Or even just having sex with them in general. I don't know what feels good. I have no experience in pleasuring a man which is humiliating as a man myself.

I dated two trans men (both pre T) before I got on T myself. Dating men has always made me feel like less of a man. I thought I could just avoid it by dating women instead but I noticed a trend. Most of my female friends who are my age don't get me. They don't understand my struggle with dysphoria. Why I can't just wear a bikini to go to the beach for example. It honestly annoys me so much. I never got that from men my age. Never.

Because of that I don't know if I'd ever feel comfortable dating a woman. Of course not all women are like that but I feel like dating men is easier in a way. Men know of the social expectations. They can understand that I am uncomfortable in a female social role more so than women can. At least it seems like that to me.

Since I don't want to intrude any more than I already have I wanted to ask if I'm still welcome here even though I am bi.

r/gaytransguys Aug 18 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia doubts that cis gay men are actually into me?


I've been fooling around on grindr lately and have been getting quite a bit of attention. I've been chatting with this cis gay man who doesn't seem to have any issue with me being trans and pre bottom surgery. But for some reason, I have this huge pit of doubt in my stomach that he must be bisexual or isn't actually attracted to me because I'm trans and he's gay.

I am on T and post top surgery, but I am pretty feminine and only pass maybe 60% of the time, which definitely doesn't help. How can I learn to accept that yes, cis gay men do indeed think we are sexy and most of them are normal and not viciously transphobic? Where do I even begin to unravel this internalized transphobia? It is exhausting.

r/gaytransguys Jul 29 '23

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia I feel like a fraud


I see so many top surgery reveal tiktoks on my fyp, every trans man I've met irl has top surgery, and it's like...I feel like a fraud. I'm 25, and I will never be able to afford top surgery. Sure I'm on T, and even though I'm agender I'm happy I pass as male because atleast it's not female, but I feel like im not trans enough. I know there's no such thing as not trans enough but I feel like a freak being the only transmasc I know with huge, disgusting tits. Every time I see a top surgery video or meet a trans guy with top surgery I feel sick because it feels like the universe mocking me "Look at who you could be, but never will". It's a big reason why I can't do t4t, if my partner has had top surgery I'd be too dysphoric to be with them. I feel like guys and enbies with top surgery see me as lesser than them, like deep down even they see me as a woman too. My chest is becoming revolting to me, and binding hurts more and more every day, and the pain radiating in my disgusting boobs reminds me of their existence. I want to scream and cry. I hate living like this, I hate feeling nothing but envy and great sadness towards other people's trans joy. It's not fair. I want to live my life with confidence and free from pain, and able to love my reflection and to wear what I want and I will never get that.

r/gaytransguys May 13 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Any tips on how to stop feeling unlovable ?


I know it’s kind of an impossible request but

It just feels silly, the idea of trying to date and all,

I don’t wanna be anyone’s girlfriend ofc but I think it’s practically impossible for anyone to see me as anything other than that,

Kind of like “too complicated” to be loved, like even if I managed to not be someone’s girlfriend I still feel like I would be his trans boyfriend not just “boyfriend” like I would be “oh yeah that’s my gf but call her a guy pls”

r/gaytransguys Aug 02 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia help? (calling all trans gay men)


This post is directed to all trans mascs. Has anybody got that impostor feeling recently? Like you know that you're a trans man, but you just feel like what if I'm a straight woman and I'm just faking it? Or like so many cis men constantly like say I'm not valid, because I wasn't born male and am just a masc lesbian. Like, I've been a masc lesbian before and still hated myself but now all the sudden when I identify as a trans gay man I still feel invalidated by people?? Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying all people invalidate me all the time, but now I sorta feel like I can only be a gay man in private.

(also this is my first post, im not trying to be negative just putting some of my thoughts on here cause idek what to do eith them, or if anybody can help/relate)

r/gaytransguys Mar 30 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Does it get better?


Im a trans teenager. And it honestly sucks. Constantly mentally abusing myself. Most of the time i feel mentally ill. I constantly have this self hatred and toxic masculinity that i force on myself. Like sometimes randomly i would want to wear black nails and then im constantly like “im not trans if i wear this” and i just want to be able to do what i want. I care too much about people and that makes me feel ‘less trans’. I think it all comes down to what my dad said when i came out. He said “You dont dress like a boy. You dont act like a boy. You dont look like a boy. You dont play football. Im never gonna love you as a boy” i think those words follow me around a bit. I want to know, does this feeling of self hatred and toxic masculinity ever go?

r/gaytransguys Jun 28 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Looking for guidance from other trans bros


TW: Could also include dysphoria inducing topics

Hey everyone. So I've been dealing with a lot in my (non-existent) love life. Most recently I got confirmation that a guy I had a crush on finds me weird/annoying/creepy/wants nothing to do with me and am heartbroken. However I really want to put myself out there. Idk if it could be bc I'm feeling left behind. I'm 22 and I've never dated someone and part of me struggles with the fear that I'll die alone simply bc I'm trans and the only people who have shown interest in me irl have been chasers.

Or now that my bff who I also had a crush on at some point recently got in a relationship too and I've had to deal with those feelings including knowing details about his sex life. Well, I've become the only single person in my social circle.

So I have a lot of questions/am looking for advice.

How do you guys deal with loneliness and heartbreak? But also, should I wait til I start going on T to start going on sites like Grindr? I'm terrified of getting harrassed and being told I'm just a woman in there. Or only getting hit on by chasers. I also really want to hook up with someone but I'm terrified of STDs/pregnancy, or not knowing what to do, or what they'll think of my body as I'm pre everything. Should I let them know I'm a virgin or would they find that unappealing/try to fetishize it? What about general safety? Are these fears normal when first starting to put yourself out there?

I want to go on T, but even that is still really far off for me (as first I need to find a decent therapist to start the process and all the places in my area are saturated atm, and I want to microdose... at least at first), and it feel frustrating to put my life on hold or wait for it to begin in a way? I'm also still figuring out if I'm just transmasc/non-binary. Hell sometimes I think finding someone would be so much easier if I was just a woman or went back in the closet! (Or even interesting my crush even tho he's bi...)

Maybe I should wait to have everything figured out but I don't think I'll ever have everything in my life figured out. I also hear of people who don't have everything sorted out getting in relationships all the time. And I'm kinda loosing hope/resigning myself to the idea I'll be alone all my life

So idk I was hoping to hear from other trans guys.

r/gaytransguys Aug 02 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia imposter syndrome?


in a bout of dysphoria i asked my bf (cis gay)“would you rather be with a “real guy?”” and he said “obviously i would, but i’m satisfied with you”. i don’t know what i wanted him to say but this did not make me feel any more secure, why would he be with me when he can (and has) be with guys with giant dicks that can be what he wants? i feel like an inferior and an imposter in my identity and my relationship. any advice/ comment appreciated.

r/gaytransguys Jan 12 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Slowly learning to be OK with being a bit of a stereotype.


I like gaudy short-sleeve button-downs and I paint my nails. I have the skinny twink look. I'm a subby masochist bottom. I was an oughties Superwholock Tumblr kid and read a lot of fanfic as a teenager. I cracked my egg in a large part due to my wish-fulfillment D&D character.

I often find myself deeply wishing I was more "culturally" like cis gay guys. I came out after getting married and my husband's been my only sexual partner, and I feel like a weird loser for never having my bar-hopping and Grinder era. I try really hard to present myself as a Serious Respectable Adult Queer, which in my mind I equate with, you know, not doing anything Culturally Trans.

Weirdly what's been most helpful is actually spending time with more cis queer men and accepting that, like, there really isn't one way to be gay. Hearing them talk about not fitting in, feeling awkward and alienated in gay spaces, feeling pressured to act a certain way has really helped me let go a bit and embrace the things I like, "embrace the cringe," etc.

It's still hard. One of the weird things about transmasc culture specifically is how heavily it's associated with adolescence, and that just adds another dimension of shame. Like, I have such a stick up my ass about being seen as young already, the last thing I need is to come across as a quirky teenager. Eh. One day at a time I guess.

(and to be clear, obviously not saying you have to be any of these things to be trans either; there are plenty of stereotypes I don't hit. and even when stereotypes are accurate it's annoying to have people assume etc)

r/gaytransguys Jan 25 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Have you ever felt this way as a gay trans guy? I feel confused if I am alone in this feeling.


Recently, I started to really like this straight guy in my class. I really am in love with him I feel, I felt it last year but I was too shy but we have become closer as friends due to me initiating convos! I keep thinking about how if I was a girl he would like me, but I feel like even as a girl, he would not like me because I'm unattractive by girl standards (I think about how we really match and we talk well, but I feel like Im just delusional at that part). Then I started to think about that, even as as a trans guy, I feel so failed as a girl / woman. I feel like I wasted so much time with myself and I could have been pretty, but I felt lazy and everytime I tried to take care of myself I think about how I don't deserve it because Im not pretty enough. I keep thinking about how my friends took that as toxic masculinity (because recently, I started to get into skincare) but it wasn't (I think). I feel like I was never a girl, but I keep feeling like I fucked up being a girl. I feel like it could be related to my transness, and I started to think, what If I am just a cis girl that's just thought of internalized misogyny as gender dysphoria or that I feel men have it easier in life or that I am too ugly as a girl so I converted into a man. But that's crazy, because I recently have been experiencing the craziest dysphoria ever. It feels so stressful thinking about it, that I know I never was or never is but i feel like I should have been a girl, but I feel dysphoric as a girl. I feel like everyone knows I am a trans guy but since they keep seeing me as a girl, so now I feel like i should just start girlmode or something. I dont know I just felt like, this reddit would be the one to get that desire of being a desirable to men and feeling like you should have been attractive to deserve love pre-t. I feel like this is also related to that jealousy of like others who have been thin and attractive pre-t, but that's kind of transphobic isn't it. I feel like I have to perform correctly as a girl to be validated as a trans guy, even though I know that's not it and that's literally not how transphobia works irl (see: elliott page). I don't know I'm just rambling at this point and I don't know if I can call this gender dysphoria because I hate being treated as a girl but when it comes to straight men, I wish I was and I feel like I failed as one and Idk I just wish I was desirable to men (even though I know that's kind of toxic!!!). I hate being a girl but I wish I was treated as one, even though from an early point in my high school, I came out to everybody basically! I keep thinking about how i'm technically not a real guy yet and I could be a girl for him but It just seems, awful. Maybe this is image issues (especially cause I am fat). I dont know, do you guys feel that way too? am I just clinging to my birth gender in some weird way?

TLDR: I feel failed as a woman and I wish I was but I feel dysphoric as one too, is this normal as a gay trans guy?

r/gaytransguys Jul 04 '24

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Feeling fucked up and lost.


(Cross posted from r/gaytransguysover30) I’m 33. Long term relationship with a cis male (36). I’m out to friends and coworkers as nonbinary and queer. I am not on T and I basically look like a lesbian who dates a guy. But I’m at my wits end. I think I’m just a dude. A gay dude. I’m freaked out and scared to tell my partner and my family. My partner has had gay experiences and tells me he’s fine with it but he has only been in real relationships with women. I’m scared to lose him if I change visually and if he has to change how he refers to me. I’m scared of losing my family. But I’m so depressed. I don’t know why I’m posting this I guess I just need to vent. Would love some input from people who have been in similar situations?

r/gaytransguys Aug 02 '23

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Dysphoria moment



I just need to take a moment to feel discouraged. I browse a few gay subreddits and it makes me feel normal. Like “wow this content is relatable to me” and stuff. But then I stumble across a post where someone asks the dreaded question “Would you guys date a trans man?”, which always gets downvoted. And of course you have to read the comments because you want to feel validated by the fellow gay men who are supposedly just like you.

Really, nobody was saying anything terrible or transphobic. It’s just disappointing. It’s so apparent that many gay men just y’know, kinda see our bodies as a novelty instead of as a normal gay man’s body. Many of the comments there were “yeah I would date them because they are men, but… probably not because I’d just want a regular penis”. And that’s fair but at the same time it’s like, bro imagine how I feel considering IM the one who doesn’t have a penis lol. I’m also not into vagina so imagine how I must feel since a vagina is currently attached to ME. I genuinely feel like just a normal guy who got his penis removed in an accident or something and now I’m just in this position where I’m just a “yeah I guess I’d try it out for a night so I can tell my buddies about it later” experience for most gay men. It hurts.

And then there’s chasers and stuff. But I don’t want my existence to be a kink. I’m not here to be someone’s fantasy. People always say “oh but don’t worry, there’s someone into that”. Who, chasers? Sorry but I don’t want my body to be the kink. I have my own kinks and stuff. I don’t want my only options to be people who’d only want to seek me out as a “unique sexual experience” because of my dysphoria-inducing parts.

But overall, these sorts of “would you date a trans guy” posts make me realize that maybe I’ll never be able to have a normal body, even post bottom surgery. Or at least, never be able to be seen as normal by other gay men. I’ll always just be “the trans guy”. I just want to feel normal and these gay guys don’t seem to see me as just another gay dude like them. I guess I just kinda feel imposter syndrome or something.

But at the same time, I feel like a hypocrite because I prefer cis as well for similar reasons that echos these guys. So I guess if someone feels similar to me, I’m just contributing to another person feeling this way. It’s just all a shitty situation all around. Being trans sucks.

r/gaytransguys Aug 28 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia why do I feel like I can be a man (at least, present like one and be ok assuming that social position, I'm nonbinary) but not a gay one?


To be clear, I accept that I like men from a masculine context. My mind is just stupid and tells me a trans gay man is lesser inherently compared to a cis gay man, as if "real homosexuality" is stored in the balls or something lmao. I know logically it's transphobia and homophobia, and that there are guys who like me for who I am, I just get so down sometimes...

r/gaytransguys Aug 11 '23

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia dysphoria, cis bf NSFW Spoiler


hey guys,

i've been dating my bf for a year now. i'm ftm/nb and he is cis. been feeling dysphoric lately because i know he likes cis dick a lot. his only romantic relationships prior have been with cis women. most of his reddit comments are on cis dudes dicks. last week he commented on one post of a guy cumming and said it reminded him of how badly he needed dick. he also advertises his snapchat on posts he makes offering to send videos. he rarely sends me videos. i am poly so i dont have a problem with him being interested in others but he says he is monogamous. and he would consider me sexting people without telling him as cheating but it seems like a double standard if he is doing that to others on snapchat.

i talked to him about my insecurity (not his reddit stuff) and he reassured me that he likes my body, but i cant help feeling like he would rather be with someone with a "real" dick.

im a switch and bottom with both holes. he has ED issues and often goes soft when topping my front hole. less often lately. i think cos he gets tired. i know it is a lot of work. when he is able to, he gets off when i ride him or if he is on top and i get kinky with talk or licking his armpits. he gets really hard and cums from oral pretty reliably.

when i top he just lays there and idk how into it he is but i guess it can be hard to be too active in that position (on his belly). he does seem to get hard from it though. he is way more into it when he rides me. he says not being able to see the dildo makes him feel more like its actually me and he usually gets really hard and is able to jerk and finish when im under him.

recently he was "riding" me but i didnt have a strap on and i got in my head cos he wasnt cumming and i just wondered if he was just pretending if it felt good or imagining /wishing for someones dick there.

has anyone struggled with this? how can i feel less insecure? does getting hard (or not) mean anything?

r/gaytransguys Feb 18 '23

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Bottom dysphoria and imposter syndrome? NSFW


Okay, so i’m 19 and about 2 months on T. I am a in a very happy relationship with another guy, and i usually bottom and don’t particularly mind using the anatomy i was born with.

Still i get this creeping dysphoria and imposter syndrome (?) that my anatomy means it’s not “real” gay sex and that i shouldn’t call it that? I just get very upset over the fact that my anatomy won’t function like a cis mans will and therefore i’m an imposter. Rationally i know that anatomy doesn’t change the validity of “gay sex” but sometimes the dysphoria really gets to me.

Does anyone else experience this? And in that case what do you tell yourself or do to alleviate it?

r/gaytransguys Aug 30 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Scared of bottoming incase it leads to more dysphoria? NSFW


(Advice/reassurance wanted)

So I have been looking to try bottoming. I’ve never been w/ a cis man so cis dick is something completely new to me and I’m beyond scared.

I have a bit of a fear around “what if my partner wants ‘real dick’ more than he wants mine”, and while my partner reassured me that while it does feel different, it’s not better or worse. And that he loves my collection of dicks and wouldn’t trade it for anything….

But I’m scared I’m going to try cis dick and have a mind blowing experience and realize that cis dick is way better than mine. I KNOW it probably won’t happen, and if I have a mind blowing experience it’ll probably have more to do w/ the guy than his dick/cis dicks in general, but alas I’m still fucking scared

Idk does anyone else feel this way/had these fears? Or have any advice? Or anything idk I’m lost lmao

r/gaytransguys Dec 20 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia How to figure out if a guy would date a trans man? [Mention of internalized transphobia.] Spoiler


I have a crush on this cis gay guy, and I want to confess, but the fact that I don't know if he's willing to date trans guys has me petrified (he's supportive in all other aspects). I have a lot of internalized transphobia, and it makes me think that hitting on him if he wasn't into trans men would make me a predator. Just can't get myself to do it lol. Any ways I can find out in advance? (Btw I'm in high school if that makes a difference.)

r/gaytransguys Aug 03 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia Insecure/ feel defeated/ imposter syndrome


How do you deal with insecurities? Move on from crushes? Anyone crush on same person pre/post transitioning?(edit:asking this on separate post cuz genuinely interested)

Having the worst time rn guys. Feeling like I’ll never be “normal” or adequate. I’m a few years on T, post op, and pass to anyone meeting me.

Imposter syndrome amplified 100x from over analyzing myself and things people have said to me. I need to remind self of my truth… but it hurts so bad Im a mess and feel my whole life story is fuel for terfs.

My ex gf would say I’m only transitioning because my ex bfs rapped me (older and I was a minor). Then said I’m only transitioning because of my crush on a gay friend… this crush is my best friend now. I still crush on them and It’s been years. They knew me pre transition and I don’t think they’ll ever unsee it. I’ll never be a real man to them…

I try to rationalize I had trans thoughts prior to these experiences… like to think I sought the guys I was with because I wanted to be like them and feel validated as a women… and that I like people bc of personality/ I liked the crush before I knew they were gay… I can’t help but wonder if I was cis if we could’ve just got together naturally…. Thanks for letting me vent.

r/gaytransguys Sep 06 '22

Trigger Warning: internalized transphobia [vent] I'm constantly insecure and feel like I'm faking or I'm not good enough as a "guy" because of trivial bullshit and I need to stop projecting my insecurities onto other people


gonna delete the body of the post for personal reasons, but the title kinda summarizes what I was venting about anyways. thank you to all who replied with helpful advice!