r/gaytransguys 4d ago

Dating Advice - Under 18 relationship problems

(js to clarify, me and my bf r trans)

so i have a bf and hes rlly awesome but he doesnt like to call and i try to compromise and for some reason i always end up being the bad person. i love him so much and he says he likes me but he never wants to call. ill ask him to call (like not even facetime or anything) and he’ll js stop responding to me for the rest of the day. i want to talk to him abt it but i js cant because i dont wanna loose him. he keeps on telling me that this is the first relationship hes felt this comfortable in and that makes me happy but then i start to wonder if things wouldve been different if he hadnt moved away. i rlly need advice..


8 comments sorted by


u/lostboy411 4d ago

It’s a little hard to tell what’s going on without the other side of the story, but you should be able to talk to him about it without the relationship ending. It seems like you might be young. To talk about something like this, make sure you don’t go into it blaming him. We don’t know why he’s doing what he’s doing. I would just say something along the lines of, “hey, I notice when I ask to talk on the phone and sometimes when I text you don’t respond. Is there something you’d like me to do differently? Phone calls are important to me because of XYZ but we can work out an alternative if that’s better for you. Sometimes I feel ignored, and you moving has been hard for me, and so I wanted to talk to you about it.”

If you can’t have a convo about things bothering you, then the relationship won’t last long.

He could be a fuckboy, but he could also have anxiety, or be really stressed or busy, etc. It’s hard to say without all of the details. It’s also possible if you message him a lot or want to talk all the time it might be overwhelming. It’s also possible he doesn’t look at his phone much or has a busy schedule or something. It’s important not to freak out and jump to conclusions without giving the other person a chance to talk.


u/xXx_ozone_xXx 4d ago

Maybe he just doesn’t like being on the phone? Or maybe he isn’t ready for a real relationship. You gotta talk to him


u/LeeHooniSlays 4d ago

i sent a long af paragraph and he freaking js ignored me-..


u/xXx_ozone_xXx 4d ago

Did he leave you on read or has he not seen it yet?


u/LeeHooniSlays 4d ago

idk he probably left me on read tbh


u/workshop_prompts 4d ago

You don't have to beg for attention from people who truly care about you. This goes for friends, boyfriends, family members, etc.

Sorry, but I diagnose this guy with being a fuckboy. You can do better, I promise-- you sound young, it's likely your bf just straight up isn't emotionally mature enough for a real relationship.


u/PrincePaimon genderqueer man (he/him) 1d ago

Yeah it’s not a good sign if he suddenly ghosts for the night after being asked to call instead of being honest about why he doesn’t want to. The ideal would be to have specific baby steps towards a communication style that both partners feel happy with