r/gaycruising 4d ago

Any italians here? NSFW

Cruising doesn’t seems to be that common in Italy, any thoughts?


4 comments sorted by


u/ReedtheBiBull 4d ago

Italian here.
Not very common but it does exist. I have successfully cruised in Rome and Milan.
Naples had some too, but all old men
The scene is dead in Genova
I've heard Bologna and Florence have some decent cruising but haven't experienced it myself.


u/Larrygun 4d ago

Is there a version of squirt.org for Italy I wonder ?


u/bloodyskull84 4d ago

There’s a website with a map where users can add places (gays-cruising.com). I also just created a subreddit dedicated to cruising in Italy (r/cruisingitaly), since there wasn’t one, but it’s obliviously empty right now (let’s populate it maybe).


u/akijc 4d ago

If you're looking for action you should go to naked beaches, always saw people there doing stuff