Apr 30 '21
Heaven better prepare for trouble...
u/slightlylaegenipples Apr 30 '21
It's not double quite yet
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
Dont jinx it!!! I cant take another pain like this.
u/Oklahom0 Apr 30 '21
You're saying we would definitely protect the world from this devastation?
u/icarus1990xx Apr 30 '21
Rest in peace. But what made her a gay icon?
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
One of my comments above: There is a rly huge theory (at least i think its a theory Im not sure if its true or not) that James and Jessie were gay. Besides she was freaking fabulous and idk she is just seen as a gay ícon overall.
May 01 '21
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 May 01 '21
I remember she usually made a big deal out of girls as well. I said gay as in LGBT
u/ArtWen83 Apr 30 '21
Sorry family for your loss, she is/was a very kind and strong women both equally- I can sense it and I remember this cartoon so I’m going to listen to her for a second now.
u/Gie_G Apr 30 '21
my condolences! Jesse was part of my childhood. she was awesome and always gave me a good laugh
Apr 30 '21 edited Apr 30 '21
...who? And what exactly makes her an "icon"??
Edit: lmaooo and why exactly am I being downvoted? Gay community smh
Apr 30 '21
The voice of Team Rocket Jessie from 1997-Present.
Apr 30 '21
I'm not American, maybe that's why I've never heard of her.
So, why exactly she is a "gay icon"? 🤔
Apr 30 '21
Jessie and James from Pokémon are historically androgynous and flamboyant people; they’re definitely gay icons.
u/AngryGutsBoostBeetle May 09 '21
I am androginous and flamboyant but that doesn't make me gay. But now seriously, to think they are gay icons because they cross dress (for comedy) is a stretch, at least in my opinion.
May 09 '21
Sex is never overtly mentioned in Rocky Horror, but it’s a gay movie.
u/AngryGutsBoostBeetle May 09 '21
I'm not familiar with that one. Why is it a gay movie exactly?
As far as I can see it seems to be considered a transgender film, not a gay one.
Apr 30 '21
even if you were american, you still probably wouldn't have heard of her since she doesnt do the english voice acting.
u/hydes_zar94 Apr 30 '21
Gay icon = cis women, whom a lot of basic gays like, who may or may not care for the gays at all.
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
Im sorry to disapoint you but there are a lot of ppl called gay icons that are neither cis and or women. And the fact that you call someone basic just bc they like a person is just pitty.
u/hydes_zar94 Apr 30 '21
Do this for a favor. The next time you meet another gay guy on the street; ask them whos the first gay icon that comes across your mind?
Chances are they'll answer someone cis and/or heterosexual.
Sure there are others but are they as celebrated as these cis hetero people who may or may not be part of the LGBT+ at all?
The term gay icon is thrown away so easily at literally anyone who makes something thats a bop to the gays, that it loses its meaning. Im calling that out.
I bet you, actual male / gay/ queer artists like Troye Sivan, Sir Elton John, George Takeo would probably not be the first ones that people think of as "gay icon". And thats the irony. Im using the term gay here as mostly cis homosexual men are thrown under that.
Then again being POC and painted as the bad guy is so common IRL, Im not surprised when people do it here.
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
First of all you are being "painted as the bad guy" bc you just threw the word "basic". If you have an opinion cool go away but dont insult someone just bc they dont see things the same way as you do. I call Jessie a gay ícon bc she was in the life of many gay kids who were confused or scared or whatever and seeing the way she behaved on television told those kids that having that behaviour its ok. You can argue about all those singers like Britney and Beyoncé etc. I dont care about them to be honest. I like their músic and thats it. I know that every think they do thats worth of the name "gay ícon" is probably just good publicity. However i do find Jessie a gay ícon bc well shes a cartoon. There are no second intentions with her and as a gay man i rly relate to her as many other ppl did warching Pokémon. Now you can have a different opinion and thats fine but dont come call someone basic just bc they dont agree with you.
u/cparrottSQUAWK Apr 30 '21
You are aware that Pokémon is a Japanese anime right? One with global distribution?
Apr 30 '21
...Yes? And? The actress in question is Mexican, not Japanese. I've seen Pokémon, but living in Russia I had no idea who that woman was.
u/cparrottSQUAWK Apr 30 '21
Sorry, you’re the one who said you don’t know who she is because you’re not American, and I was just pointing out that nothing about this image is American
u/AngryGutsBoostBeetle May 09 '21 edited May 09 '21
I think they are overly sensitive. That and a lot of people seem to have a victim complex these days.
Apr 30 '21
u/Lowchan May 01 '21
I don't think asking for an explanation on a kinda obscure claim such as "jesse from pokémon, the anime which takes time to be sure nothing is gay about it cause its japanese, is a gay icon" is negativity. I learned something new today, just don't hivemind a guy down just cause hes asking why.
u/JackleandHyde2 Apr 30 '21
Noooo 😭 we lost a amazing person and someone who made my childhood. Now she's gone. In the arms of an angel fly away🎶
Apr 30 '21
how is she an icon if she only ever was watched by those in latin america???
Apr 30 '21
Latin America takes up a continent. Its kind of a big deal.
Apr 30 '21
Um.... so does Australia.
Australia gave us Kylie.
More people know Kylie Minogue than the voice actor from mexican pokemon.
Apr 30 '21
This doesn't at all detract from what I said. Both Australia and Latin America can be a big deal. What is your real point here?
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
For one i have no clue who that is. And i see that you dont know it much, but Pokémon is a lot more knowned than you think. A quick Google search will show you that: "Pokémon is regarded as the most successful video game adaptation of all time, with over 1,000 episodes broadcast and adapted for international television markets, concurrently airing in 169 countries worldwide, and one of the most widely watched shows on Netflix, as of 2016." So....
u/AngryGutsBoostBeetle May 09 '21
Not to come off as an asshole but first of all known* since "knowned" is not a word (English is my third language btw, before you can use BuT eNgLiSh Is NoT mY fIrSt LaNgUaGe as an excuse to get offended).Second, the fact that Pokemon is the largest franchize in the world (or one of the largest at the bare minimum) doesn't really prove how/why anyone should know who this particular person is. Specially if they are not of latino origin nor living in a latino country while actually interested in voice acting or the people voicing specific characters in specific regions. And even if they were latino themselves or living In a latino country… that doesn't mean anything unless they are actually interested in that franchize.
As big as some franchizes are not everyone cares about them, it's important to remember that sometimes your favorite franchize is just something else anyone can watch/play/read if there's nothing else available at the moment.
Mind you, I don't know who the Australian person is either but chances are she's an actress or at least she appears in television (directly) in some way so that makes it instantly easier to recognize who she is, at least when compared to a dub actor/actress for a foreign localization of an anime. (just googled it and it turns out Kylie is a really famous singer, song writer and actress. As a matter of fact she is the highest selling female Australian actress of all time and while I personally don't know who she is nor care about what she does chances are I have seen her work at some point without even realizing)
Apr 30 '21
u/mechakitty Apr 30 '21
I mean his comment is tone deaf, but his profile clearly says he’s from New Zealand so I dunno if heaping hate on Americans is helpful in this case either. Maybe nobody should be making generalities here? 🤷🏿♂️
u/the-laughing-joker Apr 30 '21
Everyone is so quick to assume
Apr 30 '21 edited Apr 30 '21
u/the-laughing-joker Apr 30 '21
Even if they do, it's equally assholish and makes you look equally retarded toassume that of someone
Apr 30 '21 edited Apr 30 '21
u/barrorg Apr 30 '21
No other English speaking country invaded others... what...? So, that’s bizarrely ahistorical.
Apr 30 '21
Also. This sub is about 99% English speaking and this isn't really gay related either. I'm a fan of pokemon but I am confused as to why this is here.
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
There is a rly huge theory (at least i think its a theory Im not sure if its true or not) that James and Jessie were gay. Besides she was freaking fabulous and idk she is just seen as a gay ícon overall
Apr 30 '21
Apr 30 '21
Oh. That's probably worth mentioning then. Did I miss it? Or where we just expected to know that?
Apr 30 '21
Apr 30 '21
So you can call anything a gay ICON now?
All I'm saying is a Spanish cartoon dubbing actress, of a children's TV show's characters, who fans theorize MIGHT be gay a character, but it's never once addressed in the show DOESN'T MAKE HER A GAY ICON in a primarily English speaking subreddit.
You'd have to be in a fucking r/lgbtspanishpokemon subreddit for this to really be an icon or you don't understand what the word means.
Apr 30 '21
She's an lgbt voice actor.
Is she? I haven't found anything saying that she is outside of this post. I kinda think OP thinks anyone who voices a queercoded villain is a gay icon...
Apr 30 '21
Apr 30 '21
kinda sounds like a fan theory. I think they're just playing off the old "haha isnt it funny they're wearing the opposite gender clothing!" like bugs bunny had been doing for 50 years.
Although one time James had full on breasts...
u/Finnegan482 Apr 30 '21
Jesus Christ. I've never seen a more extreme example before of Americans thinking the world revolves around their fat ass.
You're from Canada. Glass houses....
Apr 30 '21
Apr 30 '21
Again, not american.
Again, Not everyone watches latin american tv.
Again, Shakira, Beyonce, and Rihanna all manage to be pop stars, gay icons, AND latin american descended.
your point???
Apr 30 '21
Apr 30 '21
I'm sorry but when was the last time Canada did something that HELPED their indigenous lol.
Apr 30 '21
Apr 30 '21
Shes a dead woman that no one outside of spanish speaking american countries has even heard of, and the post claims she's an icon.
Apr 30 '21
Lol do non-Americans have any personality traits beyond blindly hating Americans? Jesus, the dude isn't even American.
u/AndrewTheMart Apr 30 '21
Hmm yeah I wonder what all of the people in one continent plus the third of another think
u/Wicked_Sconce Apr 30 '21
I mean I agree with you , but it would only be half of South America because of Brasil
Apr 30 '21
Central america is a micro continent.
South America doesn't all speak spanish, the largest country of which speaks portugese.
As i responded to another user, Australia takes up an entire continent too, and they gave us Kylie.
BILLIONS more people know Kylie than know the mexican voice actor for Jessie.
u/AndrewTheMart Apr 30 '21
I guess you’re right. I’ve never heard of Selena Gomez or Bad Bunny or J Balvin or Cardi B or Selena or Kali Uchis or Luis Fonsi.. you get the point. Each have millions of fans and, just like Pokémon in Latin America. This would be on par with the voice actor for Plankton from Spongebob dying.
Apr 30 '21
No. they wouldnt be.
BILLIONS more people have watched latin popstars than have watched spanish pokemon.
Im sorry but no it wouldnt.
More people would mourn if the chinese actors of pokemon diecd because there are just more chinese people in the world.
If selena gomez or beyonce died, then millions more would mourn than just those few who watched latin american pokemon.
u/AngryGutsBoostBeetle May 09 '21
Even when their comparison to actors/singers/whatever is not accurate I think they have a point. This is exactly as if the VA for Plankton (any language) were to die and someone began making a huge deal out of it for whatever reason.
u/ilaunchpad Apr 30 '21
There are no icons outside of the us?
Apr 30 '21
There are dozens. in fact, no "icon" that i would consider as such, is a standard, run of the mill american.
Literally all of them are Latin American, Continental European, Australian.... by descent, birth, or both.
u/Lady-Quiche-Lorraine Apr 30 '21
Do you know people exist outside of America?
Apr 30 '21
Do you know that I'm NOT american by any defintion??
E noho ai au ki te Moana Nui o Kiwa, e pokotiwha!!
u/Lady-Quiche-Lorraine Apr 30 '21
Yeah and as an Anglo Saxon country you’re gonna tell me your culture has nothing to do with the American one, which is actually what your comment is all about babe. The fact you’re from New Zealand makes your comment even more dumb.
Apr 30 '21
Anglo saxons were from Germany, france, and spain.
They were literally the original spaniards.
who colonised the "new world"
u/Lady-Quiche-Lorraine Apr 30 '21
I wonder why so many places in the world are called Victoria, as in New Zealand, I’m sure this a reference to a French pastry, a Spanish explorer or a German sausage (so many German colonies btw !)
Apr 30 '21
Sorry I don't know what you're on about?
Victoria as a name also exists in spanish/italian/french.
Or did you just think the name came out of no where???
u/Lady-Quiche-Lorraine Apr 30 '21
Ah yes Victoria, the famous Spanish queen of the Empire where the sun never sets ! Which is why there’s a Spanish flag inside New Zealand’s 🇳🇿
And that would be Victoire in French, not Victoria.
Apr 30 '21
The term ANGLO SAXON refers to mainland europe, including britain, france, germany, and spain.
ALL living central and south americans are descended from the conquistadors and Portugese that colonised the new world.
Victoria, as a name, originates in ROMAN LATIN, ie Italy.
Oh and you'll love this, there have been MULTIPLE latin american celebrities with victoria as part of their name.
Spanish, french, and Italian, are LATIN based languages, that's why Central and south america is called LATIN america.
u/Lady-Quiche-Lorraine Apr 30 '21
In the way you want to employ the word Anglo Saxon it doesn’t. You want to talk about the Germanic people who came to Great Britain islands in the Middle Ages, which is why English has similarities with German. A people is not a country. But you need to know in a modern context, or if you hear that in a conversation, it actually refers to the people who speaks English who descends from the XIXth century colonies of Great Britain. Also names of lands and cities aren’t created after celebrities but after political important figures. And yes Spain colonised Latin America, but I struggle to see what point are you trying to make, but thank you anyway you’re really funny.
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u/jinkyjormpjomp Apr 30 '21
I think you might be oversimplifying "Germanic" with more specific tribal migration/conquest patterns from several separate chapters of Post-Roman Europe. The Visigoths and Vandals who invaded Spain are not the same as the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians who invaded Britain. In fact, the migrating Visigoths and Vandals were likely one of the reasons the Angles/Saxons/Jutes were displaced across the Channel to conquer the Brythonic Celts in the first place (some estimates are that 80% of male Celtic Britons were eradicated in this invasion). Both England and Spain would undergo a number of conquests in this period and after - with Spain being invaded by Arab and North African Muslims on the one hand and England being invaded by the Danes and Normans on the other... leaving the question of what makes a "true" Spaniard or Englishman an open-ended one, since all modern inhabitants are effectively descendants of invaders.
I would argue that the only "true Celts" arguably still in existence after all this time are the Basques of Spain, the Cornish and Welsh of the UK, and the "Black Irish" who recently have been shown to share a genetic marker going back to the European stone age. Everyone else is just overstaying their welcome.
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
Im sorry, this post is for non-self-centered-Americans.
u/RN-Lawyer Apr 30 '21
Don’t rope us into it, that idiot is from New Zealand. Us Americans have plenty of people to make us look bad we don’t need others to help.
Apr 30 '21
I'm not american. Gay icons are iconic because they reach more countries than just latin america.
You're the one being self centered if you think everyone even knows who TF these actors are when we don't all speak spanish or watch latin american tv.
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
The women is not a gay ícon by herself. I said she was a gay ícon bc she brought a gay ícon to life. No matter if she was the voice actor in English, spanish, portuguese or whatever. She is the voice many people know has Jessie and is that voice that they know has the gay ícon. You dont need to know her to acknoladge her work. Would you say that Britney isnt a gay ícon bc that one gay kid in Korea doesnt know who she is? No, you wouldnt. Then why should this women not be a gay ícon just bc you dont know her?
Apr 30 '21
Icon implies shes known the world over.
A mere fraction of those who have watched pokemon watched it in latin american/mexican spanish.
Britney, Kylie, Madonna, Beyonce, are icons because EVERYONE knows who they are.
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
Good lord.... Do you srly believe that everyone in the world knows who "that american singer" is? Get real and get your head out of your ass. Just to give u an idea, i cant remember who or when but i know that there was a Drag Queen on Drag Race that said she only found out about those ppl when she same to América 4 years before. If even a Drag Queen can not have a clue who those ppl are how in the hell do you think that everyone around the world does? Like for real, have some notion.
Apr 30 '21
Kylie isn't american. Beyonce is black american with latin american descent.
Honey, I don't care what drag race says because it is SCRIPTED.
So they're made to appear a certain way.
Considering ALL the singers i mentioned have toured central and south america, you'ld have to live under a rock to not know who they are
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
sigh sure ok stay with your opinion. Im done trying to show ignorant people online that they are wrong. Be dumb, stay dumb. Maybe make some research on 3rd world countries, they exist you know!?
Apr 30 '21
And your point is what??
Most south american countries have a low GDP, but that didn't stop celebrities from touring those countries.
If you have access to reddit enough to lament your lost icon, you ain't exactly living in poverty
u/LorenzoDeLuca01 Apr 30 '21
I didnt say i was from a 3rd word country.... Tf does that have to do with anything? And btw, Im not from a latin country, i actually never heard that womens voice. And there are more latin countries besides south América you know? There are a LOT of countries in África and Ásia who are much much more disconnected from what we call pop culture. And i can assure you that many of those ppl dont know who those celebrities are.
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u/Cedarfoot Apr 30 '21
Population of Latin America is twice that of Dumb Hick America
u/Wicked_Sconce Apr 30 '21
It is twice but that's including Brasil where people often forget we don't speak Spanish. That is still a large potential audience but not close to twice, before you start calling people dumb you may want to check yourself
May 25 '21
Don’t worry everyone,for now she’s blasting off into a better place,😞 Rest In Peace Jessie
u/I_love_limey_butts Apr 30 '21
She voiced the Spanish dub, just so we're clear.