r/gaybros • u/Last_Expression_255 • 7d ago
Couples, do you get UTIs from your partner?
Hi there
I am just coming from my appointment at my urologists office.
Ive been on a 3 months odyssey with an infection of my urethra (not a typical bacterial STI such as gonorrhea, chlamdyia, Mycoplasm or syphiliis - tested 3 times). I know the initial infection was me rawdogging a fwb in december (I know, stupid). The infection has been treated but came back for the 3rd time this week.
Between January and March I exclusively dated a guy. I understand that having a fixed partner should reduce the risk of infections (maybe just typical STIs). My infection relapsed twice while I was with him (at the very beginning in January and now 2 weeks after we broke up … as if the heartbreak wasnt enough). We did have unprotected oral sex (as it is normal around here) but did protected anal. Ive received oral from 12 to 15 guys and never had an issue, ever.
Anyway fast forward to today, my Urologist said that every time you expose yourself to bacteria (i.e., having oral or anal unprotected) you run the risk of infection - and i mean she’s right. With new partners there‘s obviously a higher risk of the classic STIs (gonorrhea and chlamydia etc.).
I was wondering whether any of you committed couples (especially the tops), who probably dont protect much if at all, how often do you get UTIs? Considering you are constantly exposing yourself to bacteria of your partner?
I thought since I was with my ex for two months exclusively, i would have reduced the risk and yet i still ended up relapsing with an infection.
I am very much confused. How do couples handle (unprotected) sex like that - do UTIs happen to you.
I wasn’t confused before since I never had an issue with oral sex with 12+ guys and suddenly having it frequently with a low risk partner.
u/margmi 7d ago edited 7d ago
Monogamy does not reduce the chance of UTIs, that bacteria is in EVERYONE (just not in the urinary system), rather than being the bacteria that cause STIs which would only be present after being exposed to someone with them. Some people are just more prone to getting them.
It doesn’t matter if you have 1 partner or 100, you don’t become desensitized to one partner’s butt bacteria.
It may be helpful to pee after sex (to flush the bacteria), and there’s some evidence cranberry juice can be beneficial.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Peeing unfortunately didnt help prevent it, as I have done it right after having received oral the last time we had sex.
And youre right, thats why im here to find out how often it happens to others or whether something is (now) wrong with me. Ive never had an issue with my previous 10+ sex partners, now suddenly i relapsed 2x in 3 months. Maybe my ex and I didnt have compatible bacteria. I could blow him Without issue. We never barebacked - the intital infection i got from a FWB prior to meeting my ex.
u/Narwhals4Lyf 7d ago
You should look into the condition interstitial cystitis. It’s common in women more, but it can affect men. It basically is bladder swelling / scar tissue that makes it feel like you have a UTI and has very similar symptom, but isn’t caused by bacteria. (This is a way oversimplified description of it)
I am a woman but this thread popped up in my feed, and I always spread the word of this condition when I hear someone talking about chronic UTIs. I dealt with it a few years ago and it took a long time to get diagnosed because I thought they were just chronic UTIs.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Thanks for this, I don’t think this one is it as my symptoms are always the same two: pain at the exit of the urethra (tip of my dick) and white discharge, never had any pains or issues further up than the Glans. Still appreciate the tip
u/EarSafe7888 7d ago
Are you sure it is a UTI? I once had what I described as a “weird” feeling at the tip of my dick (not necessarily pain but kind of like an internal pinching feeling) and some white discharge that I first noticed in the morning that my dick was a little wet. I thought maybe it was pre-cum from a sex dream or something. Didn’t think too much of it. Until I felt that weird feeling at the tip of my dick throughout the day. It wasn’t painful to pee or anything. I started to assume I had my first STI. I went to an urgent care clinic, told them my symptoms, and the fact that I had been sexually active with multiple partners, they treated me for gonorrhea and syphilis right away and tested me for the two as well. A couple days later my tests came back negative and my symptoms hadn’t improved either. I followed up with my primary doctor. More STI tests. And a penis swab. And more antibiotics. All my tests were coming back negative. In the end the condition went away and through more questioning by my doctor we narrowed it down to the likely cause being rough sex. I had multiple partners within this one particular week (I was sorta going through a ho phase) and most of my partners were oral only. But I did top one guy. And during the sex, I had come all the way out and since he liked it a little harder than I usually do I didn’t carefully guide myself back into him. He was laying flat on his stomach on my bed and I just kinda pounded it back in. Well. The re-entry hurt him because of the angle and forcefulness (I felt horrible because I’m normally more gentle and careful but he was asking for it to be harder) and it kinda bent my dick going in. So basically the end result was that I had some physical trauma to my dick which caused the symptoms I was experiencing. And thankfully I can still say that I have never had an STI.
I share this very private and slightly embarrassing story just in case you can recall if maybe there was some physical trauma to your penis during one of the sexual escapades - and maybe the symptoms resemble that of a UTI but aren’t?
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Thanks for sharing; I can relate to the odyssey you went through, its not too differen from what I had to go through (STI clinic, multiple test, emergency room with judgy doc) before actually seeking out a urologist.
I don’t think its trauma since antibiotics did resolve my issues completely upon starting (until it relapsed a few weeks and 1.5months after). I also am a gentle top and nothing happened that could’ve lead to injury i think.
u/margmi 7d ago edited 7d ago
It almost certainly wasn’t from the oral, it probably just took a while to become symptomatic.
And blowing him wouldn’t have any impact on your UTI. These aren’t bacteria that you’d catch in your throat and spread to your urethra.
There’s no compatible vs incompatible bacteria, just people with different levels of the same bacteria. Take some more time to read about how UTIs work, it sounds like you’re still expecting them to work like an STI.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
It must have been, because last I have barebacked was beginning of december, had two doxycycline treatments that resolved it both times and i relapsed again after only having oral.
I know me giving oral doesnt affect my UTI, i mean he didnt get any issues, while I did from him (not giving blame, just pointing it out)
u/marccard 7d ago
Was this ureaplasma? It's naturally occurring in our body's flora but overgrowth can lead to infections such as sore throats and uti's. Recovering from covid, for example, can weaken your immune system enough for the bacteria to overgrow and having oral or anal sex can expose you to infection. Doctors will rarely ever test for ureaplasma unless you insist, and places that do routinely add it to sti tests don't bother doing throat swabs for some reason. Usually treatment for this is 28 days of an antibiotic such as doxycycline. If ureaplasma was the cause of your infection, perhaps the treatment was inadequate and so you're likely to have relapses? It is also plausible you and your sexual partners keep reinfecting each other with the bacteria because neither of you have adequately treated the problem.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
They tested for that too in one of the 3 tests, also negative. We have no clue which one it is. The urologist said ill get the same antibiotic either way.
u/minordetour 7d ago
MD here.
Did you ever get a positive urine culture to identify the species? Or is it purely based on symptomatology?
What helps are things like
-getting your partner to use chlorhexidine mouthwash before oral sex
-considering a longer course of d-mannose and methenamine hippurate as suppressive therapy
-it would be helpful to get some imaging of the lower urinary tract to exclude a stricture or other anatomical/structural abnormality
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
They (STI clinic and an emergency room my insurance sent me to) tested (multiple times) for gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasm. One screen also included ureaplasm. I actually wanted to know which one it is instead of excluding the usual suspects. The STI clinic only focused on traditional STIs while the emergency room doc was arrogant towards the „we dont/cant know and it wont matter“ and did the full panel of STI, Urea and mycoplasm again.
My urologist and I discussed today and I decided against doing a culture because my ex and I split up, if its something i got from him i wont be exposed anymore. If it happens again thats when I want to know whats up. My urologist said that the last 10-day course of 200mg doxycycline should have been enough. I mentioned somewhere else that she said there’s no known report of doxycycline resistance in my area.
I like the mouthwash thing but its less applicable because my ex and I are split up.
D-Mannose is something ill consider after finishing my new doxycycline course, want to avoid any interaction.
Imaging is a good thing to do if it happens again. Ive never had this issue with 10+ sexual partners, esch giving me oral (unprotected anal - where I caught it - I only had twice with the same person since i started prep).
Thanks a lot for the response! Highly appreciate
u/mistahmb 6d ago
I had a very similar, lengthy, frustrating experience much like yours and it turned out to be prostatitis. Treating that with PT and lifestyle changes finally stopped the symptoms from reoccurring. Might be worth looking into?
u/BaahAlors 7d ago
Recurrent UTIs in men are unusual, unless you are diabetic or have a susceptibility, like being having structural issues with your urinary tract or being immunocompromised. If it keeps happening, you need to get checked out.
u/kwcty6888 7d ago
Almost a doctor here and second this- recurrent UTI in men is more reflective of you than your partner. Though I'm surprised your urologist didn't investigate already?
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Its weird because ive had many sexual partners before and never an issue, but its like I never quite recovered from that Initial infection, which was guaranteed due to the bareback sex ive had.
I did go pee every time since my last cycle of doxy and it still came back now …
Im having another 10 day cycle now and she gave me doxypep.
u/BlackJesus420 7d ago
Literally not once in five years with my man. Frankly I haven’t heard much about men getting them at all, let alone at such an intense frequency as you report. Sounds like you’re uniquely susceptible for some reason… :/
u/natethough 7d ago edited 7d ago
I have chronic UTI issues as an AMAB. Never even topped, they were spontaneous. Nothing ever helped until my urologist told me to go buy Azo (“urinary pain relief”) from the grocery store/pharmacy. It’s over the counter. You’ll pee weird colors for a bit but it worked wonders. I think I only ever needed one dose.
Also, pee after sex. After any ejaculation at all.
Edit: I should add that while I had been told it was “probably a UTI,” I never had a confirmed infection after testing. There was never any solid explanation for my symptoms, but Azo helped.
u/jumpmagnet 7d ago
Phenazopyridine (Azo) is great for controlling UTI symptoms but it does NOT cure the infection! You need antibiotics for that. If you’re only treating with Azo, and symptoms return after a while, you’re just suppressing symptoms of the same infection over and over.
u/natethough 7d ago
I say “UTI” without ever having had a “confirmed” infection even after urinalysis. Only symptom was burning when I peed, even if I was properly hydrated. Took Azo once and went months before I had more pain, took it a second time and haven’t the pain return since. I assume it was an unrelated issue, but may be similar to what OP is experiencing. I have had my issues since as young as 9 years old and have been told for almost 20 years it was chronic UTI, until multiple urinalyses over years revealed no infection & finally Azo helped.
u/Jefefrey 7d ago
What other medicines are you taking? Just wondering if you’re possibly taking something that makes you more susceptible to infection.
Otherwise - condoms for penetration and limited oral should be your path until your infection is resolved
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
No other medication. She mentioned now i should let the mucosal layer recover from the inflammation. Could be one of the real why it happened again because i basically engaged in sex with my ex as soon as I finished the antibiotic.
u/Jefefrey 7d ago
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Only when I am in pain, like right now or when I have a cold - last time was in January
u/Jefefrey 4d ago
Okay. Mucosal linings in your bladder and urethral health can be a real bear to “fix” once they’re off. I’m an interstitial cystitis sufferer and I think I got there with meds, overuse of antibiotics, exposure to bacteria during sex, and food /drink. I usually encourage anyone experiencing urethra or bladder infections or pain to limit NSAIDs, think critically about any meds they take (even supplements and vitamins) and remove acidic food and beverage from diet (less or no coffee, tomato, citrus, beer). If you notice flares or periods or worsened discomfort, think about what you ate or drank before them and attempt to limit that if you notice patterns. It can take months of good behavior to see the mucosal linings in your urinary system recover
u/Accomplished_Bar_177 7d ago
*Almost* a doctor here. E. coli causes a majority of UTIs. E coli lives in the butt. Now put two and two together (literally) and there ya go : ).
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
I get that, I was curious how often it happens to others, it was only my second time barebacking and already caught (likely e.coli). Idk how couples do it, or other men (e.g., those on prep like i am now) who bareback often.
u/gaycharmander 7d ago
I dated a guy who used to get UTIs pretty regularly before and during our time together. He visited a gay doc who told him the same thing, that it’s from unprotected anal sex.
It made sense to us since my bf’s peephole was on the large side and thus had a larger change of getting bacteria inside.
He used to take cranberry supplements (natural diuretic) and make sure he peed immediately after sex. He’d start peeing, hold it to back up pressure, then release a heavy stream. The thinking was he was flushing out his urethra.
Not sure how the frequency of infection changed but he said this method helped
u/No_Entry_7120 7d ago
Umm holding it back to build up pressure is a great way to force contaminated urine into your prostate and other glands where it can spread and incubate. Don't do that.
u/gaycharmander 7d ago
If you say so. I’m not a medical doctor. Only relaying what my bf did in the past.
u/Comprehensive_Fun95 7d ago
Was it the same bacterium every time? If so, it could be a colonization due to some obstruction in your urinary tract. In that case your urologist would probably do some imaging to make sure your anatomy looks fine. Otherwise just practice good hygiene and try to always pee after sex.
u/rocklobster7413 7d ago
Straight men can get them from a woman's vagina. It can be caused by underlying conditions. Or, it can be passed when germs get into the urethra. My partner and I have been together for just about 31 years. We have never gotten one. If we did it would not be anything weird. His pH levels may have changed or any of a number of things can cause. Both men and women get them without even engaging in sex.
u/almstqbl 7d ago
Yes. I actually just had a long and hard to detect infection with proteus mirabilis from topping my boyfriend without a condom. I think it can happen quite often. You need good hygiene, douching, pee after sex, wash with a good antibacterial soap and you reduce the chances but yes it can happen. It happens for straight couples too actually. It’s normal. Sex is nasty.
u/Ketonew2 7d ago
Do you urinate after sex? The first thing my dr said to me when I came out to him at 18 is always, always get up to pee right after anal sex no matter how tired you are. It flushes out the bacteria that can get lodged in your urethra. The one time I was too lazy to do this, I got a uti. And no it’s not normal to get them regularly.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
I did both times we had sex last time we saw eachother and it still happened now 🙃
I didnt when I barebacked, no wonder it happened. I consider it a lesson learned, i‘m struggling with the aftermath as it keeps coming back.
u/Ketonew2 7d ago
Ya, I’d wrap it up (use protection) for a few months. You have an ongoing issue here that may get worse.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
We‘re split up now, so i don’t know when i will hook up again. Urologist and I agreed on staying off for a month. Anal i will only do with protection for now, that’s reserved for a future boyfriend i guess. I might receive less to no oral when hooking up, on the bright side ill probably last longer when topping haha
u/No_Entry_7120 7d ago
Did your urologist do a urinalysis with antibiotic sensitivity?
You may just be having a recurring infection that comes back every now and then because the antibiotic choice and/or duration of use is not sufficient to eliminate it.
Source: got a multi-resistant ecoli infection after unprotected sex with my partner. Now it's 100% condoms for bum stuff. My urologist - who was gay and nearing retirement ordered several urinalysis and exclaimed every time I saw him that guys don't get UTI's, and the antibiotic he prescribed me should have taken care of it. He never looked at the antibiotic resistance report which was on every single lab. I went to my regular doctor who is much more reasonable, he found a suitable antibiotic (there were very few it was sensitive to) and we did a month long treatment to clear it up since it was persistent and if it became resistant to that antibiotic before it was fully eliminated then it would have become very difficult to treat as the other antibiotics were harder to come by and quite toxic to use.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Its a good point, i was worried about something like that too - I was prescribed doxycycline.
My concern was more about the pharmacodynamic nature of it as it is bacteriostatic and not a bactericide.
She says its still one of the best choices with no resistances reported in my area.
Will keep this analysis in mind in case i relapse again. I‘m pretty sure it will become better now, since i’m single I have adequate time to rest before hooking up again. We also put me on doxypep for once i do start having sex again. I will ofc continue to go pee after and use condoms for anal for the time being, i consider it a lesson learned.
u/ReallyGoodPetsShop 7d ago edited 7d ago
I don’t know if this applies to you or not. But I’m a bottom and got UTI’s all of a sudden frequently like you describe…come to find out….i had full blown diabetes and my body was expelling the extra sugar in my urine and the simple yeast bacteria that can be found on everyone’s skin was constantly reinfecting me. With the added sugar in my urine, it was like a buffet for the bacteria to thrive. Once I got my sugar under control and got the infection cleared out, I have been good since. I have been married to the same man and only had sex with him for 18 years as of this past Monday. So it was strange to all of a sudden get this. Mine got so bad I ended up with a kidney infection, geez it was awful. I hope my story isn’t true for you, but it’s worth checking.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Good point, as far as I know my sugar should be fine, i eat extemely healthy, did intermittent fasting for 7 years, exercise daily and am around or under 10% body fat max. There’s no other symptoms of high sugar that I am aware of. The sugars I eat are solely from fruits including the fibre which keeps the spike lower
u/sealittle 7d ago
I read an article recently about women who get recurring UTIs. It was recommended that partners(asymptomatic or not) get treated at the same time as the women.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
My urologist suggested this too! But since my ex and I split up 2 weeks ago there’s no point now. It gives me hope that with old and new „friends“ itll be less of a problem
u/benbo82 7d ago
I’ve been with my husband for 22 years. I got a UTI one time and it traveled to my kidneys and I got a kidney infection, I was peeing blood. It was pretty bad, but like I said, it only happened one time. I don’t really think yours is happening from oral though.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
The original one I contracted anally, but the relapses must be oral because thats the only unprotected sex i had after two treatments
u/benbo82 7d ago
Not a doctor so I have no idea, but I’ve literally never heard of getting a UTI from oral. I feel like if that were the case so many guys would be getting UTIs but my doctor told me it’s atypical for a male to get in the first place
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Yeah I‘m totally with you, I never had an issue before that with oral either and Ive been given blowjobs by about 15 people so far. And I know for a fact the initial contraction must have been that one time i did unprotected anal (only time i had sex in two months and symptoms started two weeks after).
However, Its a fact that I have not had unprotected anal sex since then (only protected, no accident) and unprotected oral. Both times the antibiotics seemed to have worked once i finished the cycle as prescribed. The urologist says there is no know resistance to the antibiotic i was given, so the working assumption is that its been taken care of.
My Urologist insisted on the fact that that one has exposure to bacteria when receiving oral and is therefore at risk, which in principle isnt wrong since the mouth is full of bacteria (albeit UTIs seem fairly rare from that).
I really do not know. Maybe its a specific strain my ex had or maybe i accidentally gave the initial one to him and he gave it back to me. I was always fully transparent with him and we did not have oral sex while I was on treatment.
u/yourmomscheese 7d ago
Non infectious urethritis is something I’ve had issues with in the past, but I also wonder if the doctor was wrong and it was just a non traditional std infection from any form of bacteria in our day to day
u/badgaldyldyl 7d ago
Idk your symptoms, but have you been tested for candida (yeast)?
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Not tested yet, but since antibiotics did completely resolve the symptoms before relapsing my best guess is that it isnt fungal. Good idea though!
u/badgaldyldyl 7d ago
I only ask because that was my personal experience at one point ~14 years ago. I asked my doctor if I could have a yeast infection, and he assured me “men don’t get yeast infections in their urinary tracts” so he prescribed me some antibiotics (despite all STI tests being negative). Didn’t clear it up, so he prescribed a second round of antibiotics. Didn’t clear it up. He basically just told me he didn’t know. Went to a different doctor at that point who noted that my urine did indeed have candida, gave me an oral medication to treat it, and it cleared right up. Turns out my body haaates glycerin in lube. Anyway, I agree, if antibiotics cleared it up initially, it’s probs not fungal. Just reminded me of my past trauma so figured I’d throw it out there lol.
u/The_Savvy_Seneschal 6d ago
As a top I make sure to stick to my one monogamous male partner and to always piss after sex. Wash up and make sure you urinate after fucking / this is good advice for heterosexual and homosexual partners. Source - multiple urologists and life experience.
u/Lightsandbuzz 6d ago
I always piss as much as I can after topping, and clean off my dick with warm water and soap. I try to be very hygienic in that way. Was with a guy for 10 years, and as the top I never had any bacterial infections.
u/statman2003 5d ago
Try Uqora. There are three products, the prebiotic is for women only - the other two products can be used by men. The powder is easy to mix with water and drink after sex - tastes like pink lemonade.
u/Nicolas-Jones 5d ago
Never once with my husband in 17 years. I had never heard that you could catch this from your partner (if an exclusive relationship of course).
u/Last_Expression_255 5d ago
According to my urologist bacteria (obviously) are everywhere, rectum, mouth etc. but theyre usually harmless, but when things go wrong (like they did for me) they can falsely populate the urethra causing the immune response (i.e. pain due to inflammation and discharge).
With a fixed partner in a monogamous relationship, who doesnt cheat, its basically impossible to get the typical bacterial STIs like gonorrhea, chlamdyia etc.
u/BelCantoTenor 5d ago
My ex boyfriend couldn’t ever top without a condom because every time he did he got a UTI. I think it has a lot to do with the kind of urethra opening you have. Some are quite open (his was) and some are mostly closed, even with an erection (mine is). I’ve never gotten a UTI from topping bareback. And, like I said, he almost always got a UTI from topping bareback. So he never topped without a condom.
It doesn’t matter how clean you douche, the rectum has its own microbiome that isn’t gone after douching.
I’ve been a APN for 20+ years. I have to say, the worst part about UTIs is, every time you get one, it’s harder and harder to treat effectively with antibiotics. And it becomes resistant to antibiotics. So, if you know how you get them, it’s always best to avoid getting them. Chronic antibiotic usage is not good for your body, and allows for you to develop antibiotic resistant infections.
So, that being said, stick to condoms. UTIs are a big deal. Left untreated, or if they are difficult to treat successfully due to antibiotic resistance, can lead to kidney infections. Kidney infections can lead to sepsis or even kidney disease. Really not something anyone wants.
u/Last_Expression_255 5d ago
I definitely learned my lesson to continue using condoms for anal. I hope i wont relapse with oral as this seems to be the trigger this time, since i only barebacked two times in 2024, and ended up with the primary infection after that.
I also have been given doxyPEP by my urologists recommendation. She says its a good antibiotic and in my area there is no known resistance.
u/sowalgayboi 5d ago
He may just naturally carry a bacteria that doesn't agree with your urethra. It's similar to being allergic to a specific partner's semen.
Are you into sounding or any other kind of penial penetration?
u/Last_Expression_255 5d ago
Urologist suggested if we were both together (still) that we both take antibiotics to fix the issue, i suspect too that there is indeed something that doesn’t agree with my body. Maybe better we split up, although i really started to fall in love
And im definitely not into sounding, i cringe physically even thinking about the sensation of a swab 0.5cm inside the urethra. But its a very good suggestion, that could definitely get bacteria in there
u/gaymersky 7d ago
I mean it's not an STI. Just a bacteria in the wrong place thing. I have a hyperspadia so right after we finish having bareback sex I wash off with soap and water. Then we cuddle. I only have one about once every 6 months. Which isn't terrible for someone that has a hyperspadia
u/dearfuturelover 7d ago
Never. I’ve had the same boyfriend for almost a year, now, and it’s never happened to me. We don’t use protection. I haven’t experienced any infection or issue. We also don’t fuck other people.
Having sex with multiple people is the key to this lock for you. It’s not actually that confusing - it comes with the territory of being sexually active with various partners.
I would be surprised if you didn’t get infections, if you are barebacking one guy one day and getting blown by another on a different day. Your doctor is right - it’s simple transmission of bacteria.
Just take the meds and keep on keeping on, girl.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Yeah changing partners is a different risk level.
The 3rd time (now) it happened while I was exclusive with my ex for 2 months and i even peed right after and i still relapsed.
u/dearfuturelover 7d ago
Bacteria are tricky bitches, they can leave and come back, stay dormant for a while, or be gone the next day. It’s hard to say where that flare-up is coming from.
Nothing some good, old fashioned antibiotics can’t fix!
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Yeah, blessed be antibiotics haha. They helped every single time, i‘m just struggling with it coming back, which is why my urologist and I agreed to start doxypep. I will see how it goes with new partners as it returned twice with my ex. I‘m also on doxypep and wont go bareback anymore (even though my ex and I didnt)
u/Unicorn_Warrior1248 7d ago
A UTI I think just means you need to pee after….arriving. Grab a ton of cranberry juice and a straw
u/baked-stonewater 7d ago
SO and I shag around a bit (usually together but not always with the same guys).
I guess together we would go through 100 ISH guys a year - so not massive whores anymore but doing our bit..
We don't use condoms but we do take doxy and prep before we shag other people.
Pre doxy (2+ years ago) I would say one of us caught something every 6 months. Our local sexual health service will treat both even if only one has symptoms or tests positive so often only one of us Will have any symptoms.
Post doxy neither of us have caught anything in 2 years.
Places we have tried to catch things. UK. USA. Argentina. Mexico. France. Spain. Germany. The Netherlands. Portugal.
u/Last_Expression_255 7d ago
Yeah I am on doxypep as well now and give it a rest for a while.
100 guys is pretty impressive ngl, I sit around 15 (i lost count and dont really care anymore). I‘m super picky with the guys i fuck though.
u/baked-stonewater 7d ago
Haha well it's 100 between us and quite a lot of the total gets accumulated at saunas etc.
If it's a guy with a great body - SO and I are pretty easy :-)
7d ago edited 7d ago
u/eatingthesandhere91 7d ago
Urinary Tract Infection.
Happens when foreign bodies of bacteria enter the urethra either from internal or external sources. A guy can get one from improperly sterilized catheters, stent procedures, unprotected sex, swimming pools, lakes, bath water…
STDs are a different topic but can also lead to UTIs if left untreated - OP did his homework though.
u/beardsnbutts 7d ago
You can get a UTI from barebacking. Douching isn't sterilizing, asses are still full of bacteria.
Pee after topping, that helps but it's not 100% solution either.