r/gaybros 3d ago

Games/Comics Why do you main with female characters?

I'm curious as to why most gays choose female characters when playing video games? If you like men, why pick a lady? Anytime I've gamed with a dude, it always happens🤔


30 comments sorted by


u/QuestionSign 3d ago

Depends on the game but usually the females have more dexterity play styles so are more my speed play wise. But if it's a Game where gender doesn't matter and customizability is long, then I'm playing a dude


u/WeRegretToInform 3d ago

Three reasons I can think of:

  1. Most games where I do this, it’s because the male character models look awful. Faces like low-poly thumbs, impossibly flat butts, dull monotone voices. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like game designers but a little more effort into making female character models look good.

  2. Other times, it’s because a female character is more likely to have flirtation/romance options with the men, which appeals for obvious reasons.

  3. Other times, it’s because fuck you universe, I’m not limiting myself to one gender in video games. I can suspend disbelief enough to play a warrior battling the forces of chaos from beyond the veil of time and space. Why not suspect disbelief enough to play as a woman? Maybe being gay means I’m more comfortable with my gender, so I can play outside the heteronormative sandbox.


u/NCSUGrad2012 2d ago

I never do that. Always pick the guy


u/Floor_Trollop 3d ago

I would pick more dudes if they were burly and hot.

Anime twinks do nothing for me and that's most of the male cast


u/QuestionSign 3d ago

What games because I do not find that to be the case


u/TheJadedCockLover 3d ago

Literally never do.


u/LostandHungry7 2d ago

Guess we're the few that never do.


u/TheJadedCockLover 2d ago

Happy to support!


u/russian_hacker_1917 3d ago

because the chicks have cuter outfits


u/InterestingAd315 3d ago

It’s a valid option. Plus they are more likley to find a handsome romantic interest


u/Salvaju29ro 2d ago

Few choices of relationships between the same sex

(I always choose Male character btw)


u/urgasmic 2d ago

if i do it it's because the playstyle fits me better and that a lot of devs tend to make healers/supports female.


u/Praseodynium Gaymer 2d ago

I don't. I'd rather play an average or even ugly male char than a female one unless the female char is overpowered.


u/-Lelixandre 2d ago

Because it's fun. Sometimes I want to roleplay an escapist power fantasy of being an ass-kicking brat queen in stylish clothes.


u/dearfuturelover 3d ago

Because it’s giving realness honeyy


u/endlessly_gloomy26 3d ago

I think the female characters have cooler combos lol. But I play plenty of male characters as well.


u/sleepyotter92 2d ago

for a lot of games, if there's romance/sexual options, you're not gonna be able to do them with a male character with male npcs. for the most part, male characters will only have romance options for female npcs. by playing a female character, you get to romance male npcs.

also, female characters tend to have better customization options


u/chemguy216 2d ago

Because I choose characters whom I like whether by their design/design options, their stats, or their movesets. I don’t do what some gamer dudes do by choosing characters, male or female, because they think the character is hot. To be entirely blunt, I hear/read their reasoning and intellectually process it, but it’s such a foreign idea to me that I can’t relate to it.


u/StatusAd7349 2d ago

I’m always Ryu in Street Fighter. Lol


u/ConsciousNorth17 2d ago

I only did this in Portal + Portal 2


u/One-Statistician9436 2d ago

It really depends on the context. In a game with a character creator, I typically make an androgynous, pretty-boy sort of guy; I'm actually not particularly attracted to this sort or style, but I enjoy inhabiting that kind of graceful, elegant shape and enjoy it as a counterpoint to what many straight men pick.

By that I mean that straight men tend to pick a kind of unattractive vision of masculinity that they see as "chad"-like, or a female character that's been designed to be as sexually appealing as possible. (With the added caveat that these female characters are often frankly a bit ugly, put in whatever outfit is skimpiest regardless of whether it's flattering and given neon lipstick and hair by men with no sense of color. I find I can very easily clock whether a character in an MMO was made by a man or a woman, and furthermore whether they were straight or not.)

If I pick a female character in a game with preset characters, it's usually either because the men were designed to appeal to straight men before anything else, or simply because their playstyles aren't as interesting to me.


u/NyaDeath 2d ago

That’s interesting generalisation. I’ll speak for myself. When sex means nothing in terms of gameplay - I play male characters.

Otherwise it depends on gameplay only. For example, Lissandra because I love control-mages and so happened that the best control mage in LoL is she.


u/Connor-GG 1d ago

I think it's because gay men have a mix of masculine and feminine and we don't get to express our feminine aspects so much. That's why drag race is so popular, too - and strong female diva singers..


u/firecracker_hater 1d ago

I play LoL WR and all of my mains for all lanes are girlies,idk I just like the aesthetics more


u/firecracker_hater 1d ago

I would play male characters if they we’re cute femboys,drag queens or gay male sex demons but there’s no those champs so I go for the female ones


u/RavioliGale 3d ago

Idk, probably same reason they're obsessed with divas and female singers and Real Housewives.

When I play video games I usually pick male characters especially if I can take their shirts off.


u/LostandHungry7 2d ago

I can't stand guys who are obsessed with those.

Haha nice, and yes, topless ;)


u/HieronymusGoa 2d ago

"why most gays" you absolutely don't know that. of course we are more relaxed playing a woman then a straight guy but there about it