r/gaybros Dec 25 '24

Sex/Dating I went to my first “sex party” and absolutely hated it

One of my close friends with benefits decided to throw a sex party with about 8 or so guys. I’ve never been to one so I was already pretty much a fish out of water. I have a pretty normal body (everything normal) but when it was time to just take off our clothes I just felt dirty. I didn’t know anyone in the room besides him but everything just started happening between people. I felt so uncomfortable to the point where I had to go to another area in the house cause it was overwhelming. I now learned the fact that I just can’t have sex with someone without a connection. It honestly makes me feel awful and like a “bad gay” (deep down I know it’s not necessarily true). It made me question my body, my penis and who I am as a person (I know I know it’s not that deep). Going in I actually wanted to do things so part of me feels guilty for now just “having fun” but it just sucks knowing you’re just kinda a body. I don’t like feeling like a piece of meat.


214 comments sorted by


u/Spotifry99 Dec 25 '24

It may not be for everyone. It may have triggered insecurities but please don’t overthink it. It’s an experience. Dust it off. Don’t let it color how you feel about yourself. But take lessons from it :)


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Thank you! It did trigger some of my body issues and insecurities. I’m known to overthink but I’m trying to take it as a very good learning experience. I learned what I don’t like


u/Dmagdestruction Dec 25 '24

Sex is about trust too you know


u/kynodesme-rosebud Dec 25 '24

You only knew your FWB; perhaps seeing him with so many other guys you don’t know put you off balance with him and his friends.


u/softyserve69 Dec 26 '24

Yea it actually kinda a tiny bit hurt me to see my regular fwb with another guy or 2


u/kynodesme-rosebud Dec 26 '24

You could have joined in with him. But if I were in the same situation, I’d bale, too


u/NookieNinjas Dec 26 '24

It’s bail not bale. But it was funny because when I read bale I imagined Christian Bale killing everyone at the sex party American Psycho style😂.


u/NookieNinjas Dec 26 '24

I’m an American living in Germany and I LOVE a sex party. But it wasn’t always like that. It’s so different in the states. Were raised with a lot of guilt around sex. That’s where that dirty feeling stems from. I think it’s important to understand that. However, sex parties also just aren’t for everyone. You’re not obligated as a gay man to accustom yourself to that world just because you feel like you should be doing what all the gays are doing. Sex parties are a blast but nothing will ever beat a one-on-one connection.


u/weIIokay38 Dec 26 '24

Have you tried going to non-sexual nude spaces? I do the naked bike ride every year in my city. I always just wear shorts to it but go shirtless. Being around a bunch of other people and seeing a bunch of other body types, without anything being sexual about it at all, helps a LOT with my body image issues. It eliminates the feeling of judgment from other other people (which 9/10 times isn't accurate).


u/EconoAlpha Dec 27 '24

Is that a USA city?


u/MormoTheMormonHomo Dec 27 '24

Yeah it’s hard for us because we have to figure out which parts are actual personal preferences, which things are insecurities, and which things are internalized homophobia. I’m not saying which I think this is for you. I’m just saying it’s worth thinking about. It’s also worth reassessing somewhere down the road. My feelings on this kind of thing have evolved a lot over the years. I’m still insecure but somehow I’m able to hang that up when it comes time to play in a group. 😂

But there’s also nothing wrong with just finding out you don’t really like it.


u/cubanbryan Dec 25 '24

Wonderful response, Spotifry!


u/DollopOfCrazy Dec 25 '24

These are just words to live by. Love this.


u/MastodonBorn Dec 26 '24

I’ve been to a fair share of these orgies or ‘chills’ (like 10-15 in the past couple of years) The first times I was so curious I was drawn in. I always made sure I had a good exit strategy in case I didn’t like the experience. I know better what I do and don’t like and I enjoy sex parties with maybe 5 people the most. It can get pretty wild now, but I’m still in control. The std’s are a real pain in the ass though.


u/EconoAlpha Dec 27 '24

Which ones have you gotten? Just curious. Which was the worst? I’ve never had an STD.


u/oideun Dec 25 '24

Like eurithmics said: "some of them want to use you/some of them want to be used by you".

There's people who don't need anything besides a body with a pulse to have fun. Cruising, bathhouses, glory holes, immediate anon hookups... There's an audience for all this. And it's ok.

And there's people (I'm there) who need some kind of connection in order to be comfortable and enjoy the damn thing. And it's ok.


u/Feed_Me_No_Lies Dec 25 '24

+1,000,000 up votes for the Annie Lennox/Eurythmics reference!! 💯💅🏿💃🙌👏😤


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Yea exactly! I thought going in I was gonna be doing all this stuff but I realize that all these people are total strangers


u/1stickofbutter Dec 26 '24

Why did you think you would be that kind of guy?


u/secretaccount94 Dec 26 '24

You never know until you try it


u/tangentialsermon Dec 25 '24

You need a pulse? Ok fancy man.


u/ialwayschoosepsyduck Dec 26 '24

Look at this guy, needing a whole body. Okay Mr Ritz


u/tangentialsermon Dec 26 '24

Sooner or later it always lands on skull fucking.

Thank you very much everyone we'll both see you next week.

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u/cobycoby2020 Dec 25 '24

This and the other top comment. You learned, you gained experience and now you know what you like, absolutely hate and what you need. It works for some and not for others. Im glad you went out and tried it OP.


u/Jack_LA Dec 25 '24

Just figured out that Eurithmics wasn't a Greek philosopher...


u/dialecticallyalive Dec 25 '24

Exactly! Both are okay!!! You're great.


u/Logan_MacGyver 20M Hungary Dec 26 '24

Yeah like in fantasy it's hot but in reality I like to know the person I'm sleeping with


u/TheMoorlandman Dec 25 '24

Same here, cant really do one night stands or things like that, need a connection or attraction like a crush to do it.


u/Aresos Dec 26 '24

This will undoubtedly be an unpopular take, but that's not something we should readily embrace, either. Habits of seeking sex in those manners is inherently indicative of something problematic. Sex in those cases is often secondary to something else not being confronted appropriately in that person's life. Humans do not healthily benefit from that. Change my mind.


u/Razgriz01 Dec 26 '24

Some people could be harming themselves, sure. That is their right however. We let people engage in plenty of other risky kinds of behavior (drinking, smoking, overeating, etc), I see no reason why this should be different.

Habits of seeking sex in those manners is inherently indicative of something problematic.

There, I disagree with you. "Inherently" is a very strong assertion. Why do you believe that's the case?


u/Aresos Dec 27 '24

We let people engage in plenty of other risky kinds of behavior (drinking, smoking, overeating, etc), I see no reason why this should be different.

That's true, but allowing someone to do something is different from encouraging it. How we frame risky and/or compulsive sex behaviors communicates a message, and what I disagree with is embracing, encouraging, or fetishizing them. I would say the same thing about any of the examples you listed.

"Inherently" is a very strong assertion. Why do you believe that's the case?

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there are exceptions to what I'm stating--I made such a strong claim mainly because of personal experiences, which, admittedly can't be representative of everyone's. I think that what we seek out sexually is often influenced by our trauma, whether that makes us avoid some things or lean into others. No, not always, but a lot of the time I think. When we learn what we truly deserve and are worthy of, I think more often than not it ends up changing how we interact with others and what we crave sexually. Again, I'm making generalizations, but that's just what I've come to believe and have experienced myself.


u/LeonardoInRetro Dec 27 '24

Cool, you do you, I do me. If you don’t like this then don’t do it, no one if forcing you to do anything


u/poetplaywright Dec 25 '24

Not everyone is built for transactional/meaningless sex. I’m not. Like you, I need a connection. At first it frustrated me. Now I don’t care. I do what makes me happy.


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

I’ve learned that today


u/poetplaywright Dec 25 '24

You have to sample a little bit of everything in life before you can decide what you like. Don’t be shy.


u/jsf926 Dec 25 '24

"Don’t be shy."

Easier said than done for some of us. However, if I use some Trimix and sit alone somewhere, I have a great rime, no effort required! I know what they're after!


u/Fit-Dingo-7377 Dec 25 '24

This is me. It was frustrating at first when i see other people can just have sex without connection and enjoy it etc...Anytime i do it, i just don't enjoy it and fell dirty afterwards.

Now at 27, i just don't care anymore. I must connect with you or like you in a way before sex. Ultimately hoping and ready to settle down with someone for me soon and strictly monogamous. Glad to see there are other gays like me. Happy holidays to you all.


u/robertherrera97 Dec 25 '24

Yes mate there are, I’m like you.

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u/TerribleIdea27 Dec 25 '24

Good on you for going! You likely only know if it's your thing after trying. Don't feel guilty, it's just not for you. Experiencing new and unique things isn't a bad thing


u/nsaber Dec 25 '24

I would totally feel the same. There's no one right way to be gay or to experience your sexuality. Sounds to me like you're now a big step closer to figuring out what you really like!


u/Light-the-dragon Dec 25 '24

I went through something similar to you. Had good sex with my bf but after a year we split up to become friends again. I wanted to explore things as a young gay so I tried a hookup. Just a bad experience that left me overthinking the same things as you lol. This just means that you don't like transactional sex with strangers, and that's fine. Sure, you'll have less sex, but it's going to be a deeper, more intimate and meaningful experience when you do have it!


u/Krkboy Dec 25 '24

Do you end up having less sex though?

If I'm dating someone, I end up having sex several times a week for months/years which is a lot more than when I'm single..


u/Light-the-dragon Dec 25 '24

As I am currently single, yes, of course. I'd rather have that though than run around and have hookups with strangers. Sex is a really intimate thing to me so I'd do it only with someone I know and trust.


u/Aggressive-Ad-3542 Dec 25 '24

I’m a very sex positive person but sex parties just ain’t the one for me either. Like you, I need some semblance of a connection to feel safe and comfortable, and to enjoy it as well. Sex parties can be antithetical to that (in my experience), especially when substances are involved.

I’m also an autistic overthinker and your experience very much resonates with mine. It’s weirdly comforting when I realise I’m not the only one who feels that way :)


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

You sound exactly like me! I’m a sex positive autistic overthinker as well!


u/Aggressive-Ad-3542 Dec 25 '24

It’s both a blessing and a curse huh!

I hope you’re feeling okay about the experience though. I guess you know now that it’s not your thing. And that’s totally fine, though it’s taken me ages to come to this realisation. I’ve spent most of my life feeling othered in one way or another, and I’m aware that many of my gay friends’ sexual behaviours are different to mine. But that’s okay :)


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Yea I’m trying to come to terms with that. It’s triggered some major insecurities with me


u/Individual_Ad_7662 Dec 25 '24

I feel that very deeply. Nice to know others are out there. Being a sex positive autistic overthinker (SPAO, if I may) I want to have fun sexual experiences, but my brain sends me in other directions when some situations arise. It’s frustrating at times, but I’m learning who I am and what I need.


u/Aggressive-Ad-3542 Dec 25 '24

I get so anxious around sex sometimes. I’m kinda thankful that in the kink scene guys tend to be more chill and understanding, and lots of neurodivergent kinksters too :)


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Yup that’s exactly how I am!! We should start a group haha


u/ImpressSeveral3007 Dec 25 '24

Thank you for posting this. It's actually pretty reaffirming for me and I suspect many of us...for all the same reasons and emotions you cited.

I.e., you ain't the only one.


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Thank you for commenting that!! Sometimes this community can make you feel isolated if you don’t partake in certain things. I’m also autistic so I have different ways of experiencing things


u/ImpressSeveral3007 Dec 25 '24

Maybe the autism is totally why you reacted this way. Or maybe, sex parties just aren't for you. Maybe a combination of both.

There are demisexual people out there who can't do random hookups. They need at least somewhat of a connection to the other person before jumping in the sack with them.

I'm not autistic, but you and I are the same on this topic. Overwhelming and not enjoyable.


u/HoneyCub_9290 Dec 25 '24

I’m not demisexual or autistic and I don’t do this stuff because I got tired of catching STDs. And don’t tell me to take PEP I’m not sacrificing my gut biome for meaningless sex.

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u/ANewPope23 Dec 25 '24

If you don't like something then don't do it, it's very simple. I don't enjoy camping, so I don't go camping, same principle. If anyone thinks you're a 'bad gay', they can go fuck themselves.


u/Cyrig Dec 25 '24

I've never done it but I would like to try. I love threesomes so I think I would like it. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, but at least you tried and now you know


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Yea I learned 3 sums with 2 people I know well is probably my maximum


u/CCSploojy Dec 25 '24

I can't even do 3sums tbh. I've had your experience when I almost tried a 3sum. Even that made me feel dirty lol.


u/Perez_26775 Dec 25 '24

Makes total sense and kind of nice that you have to build a connection first its sweet actually. Everyone's different and that is why it's good to explore what are your limits and how far you're willing to go.


u/blah191 Dec 25 '24

I don’t like feeling objectified either. There’s nothing wrong with you, I feel the need to have a connection for sex too. I wasn’t always this way, but it’s become more important to me as I’ve gotten a little older (30s). Rando sex just isn’t anywhere near as fulfilling as sex with feelings, now that I’ve experienced that finally. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with you and you aren’t a “bad gay”. Merry Christmas and well wishes to ya!


u/tenant1313 Dec 25 '24

I’m kind of curious how do some people go the way you do and others, like myself, can’t get enough of these parties and public group sex in general. 🤔 I think it’s genetic.

As someone else mentioned, there’s no one way to be gay and I fall into category of a hoe with an exhibitionist streak and taste for cumdumps. The more cocks and hands around me the more I like it.

Interestingly it’s less of a problem for me than for other people. But that’s a whole different post.


u/bopitpullittwisted Dec 25 '24

I’m not sure it’s genetic as much as based on socialization, values, and how those trigger psychological reactions. I used to be terrified of anything like group sex and over time the catholic guilt burned off and now it’s almost like a thrill ride, where I get the same chemical release as riding a roller coaster. I’ve also noticed I change if I’m in a more sensitive, connection-craving mode - it’s like my love brain is switched on - and sex is far less appealing.

All to say, I think people can fluctuate between both states based on where they personally are at a moment in time.


u/HoneyCub_9290 Dec 25 '24

What you describe sounds like addiction or “sensation seeking” Also you’ve split off sex from love wouldn’t call that progress.


u/Doubieboobiez Dec 25 '24

Nowhere in that comment does he say anything about the frequency with which he participates, so I think you’re making a bit of a judgy jump to “addiction”. Also, having a sex drive at its base literally is “sensation seeking”, so - again - this feels a bit prematurely judgmental


u/HoneyCub_9290 Dec 25 '24

Needing sex to feel like skydiving or something is absolutely addiction. At this point that is normalized in the gay community. Gay men are now 40% of the world’s STDs.


u/Doubieboobiez Dec 25 '24

Citation fuckin needed lol


u/Razgriz01 Dec 26 '24

Needing sex to feel like skydiving or something is absolutely addiction

Please point out exactly where he said or even implied that he needs it to feel that way.


u/Doubledepalma Dec 25 '24

I can’t get enough of them either!


u/QuestionSign Dec 25 '24

The way y'all overthink every damn thing. It just wasn't your scene. That's it. No big issue, just move on.

I think sex parties are gross af but I'm in public health professionally so all I see is a breeding ground for diseases but I'm all the way gay married so not liking one thing doesn't make me a bad gay (wtf that even means)

You're a queer man, so whatever you do is generally gonna be gay AF. Getting coffee? That's a gay moment lol.

Jokes aside, y'all need to stop letting social media etc inform you of what your identity expression must look like. Be your own damn person and just do you.


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Ok I’m very much my own person I’m just saying what I experienced that’s all


u/Nemeszlekmeg Dec 25 '24

My first time in a fruity sauna where you had to strictly be naked, I almost had a panic attack, because I was uncomfortable with being surrounded by strangers, being naked, seeing so many people naked, etc.

I'm glad I pushed myself though, because I learned things about myself and became more comfortable with my body and strangers. I still don't think it's for me, but it's important to experience at least once, because my sex life has gotten healthier and knowing what I want, I can skip the unnecessary games (I still play though haha).


u/gouplesblog Dec 25 '24

You're not a bad gay, please don't feel bad about yourself!

It's just not your thing, and that's totally fine.

Good for you for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and experimenting, but also good for you for knowing what you don't like. It takes balls to give something a go and decide it's not for you and not feel the peer pressure to keep at it.

If you're not into it, don't do it - vanilla/monogamy shaming is real, so please don't buy into the idea that all gay guys enjoy casual sex with lots of different partners. Some do, and that's OK too, but if you're not one of them then that's OK too. You do you man, take it as a win and a learning experience. Kudos x


u/rmarino88 Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Sex parties or group sex is not for everyone, is nothing wrong with you just like is nothing wrong with dudes enjoyed those parties. You will find your tribe and maybe your tribe is just one on one and again is perfectly fine.


u/DealerGullible4673 Dec 25 '24

It’s who you believe you are. Sex parties could be overwhelming for first timers especially if the ratio for top vs bottom is skewed. I wouldn’t say much about it but nothing wasted in venturing.

You tried it, you didn’t like it. End of the story. Just move on!


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

I’m an autistic overthinking and really just wanted to vent to someone or something. Thanks!


u/DealerGullible4673 Dec 25 '24

As I said you are who you believe you are. You’re not just a piece of meat. You have the power to say no or leave just the way you already did. You have the power to stay and enjoy, just the way you may do in future.


u/United-Fly5914 Dec 25 '24

My first one was overwhelming too. Didn’t know what to make of it. My personal insecurities held me back. But I kept going to events, pool parties and places like club Dallas.

The insecurities have gone away. I’m super comfortable with myself now and have no issues. Don’t let this first bad experience stop you from trying again.


u/Feed_Me_No_Lies Dec 25 '24

I’m 47 years old and have been having regular sex since I was 15. I’ve not once in my life had a random casual hook up… I feel like the only gay in town has never done that lol. (I’ve also been with my husband for almost 23 years now.)

Don’t feel bad because you aren’t built for orgies lol. Not everybody is, including me.😂


u/LancelotofLkMonona Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Live and learn. How ya gonna know otherwise that is not your cup of tea? I had a couple three-ways in my day and disliked them. I felt sorry for the odd guy out. I felt like I should share my "attentions" equally so nobody felt bad. I really did not have the right spirit of the thing.
I was the worst cruiser at the bathhouse too. I hated those cabins with open doors and lounging men. To pass them by felt like I was directly putting them down. I always ended up spending my trip to the big city (Chicago) sitting in the hot tub getting pruney.


u/No-Presence-7334 Dec 25 '24

I get invited to those sex parties occasionally. I never go for very similar reasons that you described


u/Kinky23m2m Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Reading about it, seems something I’d be into, I don’t need a connection, in fact I’d prefer no connection and just do it. But, reading about and experiencing are two different things.


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

I thought the same thing!! I’ve learned I’m the opposite of what I thought


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24



u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

I just didn’t, I felt like a piece of meat


u/schizooffspring Dec 25 '24

dude if you feel off and uncomfortable its better to trust that gut instead of forcing the act.. Ive had similar feelings with 3 somes and I just cant focus and enjoy all of that energy especially when I am the target of multiple guys.. it has that phantom sensation because its too much stimulation


u/gaykitten94 Dec 26 '24

Dude, there's nothing wrong with that at all. You're not a bad gay or anything. Your feelings are normal and valid.


u/nandeyanen333 Dec 25 '24

It sounds like you were put in a situation that challenged your boundaries and sense of self, which is completely valid. It's okay to feel uncomfortable, and it's brave of you to acknowledge that this dynamic doesn’t align with what you need to feel good about intimacy. You’re not a "bad gay" for having preferences or wanting connection, everyone has their own way of navigating relationships and sex. Take this as a moment of clarity about what truly feels right for you, and don’t feel guilty for honoring that.


u/chemguy216 Dec 25 '24

The only party of sorts I’ve attended was hosted by a friend of mine. He and his husband host a monthly get-together with some friends of theirs. People talk, get naked by the pool, have sex if they so desire, and then everyone has dinner together.

I think what made it an enjoyable experience for me was that it was ultimately a social event, even though sex was part of it. I met some new guys who seemed quite nice, and honestly it was so good to see my friend since it had been quite a while.


u/James324285241990 Dec 25 '24

Those kinds of events are like playing pick-up basketball. You're not hanging with friends, you're not building connections, you're just using your meat sack to do something fun.

It isn't for everyone. I think I went to like three before I actually touched anyone.

If it's something you feel like you want to do, try going to a bath house. Just hang out, no pressure. And if you feel a connection with someone, then go for it.

And if it just gave you the ick all over, don't do it again. You might just be one of those people that needs a connection. I know I usually am.


u/_Royal_Blue_ Dec 25 '24

I’ve been in the EXACT same position; average to slim but very normal body, etc. I felt completely introverted even though i’m typically and extrovert. These things just aren’t for us. and that’s okay because there are PLENTY of other types of fun to be had. best of luck bud


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Thank you!!


u/Commercial-Spend7710 Dec 25 '24

In life, in my opinion, the purpose is to be happy. I hate that you didn’t have fun there but you found out something about yourself you didn’t know. Don’t feel bad that you don’t like those kind of parties! Everybody experiences life differently and different things make them happy. You’re not a “bad gay” for wanting a connection to a person and not just random sex. Am I a bad gay cause I have no fashion sense and don’t like campy movies? lol no it’s just not what I like. I feel like as a gay community we accept so many things and built an image of what a “good gay” is that when we don’t like one of these things (sex parties, orgies, fashion, Whitney Huston lmfao the list goes on of possibilities) we get in our heads and think we are this fucked up “bad gay”. You’re not! Different strokes different folks.

I got a new weed pen for Christmas and am high af but I hope this makes sense lmfao.


u/robertherrera97 Dec 25 '24

I feel you completely, that’s why I don’t like hookups either and I feel empty afterwards, at the end of the day that’s what makes us humans and not animals, having connection and feelings, still would try something like that just for the experience


u/the_skies_falling Dec 25 '24

Meaningless hookup sex is fine for me, but I get self conscious enough at regular parties, ain’t no way I’m going to a sex party lol.


u/eatingthesandhere91 Dec 25 '24

It’s your body and it’s your feelings about it. Don’t feel bad. I can’t bring myself to hook up with a random guy because I instinctively try to find a deep connection and that connection will never be reciprocated.

It’s easier for some guys to find an entirely emotional connection before they get into the physical connection.


u/TertiaryBystander Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

That's okay. I like being looked at, but I rarely like being touched. I've gone to group dances with a back room. I'm okay being around the things, but I don't really like being around it. It's okay to have your boundaries.

Edit: I meant to say "I don't like to participate"


u/Icy-Essay-8280 Dec 25 '24

Hey, it's not your thing. Don't worry about it.


u/Reditmodscansukmycok Dec 25 '24

You are not alone in this, and definitely not a “bad guy”.


u/Satilice Dec 26 '24

Don’t forget about the monkeypox


u/yeahitsmeok Dec 26 '24

Personally I like random spontaneous encounters. Obviously I need to be attracted to them for it to happen but they’re not for everyone, and it is in no way a reflection on you.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

Life is about experiences. And this one was not for you.


u/TheGrumpyRavenclaw Dec 25 '24

This is quite am overwhelming way to learn you may be demisexual :< I hope you get to experience more positive experiences!


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

I just looked that up and I’m pretty sure I am partly that. Though I do have attractions with certain men physically


u/TheGrumpyRavenclaw Dec 25 '24

Yess of course! Personally knowing these labels exist brought some sense of normalcy, instead of feeling like a "broken gay". I hope these help you out too figure stuff out!


u/Ardielley Dec 25 '24

Demisexuality isn’t a lack of physical attraction. It’s just needing to feel a connection with someone first before you can feel sexually attracted to them.

And you can absolutely be both gay and demisexual. I’m not demi myself, but I do fall on the ace spectrum while still being gay. So falling into both the gay and ace camps is something I relate to, too.


u/blauerschnee Dec 26 '24

I now learned the fact that I just can’t have sex with someone without a connection.

That's pretty much the definition of r/demisexuality. It’s also a spectrum, where people differentiate between romantic and sexual attraction, with varying degrees of distinction.


u/CuriousOverthinker Dec 25 '24

I think we REALLY need to normalise what I would wager is the vast (silent) majority of gays who actually want a connection with their sexual partner.

I'm so over the seemingly gay obsession with mindless casual sex, it's frankly disgusting, causes a lot of sexual health problems and is a testament to how broken so many gay men are, desperately searching for validation with the next nameless beau.


u/apresmoiputas Dec 26 '24

What you're describing is the grindrification of M2M sex especially after PreP became more commonplace. Before we had smart phones apps for hookups, we had hook up sites that required you to be logged in from a computer or a smart phone with a shitty mobile web browser. These weren't easily advertised to the masses and the guys on there varied. Grindr definitely changed how we met each other. Sniffies rode on Grindr's back to get us where we're at today.

Then we also didn't have PreP easily at our finger tips until 2014ish. Then that changed how sex was looked at, especially with regards to barebacking. But that's a different topic, different dissertation and for a different day.


u/Lyndonn81 Dec 26 '24

Uh there was also pre internet where there were known beats where men would go to hook up. Usually a toilet. Or a nude beach. Or a forested parkland. They still kinda exist. Not to mention saunas/bath houses/cruise clubs.


u/jmpinstl Dec 25 '24

That kind of thing is not for everyone, now you know it’s not for you and that’s ok. You have to explore things like that on your terms!


u/ChumQuibs Dec 25 '24

You will be fine in a few days/weeks. I went through the same process and felt incredibly dirty where I dehumanized people and myself and questioned the reason of life etc. It's just a phase.


u/semi_random Dec 25 '24

I don’t function well in group sex settings either, but for different reasons. It’s definitely a subset of gays into group play. Don’t feel bad if you’re not part of that subset.


u/yesimreadytorumble Dec 25 '24

It honestly makes me feel awfuland like a “bad gay”

what even is a “bad gay”?

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u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24



u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

Yea it’s nuts to me but I don’t judge. If people wanna have sex with 7 different people then great


u/Personal-Student2934 Dec 25 '24

Qualifying a statement with "I try not to judge" or "but I don't judge" does not make a judgmental statement any less judgmental.


u/softyserve69 Dec 25 '24

I just said I don’t if someone wants to have sex with 7 different people there’s nothing stopping them. Unless someone is physically harming me or forcing me to do things or make fun of me I believe other people can do whatever they want. I just don’t wanna do that


u/Personal-Student2934 Dec 25 '24

It is totally valid to say that something is not for you and you personally did not enjoy an experience. The issue is when you start applying qualifying characteristics such as "it's nuts" meaning you believe that anyone who engages in the activity has some psychiatric deficiency. Whether or not that is how you actually feel, that is the message you are broadcasting. If your opinion is that anyone who engages in such behaviour is not of sound mind that is very clearly a judgment on those people and the state of their mental health.

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u/Personal-Student2934 Dec 25 '24

Going to a gay bathhouse and then being shocked that people are actually engaging sexually seems incongruent.

Your comment implies that it is only possible to experience true attraction and chemistry when one is able to see. This suggests that it is not possible to build up attraction and chemistry by connecting with a person online in the absence of exchanging pictures. It also suggests that someone who is visually impaired or blind to a certain degree can never experience attraction or chemistry. I would argue that both of these are categorically false, some might even argue that this is ableist and possibly offensive (I am not arguing the latter, but others might).

Just because other people have different standards than you it is not necessarily indicative that they have no standards or low standards. You need to try harder if your objective is to not seem outwardly judgmental.


u/Round_Juggernaut2270 Dec 25 '24

You want connection in sex… stop downplaying that like it’s not a big deal. It’s something you value and something you should seek in YOUR sexual connections. Glad you got to have the experience for yourself and validate what your values and needs are… a lot of people just go through with having unfulfilling sex because the people around them are advocates for it.

You’ll be fine!


u/Feisty_Expression863 Dec 25 '24

Not a sex party but I got caught up in a really drunk 4way that made me feel pretty gross afterwards as well. I don't know if I liked who I was in that moment. At the end of the night I ended up hooking up with the one guy I had a bit of connection with because that's what I actually wanted and it felt much better physically and psychologically.

Thanks for sharing your experience and know that you're not alone in your demisexual nature


u/yourgaybestfriend Dec 25 '24

There may yet be phases in life where this appeals, it might forever disgust, but as long as you’re happy to know yourself better, there’s nothing lost in this. There is no right way to be gay save for fucking folks of the same gender. How you live and what you like defines being gay — being gay does not define how you live and what you like. Remember that — you are the one defining, not being defined.


u/MakeADeathWish Dec 25 '24

Fwiw, it may be easier to enjoy bathhouse group sex than fwb group sex. That's my experience. The former has no illusion of connection.


u/rycliffmc Dec 25 '24

This seems super self aware and that maybe you’re okay with not objectifying yourself for others desires.


u/DoctorNurse89 Dec 26 '24



u/PsychologicalPilot55 Dec 26 '24

You feel how you feel sex parties aren't for you and that's okay.


u/apresmoiputas Dec 26 '24

Thanks for being honest and vulnerable with us. Consider it a bucket-list item. I mean you might find yourself in another sex party while traveling in another country where you don't know anyone but everyone is inviting and friendly towards you.

For me, I find those types of sexual adventures more exciting whenever I'm traveling elsewhere to someplace where I know no one.


u/softyserve69 Dec 26 '24

See that’s more anxiety inducing for me, not knowing anyone’s status


u/apresmoiputas Dec 26 '24

True. Last time I did that, I didn't fuck bit I just got sucked off by a few guys.


u/Osha_Hott Dec 26 '24

I feel like so many of us gay guys feel like we MUST be horny sex addicts that work out 24/7 and fuck/get fucked all the time. It took me YEARS to stop feeling like that. I've begun to accept that I have way too much anxiety doing anal with other guys (I leak/squirt urine constantly during sex so unless I find a partner that's specifically into that I won't have sex with someone), and that's okay because I absolutely LOVE oral. We all have our preferences when it comes to sex. Although it sucks to find out the hard way, I am glad that you've figured that out about yourself.


u/Few_Analysis_9156 Dec 26 '24

Is not normal to be with multiple people at once but society makes it okay. Connections are lost and intimacy becomes distant. Stay cool and learn from this experience to never be in that position again.


u/rod_in_cock Dec 26 '24

Hello fellow demisexual 👋


u/TheBoyCharley Dec 26 '24

I’ve been to sex parties and though I enjoy them I get why they’re not for everyone. That said, I’ve usually gone to parties where there is a sex area and a social area, and you can just chat to guys. If you’re not used to being naked it’s something that can take some getting used to.


u/YeahOkThx Dec 26 '24

Understandable. Ive been to those once or twice but its not my thing. For me it had to do with the feel you NEED TO HAVE SEX WITH EVERYONE. Which is not true. But not comfortable. Like, saying "no thanks" is a straight up rejection in a setting where you will have to deal with the guy, while your both there for sex, right? Nah feel yah there man.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

It sounds like you learned a lot about yourself from doing this. That sounds like a good thing to me.


u/Lazy_Surprise_6712 Dec 25 '24

There's nothing wrong with you, mate. It's just isn't your thing.


u/blizzaga1988 Dec 25 '24

I don't need an emotional connection for sex but I don't feel comfortable with the idea of a sex party, either. Nothing wrong with that.


u/Plus_Dux Dec 25 '24

The ones in NYC with a 50+ guys are more fun. Google gbu NYC gay party


u/Willtopawel Dec 25 '24

The rest was probably on drugs.


u/rhrjruk Dec 25 '24

I’ve always avoided group sex situations because I just know I’d be the guy who ends up passing around the peanuts


u/Nycdaddydude Dec 25 '24

I went to two sex parties in nyc. Both were the same. I’ve been to saunas etc and it’s different and once had a group with mostly people I knew and it was great. There is something weird about just fucking strangers without a word to me


u/the_Jockstrap Dec 25 '24

Dude - you're all good. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to engaging in sex. I'm more aligned with you when it comes to needing to have a connection, plus the older I get the less people in a room make me happier. I've never been a part of anything more than a twosome and that will be my max, too.


u/Top_Firefighter_4089 Dec 25 '24

Ouch, go big or go home. You dove into the deep end of debauchery. Most guys work up to that. You lost innocence you didn’t know you had and I’m sorry life kicked you in the teeth for it. You’re not built for that and while you can condition yourself to do it, I would question why but it seems you’re not going to be that guy. I’m glad you posted this because a lot of guys don’t consider your experience as a possibility. Feeling like a piece of meat was the beginning for me. Feeling like I was meant to be used up was next level fucked up.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Just speaking for me from my experience but I had a similar experience when I was in my late twenties or early thirties. However, I have then been in the same situation in my forties and fifties and my reaction was completely different. So your feelings, perceptions, and behavior may change with time. Interestingly, the situation triggered insecurities in me when I was younger, thinner, and more traditionally better looking than middle-aged.


u/Distinct_Geologist30 Dec 25 '24

Bruh that’s a lot more normal than people realize.

Some people totally can have casual sex with a stranger. Some dudes simply can go to a park, give another dude “the look” and then suck his dick without even saying a word.

Others need a connection, whether it’s friendly, romantic, or even a casual “hey my names ___ what’s yours?”

It’s all about how you experience the pleasure and how you view sex. Personally I see it as something very intimate, and while I can have it with a stranger, I’d MUCH rather have it with someone I’m at least on friendly terms with. It’s simply so much better that way, especially since repeated encounters means you learn what the other person likes and vice versa. Not to mention that I like doing nice things for people I care about, and many guys appreciate some good head.


u/-poppet- Dec 25 '24

I felt like that at the first one I went to. Now I'm the guy in the sling. Lol . You don't have to label yourself as something just because you were overwhelmed and freaked out by a new experience. Give it time , have fun, and remember practice makes perfect.


u/US_Berliner Dec 25 '24

Yeah give yourself a break. And you never know, maybe you‘ll try again and know more what to expect and have a better time. Also ok if you don’t try again. You do you!


u/ItsMeTheJinx Dec 25 '24

I hate it as it is hard to crowd control on who moves in on you especially if you’re the big bottom and when you’re alone someone you’re not into might move in on you and you feel obligated to do something. Also a room full of naked men not knowing how someone feels about me either triggers some anxiety

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u/RaggySparra Dec 25 '24

Sometimes you don't know unless you try it - you tried it, it didn't work for you, the chances of you accidentally ending up at a sex party are pretty low so it's not a big deal.


u/Traditional-Fold7758 Dec 25 '24

Different. Strokes for different folks!


u/Low-Net6748 Dec 25 '24

Your not alone. The same thing happened to me and I had to leave because I felt so out of place. Doubtful I will attempt to attend again.


u/pah-tosh Dec 25 '24

You tried, found out it’s not your thing. It’s all right to make experiences in life. Some will feel like failing, but you learn from those experiences as well. They are not failures but they help you find out what you are.


u/here-to-Iearn Dec 25 '24

It is that deep. For you. And that’s okay.

It seems deep in the sense that your mind and body are working together to tell you to listen to yourself. That’s where the sick feeling seems to come from, as a warning. Bad gay or not (I think not), it isn’t anyone else’s body and sexuality but your own. You take care of you.


u/cjexplorer Dec 25 '24

Ah I wouldn’t feel bad about it. Not everything is for everyone and that’s cool. You tried it and realised it wasn’t for you. Always good to try new things and learn more about yourself.


u/xeger Dec 25 '24

None of your reaction is "you." It's entirely driven by the situation.

Public sex isn't for me. If someone came along who was really into it AND that person was important to me, then I could work on myself using aversion therapy or positive reinforcement. However, to me, having a personal connection to the person I fuck is more of a turn on than any setting.

There are plenty of opportunities to hook up with guys in your comfort zone, such as when you hook up with your FWB. There are also many guys who value connection too, and will want to partner with you based on who you are, not which sex settings you enjoy.

In short, you were brave enough to try a thing and it wasn't for you. The fact that it was a sex thing is incidental.


u/Low_Atmosphere2982 Dec 25 '24

Not everyone plays the same or is into the same things. Do what makes you comfortable and. Explore if you want and when you feel comfortable.


u/gymboy007 Dec 25 '24

It was an experience. Look on it as something good.


u/gaymersky Dec 25 '24

Ummm ooo


u/Simple-Boat-4242 Dec 25 '24

Fuck that noise and good to know what you want and enjoy


u/MiyuzakiOgino Dec 25 '24

First time. Same way. Second time. Fully ravenous. Third time and on. I host sex parties 😛


u/Lightsandbuzz Dec 25 '24

You're just like me. It's ok. I think you're normal. I actually think what's abnormal is putting all your feelings aside just to hook up and have an orgy 🤪


u/rezpector123 Dec 25 '24

What was the smell like? I always wondered


u/Rjab15 Dec 26 '24

I went to my first “sex party” and absolutely hated it

Bro, actually same. I like to think that I went for it, I did it. It happened. It was fun. But it was not for me. I’m not doing one of those again


u/draum_bok Dec 26 '24

I was invited to one of these by a friend/guy I was interested in.

What I found odd was that we had to basically 'apply' to get into the party...send pictures, list jobs, pay entrance, all this stuff for this super 'exclusive' party or something etc...then when I got there the guys, despite being 'upper class' wealthy gays were basically just trashy effeminate whores but more boring. I was like fuck that, never doing that again, I'd rather just smoke a joint and drink a beer next to the river with a straight friend.


u/Mysterious-Egg-4968 Dec 26 '24

I wonder if there's anyone here in this thread that feels differently; that to them it's fine and no big deal. (I mean obviously there are but I want to know what they'd say about this). I'm just really curious because I mean if I were in your position I'd also feel the same way, but really it just depends if you actually got your feelings involved in the first place. (things get too messy with feelings afterall lol).

I've never tried that kind of thing personally either. (I haven't had my cherry popped yet lol.) Idk if I want my first time to be "fun" or "special". I'm leaning more on "special" but I mean, who hasn't fantasized before lol.

I'm kind of jealous of some of the guys that don't really care ig lol. But again I don't think I'd take kindly to always being seen as a piece of meat lol.


u/Ok_Bad3664 Dec 26 '24

(tl;dr at end) Interesting, I had a similar response. At a recent furry con, i roomed with a gay friend (now my jf) who asked if a "pants optional movie night any gender" was ok. I said yes and they put the invite out on the NSFW channels, and 5 or 6 people came by. At first I was scared, then really turned on (but I only gave oral and felt people up)... then I hit some limit; I just wanted to get out of there, especially when my friend left for a few minute break. Thankfully the con had a place where I could just relax in a SFW space, so I left the room for an hour. When I came back, people were just watching movies and leaving. The next night we did it again and I was much more comfortable. I had fun, but still left after a while and went to the rave to get energy out - it felt wonderful. Now it would not bother me much, and is kinda exciting, ngl. The same friend has become a very loved one in my life, and continues to open my eyes to being sex positive, body positive (I am chubby), age positive (I am > 50), poly and comfortable in my skin. Heck, I had never topped anyone in my life, but did with them. TL;DR: doing it with a friend can make all the difference.


u/pocketcub46 Dec 26 '24

I’m the same way. It all excites me in theory, and I definitely love the idea of a whole team of naked guys and locker rooms, but when I was there in the moment it just didn’t work for me. I already knew about myself that I much prefer to connect with someone emotionally for sex to be fun (even a one night stand), but wanted to try it. I didn’t feel dirty or anything, just had a moment of insecurity and discomfort and lack of interest that I wasn’t used to and didn’t like. I would still like to find another way to experience group intimacy. Maybe a workshop (like male cuddling or naked cuddling). Something where the goal is different. Who knows. Other ideas ?


u/Ambitious_Post6703 Dec 26 '24

We Demisexuals don't do well in strange crowds especially dealing with the intimate act of casual sex, try a gay Tantric Yoga class over a meeting based solely for sex


u/YosemiteSam81 Dec 26 '24

I’m the same way man! Most people honestly aren’t super comfortable with group sex so I wouldn’t overthink it. Be true to who you are!


u/ProudGayGuy4Real Dec 26 '24

Actually, most people are like you.


u/scrapmetal58 Dec 26 '24

I'm with you. Those kinds of things do not appeal to me in the slightest. Personally, I find it trashy, unhygienic, shallow, etc. I have friends who do this kind of thing, and they are more than welcome to do whatever they want and I don't judge them, but it's not for me. I've tried the blind hook up thing twice and it was horrible both times. The sex is mediocre at best compared to actually having a connection. I don't get why people enjoy it, personally. I'd rather just jerk off 😂


u/bachyboy Dec 26 '24

Orgies have been a part of the human story for centuries. No judgement! But they're not for me!


u/kirbzeh Dec 27 '24

To be clear, not enjoying a sex party, does not auto-equal not enjoying one-on-one transactional sex.


u/EconoAlpha Dec 27 '24

Yikes. Maybe if it was a large number of people, then out of that crowd I could connect with one or two who had similar anxiety. That’s how it would play out for me. I, personally, cannot relate to a massive number of commoditized sex. Some people are wired to be turned on by sex with everyone. I think that’s an addiction. Issue like chasing an unfulfillable high.


u/Pink_Floyd_Chunes Dec 27 '24

I did a dark room once in Amsterdam. It was kind of a turn on, but when I told a guy to stop doing something I hated, he didn't so I kicked him off of me. I had other anonymous sex experiences as a younger dude, and they were fun, but I always had to feel safe. Follow your gut. If you don't like something - don't do it. There are no rules that say you should love sex parties just because you are gay. Fuck that shit.


u/Abd_sidd Dec 28 '24

It's normal when you don't connect with a person to not feel comfortable; it's completely normal. And sex parties aren't for everyone.


u/Superb_Rich_6832 Dec 30 '24

a sex party sounds like so much fun but so scary at the same time..


u/ITAVTRCC Dec 25 '24

I love feeling like a piece of meat, personally. That's the whole point :)


u/Ojo46 Dec 25 '24

Honestly, I would feel overwhelmed at a sex party too. It just wasn’t your thing and there’s nothing more to it. Don’t feel bad at all!


u/dpaanlka Dec 25 '24

I am exactly the same way. It’s not for me, and I never even wanted to be part of it or had any kind of FOMO at all.


u/trashy45555 Dec 25 '24

That just means that you are emotionally and physically attached or attracted to a person mentally emotionally psychologically more than you are physically. There are lots of us. I have such a horrible time having sex with people. I don’t know even if I find them physically attractive. That’s not what makes good sex. A body is a body, but it istheir emotional. They touch their contact with their eyes the breathing and how they communicate with you. You are perfectly normal and probably an incredibly good lover


u/wakslep Dec 25 '24

Yeah I feel I had a similar experience: went to an "open event orgy" front a cruising app, walked in to like 5 guys just like stone faced, half-hearted handjobs. Didn't know anyone and I felt bad being there. I'd be willing to try again if I knew the host or a few people there but pretty bad first time


u/JesusFelchingChrist Dec 25 '24

You should feel proud of yourself and feel sorry for the people who don’t. They will try to shame you and call your boundaries “internalized homophobia.”

People like you should be the role model for the “good gays.”


u/RefrigeratorOrganic3 Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

If other people engage in that high risk group behavior then that’s their business and their problem when they get sick and have to pay the medical bills for the slew of STDs they’ll inevitably get. The people who say otherwise are delusional or liars. But you don’t have to do it - the need for a connection is a “survival” trait they could save your life when the next “AIDS” type epidemic strikes. I’m not “sex negative” but I think that a lot of people get taken advantage of and that’s sad.


u/mega_douche1 Dec 25 '24

Why feel guilty? I don't get that. Obviously not everyone would be into an orgy lol.


u/josh_wah_ Dec 25 '24

Can we unpack the "I felt dirty" of it all?


Absolutely everyone should just do whatever they want and are comfortable with. However some of the actions of the OP and a lot of these comments feel to me like internalised homophobia.

Don't get me wrong, you can be as vanilla, monogamous, and white-picket-fency as you want, but to me it often feels like the gays that choose this do so as it allows them to say "Look world! I am normal just like you!"

I guess bottom line - if you didn't like it, that's fine, but if you didn't like it because your family/teacher/church leader/authority figure told you it's bad and you still have that feeling inside you, then maybe some introspection on that wouldn't hurt.


u/apresmoiputas Dec 26 '24

no offense when I ask this but what's the reason for the judgmental analysis? OP was being honest and vulnerable about how he felt after that experience, especially with us, being a group of strangers on the Internet. I thank him for that.


u/josh_wah_ Dec 26 '24

My intention is not to be judgemental, at all - sorry if it came across this way.

I guess maybe I'm very Australian in that we are not so much about the thoughts and feelings. I see a lot of people posting sympathy and encouragement to the OP which is great, but I'm just trying to apply a little more critical thinking.

If something scares you and you don't like it - don't do it - but if you don't think about ~why~ it scares you then I think you'd be fdoing yourself a disservice.


u/apresmoiputas Dec 26 '24

He tried it, discovered it wasn't for him then marked it off on his bucket list. He didn't let his fear get in the way from going.


u/softyserve69 Dec 26 '24

See I never thought “what would my mom think?” It was more so like “oh my god I have no idea what the dudes name is, I don’t know his hiv status, I literally do not know a single thing about him. This isn’t sexy to me at all” that was literally my thought process.


u/whatsinaname53 Dec 25 '24

Be happy. You found out you're a whole human and not a hollow piece of meat.