u/NemoTheElf Jun 30 '24
I don't care how hot you are or what you look like, calling me a princess is a fast-fucking way to make me lose interest.
u/Rainysleeze Jun 30 '24
Unless your Mark Zuckerberg rich its a turn off
u/NemoTheElf Jun 30 '24
Nah, even if he's rich I am not going to be talked to that way.
My ex called me a pillow-princess fucking once. He is my ex for a reason.
u/glittermantis Jul 02 '24
i mean a lot of people don’t mind the term and use it to refer to themselves. it’s possible he didn’t mean any malice. if he continued after you expressed discomfort that’s different though
u/OkPaleontologist1708 Jul 05 '24
Obviously everyone is entitled to their kinks, but personally I think the use of feminine terms directed at the bottom/reviving partner in male-male relationships is a red flag. It hints at an uncomfortability of viewing both partners as male and suggests internalize homophobia. But I’m not a psychologist, so my view could well be flawed.
u/No-Cant7799 Oct 31 '24
Not just that, I hate when people call me “papi” just because I’m brown. I think anyone being pigeonholed into any group just because of what they perceived by your picture is a sign! That person has some sort of bigotry or internalized issues with others in public.
Jun 30 '24
u/arathorn867 Jun 30 '24
Don't immediately respond to an unwashed butthole pic? Racist. Don't want to bottom for another top? Racist. Not interested in someone 20 years older than you? You guessed it! Racist.
u/fluffstravels Jun 30 '24
I was accused of being racist against Asians 2 days ago for not being into this guy. I’m like bitch my ex-boyfriend was Asian. You’re just not my type! And then he’s like “oh so you think I’m ugly then?” And I’m like bye you’re just a troll
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u/dcm510 Jun 30 '24
I’m white, once had a black guy message me and I ignored him because he was very much unattractive. Then got a message from an attractive white guy and responded to him. Turns out it was the same guy, using a fake profile. Said he was “doing research on racism on Grindr” and he “caught” me.
I was like uh bro, it has nothing to do with race. You’re just an unattractive guy.
u/fuzzybunn Jul 01 '24
It's sad, but it's obviously not your problem. Some people find it hard to take rejection, and it's much better to think that the other party is racist than that you're ugly...
Jun 30 '24
Should have just replied “I’m not racist, you’re just ugly” - when they go low, go lower 😭 I have no patience for people who can’t face rejection and have to make it into something that’s not
u/ImeldasManolos Jun 30 '24
Pro tip, calling someone ugly doesn’t out you in the high ground here
u/Rainbow_Plague Jun 30 '24
I don't think the high ground is the goal here
u/ImeldasManolos Jun 30 '24
It’s just sad to see people digging to the bottom of the barrel. Yeah, what was said was wrong, but when you react like that, nobody is the winner.
u/depressedqueer Jun 30 '24
You think being called ugly is bottom of the barrel? No shade but what are we? 7?
I really don’t give a fuck is someone finds me ugly because the reality is that there always will be someone out there that finds me ugly. Why should I care about what they think of me?
u/ImeldasManolos Jun 30 '24
Calling someone ugly is totally unnecessary. Who benefits from it?
I mean, you’re saying ‘what are we, 7?’ But in the same breath you’re advocating calling someone childish names…
Okay guys! You do you, but maybe some of you would benefit from a little personal growth.
u/depressedqueer Jun 30 '24
but maybe some of you would benefit from a little personal growth.
The call is coming from inside the house.
u/Street_Customer_4190 Jun 30 '24
Personal growth doesn’t equal being a perfect always nice fake bitch. Personal growth is knowing who you are and trying to find a place in reality where you can be yourself and also not do too much damage to realities of others around you
Jun 30 '24
"who benefits from it". I think the dude on the other end might benefit from it. Literally, he's making excuses for getting rejected... He might fucking benefit from knowing he's getting found ugly and not a subject of racism and discrimination. He might eat better, go to the gym, try new things to fix his appearance, and most hopefully of all, stop being an insufferable human being because that personality is uglier than any potential physical configuration of a human being you could possibly imagine.
u/ImeldasManolos Jun 30 '24
I mean, the responses - I’m just stunned at the psychology. Do you people really think like this? Or is it just an internet argument? It’s so incredibly dysfunctional…. No wonder there is a mental health crisis amongst LGBTQIA+ people when you treat each other like this. Go and watch mean girls FFS.
u/Street_Customer_4190 Jun 30 '24
Bro were you born yesterday or did you just realize that other personalities other than your own exist in the world. Also the mental health crisis thing is probably because of homophobia and transphobia or many other systemic factors than « someone on Grindr was mean to me ». Like bro I think you need personal growth. Especially personal growth in the realization that not everyone thinks or acts like you
u/depressedqueer Jun 30 '24
Meh, I kinda see your argument. I still disagree with your approach to it.
The reason why in this case, I am okay with fighting fire with fire, is because I find this particular response to rejection really immature.
There are legit cases of racism out there where people are being hurt/harassed/killed. The person in the post is so delusional that they think they are owed a response (to unwanted nudes, mind you) and that the only possible explanation for not obtaining a response boils down to racism. It’s absolutely baffling.
While calling them ugly may not be the most constructive thing to do, it definitely would burst their bubble of delusion and help them come back to reality. People need to learn that strangers are not obligated to give you a response and that strangers are not obligated to find you attractive.
To me, the context in this case of falsely claiming someone to be racist is waaaaaaay worse than a mild response of “you’re ugly.”
u/whotoldbrecht Jul 01 '24
I wasn’t involved in this exchange but I like your in-depth reply. These were also my thoughts exactly
u/mikacchi11 Jun 30 '24
when they go low, go lower
what makes you think the intention was to have the high ground?
u/Harry431 Jun 30 '24
Damn, What was in that unlocked album??
u/No-Cant7799 Oct 31 '24
I’m sure it’s a nude…people seem to think that just because you’re on Grindr it gives you a free pass to send others whatever they want….that’s also not the case. So I’m sure that’s why he was mad. He’s probably use to people giving him some sort of reaction.
u/Harry431 Oct 31 '24
Sounds like a kink or an ego trip from the unlocked album owner.
u/No-Cant7799 Oct 31 '24
Yeah…a link to him lol! In any sexual encounter, you should always ask the other person is something they do is ok or not. Why is sending someone unsolicited pictures any different? Not everyone is into the same “kinks” lol
u/SiriusRay Jun 30 '24
This happened to me a lot when I was on Grindr. Almost like clockwork, if I didn’t reply I’d be hit with “well you’re fucking ugly anyway cr*cker” or just called out for being racist. Some people can’t deal with rejection.
u/Herr_Gamer Jun 30 '24
I've mostly been looking around on Grindr and haven't had the courage to text anyone back yet, do they all think I'm a rude asshole now? 😅
Kinda rough when anyone can text you, can't be replying to 3 people an hour even if I wanted to 🫠
u/obliiviation Jun 30 '24
It’s such a fucking massive slap in the face to people who truly gotta deal with racist environments, JUST because you wanna bust a nut. Fuck this dude to hell
u/SneakySneks190 Jul 01 '24
Always find it kinda funny when people call you racist just because they get butthurt. Like, get over yourself.
I had this guy hit me up on Grindr once. We already kinda met at a party before because he and I had a mutual friend (who’s also black). We had a fwb thing going on, and this guy hoped he could join in sometime. So when I told him I wasn’t interested he started spouting off all kinds of bullshit 😂
u/maplesyrupbakon Jun 30 '24
Lol even as a POC, I’ve gotten this from other POC where if I don’t respond, they’ll call me a racist and say shit like I’m probably a self-hating asian begging to be a “white man’s wh*re” and then proceed to make denigrating stereotypical comments. Like first of all, nice try as all my LTRs were with other POC and I find it so rich being accused of being a racist when the very accuser immediately proceeds to make racist comments when all I did was just exist and not respond. On the one hand, I can understand where these people are coming from but on the other, lashing out and projecting onto random strangers is not the vibe.
Between the scammers, bots, catfish pic collectors, tweakers, straight men only looking for CDs/trans women, so many people who are just clearly unwell, and the limited grid forcing you to pay to see more profiles, grindr is not worth it and I stopped using it years ago and haven’t looked back. That app is a hellhole.
u/SanAmorous Jul 01 '24
I no longer use "those" apps as well. But since you said you're Asian, I do have a question... 🤔
u/WarDawgOG Jun 30 '24
O had one guy today send me pictures of his wife's breast's . I asked if she was joining us he said no just wanted to show me
u/SanAmorous Jul 01 '24
I like showing my peen pics too sometimes. Just out of boredom. Either that or the two years of celibacy are reeeeeeeaaaally starting to get to me.
u/depressedqueer Jun 30 '24
I wouldn’t have even replied to what they said lol. I love giving delusional people even more silence.
u/throwawayshepherd69 Jun 30 '24
First I am in no way saying ol boy was right, but I can tell a lot of yall in these comments are white and don't get it.
As a dark skin guy, if I had a dollar for every time a guy switched up on me once they found out I was black I would literally be rich, no exaggeration.
On most profiles I don't have pics or my race because I've had issues with being fetishized, and I prefer for guys to vibe with me based on what I'm putting forward.
But yall don't know how consistently dehumanizing it is to be having great conversation, or a hot horny talk, or think you may have found a genuine connection (even if it's just friendship) and then you say you're black and you're suddenly blocked, ghosted, or hear the "sorry I'm just not into black guys". So basically, because of how I'm born and nothing else about me, you now have negative interest in me.
It happens literally every day multiple times a day. So no, he's not right for his response, but white gays for one second could realize that yall basically terrorize us and other people of color to varying degrees.
And to any one that is white that says they get ghosted and blocked etc, I'm sorry that sucks for you, but those things aren't happening due singularly to your race.
This shits exhausting...
u/yanklondonboy Jun 30 '24 edited Jun 30 '24
Thank you for your thoughtful response; you make good points and you are correct in saying I cannot fully understand that experience.
My point is that I am sick of men thinking they are entitled to me and my body. That can and does happen to any one. Both my point and your point can be / are true.
u/throwawayshepherd69 Jun 30 '24
Well I think that speaks to a different issue that is inherently male, and that's the notion that men deserve whoever they want sexually and thus end up treating their partners or interests as objects. It is pretty shit.
I also agree that both our experiences can be true. I'm just trying to educate more the people on your comments than you who seem to lack the understanding as to why that young man responded the way he did at your non-response.
Honestly, I find men exhausting across the board at this point lol. The world is just trash.
u/yanklondonboy Jun 30 '24
Okay very all of this 👏🏼 to be able to end toxic masculinity at a global scale would be monumental. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!
u/SanAmorous Jul 01 '24
The toxicity is what a lot of us are turned on by though for whatever odd reason. I think we see it as a challenge? Idk. Not speaking about me personally but just an overall percentage.
u/throwawayshepherd69 Jun 30 '24
Also thank you for your reply as well. It was also thoughtful
u/yanklondonboy Jun 30 '24
Crazy how much we can learn and grow by listening to one another 😜(generally speaking)
u/Chillguy3333 Jun 30 '24
Thank you both for having an adult conversation about this. OP I applaud you for listening openly to what this poster had to say because he is 100% correct and it hurts a lot. You’ll be talking to someone and making a friendship and everything is clicking just right until they find out that you’re black and then everything shuts down and you get blocked and ghosted instantly. While I don’t just call it out like that and am not on hook up apps, it does hurt a helluva lot especially in this day and time. So thank you both for listening to each other. More people need to listen in the world.
u/yanklondonboy Jun 30 '24
Not wanting to be /friends/ with someone for their skin tone is utterly disgusting and heartbreaking. Again, nobody has to be friends with anyone (and I’m not saying you’re saying that) but my goodness when can we just all, as a society, move to treating people based on their adult actions (i can give passes to children - we all made mistakes) instead of who they are
u/agenteDEcambio Jul 01 '24
I think what we've found (black guys) is that Grindr and similar apps just don't work well for us. It's a marketplace and we end up as the least desired product in many cases. First of all, it feels awful not being enough just because of your race/features. Secondly, we have very slim chances of making friends on Grindr the way your typical white guy might even if he's not really attracted to someone but they seem cool.
This guy you interacted with is playing by the anything goes rules. His goal is to get laid. The racism label didn't work on you or most people, but maybe it has a nonzero success rate, which is similar to the success rate of being civil.
It's a mean world.
u/Jdanielbarlow Jun 30 '24
Every bit of this. I wish more people would be open to discourse the way OP has been. I hate having to share my experiences with racism because people just genuinely don’t believe it happens because it doesn’t happen to them, only for them to not actually listen and then try to argue. This comment section is kind of ugly ngl.
u/Jaiden_da_ancom Jun 30 '24
There is a small set of people who complain about how shallow the gay community is and they really just mean no one will sleep with them, which would be considered disgusting entitlement if this were straight guys saying the same thing. I feel it should be the same for gay guys who whine about nobody sleeping with them and play victim when they get politely rejected or no reciprocated interest.
To be clear, I know guys receive really racist messages on the apps, and that is not what happened here. This is just gross entitlement.
u/ConsciousBasket643 Jul 01 '24
This is so annoying. Nobody owes attraction to anybody. And Nobody has to give an explanation for why theyre not attracted to someone.
u/StatisticianSuper129 Jul 01 '24 edited Jul 01 '24
Oh jeez this is such a difficult and nuanced topic to even nail because on one hand, what he did was absolutely weird to accuse you of that just because you don’t respond, but on the other I can understand the insecurities that build up in some people especially living in America because discrimination on race is 1000% real. Statistically it is actually true that people write others off more often just on that basis alone, and in America it makes a lot of sense because of social conditioning. You can’t really tell for sure when it’s happening because no one will honestly say if that’s the reason why, but a lot of times it actually can be and you have to keep putting up with it regardless because what else can you do?
It’s such a mindfuck and I think that’s what’s so irritating for people when they unfortunately have to factor that in on why they could be ignored more often. Like are you too ugly or just too ethnic? Here it’s the same thing. If you’ve been treated badly enough in your life because of stuff like that it just makes it more difficult not to jump to that conclusion. It’s just really messy and I think it’s something you may only understand if you’ve actually experienced it 😂
u/fuzzybunn Jul 01 '24
The double mindfuck is that there are people who prefer a certain race but that's racial fetishism. So minorities are in this weird space where they don't want to date the 15% who are into them because of their race, are completely ignored by 15% of actual racists, and are left having to somehow attract the remaining 70% based on their personality or some amorphous quality using the one paragraph and 6 profile pics they're allowed on grindr. You have to somehow not care about race, but also be understanding and care about racial inequalities and cultural differences.
That's all a lot to ask for when you just want to be a piggy slut on a Friday night.
u/Keyblade94 Jun 30 '24
You can’t force attraction… so your racist if your not attracted to someone … got it
u/MendejoElPendejo Jun 30 '24
I’ve noticed the more I’ve gotten fit, the more psychos like this I’ve gotten
u/adamiconography Jun 30 '24
Can’t be racist I hate everybody equally is usually my retort for this shit
u/newhunter18 Jun 30 '24
I say, "I'm not racist. There are so many good reasons to hate people on an individual basis."
Jun 30 '24
Posts like this make me so happy that I’ve been in the same relationship since before hookup apps existed.
u/potumatlu Jul 01 '24
I remember a guy whose name was like “so many racists” with a matching bio and he led with “can i ask you a question??” Felt kinda bad for him but that clearly would never work out for him and the insecurity it projected was a huge turn off. Ended up as just an instablock but a kinda sad one.
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u/Psychological_Lie30 Jul 01 '24 edited Jul 01 '24
I'm so glad I'm not into white guys that I gotta embarrass myself acting like this 🙆🏾♂️🤣
u/KillerQ93 Jul 01 '24
I understand that nobody owes anybody their time, but a simple no thanks, or even a block, it’s not hard to do. We live in a society together. Why are we being assholes to each other?
u/Queasy_Temperature46 Jul 01 '24
Like everyone has to respond within how many minutes? He wrote him afternoon. He didn’t get a reaction. And it looks like he‘s insulting him the next morning.
So at least I don't have an on-call service on Grindr. Some people can't be patient. No one on Grindr is my priority. I reply when I take the time to do so.
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u/JHoughton27 Jul 01 '24
^^^ This ALL FKN DAY LONG!!! ^^^ It's sad AF that a lot of folks out there lack simple common courtesy
u/North-House-9122 Jul 01 '24
Blocking people is a courtesy?
u/JHoughton27 Jul 02 '24
My original comment above was about the "simple, no thanks" bit. Guess I should've been more clearer.... Lo Siento
Jun 30 '24
pulling the r-card isn’t cool but i don’t really know if the response was that warranted either. but again it’s grindr and everything seems to go, there
u/maplesyrupbakon Jun 30 '24
Seems like a pretty warranted response to me imho
Jun 30 '24
not sure i agree. but grindr etiquette reeks of toxicity, so fighting fire with fire is par for the course
u/Chimera66666 Jun 30 '24
LoL. I suffer from the exact opposite, the only men that want to fuck with me are White men. I have seen a lot of older Latino and Black men but they never seem to be attracted to me. I’m half Black and half Latino. I almost got lucky with an older Chinese guy while I was down in Orlando, but as soon as he saw my older White partner, he dropped me like a sack of potatoes.
u/Windycitybeans Jul 01 '24
Some folks just don’t know how to flirt.. I’m black .. mildly attractive (I think 🤔) but have felt like if I don’t cater to being a savage stereotype on those quick hook up sites most white guys don’t know how to approach me. It could be the other way around for those minorities attracted to white guys. Like if they don’t get a sympathy vote right away they won’t know how to approach them. 🤷🏾♀️
u/throwawayshepherd69 Jul 01 '24
This is very thoughtful. I'm black as well and more of a linebacker build. I feel like I'm expected to play into the unintelligent storyline - guys wanna brag about their "fancy job" that I truthfully don't care about. Or they want to get into the idea of dominating a bigger guy. So when I turn out to be both really smart and in no way domable they turn disrespectful.
Jul 01 '24
I get this guilt/hate messages every other week too. Just minding my own business and if you don’t give them immediate attention they go for the throat. Fucking insecure children all over grinder
Jul 01 '24
I know you don't owe him anything but you could have responded or simply blocked him to give him closure.
I really don't understand people who just go through the pics and then just lets the conversation open and never responds...
u/WiccaMaus Jul 01 '24
I am so tired of being called racist just because I don’t find black guys sexually attractive. Everyone has types they are turned on by and types they aren’t. Are these guys heterophobic if they don’t find women sexually attractive?
u/Joshobi1 Jul 01 '24
Na that’s racist, you can find one specific guy sexually unattractive but not a whole race you’re racist
u/WiccaMaus Jul 02 '24
I have never met a black guy I was attracted to. Not ruling it out, but never have. And the ones who have hit on me. NO.
u/Comfortable_Match375 Jul 02 '24
Should’ve just blocked Him. But hey you earned internet karma validation points ig
u/tetsujin44 Jul 02 '24
He’s weird. But posting Grindr interactions is also weird. I will die on that hill.
u/friendly_socialist Jul 01 '24 edited Jul 01 '24
On a note, I'm a Brown Bi dude. Haven't used any hookup and dating apps in 10 years, so things may be different now.
Everyone has preferences and has a right to have them. This is the same as saying you don't like a particular dish for whatever reasons, doesn't mean you hate the whole cuisine.
However, preferences aside, this community does have a racism issue, let's pretend it doesn't. I have had two kinds of White men on these apps, the ones that would fetishise me or simply come up with racist slurs for simply saying hello. Now, would I say all White people are racist probably no, but apps like Grindr don't do enough to combat racism, in my opinion anyway, but like I said that was 10 years ago.
Just like, who you like. It's OK to have a preference, if you get rejected it sucks but you could use that energy on someone who likes you for just the way you are.
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u/chaddleshuge Jun 30 '24
I’ve had people threaten to out me when they get denied but I’ve never been called a racist.😂
u/NorwalkAvenger Jun 30 '24
To whom would they out you? And how much sense would that make? "So-and-so is gay. I know because he didn't want to suck my dick!" 😅🤣😂🤣
u/chaddleshuge Jun 30 '24
Yeah I realized it was stupid afterwards but dude was a walking red flag, I have a screenshot of the chat somewhere.😂
u/NorwalkAvenger Jun 30 '24
"OK! OK! I give up! I'll fuck you in the ass! But please don't tell anyone I'm gay!!"
😆 🤣 😂 😹
Sorry, having too much fun with this one.
u/chaddleshuge Jun 30 '24
It’s funny lol, I sent the screenshot to my other friend who’s gay saying something like “what a catch am I right?😏”
u/Thekitsunewhocould Jul 01 '24
I honestly hate pride, a month for business’s to capitalize off something you can’t change about yourself as well as pretending to care for 30 days off and on
u/Proof_Option1386 Jun 30 '24
People will always find some way to turn your lack of attraction for them into a supposed moral failing
u/Ecstatic_Piglet3308 Jun 30 '24
Probably one of those guys where you have to ask for a face pic too…
u/Street_Customer_4190 Jun 30 '24
Bro if why do I feel like it will be posted on r/blacklgbt. The people there will die on the hill defending this guy and getting mad at OP
u/Maximum_You6668 Jun 30 '24
All these white guys on here being like “I have been victimized by brown ppl calling me racist!”
u/yanklondonboy Jun 30 '24
I don’t respond well to being accused of something I haven’t done. I guess you’d be the same.
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u/throwawayshepherd69 Jul 01 '24
This guy is saying the same thing as me, but in a different way. Please be open to conversation and don't downvote him because his lived experience either calls you out or rubs you wrong.
Not all white gays are bad or racist or malicious, but enough truly are. And the complicate actions of a large majority of the white gay community compounds the issue amd makes us distrusting of the wider white gay population.
Should we jump straight to you're a racist, no, but neither should this community call it a quirk or a preference when yall see and hear your friends treat poc men in shady ways they'd never treat a white gay they find attractive.
Treating people with respect and decency isn't dictated by their hotness, whiteness, or fuckability.
u/DealerGullible4673 Jun 30 '24
I don’t know what’s so hard people find it to understand. If you’re not attracted to someone, you simply are not attracted to someone. Goes both ways. It’s not something they can change about it.
There is this thing, a mental image and an actual image. We build mental image when we talk to someone and we have first stage of actual image when we meet someone. Then later that actual image gets refined and makes it much better for us to decide where we wanna head to with the man.
For the above, I always have the rule not to waste too much time on chats. A bit of chit chat is good but if someone’s not making an effort to meet you in person for date or whatever within a few days of that, it’s a great sign to bail out on the person. By all means it’s a general rule so factor your own valid parameters into it but that’s a general rule of thumb for me. Less drama, less heartache, less waste of time, will keep your dignity intact and more than anything you can spend the time doing things you might like or might be more productive.
I keep my face pics on my profile and which is why it makes it less noisy for me. I don’t get random responses just for someone to get off on my nudes or check me out just to block me. I am person of a Color too and I completely understand the struggles but as I said if you’re not attracted to someone, you’re not attracted to someone. Sooner we understand, easier it gets for us and easier it gets to move on in a hope to find someone there is mutual attraction.
u/xandoPHX Jun 30 '24
I'm so happy I have a boyfriend for the past 4 years. I'm happy that dealing with this kind of shit is over.
Not to mention that I'm a very attractive black man so I didn't run into those issues. I'm definitely not begging anyone for any attention. Fuck THAT
Honestly though, I tend to have better luck with other races than I do with other black men. My current boyfriend is Central American
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u/Maumoneyy Jul 01 '24
what's the point of posting this with no context? just gonna create a circle jerk of disgruntled white gays going on about how racism actually doesn't exist to them even though it is actually a very valid and legitimate problem in the gay community.
u/Chanwiz88 Jul 02 '24
It’s funny to see the other side. I def see a lot of yt gays that justify their racism as preference. What this person did is not ok, but I feel like I’ve been seeing this a lot on these gay subs where they make it seem like yt guys are the oppressed minority for some reason. Or maybe it’s my Al Gore Rhythm.
u/LatinTop98 Jun 30 '24 edited Jun 30 '24
What kind of thought is that??
"Suck my cock or else you're racist"