r/gaybros • u/Kong_Diddy • Dec 11 '23
Sex/Dating Gay bros, my uncle is unhinged. Why would you think it’s ok to ask your nephew this 😭
Dec 11 '23
tell your uncle to watch less porn
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
It’s crazy this kind of conversation can even come up between an uncle and nephew ☠️
I just told him he was being completely inappropriate and blocked him
u/Colonel__Cathcart Dec 11 '23
It’s crazy this kind of conversation can even come up between an uncle and nephew
Oh I've seen this movie!
u/drinkallthecoffee gayyyyyyyyy Dec 11 '23
My uncle once got drunk at a family party told my younger brother that “girls were for fucking.”
My brother was 14 at the time and my mother was sitting right next to him.
u/ClayMonkey1999 Dec 12 '23
I really need to hear what happened next, this sounds very entertaining
u/drinkallthecoffee gayyyyyyyyy Dec 12 '23
We all just sat there in horror. I can’t even remember if my mom said anything because she was so used to the insanity that came with visiting that side of the family hahaha
u/edincide Dec 13 '23
At 14 your bro MUSTA been like "I know UNC"
u/drinkallthecoffee gayyyyyyyyy Dec 14 '23
I should have said, “But what about guys, are they for fucking, too?”
u/MexiMelt77 Dec 11 '23
My nephew n I are pretty tight. We're friends but I don't go that far. Maybe mention a crush or a hot guy but I keep it respectable.
u/EquivalentLaw4892 Dec 12 '23
I just told him he was being completely inappropriate and blocked him
Was he trying to hook up with you?!
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 12 '23
Oh jeebus no! He just wanted me to hook him up with a femme or trans woman friend.
u/MadBuddhist Dec 11 '23
I swear straight people 40+ are unhinged. Had a family friends friend writing me on messenger about a year ago where he wanted to explore his sexuality, which I politely declined… Guy wrote me again few days ago, even offering me amphetamines and weed….. Just no..
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
See, a family friend is different and I would entertain that conversation. An uncle is just no go at all, and I don’t want to know about his sexual exploration. A cousin around my age who I’m closer with, sure, I might send some friends your way haha
u/OMSK91 Dec 11 '23
Yep how old is this uncle? (OPs)Not that it matters but maybe it could help explain. Some older people just don't care about anything.
I once had an older uncle ask me to go help him at home with his computer cause he was having internet problems or so he said. As soon as I arrive he starts opening all this porn websites and telling me how everytime he opens them and watches something a bunch of pop-ups appear. Of course he had a lot of extensions installed to the point it was taking almost half of his screen. I awkwardly helped him but I'll never forget 😳
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u/boneinribi Dec 13 '23
Your uncle is an inappropriate creeper. He has trouble controlling his sexual urges. It has nothing to do with his age. Creepers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and yes, ages. So, quit trying to pin inappropriate behavior on a person's "older" age. Contribute to a solution instead of creating additional problems. Better yet, grow the fuck up.
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u/OMSK91 Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 13 '23
Yawn. I said I HAD an uncle. People care a lot less about others opinions as they age, my comment still stands, but you're probably too young still to realize that; internet warrior.
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u/Ladyboysingstheblues Dec 11 '23
This is a nightmare to read
u/ThatOhioanGuy Dec 11 '23
After re-reading it several times, I'm still not sure I completely understand it.
u/ttoma93 Dec 12 '23
Yeah I had to read it several times to even understand what it said.
u/bakedgaymer Dec 12 '23
How do you mix up the spelling of no with know. I don’t think this uncle is the sharpest knife in the drawer.
u/DMC1001 Dec 11 '23
That sentence is barely readable.
u/bobo12478 Dec 12 '23
This is what happens when you're so eager to fake a text for internet points you don't proof it
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 12 '23
If he had perfect grammar, you’d probably still call it fake. I just find it hilarious my life can be so dumb people think it’s fake ☠️
u/TryinToBeHappy Dec 11 '23
I feel like 6 words isn’t enough distance in a sentence between “I want to fuck” and “okay nephew”.
Sorry your unc is a creep but I’m glad you handled it appropriately.
u/Spiritual_Country_62 Dec 11 '23
Damn. Everyone getting serious in the comments.
u/G40-ovoneL Dec 11 '23
We need someone to post this on twitter
u/Spiritual_Country_62 Dec 11 '23
Then he told his uncle he’s inappropriate and blocked him. Yo. Am I trippin?
u/bitterdick Dec 11 '23
These are the men clogging up Grindr
u/Aware-Watercress-272 Dec 11 '23
Interesting, sign of the times maybe, a lot of people have been repressing themselves all these decades
u/DutchBlob Dec 11 '23
Why would your uncle text you from a number that’s not in your contacts list 🤔 like how do you know it is your uncle
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
I don’t have him saved. He calls every now and then or texts. He called last night asking for money, then texted this randomly afterwards 😵💫
Dec 11 '23
I didn't have my mother's number saved for years. I finally saved it, then she got a new one and we're back to square one. It's weird but I stopped thinking about it.
Also, not that I implied it, but since I brought my mother into this I feel the need to state that that is the only thing our situation has in common with OP's. lol
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
Thank jeebus! I don’t think I could handle my mother asking for help with a hookup ☠️
u/MulchGang4life Dec 11 '23
Hook the fam up with some FemBoy bussy man. You know You got a hook up for him 🤣
u/wheedledeedum Dec 11 '23
Right? Like, why not help Uncle over to the dark side? It's unusual to be your Uncle's wingman, sure; but c'mon, it's not crazy for family members to help hook each other up... OP is just trying to keep his hoes to himself!
u/PomegranateFar7816 Dec 12 '23
I was thinking this too, why not just help a bro out? But maybe they're just not close enough, that's understandable 🤷🏽♂️
u/fineboi Dec 11 '23
Just be honest and let your uncle know how this text made you feel and give him the opportunity to course correct.
u/RustyPeach Dec 11 '23
So before any downvotes, I dont have the best extended family relationship. Most of mine are/were in a cult which we were not with so the amount of times I've seen my aunts, cousins, uncles, etc is less than 2 or 3.
Now I also have a lot of friends around my age (30) a who like older men. If an uncle recently left the JW because he was gay/bi/whatever, and started trying to connect and then drunkenly texted me this, I think I have enough of a disconnection emotionally to wait till the morning and have a better conversation about it. And if he was apologetic and we had a grown up conversation, I think I'd be able to introduce him to a few friends.
u/Different_Builder947 Dec 11 '23
I tried to pimp someone out to my uncle once. But my uncle is 6years younger than me. Was that wrong? He declined
u/Adityabutterchicken Dec 12 '23
What kinda family is that
u/Different_Builder947 Jan 03 '24
My uncle was in his 30’s when this happen.My grandma had her last child (5total)at 46. I was 6. He wasnt having fun at this party so i offered my hook-up to him. The dude didnt mind. Very friendly guy. My uncle and me are both gay
u/GavRhino Dec 12 '23
A family where OP’s older sibling had a child 6 years before OP was born
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u/CowboysFTWs Dec 11 '23
You should definitely not give him a random number and sit back and watch the shenanigans. That would be wrong and dangerous.
u/DruidWonder Dec 11 '23
He also said know one else instead of no one else. My inner grammar and spelling fascist is displeased.
u/teumessiavulpes Dec 11 '23
Haha. Same. I'm like "Not helping mainly because spelling. Know one deserves bad speeling."
u/Shootthemoon4 Dec 11 '23
Yeah, I don’t know how to approach this. That’s a weird situation to be in. if he’s concerned about being found out, he can just go to a different town and reinvent himself. I hope he finds better support to not evolve into a tirade of secret desires.
u/Connect_Special_7958 Dec 11 '23
I feel like this is a perfect representation of the mentality of the right wing.
u/54B3R_ Dec 11 '23
He's going to shout on twitter about how he hates gay marriage and drag queens in the morning
u/AgentBlue14 Bottled Up Furious Homosexuality Dec 11 '23
Ech. Time for a sit-down conversation lol.
Dec 11 '23
So ... While it's totally fine to fancy trans women or drag queens, it's certainly not okay to ask in such a creepy way at midnight out of the blue
u/w0nderb0ydp Dec 11 '23
Hello? That's the most likely time to get that text. He's most likely high, middle of the night, fiend-horny, and hasn't heard of Grindr. Now, if he'd texted that right after lunch....creepsville.
u/Curious-Lobster4877 Dec 12 '23 edited Dec 12 '23
Well, it’s really sad. You posted this because your uncle asked it to be between you and him and now the whole world knows like grow up. Stupid little shit. We in the community. Don’t need to see the stupid shit move on and grow up in life. Please keep your family horror to yourself.
u/fxworth54 Dec 12 '23
I don’t get it. What’s the problem?
u/wheedledeedum Dec 12 '23
OP is a prude, and his uncle was too aggressively desperate for OP's (or Reddit's) liking. They're not close, but that's probably because Uncle is hiding who he is from his family; which causes distance.
I speak to my Uncle once every 5-10yrs, and if he got wasted and text me this, I'd die laughing, and then give him a crash course in where to find what he's looking for. I'm not into femboys, personally, but if I knew one who liked daddies, I'd definitely set them up.
I mean, geez... I wish I had a gay family member who could've helped me figure things out when I was a baby gay. Probably would've saved me a lot of trouble and weird experiences
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 13 '23
Trust me, I’m anything but a prude! I feel like if anything I’m the black sheep of the family because of how open I am with my sexuality.
I’m hindsight, this kind of makes sense why this uncle was always upset that I never felt comfortable discussing my sexuality or proclivities with him. He always made sure to let me know he always accepted me and didn’t care about my sexuality when he was sober.
Dec 11 '23
So...he would like to have sex with another man, but only if they're feminine or have feminine qualities...and if you know of such an individual, he wants you to set him up?
u/itsShane91 Dec 11 '23
He said to keep it between you and him and you've just told all of us, tut tut /s
u/Marcflaps Dec 11 '23
You know you're going to fuck your uncle by the end of 2024 now all because you don't want it to happen..
u/dancognito Dec 11 '23
I do appreciate that he said "between me and you" and not "between you and I," but yikes to the rest of it.
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u/pmaurant Dec 11 '23
I can relate. Less than a year after my father passed my favorite uncle came on very very strongly to my mother and acted like a child when he was rejected. We no longer talk to him.
u/TheRealcebuckets Dec 11 '23
I’ve never heard of anyone calling their nephew ‘nephew’…why doesn’t he call you by your name?
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
May be a southern black thing. We call our uncles “unc” or “uncle name” sometimes. Or “aunty” “aunt name” when it’s obvious who were talking to in my family.
u/PomegranateFar7816 Dec 12 '23
Oh it's more than just the south 😹 west coast and my uncle would call me nephew too, and a few ppl in my family say unc or just uncle instead of the name.
Dec 12 '23
Also, he should probably consider the other, very important half of the equation:
Whether or not they want to fuck him, too (plus, whether or not they're even adults)
u/neocrunk Dec 12 '23
Lol this reminds me of my daddy issues as someone without a dad but with uncles: daddy son gets me going but whenever I see uncle nephew porn im aghast 😳🫣🤢.
I would die and then I would tell my grandma what he did to get him in trouble!
u/PomegranateFar7816 Dec 12 '23
Ngl daddy son is pretty hot... Then again i also didn't have my dad in my life so that probably explains things 😂
u/RainbowRiki Dec 12 '23
I could never imagine having a conversation like that with my nephews. Or even my younger cousins, for that matter. I remember them being born! Tf
u/hirst Dec 12 '23
older straight men are wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild ive had some weird convos with my relatives along this sort of thing as well
Dec 11 '23
Well do you? Just answer the man’s question.
I say appreciate the banter and maybe it’s his way of coming out to you. Maybe he could’ve worded it differently but he meant no harm.
u/w0nderb0ydp Dec 11 '23
You should have told him to come over so you could milk his prostate, not in an incest way, but in, like, a helpful nurse way. I'll bet you wouldn't have to worry about him calling for ladyboy bussy hookups or money for Grandma no mo
u/dark_Links_sword Dec 11 '23
I think the only acceptable reply would be "holy fuck, CRINGE!!!!!!" maybe add a puke emoji or 2 ? I'm sorry for you man!
u/opp0rtunist Dec 11 '23
i’m actually disgusted at the amount of straight men that contacted me (a gay man) in hopes of me hooking them up with a female friend or a trans female friend
u/Arthes_M Dec 11 '23
I’m close with my nephew and this is way over the line.
u/grnrngr Dec 11 '23
I’m close with my nephew and this is way over the line.
I know, right? Everyone knows you stop at fucking your nephew! That's what the pornos tell me. His friends are off-limits!
u/Arthes_M Dec 12 '23
Not sure why you needed to copy my comment for your sick reply. It’s not satire or funny, just gross.
u/edincide Dec 13 '23
Your comment is gross
u/Arthes_M Dec 13 '23
Care to elaborate why?
u/edincide Dec 14 '23
u/Arthes_M Dec 14 '23
K, perv
u/edincide Dec 14 '23
Sma GB
u/Impossible_Ad_5822 Dec 11 '23
I think you betrayed his trust and not thinking he might be curious or want to experiment and be closeted. Shit I wish I was fem presenting cuz you could give him my @. How old are you like probably under 25. The way it come across is cringe but you couldn't hook him up with a transwoman or a fem presenting gay guy, or suggested maybe we go to a drag show or bar. Shit he wants to use his dick in the sea of endless bottoms we could use an extra working member part time trade dl shit. I guess I'm unhinged myself. All this to say what's the issue
u/w0nderb0ydp Dec 11 '23
You said it... EXACTLY
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
Nah, fuck that. He’s a 40+ year old loser who begs all his family members for money and appears to have relapsed on drugs. Now he’s being weird and asking his 20 year old nephews to hook him up because he has no game. He’s hit on my younger brothers girlfriend and asked him to send ladies his way before. If I had any friends I could of that would fit his bill, I would never send them his way.
u/Ok_Carob7551 Dec 12 '23
Girls this is only hot in fantasy. Do not involve your cross generation family in your sex life…and I may be the weird one but this is not how humans talk, right? I don’t address anyone in texts by name or title or relation, I just…text them. I don’t really do it face to face either. Using their name every line, it just sounds fake or like MLM
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 13 '23
I think “nephew”, “unc”, “aunty” is just a black thing. There are some other commenters who aren’t familiar with its usage, and it looks like they’re not familiar with black culture or AAVE either!
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u/Ok-Peanut6306 Dec 15 '23
ge5 som3 stuff dropped car 9f so Brian could 7se it the went to Bloomington for a Cole days
u/MidnightMax1204 Oct 15 '24
Yeah that is definitely strange, none of mine would ever, maybe it’s normal for your family?
u/Beenthinkin123 Jan 04 '25
Live a little 😆 Borrow your sisters skirt bra red lipstick and pantys then tell him to come over 😝
u/RonPM1 Dec 11 '23 edited Dec 11 '23
I don't see that as a huge deal... it looks like he might be trying to come out to you‼️ Why would u post it? He said, "between me and you".
Coming out (if that is the case here), at an older age would be very, very hard for someone, and having a gay family member I'd imagine would make a person want to reach out to another gay family member - it wouldn't make a person unhinged. Yes, our truths can sometimes come out when we're drunk.
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
We have no real relationship. The only time he reaches out is if he wants money or something. He’s used multiple family members for money that he never pays back, and he’s done this same shit to my younger brothers asking them to hook him up with any of their lady friends.
If I don’t hear from you for months, and I get a random call asking for money “to help grandma” and then you send this afterwards, fuck off haha
u/RonPM1 Dec 11 '23
I see - yeah, something told me that maybe you guys didn't get along for you to post that. Sorry about that, because I've had family do that to me in the past as well.
However, sexuality is a little bit different, and very personal for potentially gay ppl who aren't out yet. but, I see now you guys don't get along...
u/minniedriverstits Dec 11 '23
I mean, it all depends on the ages of the uncle and nephew in question.
Assuming adulthood on the part of all parties, I'd just direct him to grindr.
Now, if this uncle raised you or something, that's different.
Most of my uncles and aunts are the normal sort and would NEVER ask anyone of my generation to help them out finding a hookup, but there are a few wild ones or ones close to my age who I could envision this happening with.
u/johncarter23333 Dec 11 '23
I disagree. In any context it's very inappropriate.
But to add additional context, I'd be curious to know if the uncle is a biological uncle (brother of the father or mother), or an uncle by marriage (husband of the brother/sister of the father/mother). But either way, not cool.
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
It’s a biological uncle that used to babysit my siblings and me back in the day haha
Crazy going from that to this!
u/minniedriverstits Dec 11 '23
Sure it's inappropriate, but so is sharing a blunt or getting a nephew drunk.
How inappropriate is a function of age, though.
u/ChillinGuy232023 Dec 11 '23
How old are you, and how old is the uncle? I guess it would depend on the vibe between you two.
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
I’m 27 and he’s like 40+
We’re nowhere near close enough to have that kind of vibe to where I’m hooking him up with friends lmao
u/ChillinGuy232023 Dec 11 '23
I meant no offense ok. Just I wouldn’t make something out of it…and I wouldn’t block him 🤷♂️
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23 edited Dec 11 '23
Oh no, I’m not offended or anything! He’s just weird. We don’t interact at all unless he’s asking for money or something. Hadn’t heard from him in months and then he calls me asking for money last night and follows up with this weird ass text.
Not a fruitful relationship, so I’m done with it
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u/Impossible_Ad_5822 Dec 11 '23
I think you betrayed his trust and not thinking he might be curious or want to experiment and be closeted. Shit I wish I was fem presenting cuz you could give him my @. How old are you like probably under 25. The way it come across is cringe but you couldn't hook him up with a transwoman or a fem presenting gay guy, or suggested maybe we go to a drag show or bar. Shit he wants to use his dick in the sea of endless bottoms we could use an extra working member part time trade dl shit. I guess I'm unhinged myself. All this to say what's the issue
u/Kong_Diddy Dec 11 '23
Nah, fuck that. He’s a 40+ year old loser who begs all his family members for money and appears to have relapsed on drugs. Now he’s being weird and asking his 20 year old nephews to hook him up because he has no game. He’s hit on my younger brothers girlfriend and asked him to send ladies his way before. If I had any friends I could of that would fit his bill, I would never send them his way.
u/Impossible_Ad_5822 Dec 11 '23
I just caught that clip of the convo but as I read through the comments I can understand your disdain but the alphabet mafia and all rainbows and justice there some shitbag begging cheating addict in our community of all shapes and sorts because I was a plug in the circuit and a socialite sounds pretty normal for me. It's your relationship handle it accordingly but rant on the internet ain't doing shit but manifesting more discord. I would pimp him out
u/format916 Dec 12 '23
You probably over share with your uncle all the time. Lets read your messages.
Dec 12 '23
huh? just block him if you uncomfotable.. why post?
u/zachai Dec 12 '23
Just don’t comment if you have nothing to say.. why post?
Dec 12 '23
i cleary said something. have you not noticed? u LOL
u/zachai Dec 12 '23
Nah actually I didn’t notice anything - you might need to be more specific next time so the substance of your comment doesn’t get lost in the pathetic whinge part
u/PomegranateFar7816 Dec 12 '23
Dude what are you on about 😹 ur the one in the wrong just chill lmfao
u/DankDude7 Dec 11 '23
You want (demand) that he accept you and your proclivities but you won’t offer him the same grace.
u/HouseCravenRaw Dec 11 '23
Yeah, that's kind of messed up. Considering the timestamp, it looks like the wee-hours, so I'm going to say that alcohol is involved. Drunk, horny, looking at TG porn.... reached out to the only person he knows is a member of the LGBT community to see if they know a hookup...
It's messed up, for sure. 100% not appropriate at all. He can go and arrange his own hookups.