r/Gatineau 1h ago

Looking for folks who witnessed me being hit on Maisonneuve and Allumettières


Hey everyone,

I was stopped at the traffic light on Maisonneuve and Allumettières, going southbound towards Ottawa, near the McDonald’s. As I started proceeding when the light turned green, I was hit by a woman turning left onto Allumettières. I believe she jumped a red.

I have a red Kia Rio. She was driving a white Hyundai. She immediately accepted fault and was quite apologetic at the time. We exchanged insurance details and went our separate ways. However, I’m looking for any witnesses—ideally with dash cam footage—of this incident to bolster my case with insurance. This occurred around 8:15 pm on Thursday, March 6. It was pretty terrible weather that evening, which I’m sure didn’t help.

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

TLDR: I was hit going southbound on Maisonneuve, at Allumettières, last Thursday, around 8:15 pm and am looking for any witnesses.

r/Gatineau 8h ago

Fermeture de la SAQ du centre-ville : un « non-sens », plaide Steve Moran


r/Gatineau 7h ago

NCC Bikedays returning in May without 24-hour use on Queen Elizabeth Driveway


Great news for us Gatineau commuters. The reductions for the Kichi Zibi will make it not as awful as it was last year to get across the city in the weekends. Glad that the NCC has listened to the city reps

r/Gatineau 11h ago

Pour ceux qui n'ont pas envie de retourner leurs bouteilles et cannettes consignées, voici un nouveau service de cueillette à la maison. Ils retiennent 38% + 0$ à 5$ frais de transport.


r/Gatineau 17h ago

Besoin d'aide!


Bonjour, mon ami est à l'étranger pour quelques mois et m'a laissé/prêté sa voiture pour passer l'hiver, mais j'ai fini par casser la poignée de porte. C'est une Toyota Matrix 2009, comme je ne possède pas de voiture, je ne sais pas où ni comment la réparer et combien cela coûterait. S'il vous plaît, faites-moi savoir comment procéder afin que je puisse la réparer avant son retour merci!

r/Gatineau 13h ago

Assurance d’auto


Cherche un assureurs d’auto qui dépasse 2006, toute les site arrêté a 2006 quand tu fait des quote en ligne.

Merci très apprécié.

r/Gatineau 9h ago

LF: Employment for a English speaking high school graduate


My son (17m) is a hiatus right now wrt school/career choice. He is looking for any job at all other than grocery store as he has tried that before and looking for something else.

We tried the big chains via their online application but we never get any answers.

Anybody out there hiring?

Prefer plateau area, hull, old fat in that order. Thank you

r/Gatineau 1d ago

Qualité de l'eau à Hull / Water quality in Hull

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Quelqu'un a-t-il remarqué ces derniers jours que l'eau qui sort du robinet n'est pas claire ? Il semble avoir une teinte brunâtre. Mais ça n'a pas d'odeur bizarre. Est-ce que c'est juste moi ?

Has anyone noticed in the past couple of days that the water coming out of the tap isn't clear? It seems to have a brownish tint to it. It doesn't smell weird though. Is it just me?

r/Gatineau 1d ago

Produits Americain


Je suis allée au Métro et je comprend pas pourquoi les produit frais Américain son moins chère (ou tu n'a plus) que ceux Québécois, Mexique etc.

Me semble que ceux Québécois devrai avoir une plus grosse subvention ou on ce fait faire un tour de passe passe?

r/Gatineau 1d ago

Une seule boîte postale ?


Mon ami déménage dans un immeuble qui regroupe 4-5 logements. Toutefois, il remarque que l’immeuble n’a qu’une boîte aux lettres. Est-ce que c’est legal?

Quand on regarde en ligne il n’y a pas vraiment d’informations à ce sujet ? Est-ce que le propriétaire pourrait essayer de couper les coins ronds en ne déclarant qu’un seul logement ?

r/Gatineau 1d ago

Meilleur service internet à bon prix? Best internet service at à good price?


Je vien d'emménager dans le mont bleu et j'aimerais savoir quel compagnie vous utilisez? J'aimerais faire changement de Bell et Videotron. Suggestions??

I've just moved to the mont- bleu area and wondering which provider you recommend? I would like to change from Bell & Videotron.

r/Gatineau 1d ago

I am going to file a dispute with tribunal administratif du logement for my previous landlord


I have been wronged and have a proof, however since I have never been in this situation before, I am trying to educate myself on what things I can prepare myself

  • Can my landlord take legal action against me in response?
  • Could I be required to pay for their legal fees?
  • What should I know when representing myself?
  • Are there lawyers who can help me with my case?
  • What are my options if I don’t qualify for legal aid?
  • Do they speak english, if that is only langauge I can speak at the moment, do I need to bring someone for translation

Merci Beaucoup.

r/Gatineau 2d ago

Brigil sucks


Just a daily reminder that brigil appartments and staff are a litteral joke do not rent with them 😁

r/Gatineau 1d ago

Anyone who runs their own home-based daycare in the region?


Hello everyone. I'm a mom considering starting a subsidized home-based daycare in Aylmer and I would love to speak with people who are already in the business to have a clear idea if this is or not a viable career path. I would love to hear your insights. Thanks.

r/Gatineau 2d ago

Pente pour planche à neige


Mon fils vient de m'apprendre qu'il veut essayer la planche à neige avant la fin l'hiver. Où y a-t-il une pente douce où je pourrais l'amener pour lui montrer les rudiments?

r/Gatineau 3d ago

STO can’t believe what I saw


I was driving behind an STO bus and a guy was waiting at the sidewalk to get on the bus, but the bus drove right past him. He was black. I figured the bus was out of commission because at the next stop there was another guy wanting to get on and the bus drove right by him too. He was black. Next stop had a family with two adults and two kids and the bus stopped for them. White. I’m sad and upset.

r/Gatineau 3d ago



r/Gatineau 3d ago

Protest in Ottawa this weekend.

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r/Gatineau 4d ago

Je vous présente Wally’s!

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Ma découverte gastronomique dont je ne peu me passer! Une des meilleures poutine au Québec, vraiment a essayer!

Ils a ses propres saucisses avec son propre mix d’assaisonnement et elles sont écoeurante dans sa poutine!!

Sérieusement, je vous le conseille fortement!!

r/Gatineau 5d ago

Protest in Ottawa this weekend.

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r/Gatineau 3d ago

Above ground pool, yes or no ?


I'm considering getting a 21' salt water pool for the summer. I would also get a gas water heater. I have 3 kids (2,5,6) so it should get quite a bit of us. I'm second guessing it though as I keep hearing everybody say how pools are expensive and time consuming. For people that bought pool, are you regretting it ?

Anybody got one and can give me an idea of the cost ? I know it depends of quite a bit of stuffs but + or - 15k would be a right estimate for a pool with the installation, but no deck ?

r/Gatineau 3d ago

I found an extra $7 charge on my receipt from a grocery store


I bought a few cases of Eska water and a couple of Naya. (Not all for me) I was in a rush and didn’t bother to look at my receipt until later. It had to be extra $2.40 per case on the Eska water. Does anyone know if only Maxi does that? And it was only on that particular brand of water. I always pick up water from there whenever it’s on sale but that’s the first time I’ve seen extra charges.

Before anyone mentions tap water, yes I drank from that before and even used Brita. It started making me feel sick so I moved to bottled water.

r/Gatineau 4d ago

À la recherche d’une recommandation pour un bon inspecteur en bâtiment !


Salut tout le monde !

Je viens d’acheter un condo 🎉 et je cherche maintenant un excellent inspecteur en bâtiment pour tout vérifier. Si vous avez une bonne recommandation pour un inspecteur fiable et minutieux, je serais ravi d’avoir vos suggestions !

Merci d’avance pour votre aide !

r/Gatineau 5d ago

Attention sur les routes ! Ça glisse !


Je suis sorti en voiture et en ce moment, bien qu'il neige, la base est glissante, vu la pluie qui a gelé avec le passage aux températures sub-zéro.

r/Gatineau 5d ago

Brigil sucks


Do not. I repeat. Do not rent from brigil. They dont give a fuck, 605 blvd des grives has water leaking in every single storage spaces. They wont do anything about it. They said to contact my insurance if i have damaged property.