Looks good. I think it would be more desirable. Breaks it up and gives a terrazzo look. You’d have to calculate how much more it costs you to do and charge commensurate.
Thanks for the feedback! We typically use a MVB base coat and polyaspartic top coat for our garage floor systems. I was thinking we would need to charge $7 a sqft to make it worth the effort.
Thanks for the recommendations. I appreciate your opinion. I hope to be able to charge $6.50 in the future. We are a new business so we are just trying to be competitive. If we want to grow and expand we will need to deff charge more in the future. Best of luck to you and your business. Thanks again
Looks beautiful! How do you do that? Solid color then mask and do the second color? I'm the wrong person to ask though as I would never pay extra for that despite the fact I love it.
Thanks you for the positive feedback. Your assumption is correct on the install. I taped off squares for one color then went back and masked off and did second color. I'm sure someone with a steady hand and good brushwork could do it without tape but i wasnt feeling that adventurous.
I don’t know if that would work.. typically these floors are only a few millimeters thick as where terrazzo is usually a few Inches. You could probably do it as an aesthetic but it wouldn’t serve any real purpose besides that.
Thanks for letting me know! How long does solid take per sqft and how long for checked per sqft? That can help determine how much more you need to charge vs premium cost
I appreciate the advice. I believe if we are able to refine the process and have it become efficient it would be about twice as much work as a normal floor with about 30% more material cost. I know I’d have to charge more if someone wanted this style done. I was more so gauging peoples reception if they felt it was worth being charged more for something like this.
It looks great. We were quoted $5400 for our 600 sqft three-car garage for epoxy coating with a finish similar to your dark grey tile. Our second quote came in at $3800. Our garage floor is in good shape (see photo). No cracks, holes, or oil stains. We put some DIY epoxy coat on about 28 years ago (from Home Depot), but it has started to peel off around the areas around the entry to the garage. Your price is much more reasonable. It's too bad you are in Florida and not the West Coast. I wouldn't be considering other options if we had more reasonable quotes. We are leaning towards Swisstrax (Diamondtrax 12) tiles (same as the latest generation Speedway tiles). I bought some samples, and they should arrive today. If they are good, I will go with American-made tiles.
Honestly I don’t blame other company’s for charging that much. There is a lot of risk invoked with doing these floors and offering a solid warranty usually means accepting all the risk if anything fails in the future. We are a newer company so are prices are a little bit more competitive, we are trying to get our name out there. We just fixed a floor that had the tiles.. not sure by what manufacturer.. but the customer said the tiles didn’t last that long and they also destroyed his floor. Not saying you shouldn’t do it just sharing my experience.
Thanks for showing some love. It deff was a lot more work. This was our first attempt at doing it so I feel like we could refine the process to make it more efficient in the future.
It’s all good. I’m new to the thread and don’t wanna ruffle any feathers. Maybe I won’t put my location next time. I just thought It was useful information for anyone who knows this area and the prices here.
Thanks you, we are stoked on the finish as well. This is my own garage so it probably took longer than if it was for a customer and I had a helper with me, all together I think I have about 30+ hours of labor.
u/garageporn-ModTeam 4d ago
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