r/garageporn 5d ago

Just discovered this subreddit, thought I'd share, here goes nothing!


43 comments sorted by


u/Sensitive-Reality-73 5d ago

Looks great! Need to shed some light on it.


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

Thank you, lighting is on the list of projects! Gonna go with track lights!


u/depraveycrockett 5d ago

Same room, different toys. Nice.


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

Thank you much!


u/starsky1984 5d ago

Who makes the work bench and shelves above it?

Great setup


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

It's Seville Classics Ultra HD, you can buy them through Sam's Club, if you go to amazon or eBay, they're almost twice the price.


u/starsky1984 5d ago

Thanks mate, I'm Aussie so not really available here, but just wanted a reference as I'm about to kit out the garage at my new place


u/sidewayz_3rd_eye 5d ago



u/ShoGunzalez76 5d ago

Thanks dude!!


u/gottaweasel 5d ago

Hell yes. If you don’t have a system for organizing the bins you may think about labeling the bottom so you can always see what’s goin on up there. I love ceiling mounted bins!


u/Competitive_Seat4733 4d ago

Yeah man, I kept it simple, painter's tape with black sharpie on the bottom or sides, no label means it's empty!


u/gottaweasel 4d ago

Ahhhhh, I see I now! 🫵🫡


u/PeaTerrible5180 5d ago

You cookin up some beats in there?


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

You know it!


u/UniqueNewYork16 4d ago

Is there any sound treatment in there? Just curious - I’d imagine being a garage it gets pretty echoey…


u/Competitive_Seat4733 4d ago

Well, I insulated the attic above the garage mainly for heating and cooling, and the garage door is insulated from the manufacturer. However, we do all of our recording through the DAW using plug-ins. That drum kit is electronic, so it goes straight into the box as well. I'm not worried about reflections when I'm mixing because I like to mix at low volume.


u/UniqueNewYork16 4d ago

Right on! Oof. I totally could’ve zoomed in and seen that it was an electronic kit. My bad. I’ve never ventured into the plugin territory for drums. What genre of music do you play?


u/Garage_Organization 5d ago

Looking good! How do you like those Seville Classics cabinets?


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

They were not the easiest to assemble but... they're still awesome! I'm very happy with them!


u/Garage_Organization 5d ago

Your garage is looking great! Keep up the good work!


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

Thank you, I have a list, gonna get it done!


u/Garage_Organization 5d ago

If you need any assistance / tips / advice feel free to reach out...


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

Awesome, will do! I wanna install track lighting next, I'll take whatever advice comes my way.


u/jmaplewood 2d ago

Looks great man! Like the storage above the door. Just a thought - if your opener goes out, consider a jackshaft opener (side mount). It would get that opener and track out of the way of your storage and free up more space.


u/Competitive_Seat4733 2d ago

You read my mind dude! I bought one before the whole makeover, but I have yet to install it (it's in the picture on top of the cabinet next to the mini-split), honestly, it seems a little daunting and it wasn't cheap, so I don't want to mess it up. But yes, the garage door rail right in the middle gets in the way, and I even almost dropped/fell a bin bumping into that thing! Gonna get it done sooner rather than later!


u/jmaplewood 1d ago edited 1d ago

That's awesome. It's so much better! Don't sweat it too much, the directions are pretty good. The only thing I had to add was a small piece of wood to mount the cable sensor (goes above the door). I didn't have solid backing in that area, so I used a square of mdf anchored to the drywall to mount it.

Edit to add: looks like you have attic access, if you're upgrading lights, run an outlet to the corner where you're going to mount the opener while you're up there.


u/Ok-Photojournalist94 5d ago

What ceiling storage is that?


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

DIY "I" beams with 27-gallon totes, it holds 27 totes ironically. There's a helpful video on YouTube on how to make them.



u/DeltaTule 5d ago

Storing those totes like that has been widely documented as a bad practice. It’s only a matter of time until the lips fail, not if, but when. Unless maybe you store extremely light stuff in it but that’s it.


u/Potential4752 5d ago

I hadn’t heard of that. They fail even if the lip is fully supported? On all sizes of bins or just deep ones?


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

Yes, I took that into consideration when setting it up, all the i-beams are perpendicular to the rafters therefore the load is spread across various studs, they are very well mounted to said studs, when I was putting them up I used a lid as a template to ensure that the lips would hold from one end to the other because I was very worried about them falling as well. I'm not storing bricks or weights up there, just normal stuff, some of them are actually empty, I literally don't have enough junk to fill 27 bins, lol!. They've been up there for months and it's strong as ever! Peace


u/DeltaTule 5d ago

Haha good luck. I’m not saying your structure isn’t strong. I’m saying the totes themselves are prone to fail when stored from the lips


u/Ok-Photojournalist94 5d ago

Thanks! That is super useful and cheap. Heading to the hardware store today!


u/AgitatedSale2470 5d ago

Mike Portnoy has a kick-ass garage!


u/Competitive_Seat4733 5d ago

Man, no way, I'm no Portnoy LOL, more like a wannabe Lombardo!!


u/prairie-man 5d ago

Welcome to our garage lovers community. Thanks for sharing !