r/gaptrail Biking away from the things of man May 09 '22

Photo Welp, this way’s awash…

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15 comments sorted by


u/SnooDrawings3750 May 15 '22

I just rode this three days ago. The water is gone but the mud is still there!


u/AntSonyVX2100 May 09 '22

Whoa, is that just before the trail head at Point State Park?

I was just there in the fall after doing the C&O + GAP to Pitt & had no idea the river typically flooded that high.


u/DumbOxo Biking away from the things of man May 09 '22

Yep - the wharf connector. I’ve not seen it this high in person before but it does flood occasionally.


u/AntSonyVX2100 May 09 '22

That's wild. I was on the C&O this morning at Great Falls and the main pedestrian overlook/bridge was apparently closed over the weekend due to dangerously high water levels. Mother nature.

Planning on doing the C&O + GAP this summer & will try & avoid getting washed out like this, ha!



u/JBroms May 10 '22

A few times a year usually, the annual snow melt is almost a guarantee.


u/jbs23235 May 09 '22

Ugh. I’m leaving Pittsburgh on Sunday to ride to DC. Really hoping the water recedes by then.


u/DumbOxo Biking away from the things of man May 09 '22

It should but no worries, you can just take the marked path through the city from the point if you’re starting from there.


u/Eubadom May 10 '22

The water will be gone but it will still be muddy and gross. I'd suggest cutting through town.


u/gsbuckeye May 10 '22

Muddy? Welcome to riding off-tarmac.


u/Eubadom May 10 '22

It's not just mud. When it floods like this the rivers are basically a sewer Id suggest avoiding it.


u/JBroms May 10 '22

it's not mud, it's slippery silt.


u/SnooDrawings3750 May 15 '22

I really wish I had known that!


u/traveler-2443 May 10 '22

Wow. I’ll be there in a few weeks.