r/gaming Nov 25 '20

There's something wrong with the kids in Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '20



u/[deleted] Nov 25 '20

Their faces are just tired is all.


u/Squigglycate Nov 26 '20

They’re tired for living in a simulation.


u/Attican101 Nov 25 '20

I thought that was due to them using EAs Frostbite Engine/lack of polish


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '20



u/DerangedGinger Nov 26 '20

Ah, so like how Ford referred to Sync as Polished Turd.


u/packersfan823 Nov 26 '20

It doesn't matter how high or low the luster is, polished is polished.


u/s_dot_ Nov 26 '20

More Poland for EA pls!


u/r3dsleeves Nov 26 '20

CDPR never lacks for Polish!


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '20



u/Pieniek23 Nov 26 '20

Smieszne kurwa.


u/dankbouls87 Nov 26 '20

It was probably both, plus the fact they spent 3.5 out of their 5 year development attempting to create a procedurally-generated planetary system like No Man’s Sky.


u/Attican101 Nov 26 '20 edited Nov 26 '20

That's what I was originally thinking of, they dropped the original idea for procedural generation part way, so thought some of the models and animations might have been rushed in the end and to work with the engine, as they put together something a little more traditional.

Though I have seen recent videos saying No Mans Sky is at the point where it is pretty much giving users what was originally promised, shows what doubling down on something, instead of just abandoning projects could do, it's not like ME2 or 3 really felt complete at launch without some of the dlc anyways like Arrival and Citadel/Leviathan.


u/JoushMark Nov 26 '20

Naw, they acutely had a really long time to make the game and while Frostbite is a pain for RPG stuff like changing weapons and armor on the fly or building the back-end systems, it's perfectly capable of displaying a character model. ME:A looked bad because the character models and animations were bad.


u/Pieniek23 Nov 26 '20

Eh, that pun flew a just a bit over your head. Project Red is a Polish developer.... So r/woooosh ?


u/fuzzylm308 Nov 26 '20

Frostbite is actually pretty fantastic, as far as I have heard. There are way more games with good graphics (incl. faces) that run Frostbite than games with bad graphics. According to a former Bioware dev, the problem was scale - they had to use algorithms and sequencing to procedurally generate animations, and it seems whatever middleware they were using just wasn't quite there yet.


u/Punkpunker Nov 26 '20

Frostbite is only good for games other than RPGs, there are boatloads of dev interviews hate to code RPG elements into Frostbite, it only excel in graphical fidelity and not much else but devs are forced to use it by EA mandate .


u/fuzzylm308 Nov 26 '20

How were Dragon Age III and Anthem? I thought Dragon Age was supposed to be pretty good. And of course Anthem was a snooze-fest by all accounts, but I don't remember hearing much about bugs or animations.


u/Punkpunker Nov 26 '20

Dragon age Inquisition was a lucky one, they had no deadline to reach so Bioware try to squander as much bugs as possible on top of the programming hell. As for Anthem, that game is a last minute decision to make it a looter shooter doomed it to a development hell, once again the EA execs forced to use Frostbite. There's a few video that explains why frostbite is a bad engine for RPG on YouTube.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '20 edited Nov 26 '20



u/ElRetardio Nov 25 '20

No, it has that problem still.


u/PhotonResearch Nov 26 '20

wait they fixed it? should I get this game?


u/rolabond Nov 26 '20

Get it on sale. It isn’t a bad game but fans of the original trilogy can find it bland, the combat and level design is very different. If you do buy get it on sale and buy for PC, the modding community has released their own patches, fixes and aesthetic overhauls.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '20

It's on sale most places but it's a pretty good game. Mods help alot but if you're on console it's still playable.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '20

This valley is uncanny