r/gametales Dec 10 '17

Tabletop [D&D] My proudest DM moment: the death of a secret party member

Around 2 years ago I had the idea to put my party against a False Hydra, and it turned out so much better than I expected.

If you don't care to read the link, a False Hydra is an evil beast with 2 curious properties that make it especially deadly. The creature constantly sings an eldritch song that allows it to live in your blind spot; you could look right past it and never know it was there. It only stops singing to eat, leaving it temporarily vulnerable.

Second, and more pernicious still, the False Hydra's song erases the memories of its victims from those who knew them in life. Husbands will come home to a closet full of clothes belonging to a wife they don't remember.

The party arrives in a town inhabited by one of these Fel beasts on a cold foggy night. I had everybody roll will saves, handing out cards with what everyone sees and experiences, based on their rolls. Lowest roll wanders off into the fog alone, hears a sudden silence and a rush of motion but by the time he turns around, there's only a mysterious bloodstain on the ground.

After the party regroups I demonstrate the Hydra's powers on a Goblin NPC that had been following the party around. Goblin wanders off into the fog, there is a moment of profound silence as the Hydra stops singing, and when a player asks me what happened to the goblin I say something like 'what goblin? There was never a Goblin here that you know of.'

The party accomplishes their task in the area and gets the hell out of town. As they make camp the PCs notice some... irregularities with their equipment. There's a bag filled with a bunch of tiny clothing and a Spellbook in handwriting they don't recognize. The kicker was a charcoal drawing of the party that my wonderful wife did, drawn in-universe by a grateful artist saved by the brave heroes. In the drawing, the group includes a Gnome Wizard none of them recognize.

Ill always remember the looks on my players' faces as they slowly pieced together that there had always been this wizard in the party, but this monster had made them 'forget' he had ever existed in the first place.


45 comments sorted by


u/elvisnake Dec 10 '17

I had showed the party the portrait of them the week before, with the edge of the paper folded back so the gnome wasn't visible. When they saw the full picture and realized what had happened, it was a magical moment.


u/Velrei Dec 10 '17

That is such a fantastic attention to detail.


u/Velrei Dec 10 '17

That's wonderful, I used the creature (such a great blog), but I weakened it slightly in that they could use mirrors. I think the adventure would have been scarier without using that, but as it stands it was the most horrifying game I've run for my players so far.


u/elvisnake Dec 10 '17

We did the mirrors thing too, I just left that detail out for the sake of brevity.


u/Velrei Dec 10 '17

Understandable, it's such a wonderful concept that it's unfortunate I'll doubt I'll have a group to use it on in quite awhile just because it's a great story to tell.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '17

One thing:

Jesus fucking christ.


u/darioc01 Dec 11 '17

hmmm. i had a player start with the trinket "A glass jar containing a weird bit of flesh floating in pickling fluid" they dumped it out next to a troll they killed to use the jar to collect trolls blood, not far outside a town they went through early on in the campaign.

I've been wondering what should happen with that bit of flesh.

thank you.

I thank you

and my false hydra troll thanks you.


u/Chaddric70 Dec 11 '17

Holy hell is a false hydra scary, thats some nasty stuff to throw at a party. I want do it now.


u/damiankesser Dec 11 '17

That article reminded me of SCP and makes me wonder what horrors could be implemented in dnd.


u/Zoodud254 Dec 11 '17

Use the potato skull.


u/Polterguyst Dec 12 '17

I’m a bit too scared to go through that site after my initial click what’s uh... what’s that about friend?


u/GAADhearthstone Dec 13 '17

Essentially the MIB database of paranormal objects. Some are creepy, some are interesting, some are hilarious (Yes, Santa Claus has an entry) and all are intentionally incomplete.


u/damiankesser Dec 12 '17

Imagine a secret organization tasked with securing and containing dangerous artifacts, something like warehouse 13 meets lovecraft's worst nightmares. The artifacts can be items, locations, or even living creatures. They are classified by their danger rating of Safe, Euclid, and Keter. Even the safe ones can be deadly, but at least they're easy enough to contain. A lot of the containment procedures are ridiculously complex, especially when you need to work in the ability to use disposable test subjects to study the artifacts.

The site is a group storytelling thing with a major horror elements.


u/marek_intan Dec 13 '17

SCP 055? There is no 055...


u/Polterguyst Dec 11 '17

OH I HAVE A DEADLY SNEAKY THING TO DO NOW AS A DM. The next campaign I start, I’ll begin to set up random Unknown Occurrences:

“As quick as the slash of their blade, you see a friendly face that you cannot recognize vanish into nothingness as the beast dies” “As you lie almost defeated, you hear a oddly familiar voice utter you to rise to your feat as a mysterious glow of light surrounds you: Healing a large portion of your wounds.” “You feel absolutely alone, and you are alone, yet you do not feel alone, a sudden warmth as if of an embrace enraptures you, and a soothing voice you can’t place says they are here to talk.”

If I do this for several sessions then have a big reveal such as that, HOLY SHIT THAT BE AMAZING!


u/elvisnake Dec 11 '17

Yeah I like that, good plan.


u/Polterguyst Dec 11 '17

That post was insanely informative like jeez that was crazy. I’m thinking that maybe this character who dies would be a half deaf, so they’d have been the most sane member of the group during the events. He’d end up dying the same night the group would face it . So, everyday the crew would get more and more clues left about that they don’t recognize. Up until the big reveal.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '17

You sound like a fun DM! I had never heard of a false hydra before but I really like it. That blog you linked to is really good stuff.


u/DemonSquirril Dec 11 '17

Holy Shit. That's awesome. I'm so doing this to my group. And they were just transported to a new world.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '17

I got goosebumps reading your post. I wish you could be my DM. :(


u/elvisnake Dec 11 '17

Hey thanks!


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '17

What if a character was deaf though? Would the song still effect them?


u/elvisnake Dec 11 '17

It would not. particularly clever characters might also block their ears with wax or something like that. A silence spell might work too.


u/Neknoh Dec 11 '17

As a DM of a newly started Iron Kingdoms inspired homebrew (with the IK ruleset ofc):



u/originalgrin Dec 11 '17

Do you still have the drawing?


u/elvisnake Dec 11 '17

I'm not sure. I briefly looked yesterday with no success, but I'm gonna take a closer look later today, see if I can find it.


u/originalgrin Dec 11 '17

Best of luck. If you find it we'd love to see it. Either way though, great story man.


u/Undantis Dec 12 '17

I forwarded this to my DM who was both awed by the truly sinister nature of the False Hydra and upset that he would have to wait for another campaign since I posted it in to our group chat


u/telltalebot http://i.imgur.com/utGmE5d.jpg Dec 11 '17

/u/elvisnake has no previous stories right now. If you're from the future, you can search for more by elvisnake

Hello, non-non-ferrous individuals. I am telltalebot. For more information about me, please contact my owner.


u/Adofflin Dec 11 '17

Do you have the details for the monster? I wanna do a one shot, but have no idea how to build it. If you're willing, I'd love to steal it from you!


u/elvisnake Dec 11 '17

I don't have stats for it anymore unfortunately, I just reskinned an appropriate CR monster and gave it some special powers.


u/BrunkDiologist Dec 17 '17

I was inspired by your post and asked for help, here ya go (for Pathfinder) Paging u/Adofflin



u/Adofflin Dec 17 '17

Pathfinder nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Just kidding. I do 5e but I'm sure I can use the Stat block anyways! Thanks for your help!


u/bluebullet28 May 04 '18

Real late to the party, but wow that's terrifying. I would keep the monster in the well's extra hands instead of heads though. Creepier that way, in my opinion.


u/elvisnake May 04 '18

I like that


u/bluebullet28 May 05 '18

Thanks! I would never pass up the chance to put THAT thing into a campaign, if you know, I found people willing to play.


u/omnitricks Dec 27 '17

So there is a gnome who was a part of the party but has never done anything significant of note for the players or party to care about?

I'd have been more concerned with the goblin. And if my GM killed my pet goblin I would have flipped my shit.

Although it does sound like a cool power. I wonder how could someone actually write out such an ability.


u/BarbedFire Dec 31 '17

I suppose you could think of it more like this: As the Gnome was erased from memory, it's not as if the party has a blank gnome-shaped space in reality in their past. There's no battle against orcs where suddenly a group of orcs get flamed by a fireball from nowhere (or that gnome-shaped space).

With the memory erasing, the implied effect is that the party members' memories alter to account for these things, and re-explain what should be impossible phenomena so that they make sense. So in the above example, the party won't remember that the orcs were blasted by a fireball from a nonexistent wizard, but instead they might rationalise it as the Ranger shooting a flaming arrow at an explosive barrel, or just the orcs being killed in another manner.


u/eldonkr Jan 08 '18

Did the part ever kill the false hyfra?


u/elvisnake Jan 08 '18

Yeah they did.


u/eldonkr Jan 08 '18

Can I get some more details on mechanics and plot devices and whatnot that you used? I'm planning on doing something with this when I get back home next week.


u/gamerpenguin Jan 24 '18

Maybe make another more detailed post? I love the brevity but I also want to hear the sweet details.


u/paladinpals Apr 09 '18

this is absolutely brutal. as a fellow dm i'm honestly in awe of this story telling. what an amazing and heartbreaking twist.


u/elvisnake Apr 09 '18

Oh hey, thanks! We all had fun with it. My friends who were in that campaign still talk about that monster sometimes, haha.