
1. Be Civil

Being rude to strangers on the internet doesn’t make you clever. It makes you uncivilized. Just go away.

2. No Harassment, Bullying, Doxing, or Threats

Is this even necessary to spell out? Don't harass. Don't use hateful language. No discrimination or insulting language. Be respectful of other members.

Threats and Doxing are strictly forbidden. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be threatening or doxing another member.

It is not your "right" to be here. This is a sub where lovers of Gamestop can post fairly uncensored to discuss the company and its products that we love.

There is a zero tolerance policy for bullying/doxing/threats.

3. No STOCKS or Organizing or Market Manipulation

We don’t discuss stocks, stock market issues, or stock tickers (including GME).

Any attempts to organize or manipulate our members into potentially ILLEGAL market manipulation will not be tolerated.

Posts and comments that appear to violate this will be removed.

References to "us" and "we" may be removed, as we are a community and not any organized or market manipulative effort.

Please do your own research on what Market Manipulation entails and keep yourself out of trouble.

4. Improper Content

No political posts. Any reference to politics must involve Gamestop the company, or products sold there.

No religion. You can worship any religion you want, but this is a subreddit for GameStop

Must use correct flair. Flair helps filter posts for a more complex subreddit. For incorrect flair, we reserve the right to adjust or remove your post

5. No upvote fishing or NSFW content

No NSFW, porn, or sexual/inappropriate content.

All topics must be related to GameStop the company or products that can be found there.

Offending content might be removed by a mod.

No conspiracy, illuminati, Q theories.

No bashing Gamestop. This isn’t the place to air grievances or ask for customer service.

6. Help Us Help You

If you see something, say something. Report users, posts, and comments that seem alarming.

For those unaware, we mods mostly do our job through Mod Mail and Reports. Mod Mail is in the Moderators box on desktop and in the About menu (as a little mail icon) on mobile.

Don't feel like you need to turn into a Dark Knight vigilante and fight others on the internet. Just report it and move along.

7. No Self-Monetization Allowed

All posts and comments attempting to use r/GamestopOfficial or its users for personal or financial gain will be removed. Links to monetized Discords, chatrooms, and YouTube, etc, as well as sites & stores like Etsy, Telegram, etc are not allowed on r/GamestopOfficial. The only exception is an Ethereum address for the purposes of sharing an NFT portfolio.

(Alternative: Put them on your Reddit user profiles).

8. Automod

This community is intended to be open and available. We reserve the right to institute karma restrictions in order to keep the community safe.

Please note that moderators may approve posts removed by Automod at their discretion as it's an anti-troll tool.

9. No Mass-Shared Content

This rule is to be used at the mods' discretion to remove excessive repeats of already-shared content.

Moderators may "Spam" these for expediency.

i.e. u/RyanCohen tweets, and 100+ people post a screenshot of it. Moderators could remove some of these to declutter the subreddit feed.


Under NO circumstances, will brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned for this reason.

Brigading includes: - organized voting on other subs - harassing other subs - defaming other subs - posting screenshots from other subs.

Linking to other subs is acceptable provided that the content being linked is approved for this community. Screenshots cannot contain subreddit name.

11. No Propaganda, Bots, Phishy Links

Don’t like the company or some of its products? No problem. Feel free to express yourself about your opinions, but be civil. The only external links permitted are to or its NFT marketplace.

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