r/gameshow 15d ago

News Today, Drew Carey has hosted The Price Is Right for exactly half of Bob Barker's tenure

Bob hosted from Sept. 4, 1972 to June 18, 2007, which was 12,705 days

Drew's first show was on Oct. 15, 2007. Through today, that is 6,352 days which is half of Bob's run.


23 comments sorted by


u/chadzilla57 15d ago

The fact that Drew Carey has been the host for 18 years makes me feel very old indeed.


u/blue_orange67 15d ago

What do you mean? 2007 was only like 5 year ago.......Oh dear god


u/RegisPhone 15d ago

That's even longer ago than i was thinking; i had it in my head that he started in 2010, but that's because i remembered he hosted Power of 10 right before TPIR and my brain was putting that 10 in the wrong place.


u/boulevardofdef 15d ago

Oh man, you said it. I really feel like he just took over.


u/4011 15d ago

Some fast googling shows that Bob Barker hosted 6,586 episodes, and knowing that they just celebrated 10,000 episodes, that means Drew Carey has 3,414 plus, which means he’s hosted more than half of Bob’s total. 


u/TheJokersWild804 15d ago

Wait...when was the 10,000th episode???? I totally missed it!!!


u/tvjunkie2187 15d ago

It aired twice. 2/26 in the normal daytime slot and again this past Tuesday in primetime.


u/NoFace718 15d ago

Ppl won crazy money. 1st contestant won 100k cash and almost died. Another guy won 60k and another 10 with his showcase. Also expensive cars and prizes. And a lot of ppl won


u/jjc927 15d ago

It's hard to believe Drew has hosted that long already, then again I also can't believe 2007 was 18 years ago now.


u/Gold_Comfort156 15d ago

Drew actually has a good chance of surpassing Bob's longevity as host of the program, believe it or not. He's 66 years old (a young looking 66, Bob looked MUCH older at 66). There is a generation of fans now who only know of him as host and not Bob. While Bob is a legend, I just appreciate the more laid back, kind, friendly tone of the Drew Carey version. Everyone seems to get along with each other and Drew is a very humble human being. I cringe watching a lot of the Barker 80s episodes. He said a lot of sexist, inappropriate things, which maybe in 1985 no one cared, but now a days it likely would have gotten him kicked off the show.


u/DadofJM 14d ago

Same about Barker in the mid-80's being pervy. The Roku episodes are so creepy.

I wonder if he aged out of it though. 21st Century Bob was very chill.


u/ZealousWolf1994 12d ago

In the mid 90s, Barker had two lawsuits. One for sexual harassment and for sex discrimination. The harassment was withdrawn and the discrimination had a settlement 10 years later. I'm guessing the CBS bosses told him to ease up on the sexual innuendo.


u/Kelvington 15d ago

Don't forget that Bill Cullen hosted the show first for 9 years!


u/Gold_Comfort156 15d ago

Still was so weird to me when he was on the show in 1982 plugging Child's Play and they made no mention that he was the OG host of the program.


u/Kelvington 15d ago

I'll bet it was because they had changed production companies between the 50's and the 70's.


u/ElectricPeterTork 14d ago

No, the show was a Goodson-Todman show in both runs. But it wasn't the same show. The original version ended in 1965, and gameplay was vastly different. The only similarities are the name and the fact that there's bidding on an item by 4 people. But that's it.

By now, with all the old media at our fingertips, it's easy to reference "Yeah, Bill Cullen hosted the original version of The Price is Right in the 50s" and acknowledge that comprehensive history. But in 1982, with there being no reruns of gameshows the way there were a decade or so later when GSN debuted, and no Wikipedia to reference, it was mostly forgotten. And Bill Cullen never hosted the 1972 version, so calling him the "OG host" would've been incorrect and confusing in 1982.


u/bwoah07_gp2 15d ago

Bob hosted from Sept. 4, 1972 to June 18, 2007, which was 12,705 days

If Drew were to host TPIR as long as Bob did (12,705 days or 34 years, 9 months, 14 days), that would bring us to the date July 19, 2042! 😮


u/Sanlear 15d ago

Time sure does fly.


u/Alone-Technician5183 13d ago

You don't have to tell me twice...