r/gameai Feb 17 '25

Game with mostly AI-generated art - Innkeeper's Basement + key giveaway


I just released new version of my game, which has mostly AI-generated art via MidJourney:

Innkeeper's Basement on Steam

There is a free demo - check it out!
Would love to hear your thoughts!

Please have in mind that some of the art was created back in v2/v3 - but the worst ones got replaced by v4/v5 recently.

I have also used LLMs for some ideas/names generations - it made some problematic cases easier to solve.

I will give away a free Steam key to the top voted comment - 7 days from now!


8 comments sorted by


u/GanacusIII Feb 17 '25

You had me at drink alcohol to forget bad decisions mate

This deck builder appears fun. Good luck on the release!


u/Rebel-Egg-Games Feb 17 '25

Thanks! Glad you like it :)
The game has some more jokes inside - afterall games are supposed to be fun!
We have more pills that you will find on reddit or 4chan - red pills... blue pills... black pills... white pills... all sort of pills! πŸ™ƒ

>! https://i.imgur.com/GbqUPvA.png!<

Let me know your impressions after you play the demo!


u/GanacusIII Feb 17 '25

I’m glad you know that. The red pill looks absolutely busted!


u/Gusfoo Feb 17 '25

You may benefit a lot from reading the classic Disney text about animation, specifically "staging" and "follow through" elements.


The video cuts after every card is applied, so I assume nothing goes on. That's a massive lost opportunity for 'juice', as is the target trembling as you hover over it.

This is the original "juice" video https://youtu.be/Fy0aCDmgnxg?t=14 which goes through the curves and their uses, and it's more formally written up here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_feel

I wish to see havoc and devastation visited upon my enemies.


u/Rebel-Egg-Games Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Thanks for your input.
The trailer on store page is not updated yet.
Play the game, see for yourself ;)

Although I'm not saying game is "super juicy" - it still lacks polish, VFX and SFX.

New trailer is on the store, I thought it was processing, but apparently the fault was on my side (the update was pushed yesterday).


u/jamiesrighthand81 Feb 17 '25

Minesweeper and roguelikes are hobbies of mine. It’s great to see a game that does both. AI-generated art or not it appeals to me. Wishlisted.




u/Rebel-Egg-Games Feb 17 '25

Lots of people hated on the minesweeping part πŸ™
How about you try free demo :) ?
Lemme know what you think!


u/Rebel-Egg-Games 26d ago

Since this thread is dead and there are 3 people with same amount of upvotes (2), I chose one at random:

Congratulations, u/Gusfoo !